Written By:
mickysavage - Date published:
8:52 am, October 12th, 2014 - 23 comments
Categories: Media -
Tags: greenpeace
This is how a social media campaign is done.
Greenpeace launched an online petition calling on Lego to end a partnership with Shell and released the above video with the very strong theme that everything is not awesome. And after a million signatures were collected Lego has announced that it will end a long term distribution contract whereby its goods were sold in Shell service stations.
Danish toymaker Lego has announced it won’t renew its long-standing contract with Shell following a viral Greenpeace campaign.
The group launched an online petition calling on Lego to end the partnership, followed by a YouTube video in July this year, depicting happy Lego characters and Arctic animals in their natural habitat.
However, the serenity of the scene is disrupted after a Shell platform begins drilling with a vast amount of oil covering the ocean until the animals disappear completely while a Lego character portraying a Shell executive smokes a cigar.
More than one million people have signed the campaign urging the company to “stop playing” with the oil major, according to Greenpeace.
The YouTube video, titled Lego: Everything is NOT awesome has received close to six million views.
Now if only we could start the changes to making the world’s economy less carbon reliant.
Legos products are all plastic, you can’t get any more oil based then that.
Christ, what a bunch of dickless numpties, they should have told green peace to go get fucked.
And next they should bring out the Madmax themed lego, get the kiddies ready for their future.
BM, All Or Nothing Man who prefers to watch the world burn on his flat screen tv, rather than do anything to try and prevent it
The Humungus would make a great Lego piece.
dirty oil and dirty bm comment – yay for positive Greenpeace!
green and peace – good combination.
You don’t have to use oil to produce plastics. You could use, say, milk. Probably need to do some of that R&D that National and other RWNJs don’t like doing as it costs money.
Most types of plastic require very particular chemical inputs and refinement steps. It is unlikely that all types of plastic currently produced using oil could be replicated with other feedstocks in an economic manner.
Also, given how destructive milk is to our environment, using milk to make plastic is probably worse than just using oil. The main problem with oil is that is it burnt, releasing CO2 into the atmosphere, and that we use so much of it. But the biggest user is transportation fuel – if we used it only to make plastic and other products, we wouldn’t need to drill as much and wouldn’t be doing anywhere near as much environmental harm.
Do we need all the types of plastic presently used? We could certainly do without plastic supermarket bags.
Other than that I agree with you. Using the oil/coal isn’t the problem per se – it’s the burning of it.
You can also use marijuana and other plants that produce a lot of interesting substances as well as food.
“Do we need all the types of plastic presently used? We could certainly do without plastic supermarket bags.”
I presume plastic is the material of choice in many cases because of economic factors – fit for purpose and most importantly cheaper than the alternatives. Although as usual the current economic situation probably isn’t taking the entire life-cycle of products into consideration when it prices them.
“You can also use marijuana and other plants that produce a lot of interesting substances as well as food.”
Ahh, good point. Yes, increased research into oil / resin-producing plants could tip the balance. I expect hemp is only going to increase as an industrial feedstock in the future.
FFS BM why dont you actually THINK before you say these stooopid things..
I think you should walk down downtown and tell all the “hippies” you can find to “go get fucked” to even the score a little eh ?
The planet wanted plastic, that is the reason for humans being here , according to Georg Carlin anyway.
What a bunch of f#%^*n hypocrites, I assume all your devices you are using to post your “outrage” are from natural, low fat, gluten free recycled raw materials?
Yes, let’s all adopt this feeble idiocy, so that denier cretins are the only people allowed a voice on the issue.
Speaking of hypocritical trash, are you enjoying your weekend, union hater?
“What a bunch of f#%^*n hypocrites, I assume all your devices you are using to post your “outrage” are from natural, low fat, gluten free recycled raw materials?”
you idiot, if there was an actual alternative to plastic im sure many people would be happy to use it
Thats like the old “well did you drive here in your car” nugget green-peace get a lot
OAB, having a great weekend. Great meal on Friday night at our favourite Italian, energetic 65km bike ride on Saturday (healthy body, healthy mind) and now watching Bathurst 1000′. Union hater is harsh, I prefer advocate for the free market and ardent capitalist
Just pointing out that making bad faith smears against unions, then enjoying a weekend break from work, is hypocrisy of the highest order, as the notion that anyone who uses fossil-based products is disqualified from any debate on Climatology is beyond stupid.
Paying lip service to market freedom then packing a tanty when workers freely join unions is another example of your hypocrisy, and so is your self-deception about ardent capitalism and the “free” market: Labour led governments run the NZ economy better that National do by any measure worth a damn: GDP, employment levels, government debt, wages, you name it they’re always better when Labour occupy the Treasury benches.
If you had the first clue about capitalism you’d know that, but instead here you are, displaying your ignorance, bias, and malice all wrapped up in a nasty little bundle.
Go back to sleep.
“Great meal on Friday night at our favourite Italian”
OAB, given such a ‘stirring and emotive’ diatrade such as above, I cannot understand why you are not also standing for the Labour Party leadership along with the other numpties
What’s a diatrade?
a free market capitalists version of a diatribe? See, they replaced the tribe as the centre of everything with trade.
your troll is weak Andy , you need to try harder !
i suggest 150 kms this weekend to sharpen you up !
Lego has announced that it will end a long term distribution contract whereby its goods were sold in Shell service stations.
Oh, that’s good. Because when I think of where to buy Lego products, the first place that comes to mind is automotive service stations.
Meanwhile, Lego continues to make an absolute fortune from its licensed and branded line of Ferrari products emblazoned with the Shell logo, undisturbed. In fact, they’ll probably get a nice little bump in total sales from looking like a good corporate citizen responding to public sentiment.
But hey, score one for Greenpeace!
took some mental gymnastics to come up with that brain-fart didnt it Phil ?
Thought i could smell something burning…