Daily review 19/11/2024

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, November 19th, 2024 - 18 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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18 comments on “Daily review 19/11/2024 ”

  1. Tony Veitch 1

    Wow! A data scientist interviewed by Thom Hartman, suggests Trump stole the election!

    Apparently, in all the swing states that Trump won, about 5% of the votes were what he called 'bullet votes,' people who only voted for Trump and no-one else. The norm is, so he said, less than 1%.

    Which kinda makes sense of Trump saying repeatedly he doesn't need votes, he has all he needs – has Musk engineered a steal?

    11.30 mins long.


  2. joe90 2

    Nathalie Robin Justice, whoever she is, has a point.

  3. SPC 3

    DJT stock went straight to over $80 in 2021, collapsed towards $10 in 2023, then as Trump moved ahead of Biden in the polls went back to $50.

    And with the Harris challenge seen off, has already surged back to over $30, only weeks later.


    PS it is non profit making, like X.

    Trade Me founder Sam Morgan has deployed $162 million to social entrepreneurs but says he's not had a lot of success convincing wealthy people to get into philanthropy.


  4. joe90 4

    Trump's pick to head the US department of energy reckons the bright side of climate change is that all the deaths from flooding and drought will be more than offset by fewer cold weather deaths.

  5. Muttonbird 5

    The police advised Seymour not to present his performative dance for what it was, but he insisted on goading 50,000 people so they must have imposed some conditions, like you have two minutes, you divisive f*cker.

  6. Muttonbird 6

    Farrar watch:

    Shocking day for wee David. Deliberately ignored the biggest demonstration in NZ history today while Māoritanga continued to go viral the globe over, but worse, was blanked by his most important client who couldn't bring himself to endorse Curia’s corrupt polls.

  7. tWig 7

    Olivia Podmore, the NZ cycling rep who committed suicide, and who was continually baited when performing by the team coach, was also repeatedly sledged by the mens' cycle team.

    Marise Chamberlain is our only female athlete with an Olympic medal in running and also broke three world records in the 1960s. I listened to an excellent interview this year on RNZ with her. I recommend it 100%, she was an amazing, positive person (about whom I knew zilch before), who ground through the hate.

    She describes the nasty games played by to exclude her from teams to Games, and the terrible sledging she got before competing in the Tokyo Olympics by the mens' team.

    Podmore got the same treatment, 60 years later, but sadly broke. Plus ça change..

    • Muttonbird 7.1

      Yeah, it is tragic and an example of why proper funding to HPSNZ and codes is so important. Professionalism is required at the highest level to make sure everyone is informed, safe, and able to produce their best.

      I have no idea why the coach in question has permanent name suppression after (apparently) cheating on his wife with one of his female charges and then bullying Olivia Podmore who found the whole thing overwhelming. She eventually took her own life.

      It's why his performance sport must be funded properly (not expensive comparatively). Of course Luxon's govt will be looking to decrease funding by, oh, about 6% in order to pay for tax breaks for landlords.

      • Binders full of women 7.1.1

        I disagree re the importance of "proper funding of high performance" if by proper funding you mean state funding. My wife is hot on this– why should elite sportspeople get ANY state funding— back in the day elite athletes had a day job. Why should min-wage workers subsidise dream-cahsing- and international flights. We're all for funding wellbeing via community grassroots participation. My heart breaks for her friends and family but nowhere in that toxic environment does it feel like more money would have solved it. Agree re suppression— feels like a let-off.

        • Muttonbird

          I think there's a really important link between grassroots participation (people being active and in social team sports – increases health + wellbeing and reduces health spend burden), and success at elite level. Taking the long view here.

          People look up to and are inspired by success on the international stage, especially kids and if you can get kids into sport and exercise it can create lifelong habits and friendships. Sport is also a big part of a healthy community.

          Success on the international stage in high profile sports has to come with a high performance program rather than semi-professionalism. I wasn't saying athletes need to be paid more, but more resource needs to go into their welfare. Without minimising how hard life is for the disenfranchised, the disabled, and the vulnerable, high performance sport is a tough psychological environment.

  8. Muttonbird 8

    One of the MPs calling for harsher punishment of the Maori Party apparently breaking parliamentary rules herself caught thumbing her nose at actual rules that we all have to live by:


    Epic own goal.

    • Obtrectator 8.1

      Not just the texting – it looks from the bottom picture as though she entered the intersection when there wasn't a clear exit from it. Piss-poor driving.

    • Res Publica 8.2

      I am unfortunate enough to have to suffer her as my local MP.

      Absolutely useless, completely invisible (unless you happen to be a rich, white farmer), and doesn't even have the decency to reply to correspondence from her constituents.