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notices and features - Date published:
2:47 pm, October 18th, 2017 - 36 comments
Categories: election 2017, greens, Media, Politics -
Well played Green Party, well played …
+ infinity
I voted Kokako.
They’re releasing them into the Waitakere Ranges this weekend.
I voted for the Pukeko. Ironically, we use the pukeko to sell lots of giftware to tourists but don’t have a problem shooting them if achieve any sort of population whatsoever. They definitely need to be better appreciated
The pukeko won in about 2011 I think EP.
So, what is the prize for the bird of the year? Are we allowed to hunt all the losers to extinction?
[lprent: Perhaps we let people loose on trolls? They are the real losers. ]
The troll is far from extinct, it thrives in a world of self absorbed ego mania. Mainly it can’t relate to others, so it has to make a put down, to make itself feel better. This is never fulfilling, so it gets lame and starts dribbling all over the place. The only fear for good honest people is slipping on the dribble and the excessive codswallop it produces. The hope is, and we have that in spades at the standard, is a good long banning to help them get their head right.
Tsmithfield is keen to keep any coalition proping up the rotting carrcass of the National party.
Tomorrow Winston is announcing the results of their coalition discussions.
See my RNZ post of this below at 11.1.
Your comment is both typical and symptomatic.
Kotuku. Happens that we have just named our white clinker-built dinghy Kotuku, so good time to vote for her.
Takahe, a living Relic. And with a population of only 306 as of Dec 2016 are in dire straits
Sturnus vulgaris.
Forest and Bird here I come to throw my weight into the Flappy Bird poll.
If you want to write your own Flappy bird computer game goto:
have fun
I voted Kea as I do every year. Apparently they’re leading at the moment. Vote Kea!
I did too. Bit stunned to find our cheeky parrot is considered in serious trouble.
And the Rockhopper Penguin with that bad hair just cracks me up.
Follow the competition. vote and donate at – and see the images of the feathered beauties:
The Rock Wren and the Rockhopper Penguin (with fashionable spiky hair look)
are in serious trouble and need some votes and TLC.And who could forget Sirocco Kokako! Hihi Stitchbird is a pretty little thing and is needing some special support.
Some chatty comment from a previous year:
Those birds that are bad tempered, hold multiple citizenships and are dull or drab fare poorly. Underbirds include the skua and the spur-winged plover. They’re typically placed in the bottom ten.
Grey, are your comments now appearing immediately instead of going to moderation first?
No one has corrected me.for my mistake with the bird names. I get corrected for everything else! Our birds are more important than some of the other gripes.
Sirocco is kakapo, not kokako with the blue decoration.
I think I got confused by the ‘k’s’.
And just for bird lovers’ pleasure, the tui and RIP to WoofWoof, a clever talker and prettier than all our politicians put together.
A much needed piece of light relief – well done guys!!
5 minutes ago
Negotiation announcement tomorrow arvo – NZ First
5 minutes ago
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New Zealand First will be in a position tomorrow afternoon to make an announcement on the result of negotiations.
Winston Peters after a day of meeting with his party. Winston Peters after a day of meeting with his party. Photo: RNZ / Sarah Robson
New Zealand First MPs have wrapped up an all-day caucus meeting at Parliament, as they decide whether to form a government with National or Labour.
The meeting started at 9.30am and continued all day.
As he left the meeting tonight, New Zealand First MP Ron Mark told reporters it would be a little bit longer.
I voted for the Bittern as a twofer. If we protect the Bittern we need to protect (or restore) wetlands.
I always vote for the Kiwi.
According to the Greens “kiwis” should vote for the Kereru. Does that mean that the votes that “kiwis” get should be passed on to Kereru?
Or should they go into coalition together to beat the other colours (brown/green vs kokako blue)?
I agree with you Rae – the Bittern is very rare and vulnerable these days, and if you are lucky enough to spot one its an absolute delight. They are under appreciated and their survival depends on the urgent preservation of their habitat.
Having said that, I voted for Royal Spoonbills for selfish reasons (I just like them).
Can you still vote? I missed it. I blame Winston damm Peters.
My vote has to be those lovable rogues, the Kea.
Always had a soft spot for rogues.
Yeah Anne. Go to the https://www.birdoftheyear.org.nz/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw1JbPBRCrARIsAOKj2PnstOY-e-h_PX8qxIOO5lF2eDyE_HOGOIE5PqbRDZ1ad4riGUnguLgaAs90EALw_wcB and scroll through the options. Vote Kea! They’re in real trouble.
Done. Thanks ScottGN.
All birds are precious creatures. There is a blackbird who every day shortly before sunset comes and sits on a tree branch little more than an arms length from my kitchen window. I talk to him and he cocks his head as soon as I start to speak. Sometimes his mate joins him and distracts him and off they fly together to make whoopie somewhere or another. Sometimes he can’t wait….
The phoenix (for those who voted NZF)
Wry-bill (National)
Goose (ACT)
Huia (Maori Party)
Cat (TOP)
Kākāriki (Green)
Unfortunately most of NZ voted for the giant moa – dinornis maximus – that’s why we’re in the current predicament.