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- Date published:
8:00 am, July 22nd, 2017 - 14 comments
Categories: accountability, national, police -
Tags: #debarclay, ipca, police, Todd Barclay
Prepare to be SHOCKED – IPCA won’t pursue Barclay investigation complaint.
The police watchdog has decided not to pursue a complaint about the handling of last year’s investigation into embattled Clutha-Southland MP Todd Barclay.
At the time Mr Barclay declined to co-operate with the police investigation, and it has since been reopened.
The Independent Police Conduct Authority (IPCA) received a complaint in June, but said it was satisfied there was no misconduct or neglect by police investigating the case.
The reason the police originally dropped an investigation into the PM’s political son will forever remain a mystery. Total mystery. Nothing to see here. Move along.
If you do not like National this is the best possible outcome. The matter will fester and linger and taint the election. The Establishment had an opportunity to create the appearance of accountability and blew it.
100% Clusterfuck,
This will become another “gate” (Barclaygate) saga around their lying neck and be yet another example that this government sweeps everything under the carpets.
Yes, the police must co-operate with Nats to get their funding – and what about the police investigating the others involved ?
Notice the big uptick in police funding about a year and half ago, after many years of being frozen.
The others mentioned as trying to influence the case, nothing will come of that. The ‘reopening’ is just a cover to shut off discussion until after the election when it will all be shuffled back under the same moth eaten carpet
There seems to have been TWO legal opinions obtained to back up the decision.
yeah , thats what happens every time they do do the small cases.
two ? really. Doesnt sound as though the first was strong enough so they went back for another. And was the decision to seek another opinion on a direction from the police hierarchy ?
( we saw the other day in a story about the removal of the Police Inspector in charge in Rotorua, a decision about a minor traffic ticket. The District Commander (a Superintendent) gave a direction to a senior policeman in charge of traffic matters to issue the ticket. The reason for high level interference, was they wanted this guy gone)
Would Barclays lawyers been privy to the legal arguments as well. You can see the invisible hand of politics guiding the way it turned out.
Now the case has been ‘reopened’, its likely directions from Police HQ and or the regional HQ will be working to frustrate the progress
“Nothing to see here. Move along”
Helen! You’re back in the country.
I thought you were investigating the Gulag country in Russia.
You aren’t though. You are back contributing your old clichés to The Standard.
Just for the record Helen Clark did cooperate with the police in ‘paintergate’, as were those who arranged the painting for a charity.
“Mrs Bush says she took the painting to Helen Clark’s office and asked her to sign it. Helen Clark, then Leader of the Opposition, signed “Helen Clark” on the back of the painting with a ballpoint pen.
“Miss Clark states that she does not recall signing the painting but acknowledges that she did so. She has stated that she has no independent recollection of any of the events surrounding this painting,” the report says.”
In one situation the politician and others made a statement. Barclay on legal advice refused to even talk to police.
Big difference, not that the the truth would ever be a problem for you to create fake news
I wasn’t actually thinking about “Paintergate” and you will see that I never mentioned it at all.
Personally I didn’t see anything wrong with what she did there. The only person who could have done something wrong was someone who tried to sell it as being painted by HC, or if she had made the claim herself.
I don’t remember her doing that.
It just seemed such a typical sort of thing for her to come out with.
Maybe the police are putting their limited resources into investigating benefit fraud by a senior green politician instead.
Maybe the police have more important things to do than dealing with political twats regardless of which political party they come from.
Yes better there time spent chasing self declared fraudsters
You got the colour wrong – I think you meant blue.
You’re dead right. The allegations made against Paula Bennett are shocking and do demand a full investigation.
Hey Todd what’s on the tapes?.. yeah that’s what you don’t want going public, isn’t it? JS