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notices and features - Date published:
12:07 pm, October 19th, 2016 - 80 comments
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Tags: hekia parata
In a surprise announcement, the Minister of Education, Hekia Parata, has announced she will not be standing in the next general election. No word on whether she will do the kids of NZ a favour and give up her ministerial post while she counts down the days.
Education Minister has always been regarded as a tough gig, but Parata has stood out as probably the worst minister in a generation. She will not be missed.
So she was one of the people Key already knew could be going. http://www.radionz.co.nz/news/political/316020/hekia-parata-to-stand-down-after-election
No worse than her predecessor in the portfolio, I guess, not that it’s a high bar.
Math exam. A gotcha exam question that many teachers where not teaching for, hence gotcha. Those schools that did teach would have… …now she’s gone. Offered her resignation, accepted? but hidden for obvious PR, who knows. But it would be a very serious matter, not only to the student foriegn market but to some schools having a heads up on standard. Of course it could be a family matter…
Her last chance, three strikes, math exam botchup was just the last straw.
born to rule style tory MP, don’t just go Hekia–piss off!
education is an important beachead for the Nats ongoing strategy for penetration of private capital into state infrastructure, they often let the Epsom guy make the public announcements now after Lady Gardiner’s numerous misfires
I was perplexed by her performance as a Minister.
Far and away the most qualified to hold the position in many years.
A very, very experienced and respected Wellington bureaucrat.
Reluctantly saddled with Act’s Charter Schools and made something reasonable out of them.
But managed to offend pretty much everyone in the sector other than Charter School operators.
As a highly experienced and qualified Maori woman attaining major Cabinet rank, this is a loss similar to Simon Power and Tony Ryall leaving.
But as a Ministerial performer, just hasn’t fired. I think this is more headache than reshuffle gift to the PM.
“Perplex by her …” Incompetence, ability to miss manage paying teachers, poor judgement when trying to convince the ed. sector that big class sizes are good!! & a whole bunch of failed policies …furfucksake man, she’s useless.
Who’ll pick up the 10,000+ party votes that’ll be up for grabs in the Mana seat!
Good riddens, but who’ll replace her?
Hipkins probably – preferably though someone from the Green Party
My bet is Bennett.
She’s a more effective uber-Minister than Joyce.
Associate Education Kaye still in breast cancer treatment.
And Key will want to keep English in Finance.
Who the hell else would want it?
@ Ad
” She’s a more effective uber-Minister than Joyce. ”
Your being a comedian , right?
Good old ‘ Release of Private Information about Beneficiaries ‘ Bennett…
Yup. She’ll do nicely.
Ill need to have a few more fingers stitched onto my hands to be able to count how many portfolios shes had, failed in and been moved on in, though…
Eh , Sweetie.
Ad: “…this is a loss similar to Simon Power….”
What lay behind his very early departure?
A far more attractive offer from Westpac running their private wealth funds.
Key wasn’t going to shift, Joyce and English would remain above him keeping him out of the inner circle.
And directing that big a private fund, you would actually have more effect on the country, and get paid more, without the media scrutiny shit and job insecurity of politics. Not a difficult call to make.
It’s what Cunliffe should have done years ago.
Charter Schools are not Act policy, they carried it for National so when the inevitable shit hit the fan it was/will be ” nothing to do with us “.
. ” Hey look over there, PANDAS”
Aw, where did they go.
speaking of pandas, what is it we are not seeing because of this announcement.
Review of the education act which will embed privatisation options for the education sector.
One down , a few more wreckers to go.
Wild Katipo, she was one of the most respected Maori MPs in parliament.
The Labour Parties Maori caucus held her in the highest respect that’s why you will not see to much mud slung her way from Labour MPs.
Your comments are ill-judged.
Dont mean a toss to me , and neither does what the Labour party thinks . Its good shes going and good riddance.
And for your information , ANYONE who supports and practices neo liberalism , -whether either by direct action or tacit support or by being part of an organization that does so is fair game.
If she had HALF as much kudos as Helen Kelly did – a woman who ACTUALLY stood up for people who had no voice , was kind, compassionate and never gave in to wrongdoing – then people wouldn’t be glad Parata’s now packing her bags and leaving.
Good riddance.
She was a neo liberal wrecker.
And as I stated before – one down , a few more wreckers to go.
And BTW – the fact that she just happens to be Maori doesn’t wash with me either.
That doesn’t automatically guarantee respect just because someone else says she should deserve it. She was a wrecker. And good riddance.
There are still Labour MPs in that caucus from Rogernomics days…just sayin’
Of course. And they too are part of the wreckers of this country – as I have stated many times before about the Labour party.
