Written By:
tracey - Date published:
8:07 am, August 13th, 2015 - 77 comments
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Bruce Robertson and Key have played Seymour like a Puppet. It’s like this was all ready to go. Just needed the right person and the right time. And what better day than a day when Westpac again issues a warning about the predictable downturn in the economy that this Government has simply ignored while telling everyone how great things are.
I want to pay him (Robertson) tribute (despite my intense dislike of Lobbysist like Robertson), he has done a sterling job on Seymour and us all. And Key has managed to convince his followers and others, that National didn’t actually pass the Legislation that now needs last minute changing.
Remember, the World Cup fixture Schedule came out in May 2013… why has everyone waited until a month out?
Yesterday Westpac announced a GRAVE warning for our economy.
“Westpac says ‘We expect the economic situation to deteriorate markedly’ due to the dairy farmers’ payout drop and the Christchurch rebuild peaking early.
“These two events were entirely predictable. Economists have warned of the looming global milk glut and the rebuild tapering off for well over a year. It is a damning indictment on National’s over-optimistic economic management that they have done nothing to prepare New Zealand for the coming ‘shock’.
“Westpac also warns that the housing market is set to slow down.
“National’s failure to diversify the economy left an economic stool with only three legs of dairy, the rebuild and housing. All three are now being kicked out from under the Government.
A follow up to their warning a year ago.
” But the current rate of growth is unsustainable, a panel of some of New Zealand’s top economists told a briefing in Auckland today.
And they said many New Zealanders are not aware how much our economy is relying on one-off boosts like the Christchurch rebuild, or how quickly it could slow down when they come to an end.
Westpac chief economist Dominick Stephens said New Zealand’s recent growth had been fuelled by the Canterbury earthquake rebuild, low interest rates and a surge in net migration, which hit a 10-year high in the year to June.
”When the Canterbury rebuild ends people will be quite surprised by the size of the downturn,” he said. ”
So, without further ado, David Seymour’s singing tribute to Bruce Robertson and Shon Key…
I thought it was the neighbourhood dogs, but that explains it.
Have they done a job on “us”, though? Has the immediate prospect of “free beer” blinded us all to the reality of our own lives? Can rugby hide an earthquake? Are “many” of us fooled? I’d accept a figure of no more than twenty percent of only the voting population. They’re just stubbornly optimistic, or comfortably hopeful, or don’t give a shit, but not unaware. If they were unaware they wouldn’t need beer.
What is Key’s plan on the economy?
Anyone know?
he has a plan?
other then selling the family silver that is not his family silver?
What is Key’s plan on the economy?
I thought it was to make him, and his mates (and former employers) as much money as possible
To make himself richer while handing NZ and NZers over to his masters as serfs.
Sell NZ to multi”national”s, collect $$$ from his sponsors, and retire to Hawaii
Yes… it’s the special thing we’re on the verge of… a brighter future!
Who is Bruce Robertson? Would be nice if this post actually told us.
Hospitality Association geezer
Google is your friend Lanth.
Who is David Seymour for that matter
Who is Westpac.
David Seymour, being a politician with a high profile, is naturally to be a known entity on a website dedicated to politics.
Westpac, being a bank that has advertising on TV, is naturally to be known by any average NZer.
Bruce Robertson is neither of these things.
Instead of being snide, you could consider that yes, in future articles you will stop to think if the audience is likely to be familiar with the person, company, concept or idea you are talking about, and if the answer is ‘no’, spend a few words or a sentence to describe it.
Bruce Robertson has been on radio and in news on this issue since it broke. You sir, were being snide. I responded in kind.
When you, or anyone pays me for my time here lanth I will take the time you seek from em to post. Until then you can Google.
You’ve spent more time replying to these comments…
Who is David Seymour?
A bit of half-baked flaky pastry. The sort you leave on the side of the plate because it’s inedible.
