Written By:
the sprout - Date published:
10:50 am, May 19th, 2010 - 22 comments
Categories: budget 2010 -
Tags: brian edwards
Some how it just seems right for John Key’s “Don’t Be Jealous” Budget.
Or if you want something a bit more high brow but still with the big hair, there’s Brian Edwards on $50 Million PM Counsels Poor Not To Envy Rich.
Me… I say Eat Them!
Interesting post by Brewer on Brian Edwards item. Refers to the source of John Key’s moneymaking @
a chilling read, hopefully sobering for some. I for one will be sending it on.
one thing , if i may offer a criticism.
This is a well presented fact based piece that presents the topic in an easily digested format.
If this document is wanting to have the impact that it should, on the public that read it, then it has some unfortunate typos that need to be fixed. This is especially important when mentioning dates, and there are a few missing letters and apostrophes here and there.
Wahey, finally recognition. Yes, please send it on. Cheers. LOL.
Thanks for the editorial tips. English is my second language so it’s much appreciated.
Watch my new blog in the next couple of weeks for more revelations about John Key’s background, connections with the international money Mafia and it’s corrupt elite in clear and comprehensive schematics and timelines.
Awesome, looking forward…
Thanks for the doco link.
Aerosmith????? Good God man, why??????
Motorhead – Eat the rich!!!!!
yeah i thought about and would rather have had motorhead, but i prefer the aerosmith lyrics.
besides, that camp glam is always good for a laugh.
and then there’s the krokus version…
Sometime ago in another life I ran a special effects company with my husband. Now before you think that means we must have been rich try again.
In Holland that means doing the actual work for people in advertisement who dream up al these ideas see? They come up with an idea to sell bits of plastic (games) to children and in an after thought they realise somebody has to build these film sets and special effecty thingies. And that those people doing the actual work have to be paid!!!
So they offer a sum and you tell no we need more and they say but why do you have to make it so complicated and you need the job so you succumb and work your arse of for again too little and when you arrive on the set you see them drive up in their huge expensive cars with their latest gadgets and cocaine habits and when you complain they say, “why are you so envious, I mean don’t you enjoy your work and isn’t that important too?
Needless to say that we stopped doing that and are now mainly taking care of ourselves through growing our own food and saying fuck you to the system.
The shame of it is that for some reason the system always comes for you because the rich pricks rather than us needing them seem to be needing us for more dosh, more labour, more power, anything to keep them from getting of their lazy asses and take care of them selves without squeezing the lifeblood out of others.
We need the rich. My arse.
Capcha: convincing. No not really.
“the system always comes for you”
The brutal bottom-line, inner psychological and practical mechanism of market capitalism is: “get a job or starve”. In fact, capitalism is the only socio-economic system that relies on such a threat of poverty and starvation. The penny dropped back in the19thC with the Chartists and Luddites, who realised just what was at stake. Previously, ordinary folk had a kind of community-based subsistence “insurance scheme” – the commons – you didn’t have to have a job, as such.
Travellerev: You’ve definitely onto it with growing your own food. If the rich can’t use the threat of starvation they have much less control.
Thanks for that. I have to say when I go into a supermarket (a very rare occasion these days) I am shocked at the prices and I know that inflation is going to be rampant. It already is and that is the way the rich like it.
I found this link to a documentary from 2005. It’s Dutch but undertitled. It is an imaginary scenario of global collapse and it’s scary to see how much of it is has come to pass.
What is really interesting is how Peter Schiff, a liberal financial advisor, explains how America says as the rich prick in the story: “I’m rich and you need me because I eat the most and consume the most so you can earn a crust from me” and how that is such a heap of BS.
We get rid of rich pricks stop the wars return to growing our own food and sharing our resources make jobs for all within our community in stead of big oil and energy guzzling machines and we’ll al be better of.
Except the rich pricks of course but who cares for them.
isn’t ‘Convincing Manipulation’ book of the month in the NAct bathroom?
LOL, I reckon.
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.
Book of the month? Try book of the friggen century.
and the old but still reliable classic
Propaganda by edward l. bernays
Good that that article is now sowing seeds Rev.
What’s the new blog?
What do you think is behind the millions for kiwirail? Sounds to me like John, Gerry and co want to doo a bit of insider trading again and jump back on the privatisation train.
Keep up the good work.
Hit my name and it will lead you there.
Oh yeah. More big time looting coming up.
I think Machiavelli wrote a good book on politics? Called The Prince? Read a bit a while ago – reminds us not be too trusting and gullible. Pays to
remember we are all human and so have some of the twists and turns in our own minds. Only the psychopaths etc are the most adept.
Funny you should mention that. Niccolò Machiavelli wrote a treatise named “il Principe” or the Prins. It was never published when he was alive but he wrote it to get back into the favour of Lorenzo de Medici, one of Italians overlords who thought he deserved to get richer because the people needed him. Machiavelli was what you might call an early PR company. A bit like Textor and Cosby.
It was also said that Machiavelli was a great admirer of Cesare Borgia, the oldest son of the Borgia pope and the brother of Lucrezia. De most evil family in the Italian renaisance and that is saying something because the lot were evil beyond compare (Mind you Dick Cheney is pretty darn evil too).
Funny how the Bridgecorp boys, the new Principes shall we say, called their super yacht the “Medici” eh? (Pronounced; Mee-di-ci, emphasis on the first syllable not like the radio presenters pronounced it; Me-dii-ci emphasis on the second)
What you reckon, you think they might also feel that the goal warrants all measures? The goal being obscenely rich and the way to get there; ripping of a couple thousand of hard working honest and incredibly gullible New Zealand mum and pop investors.
Just looking up info on my family who came from Cornwall and found an interesting historical study on it. They were fairly self-sufficient there, lots of small plots but they also did copper and tin mining and caught pilchards. Then the bottom fell out of copper and tin and there was great hardship.
In nearby Devon they seemed to have a better balance, farmlets, common ground where they grazed goats and could gather firewood. A hard life but they were good managers and survivors.
But when there is a demand for something and money to be made, when the market fails, its hard to be prepared for those hard times. Those people left in large numbers about the 1870s and went around the world. The Cornish people often got jobs in mines, but most were adept at small farming too. At one time there were as many Cornish people in NZ as in Cornwall.
A Maori story shows how entering the money society changes things not always for the better. A local whanau used to be self sufficient in meat, catching pig when needed, then a store set up there and offered to buy pork for cash. Then they could spend that cash in the store and get useful, but also useless things, and of course the sneaky underminer of independent thought, alcohol. Soon some families were hungry because the men were selling the pork they used to eat. If they were given some of the money received, they had to buy that pork which used to be free. I don’t know if I remember correctly but the story went that they burned the store down. Don’t do this at home folks!
I believe that a substantial degree of backyard subsistence – vege garden, cook coop – also made NZ unionism a resiliant and powerful force in the pre-WW2 days.
Even if you were on strike, there was something to eat. Nowadays, one needs large fighting funds, which require money, jobs, etc. a vicious circle.