Written By:
- Date published:
11:00 am, July 7th, 2011 - 74 comments
Categories: drugs, Parliament -
Tags: wayne mapp
An alert reader sent us this video of Wayne Mapp swaying, slurring and rambling his way through Question Time.
Lockwood Smith had to interrupt him several times before he became completely incoherent. Was he drunk? It’s hard to explain his behaviour otherwise.
PS. What’s up with National ministers copying Key by wearing the silver fern lapel badge all the time? They say the patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel. It reminds me of the Republicans and, then, Democrats wearing flag lapel badges after 9/11. It also reminds me that Obama broke that practice and was praised for his courage.
lprent: 2340 – No Right Turn has this post to say on the matter
Earlier today, I posted a post alleging that Dr Wayne Mapp, Minister of Science and Innovation, was drunk in the House at Question Time on Wednesday. I have since been contacted by a member of the Press Gallery who was present in the House at the time, who says
I’d say I know Dr Mapp reasonably well and can tell when he’s had a few. In this case I’m 100 percent positive that he was absolutely sober.What I saw was someone, who doesn’t have a great reputation as a public speaker, trying to ham up an answer and not do it very well.
This person is obviously in a better position to judge things than I am from a video, and I see no reason to doubt them. So, my post was incorrect, and I apologise unreservedly to Dr Mapp for the error and for any slur on his character.
Quite frankly, who knows? But I’d generally trust I/S’s judgement. However I don’t appreciate Inventory2 being snide and repetitive about us not immediately following his judgement about what we should do here and when we should be onsite.
Paula Bennet’s face is also a picture of intrigue. Perhaps she was being wafted with fumes?
In the picture it looks like Todd McClay is asleep – well he is pretty docile at the best of times.
this is clip instructive in more ways than one. it shows heather roy up as no more than a shallow party hack with no real function other than to repeat party political attack lines, as dictated to her while she speaks…
mapp has always been an obnoxious buffoon. nothing new there.
I think she’s upset about her VSM bill, but yeah, a total waste of space.
There’s this thing that political observers like to do when an opponent leaves politics, and that’s to sing their praises as “one of the good ones” as a way to throw the remaining opponents into contrast.
The narrative is along the lines of “(x) party used to have principled members like (a) but look at them now that she’s gone” etc. The right loves to do this with the greens. They did it with Donald, Fitzsimmons, Tanzcos, Bradford – all loathed and ridiculed in office – and they’ll be doing it with Locke soon, believe me. He’ll go from dangerous commie to principled activist overnight.
I really hope we avoid this bullshit when Roy leaves.
The obvious comparison will be with the mentalist Hilary Calvert, but remember: Roy believes all the same things as Calvert. She may not let the crazy out every time she speaks, but it’s all there.
It’s fashionable to paint the ACT party as previously having a strong intellectual base but having lost its way into populism, as if the mentalists have taken over the party from the rational intellectuals. This rewriting of history needs to be examined.
Who the fuck is supposed to be the “intellectual base” of ACT? Douglas? Prebble? Don’t make me laugh. All the way back through the party’s history we see nothing but an unbroken chain of Hilary Calverts, a long line of bigots and sociopaths in various degrees of concealment.
Don’t believe the hype. They were always mentalists and Roy leaving changes nothing. She deserves to be remembered for what she was: A barking ideologue with no compassion or empathy for her fellow humans, and for her achievements: Nothing.
edit: sorry, I seem to have strayed a bit from the topic…
All the way back through the party’s history we see nothing but an unbroken chain of Hilary Calverts, a long line of bigots..
There was one exception felix, Patricia Schnauer. My understanding: she was well liked and respected by all sides of the House. Although a staunch conservative, she was sane and sensible. Interestingly, she only lasted Act’s first term in parliament then she resigned from politics altogether.
Sane and sensible? Jeez, no wonder she didn’t fit in.
I suspect she is disgusted with what ACT has morphed into. If there were more politicians like her in parliament it would be a better place.
Goodness me, did that article by Patricia Schnauer appear in today’s Herald? That’s a coincidence!
As with the silver fern pins, Key sets the example and his ministers follow suit.
Key hardly ever turns up to the house sober.
“Key hardly ever turns up to the house sober.”
Well, would you ?
He’s really bored with his job now and has higher offers on the table.
“Key hardly ever turns up to the house sober.”
“Well, would you ?”
Not if like Wayne Mapp I had to sit next to Paula Benefit, drugs I would have thought would be a necessity.
There have been several occasions in recent times when John Key has turned up in the House sober.
i can’t remember a time when i have seen him less than slightly affected by the booze.
now some of you will remember that a nfew months aom I
Well felix some of our readers may remember that a few monts ago I thought that Key had a drink problem. its my opnion that he does not get drunk as such but has more than he should . Just observe his actions and note that he is often photographed hold a glass of wine. As regards to the Silver Fern I also mentioned this some time ago because this is identical to gthe
He he this is comedy gold.
