Written By:
Mike Smith - Date published:
3:40 pm, September 18th, 2016 - 3 comments
Categories: Economy, Environment, jobs, Keynes, sustainability, uncategorized -
London-based macro-economist Ann Pettifor will speak on this topic at Wesley Church, 75 Taranaki Street, Wellington, on Tuesday 20 September at 5:30pm. Ann is a member of the Green New Deal Group, which drew inspiration from the tone of President Roosevelt’s comprehensive response to the Great Depression to propose a modernised version. The ‘Green New Deal’ is designed to power a renewables revolution, create thousands of green-collar jobs and rein in the distorting power of the finance sector while making more low-cost capital available for pressing priorities.
Ann Pettifor is a sovereign debt expert, with a distinguished international reputation as a macro-economist and commentator on economic policy. Her book “The Coming First-world Debt Crisis” predated the GFC by a year. She is the Director of Policy Research in Macro-Economics (PRIME), and a fellow of the NewEconomy Foundation.
Ann blogs on debt, credit and the international financial system at www.debtonation.org.
Ann Pettifor has been brought to New Zealand by The Policy Observatory at Auckland University of Technology. This lecture is presented in collaboration with the New Zealand Fabian Society.
All welcome; if you would like to attend, please register here.
Is she coming to Auckland?
She has been, I think.