And again . I dont give a toss what political party you hail from. If you subscribe to neo liberalism , your fair game. And that’s an indiscriminate criteria I hold on any political party or individuals within that party.
In my view and many others as well , they are nothing but treasonous filth.
agree with WK. Totally. good words , I do not in anyway support these tory scum, and by that I mean zilch. I thiunk.
OMG i’m back, where’s my flag?
Not many left of them now… just sayin’.
Who, pray tell?
Two I think, Annette King and Trevor Mallard.
,…maybe wild katipo is speaking for the percentage of the population who are not in the Maori caucus.
All we have to go on are her actions.
The damage she, and National have done to our education system is my number one motivation for voting Labour this next election.
Labour may well be a bunch of neo-cons in sheeps clothing, but atleast they have some appreciation of the benefits of teaching children to think.
“she was one of the most respected Maori MPs in parliament.
The Labour Parties Maori caucus held her in the highest respect”
Are you sure about that Billmurray? I seem to remember Parata copping a lot of flack from Labour.
There will be more NATs announcing their departure in the next 3 months form top to bottom.
CV, you may well be right, I think she departed of her own accord but this will certainly help John Key to present a new frontline to the NZ Electorates in 2017.
This will then show Labour to these same Electorates as the ‘same old same old’ bunch of troughers that they are.
Andrew Little needs to start weeding, urgently.
‘ This will then show Labour to these same Electorates as the ‘same old same old’ bunch of troughers that they are.’
Troughers ? ,… troughers?
You are an idiot , right?…
Or perhaps just a troll. And not even a good one.
Either way your boring.
And tribalisitc.
And in denial.
And a ‘ Noob’ to politics in this country for the last 40 years at least – as you obviously lack the ability to compare before 1984 and Roger Douglas and after Rpger Douglas. The real ‘ troughers’ are the sort of people you support : ie : neo liberal wreckers and traitors.
Honest John – offkey.hackpad.com
Ha, I’d forgotten about that old hackpad.
Must update it with BLiP’s latest, & open up editing rights to the world, see what happens.
Parata proved over time to be a bit too much of a liability and an embarrassment to the government; they will be pleased to see her go and will have told her that if she stayed there would be no future pathway that would be offered to her.
Well then , – perhaps we need to start discussing the ‘ BIG THREE’ – all of which have been colossal embarrassments to the John Key led neo liberal National party now, dont we?…
How about we have an expose of the shenanigans over Judith Collins and Orivida for a start , and the REAL reasons she was stood down ,… or perhaps we should go one step further and insert a few timely reckonings on her involvement with Dirty Politics ?
Or, … if we want to get real down and dirty lets have a few comments regarding Parata’s fellow neo liberal wrecker woman – in – arms the cringeworthy Paula Bennett?
I’m sure we can have riotous fun remembering all her total screw ups, gaffes , bullying tactics and outright lies. The dust hasn’t even settled on the last act of hilarity with Bill English being totally unawares of Paula Bennets $5000.00 to get out of town if your poor, – and then come back again to look for non existent work for another $3000.00 when the Double Dipper from Dipton was drawing up the Budget lately was he ? .
Too bad if you have to travel from Wellington to Auckland every day to work on the factory part time , eh?
As I said earlier ,… one down , a few more wreckers ( and tax payer paid idiots it seems …) to go…
New Zealands getting brighter by the day with this news and it has NOTHING to do with John Keys BS ‘ Brighter future ‘ crap.
It’d be fantastic to see Bennett as the next leader of the national party. Comedy 24/7.
That..I agree with, even tried too help theirs some pretty deep roots though, good luck Mr Little, their be blood.
Based on Katipo’s reaction, you’ve hit a nerve. However you are correct. Labour look tired and old, which is part of the reason they are virtually broke. National have rejuvenated steadily over the past 8 years.
Annette King
Deputy Leader
Entered Parliament 1984 (32 years)
Trevor Mallard
Entered Parliament 1984 (32 years)
Ruth Dyson
Entered Parliament 1993 (23 years)
Damien O’Connor
Entered Parliament 1993 (23 years)
I cant see any talent from the current crop of Nat MPs for cabinet elevation but that doesnt matter because you only have to be a yes man or woman and stand behind Key during a question and bullshit press interview and nod convincingly.
Something to ponder over, I heard on Paul Henry morning show Anne Tolley chatting about the extension of care for vulnerable children once they turn 17 and for it to be extended until they are 21. Paul Henry said did she hope it might be her legacy or something like that. I thought to myself when I heard it I wonder if she is going to retire as well? Wandering off topic I know but wouldn’t that be good news too.
yes it is very good news for vulnerable children
…the one good thing Tolley has done
….i saw a recent picture of her and she does not look well imo…so you could be right, she may be leaving
With National the departure of Ministers is neither here nor there.
