Daily Review 25/10/2018

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, October 25th, 2018 - 32 comments
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32 comments on “Daily Review 25/10/2018 ”

  1. AsleepWhileWalking 1

    Most prolific American serial killer. He killed hundreds, perhaps thousands of mainly females, many of colour.



  2. adam 2

    The biggest scumbag in US politics is getting exposed.

  3. SPC 3

    Zionists cannot handle the truth about the murder in Turkey being exposed.


    After all the Crown Prince is their guy in the Arab world, and he behaves in just the way they do, rendition and or murder around the world. Imitation just means he admires them, so why should he be judged for being just like them?

  4. Ed 4

    The best analysis I’ve seen yet on the Khashoggi murder and its implications for MBS and Trump.
    You heard it here first.

    • Well, to be fair, the Russians are probably well chuffed that another country has buggered up a simple murder plot and taken the spotlight off their killing of Dawn Sturgess.

      Still, I did get a chuckle out of Galloway dissing Saudi Arabia for paying for positive media coverage. He earns over 100,000 pounds a year spruiking for Putin on RT.

      • adam 4.1.1

        “He earns over 100,000 pounds a year spruiking for Putin on RT.”

        Can you prove that? Because it sounds like B.S. to me.

        • joe90

          His own financial declaration.

          Analysis of the Commons register of interests for the last two years show at least 10 have been paid handsomely for appearing on the channel, which is now coming under acute scrutiny after both the US and UK governments accused Russia of meddling in elections and pushing fake news.


          The biggest earner was the former Respect MP George Galloway, who, between November 2013 and February 2015, was paid more than £100,000 to front his own show on RT. It is unclear how much the former first minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond, now hosting a talkshow on the channel, will earn.


          • adam

            The time period you point out he was paid to host his own show, was over a year. So mmmhhh.

            The spruiking for putin part is the bit I want him to prove. Because quite frankly it’s all getting a bit silly this anti-Russian stuff. because if you think your corporate overlords are any better than the Russian ones, then you’re deluding yourself – they all thugs and bully boys.

      • Siobhan 4.1.2

        I’m curious, do you define anyone who gets paid by the BBC as ‘spruiking’ for the British government? Or anyone who gets paid for an article in,say, The Washington Post, as ‘spruiking’ for Jeff Bezos, etc etc? Or is it just people who work for media owned by your favorite ‘baddies’.

      • Adrian Thornton 4.1.3

        …”spruiking for Putin on RT.” come on, really? are you fucking kidding? I for the life of me just can’t understand how someone who is obviously is pretty smart like yourself, can come out with such lowbrow statements like that?

        Show us one link where he is ‘spruiking for Putin’ please.

    • mauī 4.2

      Thank you Ed, and only on RT!

  5. Chris T 5

    I think for me the funniest thing that has come out of this JLR fiasco is Slater has suddenly become a source of reliability and truth on here.

    You couldn’t make it up

    • McFlock 5.1

      it is a bit… odd.

    • Draco T Bastard 5.2

      [citation needed]

    • Anne 5.3

      As one of the guilty party – albeit partial – it didn’t escape me either. 😕

      • Chris T 5.3.1


        Don’t beat yourself up about it. It happens.

        Doesn’t help when there are accusations coming from about 6 different directions

    • SPC 5.4

      Him being more credible and straight-forward than the current leader of the National Party on some of this, is the most interesting thing about it and why Bridges poll rating will not be increasing any time soon …

      • Chris T 5.4.1

        Kind of irrelevant. It’s the party numbers. Clarks personal numbers at one point were worse than even Bridges and Littles before she became PM

        I would imagine National’s 2 point drop will just bounce back in a year. It is even within the margin of error.

        Personally think Winston’s party numbers are more interesting

        • SPC

          They were at 5% in the 1994-5 period. But Anderton and Peters were the established opposition leaders at the time, why are Bridges so low?

          There is no way National can get over the line with a leader polling at this level.

