Daily Review 18/10/2017

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, October 18th, 2017 - 75 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Daily review is also your post.

This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

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75 comments on “Daily Review 18/10/2017 ”

  1. weka 1

    Where were you when you heard about the formation of the 2017 NZ government?

    (tomorrow arvo, allegedly).

    • Robert Guyton 1.1

      I was in the garden.

    • The Fairy Godmother 1.2

      I was preparing dinner.

      • weka 1.2.1

        ah, late in the day announcement.

        • The Fairy Godmother

          Yes. He may need to go over some last minute fine points with the new Pm before making the announcement together.

          • weka

            I really hope Labour lead the announcement. They’re the ones forming govt (or not).

            • The Fairy Godmother

              Jacinda will walk into the press conference with Winston on her right and James on her left. She will make the initial comments followed by Winston and James.

              • cleangreen

                Yes please; – make it true, as we cannot suffer any more cruel treatment at the hands of National.

                We have “had enough” Winston so please save us from ruin.

    • Cinny 1.3

      Gathered around the wireless with the children….. waiting patiently for the broadcast to come through via RNZ.

      In the background Miss Twelve offers a suggestion… “Try radio live Mum, maybe they know something”

      “That’s not a bad idea darling, but I’m not sure Paddy will get the scoop on this announcement” I hear myself reply..

      A late afternoon tea and a laptop grace the kitchen table, laughing while we browse online for diy outdoor halloween decorations to scare the crap out of the local kids.

      A voice comes throught the radio…”And now in breaking news”

      Miss Ten leaps out of her chair and runs over to the wireless turning up the volumne….

    • Union city greens 1.4

      I was painting red and green crosses on all the properties that displayed national bill boards during the election campaign :devil:

      • cleangreen 1.4.2

        Yes and please paint” condemned” on the walls of those national houses please.
        We need tocondemnnational for their hand in almost destroying NZ for nine years.

        • Robert Guyton

          This is getting a bit dark – leave those who made the mistake the option to start afresh, anew and alongside of a kinder crew. Every body makes mistakes; it’s better to assimilate than alienate 🙂

  2. cleangreen 2


    5 minutes ago
    Negotiation announcement tomorrow arvo – NZ First
    5 minutes ago
    Share this

    New Zealand First will be in a position tomorrow afternoon to make an announcement on the result of negotiations.

    Winston Peters after a day of meeting with his party. Winston Peters after a day of meeting with his party. Photo: RNZ / Sarah Robson
    New Zealand First MPs have wrapped up an all-day caucus meeting at Parliament, as they decide whether to form a government with National or Labour.

    The meeting started at 9.30am and continued all day.

    As he left the meeting tonight, New Zealand First MP Ron Mark told reporters it would be a little bit longer.

    • Johnr 2.1

      My optimum scene would be Winnie in front of the cameras in full pseudo gravitas mode saying. ” We have given full consideration to all the policies and cabinet involvement and we have decided to offer our support to Labour/Greens”.
      Then Jacinda stands up and says “Having negotiated in good faith with NZ1st we have decided that the price to our values and principles is too high therefore we reject your offer. Thankyou”.
      I predict there’ll be messy underwear in the press gallery

      • cleangreen 2.1.1

        Thanks John,

        You do know that Winston has already advised both Labour and national leaders of his intentions and position right?

        So I presume theyall know ahead of tomorrow what way he will go then.

        Anyway that was a bit of laght houmour you gave, and check your pants tomorrow to eh?

      • Anne 2.1.2

        LOLS johnr

  3. The Last Stimulus

    Capitalism is ravaging our environment, which is increasingly killing us. Greenhouse gases are just the most urgent indicator of the broader ecological crisis. Look at extinction rates, soil exhaustion, freshwater pollution, contamination from plastic and toxins — the list goes on. We shouldn’t ask whether we must get out of capitalism so that humans can survive. We must ask how and when.

    And destroying our society through the greed of the rich as it has always done.

    • greywarshark 4.1

      Not just greed, complacency without principle, how can they be complacent with derelict people sleeping on the streets, it’s mediaeval. And with an excess of superiority and entitlement. They combine those with greed, and never know when to stop.

      just bought a secondhand appliance and paid $77 GST on it. I don’t have much to spare thinking that tax comes out of my baseline cash, the rich pay it out of their discretionary cash, and wouldn’t buy secondhand stuff for the their kitchen anyway.
      Who hurts the most from tax?

