Mama said

Written By: - Date published: 9:12 am, August 4th, 2016 - 1 comment
Categories: blogs - Tags: , , ,

For those who don’t follow the various genres of do-it-yourself blogging, the top two non-commercial groups are (by people involved), in my view, are mummy-blogging and geek-blogging in various forms. Political and news blogs like this one seldom rate.

One of the larger (top last month at Open Parachute) in NZ is Mama said. I did enjoy the 2nd of August post on “I’m still alive kind of” about blogging and why we people like her (and us) do it. Emily Writes apparently had a (international?) viral post last month with a review on Tarzan.


I’ve had heaps of emails so I thought I should write this post. The emails are kind of “I’m not on Facebook or Twitter and you haven’t posted since the Tarzan post! ARE YOU DEAD? HAVE YOU GIVEN UP MUMMY BLOGGING?”

Or they say: “WHY AREN’T YOU BLOGGING ABOUT MUM STUFF ANYMORE? I don’t want film reviews give me mum stuff”.


And so I’m sorry. I didn’t disappear. Look at all these reviews I went and wrote for Metro Magazine:

But yeah, I haven’t posted anything since Tarzan. Because of two things:

Go and read the reasons. But I’m going to deliberately use my take on it here because that is what I feel like doing.

  1. Emily isn’t a narcissistic who enjoys having mean and nasty fools writing comments. Now I can relate to that. I do have a slightly different attitude – that I don’t like people behaving like arseholes (especially pig-ignorant ones), and I prefer to treat them as arseholes until their behaviour improves. I believe this shows up in my moderation style on the odd occasion.
  2. She blogs because she chooses to do so and writes blogs when she has something to say. Obviously we have the same general opinion here. But we set the site up as a multi-author blog right from the start. It means that authors and commentators can take a rest from blogging here, go on and do other things. And they do.
  3. She is tired and has other paid work to do. This isn’t a job for us in the same way that some blogs are operated – the mindless clickbait and persistent self-promotion on Whaleoil comes to mind. The continual churn of poorly written posts that say bugger all isn’t something ewe want to do. And we have other things to do, work and family often top of the list.

So accept what we have to give and always remember that we do this because we want to, and not because someone says that we must. Emily makes that clear

So I will keep writing mum stuff. Reviews are fun but I love writing about being a mum and I’m always writing as a mum anyway.

If you want to go and support her – then try this thing for Wellington Women’s Refuge and Wellington Rape Crisis on August 21st. Or on August 9th there is a kindy that will be showing Tarzan at the Roxy in Wellington (?) organised by Emily.  She has brought sheep and would prefer to pay for them rather than the theatre.

Goth boutique sheep famer signing off.

Gotta love the typos. I’d better head to work.

One comment on “Mama said ”

  1. veutoviper 1

    Although I am definitely not in the demographic for mummy blogging, being in my 60s and well past the parenting stage, I have been a fan of Emily (aka EmilyWrites) and her blog/writing for at least six months now.

    I almost always come away from reading her work, laughing and continuing to experience dega vu laughter for hours/days afterwards. Nonetheless, much of her work also obviously gives tremendous support to other parents with young children.

    A mother of two children under 4 years old. Emily has only been blogging at MamaSaid ( for just over a year now, tweets as @DearMama ( and also does a regular parenting column for the Herald. A number of her blogs, including her first one, have gone viral, including internationally. Her review of the latest Tarzan film has been widely reproduced including in Sweden, home of Alexander Skarsgard.

    Emily is also writing a book and was offered and signed a contract with Penguin Random House for the book a few months ago.

    On top of this, she also actively supports her local Plunket here in south Wellington, the Wellington Mothers’ Network – – and was/is a (very active) founder of the Ballet4Everyone – Although only a year old, Ballet4Everyone was nominated for a Wellington Airport Community Award (but did not win one this year at the awards last Monday night).

    No wonder she is tired!

    Anyway, I laughed at Lprent writing a post on Mama Said, but fully understand why he did (also not being of Emily’s demographic) and agree (mostly) with your ‘take’, lprent. Emily’s Commenting Policy and FAQs on her blog are worth reading if nothing else!

    UPDATE – in the last hour someone has tweeted this video to Emily of Jesse Inocalla reading Emily’s Tarsan review – OMG!!!!!! NOTE – Emily has received some nasty reactions to this review, mainly from men.