David Seymour is the self proclaimed libertarian who found out his constituents wont have a bar of his ideas and instead just want a national poodle
Seymour = Rimmer
Excellent. Seymour is just as vacuous, and a joke politician
One commentator went so far as to say Fonterra overpaid last year ( election year surprise surprise) when they should have salted away a few billion for the slow down to come.
Since most of the worst affected are sharemilkers ( who cant get the 50c borrowing from Fonterra).
Will be interesting for the biggest dairy farmer with 45,000 cows whether they can hang on
One of the arguments about why Fonterra was created and being a near-monopoly, is that it could effectively organise the farmers to ensure production was moderated and help alleviate these boom-and-bust cycles.
They haven’t done a very good job of it, have they?
The 50c per KG interest-free loan that they are giving farmers is the proper thing to be doing and exactly the sort of thing that only a company the size of Fonterra could do. But how come they are doing that this year, and not last year, when arguably it would have allowed farmers to get into a better position? Now it’s a bit like an ambulance at the bottom of the cliff – too little too late.
Whats baffled me about their ‘socialist’ approach to farm payouts is that all farmers effectively pay the same transport costs , whether they are 5km from the dairy factory or 50km.
Their trucking operation is essential to collect milk fresh everyday, but its geared up to handle the peak 3 months, with 6 months of shoulder demand and then 3 months of nothing when the cows dry out.
Sometimes when Im out in the rural areas you see the old milking sheds with their raised room for milk storage in cans and the little loading dock for trucks to backup to. The shed would only have about 6-8 milking bays.
it’s also a maximum of 45k and not available to all farmers. It is also a loan so potentially will escalate the demise IF the prices don’t correct within 2 years.
Yeah, I saw that “2 year” timeframe and I think it is a very big mistake. We’ll be lucky if prices are back around $5 in 2 years time.
They certainly overpaid last year- election year- so they will be looking for government bailout when the 2 yrs are up.
I know direct payouts like Rio Tinto got are out of favour , but my suspicion is the government owned Transpower is the bunny which will have to carry the smelter subsidy from now on.
Interesting observation re: transpower.
I wondered at the time if they had used Seymour to do a hit job on the Greens, knowing they would be against it. But your scenario is more plausible.
I predicted it in Jan. Why do you need the govt to tell you? Some of you people need to start living for yourselves.
The rebuild has another 10+ years, so that is pure scare mongering. But that downturn will happen, but it’s only really just kicked off. The growth has come off dairy.
The reason I believe National didn’t want to touch Auckland is that fucking with it right now is going to cause hell on earth.
NZ’s economy has been a tight rope this year. It will only take one thing to knock it off.
Hell, even Key predicted our dollar in the 50’s this year.
I’m keen to hear what you lot would have done differently.
“The rebuild has another 10+ years, so that is pure scare mongering. But that downturn will happen, but it’s only really just kicked off. ”
The point is that the rebuild was adding GDP growth as it ramped up. Now that it is tailing off, the previous +2% GDP boost (or whatever) will start declining to add less and less.
If there were other parts of the economy ready and waiting to seamlessly pick up this growth then there’d be no problem. But there isn’t. That’s the point.
“I’m keen to hear what you lot would have done differently.”
Not have cut taxes to the extent National did in 2009 and 2010, thus giving the government much more headroom to move.
Continued contributions to the superannuation fund.
Hell, just go look at Labour and Greens election policies in 2008, 2011 and 2014 and you have your answer.
That National is lying to the people about how well things are going is telling.
So borrow to invest in the super fund… well that’s smart.
Their election polices were vague as fuck. Give me some specifics and how long they would take to implement and where we would be today.
Better still oh wise one of the future gazing, what is National doing, in the last 12 months and in the next 1-5 years to address it?
Lay out their plan, point by point…
John Key says there is nothing to worry about and should there be something to worry about he will adjust Government spending (a lil vague I am sure you will agree)?
There would have been no need to borrow if taxes hadn’t been cut.
Of course, the concept of saving money which then begets more money is pure delusion anyway. More money only ever comes from creating more of it and I’m pretty sure the private banks are quite aware of that which is why they create so much of it. And keep getting record profits even in down turns.
