Daily review 14/07/2023

Written By: - Date published: 6:27 pm, July 14th, 2023 - 15 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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15 comments on “Daily review 14/07/2023 ”

  1. weka 1

    Tourism bosses have said it may become too hot to have the peak holiday season in July and August. With Europe currently experiencing an extreme heatwave, officials in Spain say they're planning what measures they need to protect tourism from the effects of global warming.


    For those that can't see the video, it's news channel Good Morning Britain interviewing British tourists in Spain complaining about the heat and how they can't spend time at the beach. Then a tourism bod saying they will have to shift tourism out of the hottest two months of the year.

    Someone is going to have to explain to me the level of disconnect here. In the tourism bosses, and in the tourists. The climate crisis has been in the mainstream media for half a decade, there's no way people can still be unaware of this.

    It's one thing to ignore the crisis and just get on with life, but this isn't that. This is an ignorance that denies the crisis is happening. Anyone who thinks we can adapt around the kind of extreme weather we will be getting over the next century if we don't drop GHG emissions fast is clueless.

    • Dennis Frank 1.1

      explain to me the level of disconnect here

      Mainstreamers become robotic due to social conditioning. BAU exemplifies the syndrome. There's an internal default towards normality, with concurrent evasion/denial of anything that looks abnormal.

      The disconnect with the overview that comes from integrating signals from the changing environment seems similar to a binary switch. Any good news is accepted: royals, Kardashians, taxpayer dollars etc. Detect incoming bad news: switch off!

      We know from evolutionary theory that we must adapt to survive. Mainstreamers either ignore this logic or know it and fail to act accordingly. They're all suitable contenders for Darwin awards but many will have already parented, sadly.

      • grafton gully 1.1.1

        Any evidence that actions based on logic confer a survival advantage ?

        • Dennis Frank

          Good question, but humans differ on what evidence is. If you mean science, I'm not aware of any but I'm not a practitioner of evolutionary theory.

          Consider a clan of humans in the ice age travelling through bush and one gets jumped by a sabre-tooth tiger. Since he was the leader, carrying a club, he whacked it on the snout just before it reached him, just at the right angle that the top of the club would impact above the eyes simultaneously, having been taught in training that this was a technique that briefly crashed it to the ground.

          Then the others speared it before it recovered. The logic is inherent in the design of the method used to survive. Consider how elemental analysis works on this situation. You get user/tool/method/result = 4 elements in the system, a tetrad.

          Pythagorean metaphysics interprets a tetrad as a system composed of 4 elements. Each user has an interface in relation to a situation, giving them this triad: user/interface/situation. The signal, an action prompt, comes through the interface & the person reacts to survive, immediately does what is required. The outcome is a new reality each time it happens. So the 4th element, context, is interacted with.

          Might be more logic than you're ready for, but Deep Green always works reliably. Getting into it is the survival path to the future…

    • fender 1.2

      It's just beyond stupid isn't it, next they'll be wondering how they can still holiday in Ukraine without getting blown to bits while checking out the action on the front lines. Or moving to Florida and then complaining that no insurance company will insure the new house for weather related damage.

    • tWiggle 2.1

      Many of us can no longer see twitter. Weka encourages commenters to add the tweet to TS comments.

      • Muttonbird 2.1.1

        A lot of talk about unions lately, time to post one of my favorite charts

      • lprent 2.1.2

        I’m busy planning for twitter crashing out. Currently writing code to grab the tweets in the site from posts and comments and storing them in a more durable format than something Elon Musk owns.

  2. adam 4

    lprent, issues with firefox, says its does not have permissions to access site. Since latest windows update.

    • lprent 4.1

      Ouch. I will have a look tomorrow from a VM. Windows 11?

      Could you send me a screenshot via lynn.prentice at gmail.com

    • Dennis Frank 4.2

      Strange. I'm using Firefox, had a windows auto-update yesterday morning & it's working as usual… surprise

      • Shanreagh 4.2.1

        I'm of the view that it is the expression on your face as you press the button to run an update that determines what happens at the end. Surely someone can write some code to dismiss this impact. wink

        Says she as the update link is getting more and more obvious. it really wnats me to do something!

      • adam 4.2.2

        Because I'm an idiot, I should have let firefox update before I jumped onto here.