Key hardly ever turns up to the house sober.
Got video for that? I’d like some evidence before sticking someone with that.
Just my opinion of course, I haven’t actually tested his blood.
I was hoping you’d have a specific video or two, as, you know, actual evidence?
Sorry, I don’t have evidence for any of my opinions.
But in my opinion Key is half cut in most of those clips.
In my opinion Trevor Mallard is rubbing deep heat onto his testicles on a daily basis.
I also suspect that Russell Norman keeps a gerbil on his person.
Suspect or know first hand??? 😛
Suspicion and knowledge go hand in glove.
Well, the glove would explain why his hands don’t stink of deep heat.
All in all, though, I’m not entirely sure Key is frequently drunk in the House. My personal opinion of his performances there is that he’s just a loud, rambling, slightly thick (or merely highly conceited, which can look like the same thing) braggart who has poor enunciation and frequently seems oblivious to subtlety.
I shudder to think what he’d be like when he’s pissed.
But in my opinion Key is half cut in most of those clips.
Which specific ones? What’s the basis in each for drawing that conclusion?
While I’m not fond of Key, this is a serous allegation, and its not something people should chuck about willy-nilly.
What’s the basis? ffs, the basis is that I’ve spent my whole life around pissheads of all degrees and I think Key behaves like one in the house.
The fact that it’s hard to get a photo of him outside the house without a drink in his hand might lend weight to my reckoning or it might not.
I haven’t taken notes because I don’t really give a crap – if you do then you find the evidence.
Me, I reckon the way Key is running the country it wouldn’t matter if he was dropping shrooms on the daily. (which could actually be an improvement, as long as he lays off the piss first)
mmmmmmmmmm shrooms
I said this very early on.
Like you I grew up with a piss-head.
This is just my opinion and isn’t even partisan. It’s not uncommon in parliament – all sides.
He’s just got all the signs.
and keys daddy was an alcoholic too. The cap doesn’t fall far from the bottle.
What’s the basis? ffs, the basis is that I’ve spent my whole life around pissheads of all degrees and I think Key behaves like one in the house.
Well,. Felix, if I wasn’t perfectly well-aware that George Hawkins (barely) survived a stroke and Matt McCarten has a severe speech defect I might surmise that they sound three-quarters cut all the time. Then again, I’m not a spiteful jerk either. Oh, and I know quite a bit about pissheads because I spent a lot of time (and money) in their company before I got sober.
Yeah you might surmise that if you were a fucking moron. I didn’t though, did I?
ps I’m glad to hear you got sober. Now you can introduce yourself as the only gay christian recovering addict in the village. Dick.
I’ve been thinking about the whole does John Key drink or not thing and here’s my two cents:
To be a good Wall street investment banker you have to have an aggressive Apha personality with addictive tendencies(Merrill Lynch was known as one of the most sexist and female unfriendly banks at the time of John working there which ties in with his unwillingness to support equal pay for women etc).
Cocaine use and booze and strip clubs and outdoing each other in these vices are extremely common on Wall street and since John has already admitted to strip clubs and has been photographed with alcohol in hand we can safely surmise he was involved in these parts of the Wall street cult of macho behaviour.
His father was an alcoholic and that indicates that John could have inherited his addictive personality. Given that he has worked in an environment in which addiction is rive chances are he will abuse alcohol regularly.
Here is a film called Inside job: an analysis of the financial crisis and what lead up to it.
It has some interesting things to say about the personality traits of the people involved in the bankster business and I always thought there was something off centre about John’s squeaky clean no alcohol image.
To hear he often drinks during the day (If only a glass of wine for lunch) sits perfectly right with me.
I’ve been thinking about the whole 9/11 thing and have come to the conclusion that you have been drying and smoking your own faeces for many a moon.
HS, you are getting worse and for those of you who think 3 buildings explode into pyroclastic flows in free fall speed after two of them have been hit by a plane with most of the fuel burning off outside the buildings in mere seconds here is a question:
If the steel in the buildings had gotten so hot that it melted allowing for the buildings to explode the way they did then how come this lady Edna Cintron was able to hold on to a steel beam while standing in the hole made by one of the planes after the fire had died down and just before the building exploded?
I had a bit of a pyroclastic flow this morning – outstanding beef vindaloo last night.
Jeez HS, down to the poopoo jokes now? Get a life why don’t you.
Mr Idiot, it sounds like you take this blogging thing far too seriously.
It aint people making these allegations it is felix, one of many cyber creations created in that small tiny gap between our ears. People have arms and legs and a body and a bit of a head. And blood and guts. You should learn the difference.
Ok ok now, which bottles did he crawl out from?
I can hear the schphheereet, herrmm, ‘spirit’ in his voice from here.