      I’m helping a relation with his. On an assessment of $429.60 he had a penalty of $272.68 and Interest $10.21. Two months later, on an assessment of $225.90 (after over $200.00 paid off) the penalty was $262.60 Interest $5.12. This sort of thing is punishing on someone poor, the penalties are unreasonable. It’s time that tax got looked at. The penalty should be dropped and the interest be as high as top credit card price.

      • cleangreen 4.1.1

        Very true there greywarshark;

        Robert Muldoon ( a socialist) and a true ‘National’ politician always said GST was “double dipping” so we still havethis driconian tax on a tax around today, and it is morally wrong as you say.

        • greywarshark

          Right we agree, now can we start a movement of similar-minded millions – thousands – would hundreds do? Small numbers can be a fulcrum for big ideas.

  4. Anne 5

    I tells ya… if Winnie goes with National then I will be swearing revenge at every turn. The goody goodies among us will say… we must accept the decision and give the new National/NZ First govt. a fair go. No bloody way. Not from this gal anyway. 😡

    • BM 5.1

      I think it’s a fairly safe bet which why he’s going.

      Going forward it doesn’t leave a lot of options for anyone slightly right of centre, because there will only be one option and that will be National.

      If it doesn’t work out for Labour/Greens NZ First you’re probably looking at a Judith Collins led majority government in 2020

      • Robert Guyton 5.1.1

        Thrown in the towel, BM?
        It’s sad to see a *grown man brought so low by a speculation.
        *Quite some assumption, granted

        • Keepcalmcarryon

          Brought so low as to consider a Judith Collins led government no less!
          But who knows who Winnie has picked, we can only hope.

          • BM

            Even though this is 2017 and as sad as this is, you can’t have a Man bagging and criticising a woman without people getting all sulky and butthurt.

            If Ardern is PM, then the National needs to have a female leader, Bennett is a shallow lightweight who’s past has caught up with her so that leaves Collins.

            She’ll eat Ardern alive and wipe her arse with what’s left.

            • Cinny

              One thing’s for sure it will be very interesting to see how it goes re leadership and the present caretakers

            • Drowsy M. Kram

              Collins is a nasty piece of work – an ideal choice for leader of the National party.


              ‘CRUSHER’ COLLINS: “You have to actually have limits, you have to then enforce them. If you don’t, why bother having the limits?”

              Like the limits on exporting swamp Kauri logs – mind where you dig, ‘Swamp Monster’ Collins (or should that be ‘Swamp Minister’?)

              Peters urges halt to Kauri trade. Northland MP Winston Peters is supporting calls for a moratorium on the excavation and exporting of ancient swamp kauri.” – Northland Age News ( Jun 18, 2015)

            • AB

              Thanks BM – somehow you capture Collins’ essentially repellent nature with a precision none of us lefties have ever managed.
              Big ups to you for that.

            • marty mars

              “She’ll eat Ardern alive and wipe her arse with what’s left.”

              lol you funny wee man – shit scared, but funny

      • cleangreen 5.1.2

        BM it will be a ‘new dawn’ – as we have already told Winston “yes we have had enough” and he is a democratic politician and heard us.

        So he will move to change the government as we have had enough of national.

      • ScottGN 5.1.3

        There weren’t many options apart from National for anyone slightly right of centre this election BM (mostly because National stupidly clobbered them all) and the result was 45% or thereabouts. Not enough for a majority government.

      • Graeme 5.1.4

        “a Judith Collins led majority government in 2020”

        And the opening play of the leadership change / Bill’s knifing being the release yesterday of Bill police interview re toddles…

      • cleangreen 5.1.5

        BM “Had enough”?

    • Pataua4life 5.2

      Why. It would be the will of the majority of voting NZ.
      Isn’t that democracy?

      • Anne 5.2.1

        Typical dim-witted Nat P4life? No sense of humour? And it would NOT be the will of the majority. The majority – bless their little cotton socks – did NOT vote for a National government or is that just too hard for you to comprehend?

