Daily review 13/04/2015

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, April 13th, 2015 - 21 comments
Categories: open mike - Tags:

John-Key-leather-chair-DimPost.wordpress.com_This is an experimental post to see how a second open mike type post would work.

Daily review is also your post.

This provides Standarnistas the opportunity to review events of the day.  The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy).

Don’t forget to be kind to each other.

21 comments on “Daily review 13/04/2015 ”

  1. Draco T Bastard 1

    Saw this just after catching the news that only ~40% of food in our stores is healthy.

    And we’ve had idiots like National and Act telling us that we don’t need regulations.

  2. BassGuy 2

    According to the term’s originator, New Zealand still has a rock star economy.

  3. Atiawa 3

    “No jab, no pay for anti-vaxxers”, says Aussie PM.

    How about if you don’t join a union, no regular pay increases.
    No leave provisions.
    No worker participation ensuring a safe & healthy work place for all.
    No 40 hour week.
    No penal or overtime rates.
    No set hours of work.
    No lunch & tea breaks.
    No work/life balance.
    Make your grandchildren proud. Join a union and protect their future. Inoculate them against slavery & exploitation.
    Respect the struggle of the past, pay your due’s today.

    • b waghorn 3.1

      Do any unions do anything for shepherds and other farm workers.

      • Atiawa 3.1.1

        There is no specific farm workers union and traditionally they have proved difficult to organise, however prior to 1991 and the ECA farm workers were covered under the award system and received negotiated annual pay increases and improvements to their terms & conditions of employment, albeit there were always enforcement issues due to isolation and the close working relationship with the employer and for many their reliance upon employer provided housing and feeling powerless especially when married with young children .Of course dairy farms were smaller than todays 1000 cow holding’s.
        Maybe the Dairy Workers Union – DWU – should take the initiative and organise these workers especially dairy farm workers. There’s probably better opportunities for their unionisation today than what there was back in the times of 100 acre farms and enhanced ownership opportunities compared to today’s corporate and family trust farming.
        Why do you ask and what would you think a union could “do” for shepherds?

        • b waghorn

          I was on a place recently and the culture from the top was shocking ,from openly hanging the 90 day trial over new workers ,bullying , and screwing workers down for every cent/hour they could ring out of the workers.
          I left pretty quickly but with farms getting bigger and more of them being run by managers I would think it’s not an isolated case.
          Most young workers now days do some form of training so there might be an opportunity to at least teach them about there rights.

          • Draco T Bastard

            Helen Kelly tweets quite a few farm jobs that have 75+ hour weeks. I assume that they’re finding it cheaper to hire one person rather than two despite the job obviously being a two person job.

            This is why we had penalty rates. To stop employers hiring one person when they should have been hiring two.

            • tricledrown

              A recent survey by Mobie showed 25% of all Dairy farms were not paying their workers their wages for overtime not keeping record’s of hours worked.
              Michael Woodenhead house.
              Replied when questioned that all he was interested in was protecting migrant workers.

    • Clemgeopin 3.2

      No collective bargaining.
      No paid parental leave.

  4. b waghorn 4

    This is the second article in two weeks from a green perspective in the farmers weekly really good to see them getting the message out.
    ” Growth for its own sake is the methodology of the cancer cell.”