          A major reason NZF chose National in 1996 was that Clark then on 17% was without sufficient popular support to be PM (she was 30% in 1999).

          Bridges is at best, a two term project, if he has the legs and retains caucus confidence that long.

    • Muttonbird 5.5

      Slater is the only source on this – so that’s what the discussion gravitates to. The rest of the media have done what the Nats wanted which, is to shut up. Ross safely tucked away for a few weeks so they can figure out their next attack move.

      Whether Slater’s testimony is reliable and truthful remains to be seen.

    • It is embarrassing. Trusting what he says is sad. He has an agenda and his supporters here dont even realise.

    • Dukeofurl 5.7

      Reliability and truth?
      I seem to read qualifiers on anything attributed to him…but he’s a mate of JLR so what would he know.
      Bridges is lying like a flatfish….Paula must be in seclusion too as she too has been talking too much and an female Mp from the South island has been lying to her husband.

  6. Ed 6

    The best analysis I’ve seen yet on the disappearance of Lee-Ross.

    I think that the attacks on Bridges, aided by Lusk and Slater, are about making Collins the leader of the National Party.

    New Zealand politics badly needs some people willing to address the issue of growing Chinese Government influence in New Zealand. This isn’t about being racist or picking on China (there is a superpower on the other side of the Pacific that can undermine our sovereignty as well). But right now the allure of Chinese business ties and Chinese political donations is undermining an independent New Zealand. We need leaders willing to address this before it grows into a more serious problem.

    The other issue brought to prominence last week is secret election donations. Currently most of the money used to fight and try to win elections in New Zealand comes from secret donors. Some parties get far more money to fight elections from these secret donations than others. This is a crazy state of affairs, inviting a form of low-level corruption. Given current concerns about foreign political influence, secret political donations are also a national security issue. Secret things are always hard to address. But Jami-Lee Ross’ allegation about a secret $100,000 donation to National should help to persuade the government to clean up the election donation laws.


    • SPC 6.1

      Yet the most immediate threat to us is Trump undermining decency in international relations and his attempt to undermine the WTO.

    • Dukeofurl 6.2

      Nek minute Ed that Gosman clone Selwyn will turn on you.!

      Even says the same shit… I don’t support the national party like he did

  7. Horrible.

    “Polls show that Jair Bolsonaro, the far-right former army captain has 78% support in Rondônia, leaving his leftist rival Fernando Haddad in the dust.

    In the Amazon, Bolsonaro has promised progress instead of protection.

    And his radical proposals – to withdraw Brazil from the Paris Climate Deal, neuter federal environment agencies, green-light destructive hydro-electric dams, freeze the demarcation of new indigenous reserves and open up existing ones to mining – chime with voters here, including those breaking environmental laws.”


  8. Onya

    “If I had it my way, the anthem would not be sung, they’d play Yothu Yindi’s Treaty, give us something, what are you going to give our people?” Mundine told The Daily Telegraph.

    “You want to play a white supremacist song, but you’re not going to play something for us. And you condition us to think that it’s our song, our way – that ain’t our way, that’s your way to separate and say you’re superior.

    “That song was a theme song for the White Australia policy, which was that no one was allowed into the country except white fellas.

    “They brought Asians and Polynesians here to work, but they governed them, but black fellas were considered fauna, not even considered human beings, but animals.”

    Mundine said Advance Australia Fair refers to ethnic cleansing of the indigenous people.

    “Advance Australia Fair means ‘Advance Australia white’, that’s the fair, but they make it out like it means a fair go,” Mundine said.”


  9. joe90 9

    Thread on why the amoral, shameless, win at all costs right went out of their way to make what seemed to be a minor alteration to voter eligibility.

    Waiting for my flight in Bismarck, so it's story time. I've spent the past three days in North Dakota reporting on the voter ID law here, which requires residential addresses. Many Native Americans, especially those living on reservations, don't have residential addresses. 1/— Maggie Astor (@MaggieAstor) October 24, 2018
