Written By:
- Date published:
5:30 pm, November 21st, 2022 - 23 comments
Categories: Daily review -
Daily review is also your post.
This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.
The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy).
Don’t forget to be kind to each other …
The 16/18 voting debate is in the news, with pointless vox pops on TV.
At her post-Cab press conference the PM very carefully explains that any change to the voting age would not apply to the next election, and in any case it would require a super-majority in Parliament. Repeated, several times.
The Supreme Court is entirely independent, and the decision requires a response by law. The nature of the response is up to the gov't, but this is not something plucked out of thin air.
I expect most people on here know this already, but it is tiresome to see it framed as some kind of "distraction", as if Ardern were in charge of the Supreme Court, or had taken the issue to court herself.
(NRT explains it better here:)
This is what gender identity and self-ID advocates/allies are enabling. It's racism, homophobia and misogyny, blatant as. Don't tell me it's just one person, this TW has major backing because society endorses them, and society says that TW cannot be touched. It's not the individual that is the problem, it's the values and the shift in cultural mores without understanding what is going on.
My god, that reeks of trans privilege, pretty soon to be the only protected category of people
This is what anyone who pays attention has been seeing for years. But it is suppressed in the MSM and when the average joe bloggs sees it they don't believe it. Because it is unbelievable how toxic this movement is.
And if/when these folx get a job in HR or admin, it is an opportunity to abuse their power to harass women who dare to speak out about their spaces, their sports, and their sex class being erased by trans identified males inserting themselves where they don't belong.
Gender critical Feminists are routinely accused of all sorts of horrible stuff (rarely justified) and are given no right of reply, instead shouted down, spat on and intimidated by this rabble.
Radical sites like r****x, ga*****g*****s, lo*t*****k and others look like hate speech. But unfortunately it is simply reporting what's out there, that the MSM doesn't want to touch because it is so icky.
The Scottish Parliament required a woman visitor to leave the public gallery during a debate about "self ID". Her crime – wearing a scarf in suffrage colours.
The thing is, I instinctively recognise these people as men, tits or not, it's an evolutionary survival sense,and yet I'm being gaslit (psychological and now state enforced violence)into pretending that they are women, and there is strong pressure to ignore every fibre in my being for the sake of my safety.Scary stuff
How does this form of toxic masculinity advance the cause of transpeople who just want to get on with life in an unviolent way.
I agree Roblogic. Our msm fails to report about trans activists, queer theory and the gender debate. What they do report is puff pieces or victimhood accounts.
It is great people like Weka, Sabine and Molly (and yourself continue to post stuff on here). It is shocking and gob smacking what is going on.
On a related theme, I can't recall if anyone has posted on here about the Midwives Council dropping the words women and mother from their scope of practice.
Talk about value shift.
If this is supposed to undermine weka's comment, you could go check the source of the story rather than attack the messenger.
Other sources: #letwomenspeak
Andy Ngo is a dickhead. Does that make the homophobia, racism and misogyny more acceptable?
If people object to RW idiots being used as a source, too bad. No Debate means there's little coverage on the left.
So, vitriolic homophobic abuse is OK as long as the gay man is Andy Ngo?
Do you really want to excuse this?
Perhaps Jim Fouratt will be pure enough for you?
awesome photo in tweet 2. Hadn’t seen that before.
Yes, they all look so joyous.
Tiwai is expected to remain in operation beyond 2024,in a note published by Forsyth Barr.This is within market expectations as enhanced value for HQ aluminium continues with both supply constraints (Russian sanctions) and increased demand for FF free renewable generation.
NZ electricity generation this year will be down around 1500 gwh (which is about 2 weeks production) due to demand destruction ( enhanced efficiency by industry) closed users such as Marsden point,increased distributed solar(reducing load) wetter climatology (reducing irrigation) some efficiency from new builds.
There are significant issues arising going forward as we need to increase generation capacity by 4 times to meet the 2030 aspirational goals (ev demand 98% baseline generation) which will require 22 billion in transmission and distribution expenditure.
Faark, someone just ruined their life. How long to pay that off?
The audio is the best part
Can't believe I missed this one.
I wonder how that has gone down with men? Not so good I would have thought. Rightly so.
uterus haver
Assuming that this replaces International Man/Men day then this is not very inclusive on one hand towards transmen and on the other hand its very triggering to those who may have been formerly men but now identify as women. Seriously, the people who manage this twitter account should do better.
In fact we should cancel binary human social construct days and just have an International Human day.
Current LBP and inspection processes create loopholes for shoddy work.
"A builder who forged council inspection reports, glued bolts in place to make it look like they were properly fixed and used another builder’s licence without their permission, has been struck off and ordered to pay $4500.
Ting Xie’s work was so bad that one of the houses he worked on had to be entirely demolished, while another had to have the cladding stripped off and redone.
He has since left the country and his Otago-based company, Lakeside Construction Ltd, has gone into liquidation."
Sounds like there may be some Auckland houses of the same calibre:
"The consenting officer – whose name was redacted by the Board in its decision – said he thought Xie was out of his depth, did not understand what the council was asking him to do, and had a mindset that this was the way he’d done things in Auckland without issue."
More products of the John Key government's "quality business migration" I suspect. I dealt with lots of these in my years of Land Use consent processing. One site in Northcote we had to nurse them all through was an application for demolition of a villa and the construction of 2 "McMansion" type new houses on the subdivided site. The applicant, the architect and the agent were all completely ignorant of the zoning of the site which was in a heritage area and required retention of the villa. The owner was completely blindsided, the architect (although NZ trained) had obviously not bothered with any of the classes relating to NZ heritage buildings, and the agent – who was not a Planning Professional did not seem to be able to actually read the District Plan. In the end – we saved the villa and got it modernised, approved the subdivision, and enabled the sale of the new Lot.
I think there is also a place where paperwork can be maintained, even when on-site inspections don't take place. Some LBP registered tradespeople and consultants will rely on the assessments of those they have ongoing industry relationships with, and will sign papers accordingly.
When our roof was being replaced, the roofer spoke of leaving a development in South Auckland because he witnessed the inspector (council I assumed) coming in to check foundation setups, and insulation. He saw the inspector sign-off and leave, and then all the rebar and insulation was removed and taken to the next house, concrete poured and gib installed. Then the inspector was called again. Relying on the accuracy and veracity of the tradesman, but could see how it is possible. And after reading the story linked, can see that there are people who would take this route if they thought they could get away with it.
The anecdote about the architect is repeated by friends of mine who bought a state house in Meadowbank, and planned an extension. The architect plans were rejected several times because they failed to take into account the District Plan and the Heritage zoning. The extra cost of these drawings and resubmissions added around $20,000 to a lounge extension and bedroom addition back in the early 2000's.
(I've heard a few horrendous stories about Sky Tower, which would be interesting to find out if they were based in truth. I'm guessing you have a few good stories to tell.)