Hell, yeah its a good idea. The super fund is earning at a far higher rate than governments can borrow money at the moment. Not borrowing to invest in the super fund was a really, really dumb financial decision.
Well Westpac predicted it a year ago, so they are better than you – na-na-na-na na.
In fairness to us fisiani was adamant the dollar would reach parity with Aussie dollar months ago, and we would be engulfed in a psychological tsunami, so it can be hard to know who’s crystal ball gazing to believe.
“The rebuild has another 10+ years, so that is pure scare mongering. But that downturn will happen, but it’s only really just kicked off. ”
Seeing as you are struggling, the main financial input tot he rebuild with ana valanche of billions is almost over. I am pretty sure Westpac doesn’t think the rebuild is finished now.
I’m not struggling at all. It seems you lot are.
The Christchurch rebuild has hardly begun.
being deluded isn’t the same as understanding. I guess the Banks (ANZ and Westpac) had an ulterior motive to pointing to the slow down of the impetus into he economy of the CHCHCH rebuild. Do tell?
True but the money paid out by the insurers has almost finished and it’s already been spent but it a) wasn’t enough to rebuild Christchurch and b) has already been spent.
Fascinating that Westpac officially, explicitly & repeatedly say its Nationals fault rather than ‘the Government’ O_o
I read the post and was confused by the comments seemingly attributed to Westpac. What appears – based on the way it is presented here – to be comments from Westpac are in fact Labour’s comments.
I don’t think Tracey is being deliberately duplicitous but it is definitely confusing to say the least.
Ah, I didn’t actually check the attribution 😮
Yes the link is to a Labour party press release & the quote is from that not Westpac.
The quote is from Grant Robertson, but the post seems to unfortunately attribute it to Westpac with the line: “Yesterday Westpac announced a GRAVE warning for our economy” followed by quoted text.
Here is the Press release directly from Westpac. As you and others have pointed out WESTPAC has not expressed grave concerns…
BUT their observation is not positive, or rockstar-ish
And ANZ is seeking Government action
Interestingly after dismissing Treasury’s comments about the sheep to SA debacle yesterday, today the PM is relying on Treasury to back his “I am comfortable” with the economy stance.
Are you attempting to deliberately derail this thread about the victory of David Seymour in getting his bill accepted yesterday by trying to make it about the economy? I thought this sort of thing was frowned upon here.
tracey: read the post Gosman and stop being a smart-arse (especially as Seymour hasn’t won anything). It is clearly about the economy and that Seymour is being played like a cheap guitar (as this government plays you and others) is the side issue. This is your only warning on this thread. Next time you will just be banned
Key’s description: “dairy prices are down a little bit“.
At what point would Key think the dairy prices had gone down a lot? When farmers have to pay countries to take their milk powder?
His ‘everything’s fine’ angle on every criticism is just getting silly.
Your are right, tracey isn’t because she posted the links the quotes are from. So if there is duplicity it is from the writers of the articles linked to.
Puppet he may be but hes got some good publicity out of this whereas the Greens have reinforced the notion of being kill joys
Kill joys? This country has a major problem with alcohol and we have a government that is so desperate to maintain its grip on power that they will promote a lethal drug addiction. Good on the Greens for making a stand on what is right, shame on a shameful government that seeks profit over and above the wellbeing of our citizens.
“Mr Seymour made a second attempt to table his bill today, and this time the Greens did not object.”
“The law, which will allow all bars to stay open between 4am and 8am for World Cup matches, will have its first reading this evening.”
I think someone had a word in the Greens ear and suggested that this was not helpful in getting a left-wing government elected
Someone has apparantly
well, you had a link to kiwiblog so it must be true…
Why do you disagree that this is what happened?
I neither agree nor disagree.
Kiwiblog is as reliable a source for what goes on in “the left” as augery based on whether there are any pimples on my arse.
Actually, it’s even less reliable than that because the pimples on my arse aren’t arranged by a tory shithead with a vested interest in sowing alarm and despondency amongst non-tories.