They are driven by a radical ideology. In fact we should hope Key keeps the ‘Horribles’, at least that way there are some clues to the average voter as to how darned unpleasant these policies actually are.
As a former foster parent I’m pretty cynical about Tolleys announcement, National are very good at bringing in excellent programs, which they then chop off at the knees by either not funding them properly, or funding them by pilfering money from other projects = no net gain in quality of care.
From my own experience I can say that there is a significant difference between caring for a 15 year old and a 17 year old. Many foster parents are not able to offer the care required for dealing with a young adult with their own sense of independence.
So I’m hoping that the department come up with something better than a call line and some Motel vouchers, which is pretty much what they offered our last 17 year old as his ‘see ya latter’ birthday gift.
thanx Siobhan for your perspective which I can believe ! ( so I guess I was too quick with the praise for Tolley)
…and much respect for the work you have done as a foster parent ( it is hard enough being any ordinary parent to young people these days ….and a foster parent would require exceptional skill and dedication and big heartedness)
Nine years, full pension and benefits, IIRC, and cya later!
Maybe… yet there may be other things in the offing prompting her departure. She pushed the dismissal of Peggy Burrows, and we now await the outcome of that legal case. A reinstatement would be a huge disaster for Hekia were she still there…
Yea, it’d be great to see her legacy evaporate even before she leaves office!
A masterstroke from John Key to push Parata out of parliament and a good example as to why politicians should not be appointed based on ethnicity or gender.
Yet another endorsement for our Prime Minister and a terminal blow to gender/ethnic quota’s.
MMP encourages parliaments that look more like our population. Parata is incompetent but look at the pool they have to replace her from.
Tokenism is important to all political partys whether you like it or not. It’s how you make white folks feel good and brown folks think they’ve made it …. tis a bullshit “ideal” but there’s a lot of sheep that believe in this kinda kumbyah stuff.
She’s failed at everything she attempted to change, implement & deconstruct . Oh, correction. She has had some successes, a few PG’s.
NoMorePay for her …. well kinda, still gets super & some travel?
It’s only tokenism if they aren’t actually good enough. National loves tokenism because they find it super hard to find qualified people in general.
I think our entire parliament finds it difficult to find qualified people. Some who are qualified are ineffective because they are in the wrong party our not part of the tribe.
Every member of the Green caucus is better qualified to be climate change minister than Paula Bennett. David Parker and David Cunliffe sit on the back benches while Grant Robertson tries to understand finances.
Any corporation that so badly misused the talent available to it would go bankrupt. Do you need a better explanation of why this country is a mess?
I think you’re wrong that it’s actually difficult to find qualified people in general.
I think it’s more that National don’t want qualified people, because qualified people might actually insist on intellectually consistent policy that’s not politically convenient to their base.
Labour absolutely has some eminently qualified people in their party and good parliamentarians as MPs, but they’re locked out of decision making and put on the back benches in favour of people like Trevor Mallard, Jacinda Ardern, and Andrew Little, because Labour hasn’t made the transition yet to viewing being an MP as a public service someone (if sufficiently effective) does for a certain time and then resigns from, rather than being a “job for life” for Party faithful who toe the line.
She did the work of the Act Party… and associates…and the US big business lobbyists for Charter Schools
She did New Zealand State education no favours. She did high quality egalitarian education no favours.
She and her master jonkey Nact created a mess and more inequality in New Zealand education.
It is good she is going…but where?
Chooky, I have been told on good authority that she is coming to live you!.
Surely you wouldnt wish that on Hekia.
Nah mate shes coming to live near you .
And judging by the way the far right fanatical neo liberals couldn’t even get their act together in the Auckland Local Body elections – you can have a fine time tearing the crap out of each other.
As stated above – one down , a few more wreckers to go.
@billmurray…she is probably a nice enough woman and she probably has her abilities ( so dont care if she lives near me)
….however she did not do New Zealand education any favours
…lets hope her next job is a better use of her talents
Sinecures along with all the other ex national MP’s
It really doesn’t matter if Hekia comes or goes. She was simply doing what she was told to do like a good number of other cabinet members. The only ones I can immediately think of who aren’t just doing what they are told are Key, English, Brownlee and Joyce. All white males by the way.
“She was simply doing what she was told to do.”
Is that your definition of be a representative of the people? That is every MPs’ job title, “Representative.”
Rats beginning to jump from the sinking ship.
