Daily Review 19/04/2018

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, April 19th, 2018 - 42 comments
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42 comments on “Daily Review 19/04/2018 ”

  1. Cinny 1

    Thrilled for the Pike Families, today would have been massive for them.
    Well done Coalition, thanks to all involved.


  2. patricia bremner 2

    Yes, Andrew is doing us proud.

    But on another topic. Poor Penny Bright has ovarian cancer, and a fight to save her home.
    She asked for help earlier, could that link be put up again for those who wish to assist her. She only has ’till 4pm Tuesday. I know some say she should have put the money aside… So she did not expect this. This is terrible for her.

    • Rosemary McDonald 2.1

      So sad to hear this about the inimitable and indomitable Penny Bright.

      If only more of us were willing to challenge the status quo and reject the accepted narratives.

      All the very best Penny, and I’ll try to make a contribution when able.

    • Bill 2.2

      This one?

      Halt the forced sale of Penny Bright’s house. | TOKO
      Petition to Auckland Mayor Phil Goff.
      Please SIGN and SHARE?

      Penny Bright 🙂


    • Sacha 2.3

      TVNZ story: https://www.tvnz.co.nz/one-news/new-zealand/auckland-activist-penny-bright-may-have-ovarian-cancer-asks-forced-sale-house-halted

      Terrible situation but does not alter the fact that the only party not complying with the law is Penny. Please do not encourage this woman’s delusional beliefs on that front. She will need to focus on her health.

      • Stuart Munro 2.3.1


        She requested information the acts require to be available. Crooked neo-liberal councilors prefer to conceal it – every time she goes to court (and it has been often) the council’s faux commercial privilege secrecy presumption is shown not to exempt them from long established statutory responsibilities.

        • Sacha

          As me and others have explained many times, the Act that Penny is citing requires nothing of the sort. She lied about that again in the TVNZ clip. People deserve to know what they are supporting.

          • Stuart Munro

            The act she cited on here stated pretty much what she said in plain language.

            The fact that the council may have a weasel clause in no way alters the general principle that they are accountable to the public, who absolutely are entitled to know the details of their shoddy backroom deals.

            What we actually have here is a systematic and irresponsible derogation of public rights by a crooked band of officials. People wishing to know why NZ has turned to shit over the last three decades need look no further for an explanation, and Penny’s role in exposing this reprehensible behavior was and is in the public interest.

            She is of course being punished for this by the crooks responsible, who dare not allow her critique to circulate widely enough to bring an end to their wrongdoing.

            • Sacha

              No it does not.

              • Stuart Munro

                Yes it does – she cited the act which said so in plain English.

                Public Records Act 2005
                to enable the Government to be held accountable by—
                ensuring that full and accurate records of the affairs of central and local government are created and maintained; and
                providing for the preservation of, and public access to, records of long-term value; and
                to enhance public confidence in the integrity of public records and local authority records;

                That’s what she asked for, and that’s what the act requires.

                • Sacha

                  Read those words. The PRA says the information has to be *kept*. That’s all. The LGOIMA, OIA and other laws control making it *available*. Ms Bright is claiming the former law delivers that. She is simply wrong. The council is obeying the law.

                  Dunces diminish the power of advocacy for honourable causes.

                  • adam

                    Then the law is wrong, why defend a law which is an ass?

                    • Sacha

                      Campaign to change the laws, sure. Govt is then your target, not Council.

                    • One Two []

                      Are you campaigning for change, Sacha…?

                      I interpret your comments as being, bitter…

                      Between the aplauding of bans, pleading for bans and putting the boot into someone who is now faced with an unfortunate set of circumstances…

                      Sort yourself out…

                  • Stuart Munro

                    “to enable the Government to be held accountable”

                    That’s all Penny’s doing.

                    You have a weaselry, it only gets you off the hook if the judge is crooked.

            • One Two


              Well said…

    • McFlock 2.4

      sad to hear about the cancer.

  3. Rosemary McDonald 3

    And on the topic of accepted narratives…Natrad had a piece about submitters to the medical cannabis select committee being advised that the police could use submissions to prosecute those who are honest and transparent about their possession and use of medicinal cannabis.


    Somewhere in TS’s archive there will be a comment from me (and others) predicting exactly this.
    Surely a progressive coalition government could vote through legislation to give complete immunity to submitters?
    Come on…sort this you lot!

    “Yes!” she said, pre-election.

    Sorry, could someone please post the link to the Radio NZ piece from this evening?

    • veutoviper 3.1

      Here you are Rosemary, is this the one?


      I have not listened to this but here is the link to the 7pm RNZ News in case it was also mentioned there.

      I will check to see if I can find any more.