And, frankly, as a leftie I get more concern and discomfort from the occasional arse-pimple than I do from whatever those fuckwits post.
Except amongst the Wellington ‘Beltway’ types David Farrar is very well respected on both sides of the political spectrum. I only presume you are based outside Wellington and/or have never had any interaction with him. If he was a slimy and manipulative as you make out it is unlikely he would be so well regarded by key people across the political spectrum.
response here
Take it to the other thread Gosman. I won’t have you and others simply regurgitating your mantras from yesterday to here.
I note you have moved your comments to here from the other post where you don’t address the responses to this very point.
IT IS NOT the same.
1. Government has said it will approve only 12 games (Seymour said 48, Greens said only AB’s (6) – so that is a win (numerically) for the Greens)
2. It was not passed into law yesterday as Seymour wanted and Greens didn’t. Now there will be discussiona nd consultation.
3. Pubs have had over 2 years to apply for the extensions but haven’t
4. national passed the law that you now want changed, how incompetent are they?
5. this government AND kiwiblog have lied to you about the state of the economy
I note YOU haven’t acknowledged that the Bill that was accepted yesterday was EXACTLY the same one that was rejected the day before. All The Greens have is an assurance that their views will be taken in to account when it goes through the various readings. Why you would trust ‘evil’ Right wing parties to follow through is anyone’s guess.
yes I have but you probably are still only reading what you want…
The BILL is the same, BUT Government is not supporting its 48 games (seymour wants 48), it wasn’t passed into law by now, which is want Seymour wanted, and there are other changes being considered YOU painted it as a resounding success for Seymour, when it wasn’t. ACT and NATIONAL Passed this existing law…
Now, you have a choice Gosman, stop regurgitating your memes from the Beer thread to this one, or face a ban. That’s your choice.
David Seymour didn’t want 48. It is why he was happy with assuring The Greens that their concerns would be dealt with.
“5 Current licences varied
This section applies during the 2015 Rugby World Cup period.
The following conditions are added to current licences after the condition about the days on which, and the hours during which, alcohol may be sold:
the previous condition states the standard licensing days and the standard licensing hours. During the period starting on 18 September 2015 and ending with the close of 1 November 2015, the standard days and hours are varied, and sections 43 to 45 of the Act are overridden, by the next 3 paragraphs, but only if the licensee—
broadcasts on 1 or more televisions in the licensed premises the game or games in the 2015 Rugby World Cup to which the paragraph relates; and
implements a system to ensure that the primary purpose of persons who enter the licensed premises is that of watching the game or games
if a game or series of games in the 2015 Rugby World Cup takes place, wholly or partly, on a day that is not a standard licensing day, the day or the part of the day is an extended licensing day
if a game or series of games in the 2015 Rugby World Cup starts within a 2 hour period after the standard licensing hours end, the licensing hours are extended until 1 hour after the end of the game or final game
if a game or series of games in the 2015 Rugby World Cup starts more than 2 hours after the standard licensing hours end, the licensing hours are extended to half an hour before the start of the game or first game until 1 hour after the end of the game or final game”
He wanted EVERY game that occurs within 2 hours of the hours of normal trading covered. Not just All Black Games, ALL games.
PRIOR to the Green Party voting it down, where did Seymour indicate he was happy to address the Green Party concerns?
C’mon Tracey do you really think that the voters of NZ will delve that deeply into this? What they’ll take from this is what they read from the headlines from the newspapers and the impression they’ll get is the Greens trying to meddle into peoples lives and John Key allowing people to have beer at the pub watching the world cup
Rightly or wrongly
Puckish Rogue, don’t you like the fact that when the right spins the facts to present a favourable case it is dirty politics but when someone like Tracey attempts to spin the result of The Greens flip flop on this issue it is seemingly all about getting the message clear.
Please post where I said/wrote that you were indulging in Dirty Politics with you Seymour wins assertion?
