Written By:
notices and features - Date published:
2:00 pm, July 30th, 2012 - 8 comments
Categories: identity -
Tags: gay rights, marriage
Scott at Imperator Fish has kindly given us permission to syndicate posts from his blog – the original of these posts are here and here.
Family First has issued a snapshot listing 21 reasons why marriage matters.
For example:
Even if we put aside those of the 21 reasons that apply only to children (and if we let gay couples adopt, many of those reasons would be valid), Family First’s own arguments show that any marriage is better than no marriage.
The Princess Bride: The Wedding
#McCoskrieSlope – gay marriage will slip to “polygamous, polyamorous and incestuous adult unions”.
Big Love pete.
I hope he wasn’t talking about the Catholic church
Must be speaking from experience, sounds scientific even
Luckily one mans experience does not rule the world
I assume he was going for polyandrous (many husbands) and not polyamorous (adhesive love) but who knows.
Mc crusty would make a good polytician