Daily review 12/08/2022

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, August 12th, 2022 - 38 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Daily review is also your post.

This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy).

Don’t forget to be kind to each other …

38 comments on “Daily review 12/08/2022 ”

  1. aj 1

    Poor Simon Dallow on TV1 News, not quite verbatim quote but you'll get the drift:

    "Police have arrested the man pretending to be a fake doctor…"

    • Brigitte 1.1

      Maybe if he'd pretended to be a real doctor, he might have got away with it. Unless he was auditioning for Shortland Street.

  2. observer 2

    Dr Sharma MP has now written a very long Facebook post about his complaints. Obviously his career is over, the bridges are not just burnt, they're nuked. (It's worth noting that all his communications on the issue have been monologues on his terms, he has not fronted to the media and answered any Qs, like those raised by staffers in the Herald today).

    The longer-term issue is whether he'll cause a by-election. Like Uffindell, it's hard to see him staying another year.

    Sad end, given his apparent potential. Ardern has handled it as sympathetically as she could (compare Clark or Key: "I've washed my hands of him").

  3. Poission 3

    NZ food price inflation come in at 7.4% driven by fruit and vege 10%.

    As a comparison US was 13.1%, Germany 14.8% showing the risk aspect of Intergrated energy networks.


    Rents came in at stock 3.9 and flow 4.0 (the latter showing a decrease of 0.7% month on month) Stock is existing tenancy,Flow = new tenancy.


    • Belladonna 4.1

      It's difficult to know what to believe, with such diametrically opposed points of view.

      But (referring to another topic posted) does this make McAnulty a 'bastard' or an 'arsehole'? – I incline to the former…..

      • weka 4.1.1

        I also find it difficult to know what to believe. Without looking at all the details, I'd guess it's both/and. There's been an attempt to change parliamentary culture, and there are still issues and parliamentary politics is still at times brutal. Both might be bullies. Or bastards. Or something in between. 2.5 years into a pandemic and high stress, I'd be unsurprised if people are struggling.

  4. Chess Player 5

    This guy sounds like he's been screwed over by the glorious and great saviours of us all.

    How could this be?

    Source: Facebook post

    Over the last 24hours many of you would have read the op-ed I wrote in NZ Herald.

    [seriously overlong copypasta deleted]

    • observer 5.1

      Thanks for using up all the bandwidth for something that has already been linked and referenced [edit: now deleted, thanks]

      As for your snide opening line, all we know so far is that nobody (staffer, journalist, MP, even opponents) has provided any corroboration, no media questions are being answered by Sharma, and frankly, nobody really understands what this is about.

      But you get to score a snotty point at the PM, so well done you. Presumably you haven't bothered watching her stand-up today, and you certainly haven't remembered how previous PMs dealt with unhappy MPs.

      • Chess Player 5.1.1

        You're right – I should have waited for Central Control to tell me what I thought, before I stated my opinion.

        I will try to do better in future.

        • observer

          Please don't tell me I'm right and then invent what I have said.

          Feel free to address the points that I did make, if you are interested in engaging.

    • weka 5.2
      1. if you copy and paste, you have to link (ask if you don't know from FB)

      2. please put copy and paste in quotes or some other format so it is clear it is a quote.

      3. copypasta needs to be short. You can't paste whole swathes from elsewhere. Think of people on phones trying to scroll past. If someone wants to read the whole thing, they can click through (hence the need for a link).

      • Chess Player 5.2.1

        I always thought process should serve humans, not humans serve process.

        Interesting you quote the process but raise no rebuttal of points raised.

        Perhaps consider your priorities – servant of truth? or servant of process?

        [don’t tell us how to run the site. Read the Policy – weka

  5. joe90 6

    Dude used a nail gun to kick off the revolution because he thought bullet-proof glass only stops bullets. MAGA ain’t sending their best and brightest.


  6. Incognito 7

    A legal challenge to the provisional approval for the Pfizer Covid-19 children’s vaccine has failed.


  7. pat 8

    "There is no need for an extreme power imbalance to exist between MPs and the staff who work in their office. If someone doesn’t have enough rights at work, it makes them vulnerable to abuse and bullying."

    The new collective employment agreement signed between Parliamentary Service, the PSA and E tū redefines ‘event’ to no longer mean staff lose their jobs every election, and removes the Breakdown in Relationship clause that gives MPs the ability to sack at will. These changes will take effect with the arrival of the 53rd Parliament.

    New systems have been introduced to help organise for staff to take time off, and MPs have lost their ability to directly nominate candidates into vacant roles without a full recruitment process.

    Roles and pay scales have been amended to properly compensate experienced staff for their skills and length of service, and a triangular relationship agreement will be signed between Parliamentary Service, the MP and the staff member."


  8. weka 9

    important perspectives here. The picture is complex and not neatly black and white.


    • Muttonbird 9.1

      Was Muller the subject of complaint by his staff? Maybe that has something to do with it.

    • Populuxe1 9.2

      Was Muller bullying his staff? Not as far as I am aware. And frankly there are few things that irritate people who live with mental health issues than someone who spins theirs as an excuse for shitty behaviour.

  9. RP Mcmurphy 10

    mrs anthrope over on twatter says the mob is going to turn up again on aug 23. is this true?