IF Green Party had vote din support two days ago they would be approving EVERYTHING in that Bill. By allowing it to move to SC AFTER discussions with National which was drafting its own Bill, they supported a move to SC and the chance to get those changes. National only wants 12 games, Greens 6 and Seymour 48.
Your inability to grapple with the known facts rather than sound bites that suit your bizarre wrong headed thinking is your prerogative but for no longer on this thread.
Ummm…no. If The Greens had done on Tuesday what they eventually did on Wednesday (i.e. not oppose the VERY SAME BILL from David Seymour) they could have done exactly what they are doing now and push for changes to the Bill before it became law. All they have achieved is some vague assurances that their views will be taken in to account. They could have had that on Tuesday.
Btw I never stated anyone claimed I was engaging in dirty politics. I am merely pointing out that on a general basis the right spinning results is seen as dirty politics whereas the effort expended in trying to spin this topic to be other than a Green Party flip flop (and in fact trying to turn it in to a victory) is not seen in a similar light be people on the left.
sorry gosman your post clearly sought to draw some link between dirty politics and my argument against your assertion that Seymour has “won”.
I was never trying to turn it into a victory to the Greens but rather have always been directly challenged YOUR assertion that it was a great “win” for Seymour. If you continue to twist your own posts to suit your wrongheaded thinking, and on my threads, you will be banned.
Its like Crosby-Textor are the epitome of evil but no one mentions what Blue Star Digital or UMR get up to
I was addressing you, not the voters of NZ. I can’t correct all the misinformation, but I can correct you.
Just looked up the Order paper for Tues 112th August.
Seymours name is nowhere to be seen, nor his legislation.
Same goes for Hansard Daily progress
No record of any motions to indroduce Seymours bill till Wed!
“Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Extended licensing hours during Rugby World Cup) Bill .
DAVID SEYMOUR (Leader—ACT): I seek leave to introduce a member’s bill in my name on extending the licensing hours for the sale and supply of alcohol for the duration of Rugby World Cup 2015, to be set down for first reading today ahead of members’ order of the day No. 1. To allow for the legislation to commence prior to the start of the Rugby World Cup, I also seek leave for the bill, following its first reading, to be referred to the Justice and Electoral Committee and to be reported back by 26 August 2015, and once reported back, for the bill to be given its second and third readings forthwith on the following members’ day, 26 August 2015.
Mr SPEAKER : Leave is sought for that purpose. Is there any objection? There is no objection.
Your point being?
You cant fart in the house without it being recorded. What exactly did Seymour introduce on Tues as there is no record of it ?
Here is the PTV link
David Seymour : Motion without Notice.
It seems Ron Marks wanted the motion to wait till tomorrow(wed Private members bills)
Speaker overruled but there was objection to leave being granted.
Failure to diversify the economy leads John Key to say that everything is all good because of the diversified the economy. This strategy is getting really boring National!
What the hell is it with genuine facts and bare faced lies to counter the facts? And to any of their little helpers out there in their professional capacities who think its acceptable to pour bullshit like this on to the public like this, take a damned good look at yourselves!
Of course with almost all descenting voices in the MSM now removed, Dita De Boni being the latest, these liars that is this National government can keep going unchallenged!
Puppet? More like muppet.
Why is it that the basics of economic management dont apply in this govt thinking
You cant spend what you cant pay for
Our exports are not enough to cover the internal economies spending let alone what we need to import to run what we dont produce or cant produce because our govts industry strategies rely on the free market and not industries coming into the country that support our own self starters, they are in direct competition which we cant control because thats why Key is here to ensure his history as a rep of the world finance cartels keeps us in check
Who needs the TPP we’ve already been signed up in previous agreements except for the final nails trying to be driven in by TPP
So we have to give our country over to our so called economic allies to run
Our banks are owned by Australia our industries are limited by the economics of China and asia . America , Britain and Europe keep buying more of the country than most of us know, we thinking its all asian investors because Keys media machine keeps lying to us
Wake up sovereignty is gone its all just a game Key is playing to make us think we have a choice, Like the flag it will make no difference till we do like Iceland