        • James

          Using your logic – they didn’t vote for a labour one either.

          • The Fairy Godmother

            You are getting there James. National didn’t get a majority and nor did Labour. Labour and the greens are very close to National and if you add NZF to either Labour Greens or National you get………drum roll ………wait for it a……..majority.

            • weka

              The thing that amazes me is that this isn’t rocket engineering and it isn’t new. We’ve been here before. People have such short memories.

          • cleangreen

            Wrong james again,

            National have never held a ‘majority’ of the NZ voter ever, so please dont spread false naratives here, you are a national spinner obviously.

            Cry tommorrow when Winston sends you all packing.

            • James

              Oh yes they have.

              You should get at least your basic facts right.

              • Yep, they have and the last time it happened was in 1951. It hasn’t happened since. The vagaries of FPP had given us minority governments that were also against the popular vote for more than 40 years which is why we chose to change to a proportional system.

                What we have is a damn sight better but still not perfect. It’s obvious that the majority of people actually do want a change but the political parties, the MSM and many people still think that the coalition is all up to what baubles the larger party can give to the smaller, that it’s actually up to the politicians.

                We need to change that.

    • James 5.3

      Why revenge anne ?

      That’s mmp – if he goes with labour, while I don’t like it I will respect the decision and the government of the day.

      but I guess there will always be little losers who cannot accept the government voted in by their peers because they think they know better.

      Edit – BTW still calling it for the Nats.

      • The decrypter 5.3.1

        Evening james. Still living under Roberts troll bridge?

        • Robert Guyton

          You could barely call it living, more eking out a miserable existence in the mud, bed of reeds, sharing with the water rats and all that; it’s the price one pays.

          • The decrypter

            5 star for james, -his family are moving in next week. Typical tory bludgers.

            • Robert Guyton

              I’ll clear some brambles and spruce up the swamp a bit – it’s the least I can do.

              • The Fairy Godmother

                What do trolls eat. The book I read to Kindergarten Kids says they eat Billy Goats.

                • James

                  Tonight I ate a beautiful Argentinian steak. Cooked perfectly over coals.

                  There is nothing as nice as a good quality steak cooked well.

                  Goat I only eat in a curry.

                  • Brigid

                    ” Cooked perfectly over coals.”
                    over coals!!??

                    Pretentious git.

                    • james

                      As opposed to cooked over a gas burner – which dosnt taste anywhere as nice.

                      Not pretentious – just like good tasting food.

                      Beats KFC any day of the week

                • Incognito

                  Trolls don’t eat as such; they prey & feed on the emotions of well-minding people. They are the possums of the Internet and just like possums they just sit there with their big eyes staring at you when the light in shone on them. They are pathetic and have virtually no redeeming features.

                  • NewsFlash

                    You’re being a bit harsh on the possums, in some countries they’re a protected species.

            • James

              Nope. Quite happy here thanks. Wouldn’t move to Roberts way if you paid me.

              • JC

                All Good then James… why do you actually waste your precious time here?

                (Not dissing on you.) Seriously!

                I Have been considering the same question,,,

                Time is short though, as I’m sure you will realise, either now! or down the track…

                What can be achieved here? Bouncing around in an Echo chamber….

                Seriously, (not dissing on your alternate views/trolling etc)

                I Have been considering the same question,,,

                • james

                  “All Good then James… why do you actually waste your precious time here?”

                  Because I find some of the commenters here amusing. Some interesting (Swordfish esp).

              • cleangreen

                James employment disipation lights are diming and abt to go out today so we should feel sorry for him as he has flaws.

        • James

          I had a look but it was a pretty Shit bridge.

          • Robert Guyton

            It does look tatty – the present tenant is a slob and leaves his trash lying everywhere .

            • Stuart Munro

              Troll dialect is also curiously limited, it lacks words for ballet, deodorant, underwear, and excuse me.

      • but I guess there will always be little losers who cannot accept the government voted in by their peers because they think they know better.

        If the majority of people disagree with it then obviously it wasn’t voted in by them but by the politicians.

    • weka 5.4

      I’m with you Anne. The formation of govt might be legitimate but that doesn’t mean we can’t oppose the govt.

  5. JC 6

    Enjoy u all …