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6:05 am, December 5th, 2023 - 10 comments
Categories: climate change -
Tags: greenpeace
In a special live stream event, the Greenpeace crew will respond to the makeup of the new coalition government and what it will mean for the environment.
Join the Greenpeace crew on the evening of Wednesday, 6 December, for a dive into what the new coalition Government means for the environment: LIVE: What does the new Government mean for the environment?
Chatting on the couch will be Greenpeace’s Executive Director Russel Norman, Head of Campaigns Amanda Larsson and Programme Director Niamh O’Flynn. Joining them will be Iwi Chairs Forum Climate co-chair Mike Smith.
What: LIVE: Post-election reckons
When: 6.30-8.30pm Wednesday 6 December
Where: Live on YouTube
You can also RSVP and invite your friends using this Facebook event link: LIVE: Post-election reckons
Will the coalition Government of the Act, National, and NZ First parties be a three headed hydra that rolls back the environmental protections we’ve achieved? What impact will the new Government have on the environment?
There’s a lot lined up for the chopping block, including ‘replacing’ or removing the offshore oil and gas exploration ban, the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020, the National Environmental Standards for Freshwater, the Natural and Built Environment Act 2023, the Auckland regional fuel tax, and the clean car discount.
Key ministerial appointments are troubling.
The new Energy Minister, Simeon Brown will be tasked with opening up offshore oil and gas exploration in Aotearoa again. This commitment from the new Government is at odds with science and public opinion, and threatens the very future of life on earth.
The Oceans and Fisheries portfolio has been given to NZ First MP Shane Jones. NZ First has previously received tens of thousands of dollars in donations from commercial fishing companies.
And the Act Party’s Andrew Hoggard, former head of Federated Farmers is the new associate Agriculture Minister. He is the ‘dinosaur of delay’ for the intensive dairy industry, which for years has blocked actions that would protect New Zealand rivers, drinking water and the climate.
We don’t have time for slowing down climate action or rolling back protections on biodiversity. This is a time to raise our ambitions for what is possible. The health and wellbeing of the natural world and all communities that live within it is at stake.
And we know we can’t leave it up to the politicians. All positive change comes through civil society taking action, speaking up, turning up, peaceful civil disobedience, and confrontation when necessary. We’re a movement of thousands who take action for Papatūānuku to ensure the continued abundance of the oceans, forests, land and climate. We’ve been here before, and we can do it again.
What will happen over the next three years, and how can we influence what happens for the better? Bring your questions and join the Live to explore the new political landscape together.
RSVP on the Facebook event page, or tune in on the night on the Greenpeace Aotearoa Youtube channel.
Youtube livestream link
Listen to the whining Russell Norman obsess over farming , yeah na.
Yeah, what does he know about farming – never chucked an animal in a dead-hole in his entire whiny life.
Probably never cut the tail off a lamb either, or picked up a hammer when the bobby calves start their incessant … whining.
never threw all the new plastic or old pesticides in a hole either. Can't hear the whining from soil microbes or waterways, thankfully I guess.
Neither has James Shaw but I'd listen to him,
His delivery is whiny as fuck , and Greenpeace have thier uses but I wouldn't want them in charge of anything.
The value of Greenpeace is they're an NGO so they get to say stuff that MPs can't. Norman can say things now that he couldn't say when he was co-leader of the Greens. Shaw wants people outside of parliament holding parliamentarians to account.
Yeah – the issue is farming, so attack the messenger – got it.
You don't want Greenpeace in charge of anything – who then, Groundswell? The Feds?
No I see groundswell and fed/act as the the other extreme to Greenpeace,
Dangerous fundermentslists
I suspect Norman and the others will be focussed on the new government.
But what does Norman get wrong here, b?
Can you report back in how much time us spent attacking food growing farmers versus tourism, motor racing or any other Pointless carbon heavy human activity?
He's not attacking farmers, he's holding the industry giants to account. Did you read the piece, or listen to what he says?
I hold tourism in considerably more contempt that industrial farming. We can live without tourism, growing food is an essential service that we literally cannot live without. I do however hold Fonterra, Fed Farmers, Dairy NZ etc in contempt. They are climate denying fools intent on killing us all by their ignorance and greed. That's not farming.