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notices and features - Date published:
7:52 am, March 7th, 2017 - 43 comments
Categories: bill english, superannuation, useless -
Tags: mike hosking, mike's minute, shambles, super, superannuation
Sometimes your best friends have to tell you straight. Click through to see Hosking rip English apart:
Other coverage:
Rachel Smalley: National made a bungle of announcing plan to lift retirement age
English’s Super policy may not survive election
Claire Trevett: Winston Peters was right all along
Aucklanders sound off on how changes to the superannuation age will affect them
Cross-party problems for Bill’s super switch
Party leaders all opposed to Bill English’s plan to raise the pension age to 67 by 2040
ACT party scathing of Govt’s super policy
Isn’t it nice of TVNZ to provide the National Party with Hosking’s free advice. It’s just like being at Cabinet Club! Someone needs to get to him, eh.
It’s nice to see the little rat panicking, though
So what are you paying to take him out Mr anonymous ? How would you like someone to GET to him ? . Throw him off a tall building ? Perhaps chop his head off when he is not looking .
Moron, I am quoting his own words about Bill English. If you’d watched the video you’d know that.
Are you here to show everyone what a fool you are? If so it’s working.
When people look up the paper flow of officials advice using the OIA they will find the cupboard bare.
They are scared of the voter reaction so its rushed out now so its largely forgotten come election time?
The outgoing PM appears to have bigger problems than yesterdays announcement.
Many long term supporters seem to be very uneasy with him being party leader, after around three decades in politics there is nothing inspiring or cool about him and the vibe… is nada.
I wonder who they have lined up behind the scenes to take his place?
Bye bye Bill you are such a gone burger.
Pulla Benefit would be a much stronger option.
She probably would, and how sad is that? Dang.
Amy ‘Conway’ Adams.?
Aren’t National the party of focus groups and decision making by research company ?
Wouldn’t they have completed a fairly robust round of research before going down this track or did that type of approach go out the door with Key ?
The difference between the National Party and Bill English is that Bill English believes the dogma.
Yes, they are but they’ve been cutting taxes for the rich and so have to put the bill on some other suckers and that means the poor people who work will have to pay even more for the rich to be rich.
The tax cuts for the wealthy ans the interest on overseas debt has to be covered in the future.
Yes – and I think they’ve hit on a cynical way of dealing with the superannuation question.
English’s solution does NOT affect the baby boomers – so his electoral constituency is safe.
He’s put the immigration matter on the table – which everyone has moaned about, and will probably agree to.
He’s obviously decided the younger generation are not important enough as a voting block so he can ignore most of them – the ones laden with student debt, no housing, and now – no super in the future for them. Other younger generations whose own parents are wealthy will make future provision for them. This is very cynical.
And he’s also bringing in massive changes to the RMA – announced last night by
Smith at about 6pm and nothing yet in any media that I can see – so the super question is a great distraction from that.
Just because Hoskin is on radio and TV does not mean he has any depth of understanding or insight. In fact, the opposite is arguably true.
Irrelevant. A shit load of people watch, listen and like him and that is all that matters.
I totally agree. Hosking is a clown, a nasty one at that.
The fact remains that changes to Super are inevitable unless of course we’d rather see cuts to health, education, welfare.
Rather hear some factual conversation around ‘money & debt’
What it is, who we allegedly owe and how much
The only reason people believe in ‘ either or’ is because the conversation about ‘money’ is not in the ‘news’
There would be civil disobedience within moments when people grasped the level of deception ruling their lives
There has to be sympathy for people like Hosking. He has had his head up somewhere (besides himself) for so long there is serious readjustment going on.
It’s a bit like a marriage. The old one has shot through and the internet dating programme has chucked up a new partner to try. You’ve had no real choice but you have to try them.
Getting your body and mind into the right position might be possible but you’re not quite sure. One thing for sure is that Hosking will be bending this way and that trying to accommodate the needs of himself and the new partner.
He is a highly paid shill with radio and tv soapboxes living the high life.
Save your sympathy For those who lack choice and suffer under the boot of this abhorrent regime
You deserve an Oscar mate for that piece!
To the young out there. I’m sure you are aware. Student loans, 2 yrs longer to super, unaffordable housing, shrinking job market, low paid jobs, ecoli water, traffic jams, rock star economy, brighter future anyone? Oh wait… where’s John gone?
