Written By:
- Date published:
5:30 pm, November 17th, 2023 - 26 comments
Categories: Daily review -
Daily review is also your post.
This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.
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Don’t forget to be kind to each other …
Very EXCITING news (at least for some of us).
The The have announced a 2024 world tour. You are able to pre-register your interest through The The site.
Big fan boy here. One of the few times I got star struck was when working at Harvey Nichol's Fifth Floor Cafe in Knightsbridge, around 1993, Matt Johnson came in and ate. I asked one of the wait staff to sign my recipe book, which he did.
Someone knicked the book a month or so later. (Nothing to do with the signature.)
Uncertain Smile on Later with Jools Holland.
A a propitious time – we should be in a bit of a beaten generation mode by next year with Luxon et al.
That song is a reminder of what my cynicism and wariness of authority is informed by.
Sorry mate. I consider I have a reasonably broad musical reach but have never heard of them. Pleased you're excited.
Partly an artist through adolescence, early '80s-2000, great personal and political lyrics, catchy melodies and a collaborator.
Hank Williams cover album to boot.
"Them" yes, "The The" – not so much.
Commuter lanes for use by multiple passenger vehicles, and exemption of such vehicles from the congestion tax are also worth considering, it all depends whether the purpose is reduced congestion or raising money.
National's decision to deprive the council of regional fuel tax money can be reversed by a future government.
A combination of all of the above, with adequate PT (and bike) options …
Master negotiator.
He was responsible for Air New Zealand’s alliance with Virgin Australia, but failed to build a strong working relationship with Virgin’s chief executive John Borghetti and its board. After reportedly failing to win board support to sack Borghetti, Luxon quit Virgin and sold Air New Zealand’s 25.9 per cent shareholding, although luckily the loss to Air NZ shareholders, including taxpayers, was probably under $100 million.
It has made him sound less like the leader of the country at a confusing time and more like a cheap salesman promising that this great new toothpaste really will make those pearlers shine fantastically white.
His approach even breaches McKinsey and Co’s first rule of managing mergers and acquisitions, which is to overcommunicate. Shareholders, customers and employees will accept being told that, while yesterday went well, today went badly and things will take more time. Silence is lethal. Worst of all is brain-dead and meaningless spin.
Perhaps Luxon never got to that chapter of the self-help books that are his main reading materials
And not a whisper of this before the Election.
That is a somewhat fanciful story you are pushing.
When you say "He was responsible for Air New Zealand’s alliance with Virgin Australia" you are clearly unaware of the fact that this alliance took place before Luxon joined Air New Zealand. How could he possibly be responsible for that foolish situation?
Hooton's words, the italics are a quote.
The whole comment is a quote, except the first two words.
If you are going to do that it is, IMHO, fair to say that you are agreeing with every word of the quote. Well Luxon wasn't responsible was he?
Luxon's been selling himself as Mr acquisitions and mergers with the necessaries to negotiate and manage successful coalition relationships yet hard on the heels of Hooton's blue on blue bagging of his ability to manage a business relationship, he's averse to detailing his successes as Mr acquisitions and mergers.
Hooton was, long ago, a National man.
I suspect his running a campaign to overthrow their leader, Simon Bridges and put in someone he was promoting, Todd Muller, probably means that no-one in power in the National party wants to have anything to do with him. Like Darth Vader he has gone over to the dark side and is looking to Willie Jackson for work.
In the meantime, do you accept that Hooton's attack on Luxon was an attempt to make bricks without straw and that your quoting him was merely an indication that you were conned? Why not give up and admit it?
Give it up
Your claim that the word alliance in
He was responsible for Air New Zealand’s alliance with Virgin Australia
meant responsibility for buying a shareholding was not intended and is an apologists attempt to derail the central point, Luxon failed to manage the relationship – failed to build value.
The issue is pertinent because Luxon cannot cut and run from DS or WP without losing a majority in parliament.
Instead of shooting [at] the messenger(s), you could add something useful to the conversation, as it’s never too late, not even for you.
Anyway, Luxon did not broker the deal, he severed it, causing a big loss in the process.
Mr acquisitions and mergers was sold as another JK, a solid, charismatic performer with the ability to bring the team together and get the job done.
According to Hoots Mr acquisitions and mergers was unable to manage a business relationship and and five weeks after the election he's yet to clear the first hurdle to forming a government.
I reckon Winnie and Rimmer will cut Mr acquisitions and mergers lunch, he'll turn out to be another empty suit with an MBA, and you lot have bought yourselves a pup.
He is quoting the article.
And the article refers to the on-going relationship – one between Air NZ and Virgin, one Luxon was in charge of, for Air NZ.
It's about leading an organisation in relationship with leaders of others.
Luxon and his new-found mates are sitting around a board-room table in a posh hotel conference room that probably costs $1000 plus per day when they could be using well appointed rooms built for the purpose attached to the Beehive for nothing? Oh, but its more convenient because their homes are in Auckland I hear you say.
Makes a mockery of Luxon's oft quoted claim of wasteful spending on the part of the outgoing government imo.
Yes and the number of days will certainly add up to a cost of several thousand dollars!
You must have been absolutely devastated when $51 million was spent just researching the Auckland Harbour bike bridge.
Well, the socially conscious left don't campaign on cutting spending and then doing a pub crawl of Auckland 4-star hotel boardrooms to form what looks, if you kick the tires, to be a very unstable government.
RWNJs justify the wheeling and dealing in Auckland because all three leaders live there. Apart from that being a red flag for the rest of NZ, why should it impact on where government forming discussions are done?
Get to the capital city, to parliament, to do your dirty work. We pay them enough.
"doing a pub crawl"
No, this is the National Party leader you are talking about, not the lushes of the left.
Luxon does not, and apparently never has, drunk alcohol.
Anne, that has crossed my mind also that Luxon thinks not partaking in "wasteful spending" does not apply to his wants and needs. Guess we got wind of that when he hired a Mercedes to take him 200 metres from his apartment for his grandiose arrival at Parliament on the day he was "crowned" leader.
He seems to have a very inflated opinion of himself and his "abilities".
#1 requirement to become CEO in most companies.
This newshub article is quite good too. Maybe those who run The Standard could run an "Appropriate Song Title" competition for us, which I thought this was.
Why only 11?
They either left no 12 unsaid or did not know of it.
The 12th day of never by Johnny Mathis.