Daily review 29/10/2019

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, October 29th, 2019 - 9 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Daily review is also your post.

This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

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Don’t forget to be kind to each other …

9 comments on “Daily review 29/10/2019 ”

  1. Stuart Munro. 1

    Neoliberalism was born in Chicago. In its wake, Chile sent the 'Chicago Boys' to prison for their crimes, a comeuppance that NZ has yet to implement, lacking sufficient respect for its victims.

  2. This may have found its way up but I repeat it. It is about one of the convoluted measures introduced when the government tries to have welfare for needy persons, and yet not be adopting 'old-fashioned' welfare measures.


    An independent disability advocate has filed papers asking the Employment Court to decide if people with intellectual disabilities have the mental capacity to be employers. The government is promising to change this, but advocate Jane Carrigan doesn't want to wait and is going to court.

    The case centres on Auckland mother Christine Fleming, who has cared for her son, Justin, for the past 38 years. Justin suffers from Williams Syndrome, a developmental disorder, which makes him incapable of looking after himself.

    The level of support she provides includes dressing, showering, managing his finances, taking care of his medical needs and arranging his social outings.

    Her life revolves around Justin and his needs. The days are planned around his activities and how he's feeling. But the minute he doesn't look right, or shows signs of being unwell, everything stops.

    • Ed1 2.1

      Like many of National's "compassionate" policies, this was all about limiting the spend while appearing to do something worthwhile. It is not a simple issue, but I suspect we could learn from other countries here – in particular I suspect Australia has a more reasonable basis of assessing the need for money from government, as well as more generous external assistance. Sadly this is only one of many issues that represents a call on government funding; there is a chance of making arrangements which cannot be easily reversed by a future government, but that will not be possible for every problem inherited in 2017. We must be vocal in laying blame where it is due, but also in being vocal about the need for funding – and not forget to be twice as vocal if National get to a position of imposing their "compassion" again.

  3. marty mars 4

    I hope this person is proud of their shooting – scummy bastard

    From Project Jonah New Zealand f/book

    An update below on the condition of Owha, the Leopard Seal often seen in Auckland, who sustained what is believed to be a gun shot wound over the weekend.

    Owha was monitored throughout the day and is currently resting. The volume of blood coming from her left nostril and the presumed bullet wound in her muzzle has decreased.

    Leopard Seals NZ explain why sedation is so dangerous: "We have grave concerns that if we try to sedate Owha that she may slip into the water before the sedation takes effect and if that happened, she would most likely drown. Owha typically lies right next to the edge of the pontoon, so it would take her less than 2 seconds to slip into the water and that is quicker than the drugs would take effect. Therefore, at this stage will will continue to monitor her behaviour and look for signs of infection and loss of body condition (Owha is currently in very good condition and the reduction in the blood volume are both important aspects).

    Additionally, we have discussed options for administration of pain relief and antibiotics, but these would have to be administered remotely and the trauma of injecting her may prompt her to move away from the areas that she prefers. If that happened we would not necessarily be able to monitor her and put the next steps into effect, should infection set in. This is all a very delicate situation and obviously we want to do our utmost best for Owha and no decision we are taking is made lightly or without due diligence."

    There is now a $5,000 Reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person/or persons responsible. Anyone with information about Owha’s injury should contact 0800 DOCHOT (0800 362 468).

  4. NZ Government has driven people to despair and hopelessness, but goes blithely on its way scattering promises like breadcrumbs and we follow on behind unable to get help that a decently-run country should provide.


  5. Well the UK is getting ready for the ultimate running of the Grand National in 9 December as BoJo has now got his election as old mate from UK Labour has now agreed to one has UK Labour conditions have been met.

    My gut feeling is BoJo will get back in with a half decent majority and UK will implode between the remainders and Brexiters.