Philj. Did you mean “why” has John gone?
Simple message to the young:
Rich old white men are stealing your future. Vote them out.
Such a shambles ? So predictions for the next poll. Anyone prepared to claim that National will be down to 39% or less? remain at 45% or be up at 49% A Decisive move, for an event 20 years in the future that will save $4,000,000,000 apparently when implemented. Pensioners now are assured as are the 45-65 year old. It will not be an issue come election time. For the last two elections Labour has softened up people to expect this would happen soon. National have presented a more palatable version. Sure those under 45 will have to work another 104 weeks to get their pension but they will get the full pension. Are they surprised? Not at all.
Surely it is about “how” a PM handled a tricky issue fisi?
Absolutely. Mention a reset on Sunday, Spread rumours that the retirement age would rise to 75. Speed rumours that pensions would be cut. Get media and the left to fan fear. Announce a tiny rise in age of just 104 weeks starting in 2037. Panic over and PM gets the praise for taking the tough decision. Masterful handling.
Or, your mate could have just upped the Government’s contribution to Kiwisaver.
The (catholic) dipton dipshit wants to impose austerity to punish us.
And continue to contribute to the cullen fund instead of giving stupid tax cuts. How is it that in the next 40 odd years the super will be affordable from the age of 65 yet all of a sudden it will not? Nothing to do with putting on hold the contributions? Idiots.
This is nothing more than the generation that got everything from the government pulling another ladder from under the feet of those behind them, and just like in everything else they justify it by ‘make good financial choices like we did and stop looking for handouts’.
It’s original sin. We are born to suffer.
3.8 billion years of evolution on planet earth and this where it gets us.
The point being, and I’m not sure why no one has mentioned this…austerity shortens life expectancy.
US, UK, Greece…a little research on line and I can find serious concerns being raised about life expectancy for those who rely on their Governments to keep to the social contract.
I’m wondering at the life expectancy for a 20 year old, paying off student loans, life time renting etc…stress and lack of doctor access will shorten your life, the same way manual work does.
Do you know what ‘austerity’ means? Your comment is illogical. Saving $4,000,000,000 a year means the National governments of the 2030’s and 2040’s will be able to provide the infrastructure of New Zealand.
How often do you visit planet earth, Fisi?
Is it judith making her move finally?
a little rat ( hoskings ) who usually sticks up for the big rats
David Slack on the AM show this morning put it in a nutshell. If the NZ Super Fund hadn’t been stalled by National, the Cullen Fund left languishing – also the 1970’s Fund hadn’t been put to death by Muldoon we would be sitting in clover right now. All the National Governments have ever done is run things into the ground, so that they have the excuse to sell them off, then have the gall to say they are not working. Why do we have to put up with this crap all the time. It’s not only hard work which knackers people as they get old, some just develop serious infirmities which would prevent them from continuing to work. 65 would be completely attainable if we had the required funds to continue paying it out, there are other ways such as reigning in people who shouldn’t be applying for it and disallowing people to apply for it until they have stopped working.
They are completely lacking in a long term vision for this country, have never cared a sod for its citizens and have their priorities completely skewed. They do not care a shit about ethical governance of its citizens.
Bill is going nowhere, others will make their move after the GE.
The hollowmen have set the stall up, versed the shills and will do their level best to blag another one if they can.
Blinglush represents their best option and keeps him happy as he knows where all the skeletons are having put several there himself.
You know what, as much as I’d like to see English schooled, I just can’t stand to watch or listen to that arse Hosking. His voice just grates on me. I had a similar reaction to Muldoon. And there’s probably a thesis in there somewhere, but I couldn’t stand the way either of them look/ed either. They make my skin crawl.
Hosking didn’t even attempt to school English: he spoke directly to the National Party’s owners.
Calling the bluff.
Clever move.
This is the world of Bill English. His outmoded warped views of the world is that few should be assisted by the state. He’s well down that road with welfare, housing and public services.
For 8 years his decision to cease government contributions to Kiwisaver and to push incentives to join and worst of all these baffoons using people’s retirement savings as a quick and failed fix to housing unaffordability is an indictment.
It says he hates the thought of the state helping anyone and their savings is a get out of jail free card for a hard up governments failed housing policy.
Superannuation could have easily worked but not under National!
I think Hosking is a bit camera shy.
I think Hosking is a complete and utter”bit”of shit.