Written By:
- Date published:
6:00 pm, May 20th, 2016 - 41 comments
Categories: Daily review -
Daily review is also your post.
This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.
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Don’t forget to be kind to each other …
After all those years of softening the public with their feel good PR McDonalds & Nathan Guy might have f*cked it all up, international news…
“A leaked New Zealand government memo casts serious doubts on the sustainability of fish that are widely used in McDonald’s restaurants.”
I read an article from the BBC this morning where they had a link to the actual internal investigation papers about the over fishing problem. I say problem but I should say scandal. There is no link to it in any NZ media outlet that I have seen. It is a shocker but I’m not surprised that they are trying to sink the story. It clearly shows that MPI was not only complicit in covering up the dumping of good fish but that they actively encouraged it. Cameras were able to be turned off, inspectors were only allowed on board if they didn’t report what was happening. On one ship they caught two Hectors dolphins, both dead. One was taken on board and reported, the other was seen before they dragged it on board so they stopped the nets and let them drift so that the dolphins’ body floated free and they didn’t have to report it. The one that they reported was immediately hushed up by MPI because they were worried about the NZ public and international outrage, it seems that they have made the situation worse by trying to hide it. The person who wrote the report actually asked if MPI could be opening themselves to charges of perverting the course of justice. This should be all over our news, but nothing…. I hear the crickets chirping.
This is the document here, https://www.scribd.com/doc/313000058/MPI-Operation-Achilles-2
Nathan Guy was on TV once touching an electric fence, idiot.
Nathan Guy is My Absentee electorate MP. And I am sorry to say he is way worse than an Idiot.
Hi annj @6.35pm
Michael Morrah was doing a good job of investigating and reporting on tv3 tonight….. first story of the night and Guy having difficulty answering, ..
‘War is peace,
There is no housing crisis in New Zealand
Freedom is slavery
There is no housing crisis in New Zealand
Ignorance is strength’
The Hagamans are going to sue Andrew Little for failing to apologise to them for (basically) requesting the A.G. investigate the Niue tourist hotel deal.
The online item also includes the original video clip of Andrew Little describing the awarding of the contract to a member of the National Party and a big doner as stinking to high heaven. Indeed it does.
Their original name was Trump. Way to prove you followed impeccable democratic processes by using the courts to silence elected opposition. That proves you have unimpeachable honesty and nothing to hide. Not.
this could be very funny in the end.
Let them sue. Let them prove that their ‘donation’ had nothing to do with being awarded that contract. Let them prove that they are not paying certain people in the government to treat them ‘nicely’.
popcorn, bring popcorn, i will sponsor the vodka 🙂
“this could be very funny in the end.
Let them sue. Let them prove that their ‘donation’ had nothing to do with being awarded that contract. Let them prove that they are not paying certain people in the government to treat them ‘nicely’.
popcorn, bring popcorn, i will sponsor the vodka 🙂”
They don’t have to prove anything,
Little needs to learn not to shoot his gums off.
why don’t we just wait and see?
its not Little who ‘donated’ much money to a political party expecting nothing but gratitude and a sweaty hand shake in return.
Why wait for the courts, can’t Jacinda ask Daddy what occurred?
“why don’t we just wait and see?
its not Little who ‘donated’ much money to a political party expecting nothing but gratitude and a sweaty hand shake in return.
It sounds like you have already had enough vodka.
Hagaman can donate to who ever he wants.
Yes we will just wait and see if the judge thinks Littles comment
“the timing of the donation stinks to high heaven” is defamatory.
To me it sounds like little is implying some sort of bribe or corruption.
yes dear.
hear have some camomile tea instead.
You reckon they have a reputation to damage? Not like having a crack at Fat Cambo?
Little doesn’t need to do anything either as he hasn’t accused them of anything or done anything untoward. What he’s done is his job, what we actually pay him for.
So, yes, let them sue. Lets see what the discovery process will discover.
Absolutely, the Trustees will be asked to testify, so what will Ross Adern say about the statement from Little that the process the board followed “stunk to high heaven”.
And so will the entire National Party caucus and all their records be opened.
He might say, it’s a shame we weren’t told about the ‘donation’.
If there is any allegation implicit in what Little said, it is that the government has awarded a contract which, on its merits, should not have been awarded. If anybody should be suing it would be the government, not the Hagamens.
S’alright everyone. We’ve been had. There’s no housing crisis after all.
Can’t bring myself to read past the first sentence. What a disingenous troll she is.
Time for some classic Noo Zilund satire,
ha ha ha
I guess you can’t really expect offshore messaging shills like Crosby Textor to know who Blam Blam Blam are.
Thanks, they were a fun band and with serious talent.
So, they’ve consulted with C/T and just simply denying that there’s a problem is all they have? This despite that fact that everyone can see that there’s a problem and that it’s getting worse?
re Anne
Case probably heard in run up to election!!!
That’s a very weird image.
Its from the Nivarna album “never mind”
English high court reject #BigTobacco’s case for compensation for #plainpacks – beautifully summarised in judgement
Judgement says that tobacco companies deliberately facilitated a health epidemic with huge costs to health and the State, so no compensation.
Congrats Matt Nippert & Rachel Stewart, Canon Media Awards.
The Childrens Commissioner has, I believe, released the following
“Over twenty years ago New Zealand made a commitment to uphold children’s rights
Every child has the right to live in a place that is safe and healthy
A car is not that place. A garage is not that place. This is a crisis for our kids and action is needed now.”
Onya, Commissioner.
Everyone has the right to a home and safety.
The privatisation of schooling gains pace with the announcement of more charter schools. Bastards.
Can’t house people but can gift farms to failed charter schools, nice work if you can get it!
The marvelous Samantha Bee on the history of the religious right’s influence on American politics, culminating in their endorsement of Donald Trump.
Part 2 –
“The Government has said it is going “all out for shale” to boost energy security and the economy.”
The worlds neolibs have no intentions of leaving it in the ground…..denial without words.
Very confusing story here, http://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/80199895/desperate-diplomat-dad-incident-an-embarrassment-to-new-zealand
“The foreign court had already made custody orders in favour of the father, agreed to by both parents during divorce proceedings, saying New Zealand’s involvement was against the principles of diplomatic immunity enshrined in international law.
NZ First leader Winston Peters is demanding Foreign Affairs Minister Murray McCully apologise to the diplomat, his embassy, and the entire diplomatic community over not stepping in at the case’s outset.”
Munter’s hardly to blame on this – it’s very unclear who needed to be paid and who needed to make a donation.