Written By:
lprent - Date published:
11:04 pm, November 20th, 2014 - 8 comments
Categories: admin, internet, interweb, The Standard -
I was just having a look through the connections between this site and others (and contemplating how to increase it). I thought others might also be interested.
This is from wordpress stats, which is moderately accurate but does rely on javascript reporting, so some of it will have been cut by people choosing to limit what javascript can do.
I cut off at 50 clicks
URL | Clicks |
nzherald.co.nz | 1,969 |
stuff.co.nz | 1,626 |
norightturn.blogspot.com | 1,138 |
pundit.co.nz | 977 |
ontheleftnz.com | 819 |
thedailyblog.co.nz | 776 |
polity.co.nz | 758 |
youtube.com | 605 |
publicaddress.net | 597 |
548 | |
radionz.co.nz | 517 |
action.labour.org.nz | 483 |
theguardian.com | 472 |
transportblog.co.nz | 462 |
imperatorfish.com | 428 |
398 | |
whaleoil.co.nz | 311 |
3news.co.nz | 303 |
brianedwardsmedia.co.nz | 303 |
gordoncampbell.scoop.co.nz | 294 |
donotlink.com | 280 |
rdln.wordpress.com | 277 |
yournz.org | 199 |
jononatusch.wordpress.com | 197 |
bat-bean-beam.blogspot.co.nz | 188 |
metromag.co.nz | 186 |
scoop.co.nz | 185 |
dimpost.wordpress.com | 178 |
fundamental.org.nz | 176 |
en.wikipedia.org | 173 |
garethsworld.com | 173 |
nzonscreen.com | 169 |
feedproxy.google.com | 169 |
d3lgc28rsiigal.cloudfront.net | 162 |
localbodies-bsprout.blogspot.com | 161 |
rt.com | 139 |
whoar.co.nz | 134 |
salon.com | 133 |
campaign.labour.org.nz | 119 |
itsourfuture.org.nz | 113 |
openparachute.wordpress.com | 113 |
inthehouse.co.nz | 109 |
thehandmirror.blogspot.com | 108 |
werewolf.co.nz | 101 |
kiwiblog.co.nz | 100 |
tvnz.co.nz | 95 |
alternet.org | 93 |
fyi.org.nz | 87 |
thepaepae.com | 86 |
bootstheory.wordpress.com | 85 |
waateanews.com/Waatea News.html?story_id=… | 82 |
liberation.typepad.com/liberation/2014/10/top-tweets…. | 80 |
independent.co.uk | 79 |
givealittle.co.nz | 78 |
colinjames.co.nz | 77 |
tewharewhero.blogspot.com | 76 |
kiwipolitico.com | 76 |
nytimes.com | 72 |
andrew-little.org.nz | 71 |
legislation.govt.nz | 71 |
kickstarter.com/projects/thinicefilm/editing… | 68 |
spinbin.co.nz | 61 |
bat-bean-beam.blogspot.com/2014/10/dirty-journalism.html | 56 |
norightturn.blogspot.co.nz | 55 |
hot-topic.co.nz | 54 |
thecivilian.co.nz | 54 |
i.imgur.com | 54 |
greenpeace.org | 54 |
my.greens.org.nz/sites/all/modules/civicrm/… | 54 |
mananews.co.nz | 53 |
google.co.nz | 52 |
nicta.com.au/media/current/nicta_welcomes_visit_… | 51 |
I’d say that this site is doing a pretty credible job of exposing our readers to a diversity of opinion. The clicks out are from links in the posts, links placed by commenters in comments, and links in the sidebars to posts on other sites.
Referrer | Views | |
Search Engines | 35,013 | |
feedly.com | 1,768 | |
1,764 | ||
1,746 | ||
kiwiblog.co.nz | 1,403 | |
WordPress Dashboard | 1,383 | |
bowalleyroad.blogspot.co.nz | 1,040 | |
nominister.blogspot.co.nz | 854 | |
800 | ||
norightturn.blogspot.co.nz | 647 | |
l.facebook.com | 553 | |
lm.facebook.com | 317 | |
nzblogosphere.blogspot.co.nz | 224 | |
tumeke.blogspot.co.nz | 203 | |
stuff.co.nz | 179 | |
nzherald.co.nz | 125 | |
yournz.org | 107 | |
whaleoil.co.nz | 105 | |
scoop.co.nz | 104 | |
theoldreader.com | 94 | |
nbr.co.nz | 85 | |
brianedwardsmedia.co.nz | 83 | |
output41.rssinclude.com/output?type=… | 82 | |
liberation.typepad.com | 76 | |
feedspot.com | 63 | |
alfgrumblemp.wordpress.com | 63 | |
bowalleyroad.blogspot.com | 59 | |
thedailyblog.co.nz | 56 | |
lindsaymitchell.blogspot.co.nz | 55 | |
kiwipolitico.com | 53 | |
disqus.com | 52 |
Of the search engines, it breaks down like this. You can see why I get irritated by the excessive demands on this sites infrastructure by some of the search engine bots – Bing and Baidu in particular.
Referrer | Views | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Search Engines | 35,013 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Obviously the vast majority comes from google, which is hardly surprising given that there are 15,295 posts on our site and the way that people find the site. Of the visible search phrases (google keeps a lot private), the vast majority are for some variation of The Standard.
Interesting eh?
Nice Lprent. And since the Standard drives more to the NZ herald than vice versa shouldn’t they be chucking some of the folding stuff this way?
Yeah right.
“Of the visible search phrases (google keeps a lot private), the vast majority are for some variation of The Standard.”
Presumably that’s “the standard” + [political news/event of the day/week]?
What’s feedly.com and what do they do?
They are some kind of RSS feeder. They conglomerate news and blog feeds. Beyond that I have no real idea.
There are usually a number of these that pop up periodically.
Oh yeah, it’s a feeder for smart phones. I tried to find one for mine, including feedly, and gave up in the end trying to get them to work. They didn’t seem to do what the one on my mac does.
If I put ‘the standard’ into their search box, it tells me there are 223 readers.
An interesting source. I must have a further look at them.
The second biggest feeder to this site is actually facebook under various URLs.
clicks out
norightturn.blogspot.com 1,138
norightturn.blogspot.co.nz 55
norightturn.blogspot.co.nz 647
an unimportant oddity
Not really. Depends where people click from.
The RSS feeder on the right shows all of the posts as being norightturn.blogspot.com because they come from the base URL at blogger. Any call to that resolves to norightturn.blogspot.co.nz, which is the listed site URL for the no right turn.
What you are looking at is the number of clicks out on links in posts and comments compared to clicks on the RSS feeder. Shows the value of the feeder on the sidebar.
The clicks in largely come from the blog roll on the left of the No Right Turn site.