Richard Nixon was the first president to wear a US flag in his lapel…nice precedent…;)
But as for the NZ Nats – is it the Silver Fern or the White Feather?
Doesn’t give my opponents much time either..
When I was working in Parliament just after the 2002 election, Key quickly developed a reputation for being pissed in the House.
As for Mapp – him being tanked has given him more attention than anything else he has done since the Nats came back into power.
Hello, they made a big issue about John Key never drinking more than a beer at the best of times on rare occasions?
There was a semi formal gathering that Key was at not long ago where he made a point of hanging out with the teetotallers.
protesting too much, you think?
I’ve also noticed him hanging out with gays at the big gay out……… clearly he is a batty boy
That’s as may be, but sexual orientation is not known to affect one’s ability to competently run a country.
I’m not allowed to turn up for work pissed for a multitude of reasons not least performance issues and safety. In fact it would be the fast way out of a job and I would certainly be sent home to sober up.
How can it be acceptable for ministers who supposedly run the country to turn up under the influence. Seems to be that it’s been happening for years, Bout time for compulsory drug and alcohol testing in the house?
There’d be a helluva story if someone credible was brave enough to pick it up and run with it… I can just see a minister been put on the spot with an alcohol sniffer on his way to the debating chamber with cameras rolling… or perhaps a sniffer disguised as a microphone to catch them unaware?
I like the disguised microphone idea, just wave one about without anyone in front of it and most MPs will sprint towards it.
Lianne Dalziel might be worried, I agree. What with being convicted for drunk driving previously.
Lyall, if I was a resident of Christchurch [Eastern Suburbs] I think I may be imbibing a bit of Dutch courage at times too.
Mapp should be a poster boy for our chronic Elder Drinking Culture Problem.
There may be a geniune medical reason for the honourable members’s poor diction other than what it appears to be. Fortunately all sides including the Govt-In-Waiting worked co-jointly in the spirit of multi-partisanship to maintain the dignity of the house…
now some of you may remember that a few months ago
Random testing?
His facial expression at 2:55 is a giveaway.
Everyone, please, the correct terminology is “tired and emotional”.
Theres been a couple of times that I have thought Keys had a bigger liquid lunch than he should off in question time.Have no proof sadly but I am suspicious, not that he would be the first and he certainly wont be the last, just saying.
Big Gerry Brownarse can down 6 jugs in an hour then tell the people of Christchurch that all is well.
No Right Turn has apologised to Wayne Mapp. Will you guys have the grace to do likewise:
Should we hold our breath?
Right so this guys been a MP for how many years and he is no good at public speaking and thats why his speech is slurred. One word bullshit! Come on pull the other one. I will apologize if Wayne Mapp was admitted to Hospital having suffered a TIA or Stroke or if he admitted he had a couple and was on some med’s maybe.
The fact that some media hack knows when Wayne’s had a few and he says he thinks Wayne has not had a few to many and we are suppose to apologize yeah what ever. So what was causing the sluuurred speech then because nervousness wont cause the speech to slur. Have a good look at Benefits face she knows he’s plastered and is doing her best to be the camera distraction.
Yeah, that struck me. How do you get to be an MP and cabinet minister if you’re scared of public speaking and tend to slur a bit.
I’d be more inclined to believe in a rogue batch of Bells Tea. Laced with ketamine or some such…
What IV2 said, and while you’re at it the Prime Minister also.
Who you got vouching for the PM?
Garden Pixies CV. ha
I admire NRT for apologizing Nick. Sadly, Eddie’s not even in the same ballpark.
[lprent: I realize that it appears to be essential to your world view that this is a job/life for us, but sadly it doesn’t pay enough. The site runs on a volunteer basis with people who have other things that they also do. I’ve been at Bryce Edwards lecture this evening followed by a knotty bug on the current project. It doesn’t look like Eddie has been on since posting. We’re kind of busy.
Anyway, I’m tired of explaining these operational matters to you as you whine through one of your periodic episodes of faux outrage and I’m too tired to tolerate it. You are unwelcome here until after the election. That way I won’t have to listen to your whinging as you attempt to tell us how we should run this site. Count it as a self-martyrdom offense.
In the meantime I’ll point NRT’s post out to Eddie which I would have done without the snide repetitions coupled with a attitude of ignorant (but pious) arrogance. ]
Quick way to get a ban – gone by (liquid) lunchtime
Touch a nerve, did I lprent? Good on you for the retraction, but it doesn’t undo the damage of all the comments that follow does it?
So Eddie raises a valid question that is supported by the evidence, which is gainsaid by someone else with no actual contravening evidence, and Eddie’s meant to apologise?
Note that Eddie just asks if Mapp is drunk. Unlike NRT, who went on a whole rant on the issue.
oh I forget IV2 yup start holding your breath, don’t let go now.
He’ll turn a nice shade of blue – how fitting!
I think it’s more a case of stupid in charge of a country.