Daily review 20/03/2025

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, March 20th, 2025 - 5 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Daily review is also your post.

This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

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5 comments on “Daily review 20/03/2025 ”

  1. SPC 1

    Medical Officers of Health are being required to get permission from central office to make any public statements.

    This is the sort of media management that governments seeking to control the message/narrative apply. It is not an approach that shows confidence on their part about delivering results – improved health sector performance.

    It also shows an intent to use centralisation to exercise authority over the sector and this intent being one unrelated to focus on delivery of services.


  2. joe90 2

    Worrisome take on elmo.


    I was asked in my weekly Zoom meeting to explain why it matters that Elon Musk is a “Nazi.” It was pointed out, correctly, that many people glaze over at the word — in much the same way that people glazed over at the word “Russia” for years. Many people are still left with the remnants of a long hoax portraying Musk as a “genius” and a “visionary” when he’s never invented anything but his own mythology. So, here’s my answer, as concisely as I can.

    Elon Musk is not just a “Nazi.”


    • weka 2.1

      it's a good piece. I really wish he had provided links and references. I'm seeing a lot of this kind of article, but we need evidence based information more than ever.

  3. Joe90 3

    mRNA vaccine tech could lead to near-miracle cures for the likes of pancreatic cancer, and this fucking degenerate junkie might take them from us.

    Federal support for mRNA vaccine research appears in jeopardy after KFF Health News reported Sunday that officials at the National Institutes of Health have directed scientists to remove all references to the lifesaving technology from their grant applications. All such research is now under direct scrutiny from health secretary and long-time anti-vaccine advocate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

    A senior official at the NIH's National Cancer Institute confirmed to KFF that NIH acting Director Matthew Memoli "sent an email across the NIH instructing that any grants, contracts, or collaborations involving mRNA vaccines be reported up the chain to Health and Human Services Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s office and the White House."


  4. SPC 4

    Canada decides on a response to the threat of becoming the 51st state of the USA.

    In one of the largest polling swings in history, Liberals go from certain defeat to re-election.

    Would the GOP really really want a nation of liberals?


    Carney to have an election on April 28, while the nation is united against Trump.


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