Daily review 27/09/2024

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, September 27th, 2024 - 14 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

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14 comments on “Daily review 27/09/2024 ”

  1. Muttonbird 2

    Looks like Luxon has butchered yet another industry:


    When will people start questioning his philosophy and decision making?

  2. They think he has clothes, or that he is King Canute.devil

    So the naked truth and incoming tide of disbelief should do it. yes 2026 or sooner.

  3. SPC 4

    The Civilian reporting on all things Beehive and MFAT at the UN.

    MFAT's resident Minister, Winston Peters, has lectured the world that they have been right about everything since 1945.

    Their first resident Minister, Peter Fraser was later PM and they sent him to found the UN, but he was betrayed by 5 backstabbers who seized veto powers in the UNSC.

    Winston Peters was required to bang his shoe to quieten an unruly assembly so they could witness this truth. The Russian FM sent his UN Ambassador to take the shoe – which they claimed was compensation for a shoe a Russian lost at the UN decades earlier (which the UN refused to return). Peters was then smeared with Kiwi shoe polish and told he had been banned from Russia. The Russian Foreign Minister for some reason yelled out Black Russian, then watch The Revenant.

    He was the second person banned from Russia after speaking at the UN this week.


    In other news, MFAT notes, if the mainstream media and the C of C did not, the UN tried to imagine it was the organisation their first resident Minister wanted it to be.



  4. SPC 5

    In Late News,

    The PM said that there was no education improvement in subjects which count from any Maori language ability of teachers. Citing an ability to transfer resource to the teaching of maths, if teachers were not helped to have any knowledge of the Maori language.

    "Just because we've cancelled a programme, doesn’t mean that we're not committed to te reo," Luxon said.

    The next National Party PM, Gemima, year 12 of CGHS, said she could learn Maori online, the same way she learnt maths in year 10 (because she would not go to school while teachers were subjugated by vaccine mandates).


  5. SPC 6

    This is so wrong, mayors should be able to sub-contract the job for half the pay they get, especially in Wellington, given so many people are retiring and looking for part-time work at the same time.

    If the government were to incentivise it, it could become common for public servants to sub-contract their job and spend more time on their lifestyle drinking coffee, eating food made by others and doing retail.

    Not everyone can do it by becoming a consultant for an understaffed ministry.
