Written By:
- Date published:
9:00 am, June 8th, 2018 - 23 comments
Categories: internet, making shit up, Media, national, social media lolz, the praiseworthy and the pitiful, you couldn't make this shit up -
Tags: paul goldsmith
Oh my goodness, how brazen of a government to try and inject life into a region neglected for years /sarc. Next we know I’ll be accosted at the Kaitaia Market by the National Party Candidate, flanked by four or five others like Maggie Barry, Alfred Ngaro etc telling me how Simon Bridges has promised to double lane 10 bridges in the Northland Region, oh wait, that did happen …… in Mar 2015. One of those bridges has started construction, coincidentally at the town that the failed National Party Candidate lives in. As for the others yeah/nah.
Be awful if those wicked MPs start to erode the inequities suffered by people in places like Northland. Who would we be left to look down on?
There’s always the beneficiaries that capitalism creates to disparage and make life awful for.
Some of the Far North bridges are happening. Taipa one is half finished, upon completion that crew are moving onto the Kaeo one, work is underway at Matakohe.
So you are saying that in nigh on 20 years all ten bridges will be finished?
National, can’t rush these things.
What percentage of the 10 bridges are actually in construction? certainly a lot of ground work has been done on the Taipa one, where Mark Osborne, the National Party Candidate at the time, lives, but I’m guessing half finished is a bit of a stretch, never the less it will be welcome when it is finished. How many did they backtrack on, and will not now be done, because they lost that byelection?
More than 6 years ago a new bridge on State Highway 1 out of Blenheim was promised by Key. I think the current Government is finding money to actually do it.
Whereas the road bridge over the Awatere was built by the previous Labour Government and opened in 2006 as a direct result of a ministerial visit and on-site inspection. We are still however awaiting a bridge to replace the Hurunui one- way bridge over SH1.
Something for which the local MP could advocate?
I’ve been past it half a dozen times today, the deck looks like it spans near half way across the estuary/stream to me. They are about 9 months into an 18 month build program. After pulling off mission impossible and losing the seat I don’t think you’ll find Mark had much pull post by-election.
I don’t know about the other bridges, just the 3 mentioned.
“Political survival fund”….this is real for the Nats, they really have no answer to the progress of the Labour led coalition. Firing off salvos in all directions trying to build the narrative that the govt is in a hopeless mess, has no plan, is undemocratic and self serving. There was Hooton the master of spin informing us all yesterday that Jacinda Ardern had a “bad week” and so made the announcement to “ban oil and gas”. How does anyone even with half a brain take that seriously. The National opposition are floundering and the net is full of holes.
National realise they may lose Northland and possibly Whangarei so watch out for more strawman tactics, dog whistling and dirty politics up North.
How does anyone even with half a brain take that seriously.
Given that in statistical terms nearly half the country is below the average IQ and our Education standards have been slipping in recent decades (due to Nat govt.s) then it could be said quite a lot of people take it seriously.
Labour has always under-estimated the extent of political stupidity and are inclined to ignore the crap spouted by the Nats assuming voters will see through it. It’s high time they caught up and understood they have to step up and counter the falsehoods before they take hold in people’s minds.
The media used to do some of that before their standards collapsed. Another thing that needs rebuilding.
Agree Anne however most of the media has been infiltrated by the right and perhaps the only way the left can counter the falsehoods is to own a part of the media. That means a TV channel or radio station of some significance, and I don’t mean TVNZ or RNZ. At the moment the right have the monopoly on getting National party memes out in front of the public. Unfortunately money doesn’t just talk it swears.
Unfortunately 90% of voters in NZ believe this sort of bullshit ?
After reading that article by Hooten I felt that he must be right on the cusp of having his MSM opinion pieces earmarked ‘Advertorial’.
Yes, unfortunately many of us still do lend credibility to a piece in the paper for no better reason than “It was in the news!” I think It’s partly gullibility and partly an overhang from the day when the media reported the news rather than manufacturing it.
The rebuilding of the public trust in our media is paramount. Starting with RNZ and TVNZ. The Minister has a massive task on her hands. RNZ is failing with trivia, sensationalism, and gratuitous court drama. I fear it’s becoming like TVNZ.
Thats why Radio New Zealand was rebranded RNZ-National and topped up with Nat party hacks like Griffin and Espiner. Keep the masses in a vacuum of trivia and tell them constantly the way they should be thinking with the odd tid bit of differing opinion and presto you nurture a compliant audience that votes accordingly.
Unfortunately the guy has very seldom been outside of the gated community he lives in , in the suburb of Epsom.
He obviously was not aware of the funds John Key donated to the Clinton Foundation ?
… ‘ He obviously was not aware of the funds John Key donated to the Clinton Foundation ? ‘ …
How very , VERY interesting….
‘Clinton & ISIS funded by same money’ – Assange interview w/John …
Video for john pilger interviews julian assange about clinton foundation▶ 2:47
You mean this money? https://publicaddress.net/hardnews/our-own-fake-news/
Wild Katipo, You have always had sage comments on here,
Why would Assange have so much information, given that he is sitting in an isloated
Embassy. I am beginning to distrust his musing.
Isolated Embassy LOL LOL Yeah Right…
He, Assange doesn’t have internet ? skype ? journalists and luminaries discussing world politics with him?