      • Rosemary McDonald 3.1.1

        Thank you!
        Struggling with using phone to do internet stuff.☺️

        • veutoviper

          Understand only too well. That’s why I lug my Ipad around with me rather than try using my phone which I hate.

      • Rosemary McDonald 3.2.1

        OK…so submitters seem to be protected by parliamentary privilege but their submissions are public so could be incriminating. This,combined with many wanting to submit being too ill,poor or foobarred to travel to Wellington will ensure the outcome will be exactly what the more conservative parties in the coalition desire.

        Polling consistently shows the nation is ready for legal medical and decriminalized recreational use,so what is the hold up?

        • veutoviper

          I haven’t really kept up with this over recent months, Rosemary, although was pleased to see a Bill finally being put up but then disappointed at its limited application and anomalies etc and the fact that the Green Bill was not accepted.

          I have just had a quick look at the Parliament website, and I am a bit disappointed in the make up of the Select Committee in terms of power, experience etc but cannot do much about that.

          As of now they only have 33 submissions listed on the Website – mainly organisations like the NZ Medical Association etc. I checked a couple and the submissions were already available for viewing for those I checked, but cannot confirm whether all 33 are already available. A bit unwell today so will check further tomorrow. So presumably the 200 or so submissions that have been mentioned are ones not already up on the website. (I assume with your vast experience you know your way around the Parliamentary Select Committee parts of the website, but if you need any help with links etc just sing out.)

          I am pleased that at least people are being given the opportunity to amend etc their submissions for their own protection but I would have thought that this possibility should have been foreseen and addressed at the time of the call for submissions in the first place. To be fair, however, I don’t know whether there was advice on this at that time, so cannot be critical without that knowledge.

          But I will be following it very closely from now on. I actually just wish that they had gone to whole hog and decriminalised it generally as my gut feeling is that this is going to happen anyway in the not too distant future, and this would simplify matters with medicinal cannabis immensely.

          Cheers for now – will check the media for more tomorrow.

        • veutoviper

          I have just done a check as was otherwise occupied this morning , and found a few more related media articles, which pretty much reiterate the RNZ reports last night.

          Here is the Morning Report segment on it on RNZ this morning:

          One News has also put up an item this morning which provides a bit more detail, including this bit which is along the lines of my opinion that they should have done more to clarify the position before submissions were submitted:

          She [Chair of the Health Committee Louisa Wall] conceded parliamentary staff could have made it clearer that people could submit anonymously from the beginning, but emphasised the action the committee had now taken was to protect submitters.

          That said, not everyone’s been deterred.

          One woman told 1 NEWS she started giving her adult son cannabis five years ago to manage his epilepsy, autism, and severe self harming behaviours.

          She said her son was now much better. However, she also said she’s always scared the police will knock down her door because of the drugs. She wants MPs to know her story, and is keeping her submission as it is. ..


          On OM today there is a comment at 16 to the effect that the committee has published emails from submitters in the clear, including sharing other people’s email addresses etc. I can find nothing to support these contentions in any media reports to date anyway. Not responding due to the nature of other responses I have had from the writer over recent weeks.

  4. joe90 5

    Pushing the boat out there, Bob.

    Indeed. I assume you're referring to his "Kabuki" remark. I was floored. Menendez just said, directly, the US collaborated with Russia and Syria so that the followinmg happened:1) Russia didn't defend against strikes2) Syria, as planned, shot missiles AFTER US strike.Wtf?— Edward Shain (@ems1944) April 19, 2018


  5. Tamati Tautuhi 6

    Would be some “Horror Stories” if one was allowed to look inside the Auckland Council’s Books ?

    Auckland Council is basically a Day Care Facility for entitled adults IMHO.

  6. Tamati Tautuhi 7

    Bridges polling at 10% looks like he will be “gone burger soon” ?

    Bring on Crusher Collins.

    • James 7.1

      I laugh as the preferred PM poll “didn’t mean anything” to a lot on here – until just recently funnily enough.

      But just out of curiosity- when was the last time a party polling at 44% made their leader “gone burger” ?

      • Keepcalmcarryon 7.1.1

        Or is it just that Nat voters will vote for dog shit on a stick if it keeps their house prices high.
        They have to grow their vote from the more discerning to gain power tho. Not sure no bridges Bridges is looking like he can do that at 10% just sayin.

  7. Win Win 8

    Does anyone else think that Jacinda Ardern is starting to sound like Teresa May with her ‘highly likely’ comments. Ah well lie down with dogs you get fleas I guess.

  8. soddenleaf 9

    Plastic eating bacteria found… …oops, turns plastic into co2, another two steps back for every step forward.

    • McFlock 9.1

      I’m kind’ve interested in that self-healing concrete publicised recently (well, it fills cracks in it with chalk, anyway).

      Apparently its operation is based on a bacteria enzyme that turns ambient CO2 into chalk.