Just what they needed

Written By: - Date published: 1:30 pm, September 10th, 2010 - 17 comments
Categories: business, humour - Tags:

It was heartbreaking this morning to read of the worsening conditions in Christchurch’s poor suburbs, where damage assessments are only just now being done and aftershocks are accumulating more and more problems on already vulnerable communities.

So, this picture sent in by a reader caused a bit of a bemused smile.

Who’s buying expensive champagne in Christchurch right now?

And wouldn’t you be afraid to open it with all the aftershocks rattling things up? 🙂

17 comments on “Just what they needed ”

  1. Lanthanide 1

    A family friend staying at my parent’s house (unrelated to earthquake) said she was at the supermarket about 11am on Saturday. In front of her at the checkout were a couple that had about 5 dozen bottles of beer and 3 bottles of wine. They were saying to each other “hey, do you think we need to get water? do we have enough booze?”.

    captcha: anything (seems appropriate)

    • mcflock 1.1

      a friend of mine in CHch reckons he managed to avoid any gastro because he only drank beer since the quake.

      Which was one of the advantages to beer in the middle ages – cleaner than the local water supply. That was his excuse, and it’s not like he’s a dozer driver.

  2. WOOF 2

    Some hair of the dog to cure the quakeover is just what they need 🙂

  3. Vicky32 3

    So the diverted stock is booze? 😀 (I see the logic about drinking beer as it might be safer than water, but champage?

    • Mac1 3.1

      Champage? A drunken rampage fueled by champagne?

      Only our betters know how to be hooligans in style.

      • Armchair Critic 3.1.1

        Only our betters know how to be hooligans in style.
        True, and a good example was on Stuff today.
        When you are rich you can be sober whenever you are drunk, you can assault police and resist arrest while you are being “friendly”, and you can damage other people’s property if you deem them to be irresponsible and young. Ahh, the joys of being a millionaire.

        • Mac1

          A millionaire merchant banker with a history of champage pissed, sorry relaxed, in the middle of the road going to McDonalds for a hamburger late at night?

          Definitely not one of my betters. Hooligan without style rather.

          • Armchair Critic

            Now you mention it, it does seem unlikely that said merchant banker would go to McDonalds. There is a good takeaway shop much closer to his offices.

  4. Outofbed 4

    i resent the implication that us dozer drivers are pissheads

    • Loota 4.1

      I agree. It would have been much better to simply come out and say it.

      • mcflock 4.1.1

        hmmm, they’re qualified tradestaff with a pretty secure amount of overtime pay coming up in Canterbury – and that’s where the bubbly’s going.

        Maybe my semantic imprecision inadvertently revealed a reason more likely than burger-craving millionaires?

  5. peterlepaysan 5

    None of that stuff qualifies as either champagne, or expensive.
    Get a life.

    • Mac1 5.1

      Pierre, mon vieux, eef eet say champagne on ze label, zen champagne ees what eet ees.

      We ‘ave ze laws vich command zat!

      I would be ‘appy to say that that $56 per bottle is not expensive, mais helas, I cannot.

      ‘Owever, you are right about Deutz. ‘Orrible nasty methode traditionelle, and definitely never from Champagne! Certainement pas expensive!

      Et I ‘ave ze life, merci.

      Capcha ‘languages’

    • Vicky32 5.2

      Peter, I hope you are not serious! $56.99 for booze – ‘bleedin’ highway robbery’ my father would have said, AND he was a booze connoiseur!

    • Loota 5.3

      Pretty sure the Piper-Heidsick is a genuine champagne grown and fermented in the region according to the regs…

      OK so its NV stuff but come on, its a cheap-O supermarket, and aren’t the up and coming Young NATs allowed to be “aspirational”? (Plus it is on special according to the tag, usu $70, wow thats the same as two whole bottles of Woodstock)

    • Marty G 5.4

      nearly three hours on the average wage after-tax for a bottle of bubbles is expensive in my book.

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