This will be the first of many over the next 6 – 9 months
If another global financial crisis hits, they’ll all flee and let a NZ version of Trump take over.
It’s like our next earthquake. You know it’s inevitable. Just a matter of when.
Parata has been very reluctant to engage with teachers and teachers’ representatives (unions and subject associations). She seems to believe in that old meme “provider capture”. It would be great if we could wipe away many of her pet projects when she’s gone: Charter Schools, bulk-funding, the cut-backs in special education provisions… Some of what she took on was worth rethinking – the decile system does need a bit of a shakeup, but it definitely does NOT need to morph into a voucher system. And as for “COOL”s…! There’s nothing wrong with some on-line learning being in the mix, and plenty of kids currently learn through a combination of video-conferencing and on-line programmes, but they still benefit from being in a school, with other kids. School is more than just the academic programme offered (and there’s more than one way to learn).
To really get away from this kind of crap we need a Labour-Green government. Simply having another one or the Nats won’t do it.
As we say goodbye to her, a good article at The Spinoff about the return of bulk funding which she has championed:
Hekia will be remembered for the suffering she has brought upon the staff, students and families of those involved with Salisbury School.
I know who will be the minister of education after the next election, but will we have a new one in the mean time?
Her and Key were sucking up to each other in Parliament today
She’s a bright spark and a decent enough person, but her approach to education stinks on ice.
My concern is: where will she now wear the approximately 80+ jackets she brought to Parliament? I’m surprised no reporter picked up on the never-ending wardrobe.
They’re NTSC, as they used to say about the US television delivery system (Never Twice the Same Colour).
Not one single think Parata has done has improved students’ learning.
Aye. Even the Nats and their lapdogs are struggling to come up with anything concrete she did well.
However, I think she’s been moved on because she was too consultative with the industry and didn’t get Key’s 12 year plan of privatisation and deregulation through in the appropriate time frame.
I’ll call it now.
David Seymour will be the next Minister of Education some time in the new year.
He’ll quite happily do what Parata couldn’t bring herself to.
exodus has start
leaving the mess behind
Hallelujah…. Hallelujah…. Hallelujah… Hallleeeeeeluoooojahhhhhhhhh…
Poor leftie I feel 2017 is not going to be a good year for him and his little socialist clique
Whats the problem Red?
With a name like ‘ Red ‘ I would have at least expected you knew the difference between Social Democracy which was the system we used to operate under quite happily for 60 odd years and the dictatorial little fella who runs this latest neo liberal excuse for a democracy.
Poor little fella , – his head is so far up the 5 eyes arse he cant tell if he’s cheering for Trump, Obama or Clinton these days…
Gotta love that new bill being pushed through for greater powers for the GSCB to spy on the NZ public by the little fella , don’t we now….
You don’t know that Blue, your feeling could turn out to be all wrong.
Government apologists call this renewal but I can’t see how Key’s very high rotation of ministers does anything for the people of New Zealand. All you get is a lack of continuity in the role and a constant introduction of ministers not familiar with their portfolios.
Bennett and Tolley must have done all of them just about and never settled on one.
No its not ‘ renewal’ – its called musical chairs due to incompetence.
What was that about Serco and and a bloke called Sam again?
Audrey Young’s comment – Simon Bridges might replace her as “he knows how to handle unions”. Chilling. Awful.
What , – screechy Simon Bridges Bridges?
He couldn’t even handle the Northland campaign without making false promises about building more bridges. Then again , – typical of the arrogance of this neo liberal govt , even their ‘ Minister for Everything ‘ Dildo Joyce got his arse whipped by Winston Peters – despite being the ‘ campaign manager’.
Haven’t heard much from him as of late like we used to.
Classic example of being arrogant and out of touch and simply assuming the ‘ safe ‘ seat of Northland was theirs to neglect and abuse until next election time.
I meant the attitude to unions. Not ok.
Yes, I agree with you and your very right. In fact that attitude stinks – similar to a maggot ridden semi decomposed piece of roadkill.
Yeah he’ll do nicely as well , – good old ‘ Walk through the Security Door at the Airport ‘ Minister for Defence Brownlee.
Just the sort we’re looking for.
Gotta love that job he pulled with the EQC in Christchurch as well.
Sterling effort.
And then Judith Collins take over her portfolio in the next reshuffle.
A woman who will make Hekia Parata look like Clarence Beeby.
Yes indeed.
Finally my posts are appearing again. No idea why. But anyways wanting to say.. quietly
HORRAY for HEKIA best decision she’s made in ten years of politics, we wish you well in your future endeavours, quick someone pass her that vase over there, and cue security.., “SECURITY”