Meanwhile, on Planet Key

Written By: - Date published: 10:47 am, December 3rd, 2012 - 26 comments
Categories: john key, Minister for Photo-ops, polls - Tags:

It’s got to be enough to worry you. If you were Key, you would be looking at the polls and thinking you’re taking too much self-inflicted damage. Sure, National is still in the mid-40s and Key will back himself to crucify Shearer in the debates, but his own brand is suffering badly. He’s failed on jobs and increasingly being seen as out of touch. So, is making the news for eating a grasshopper really a smart move? Key seems to think he can carry on being the party boy when the public mood has changed.

26 comments on “Meanwhile, on Planet Key ”

  1. Tracey 1

    I wonder if the reason so many right wing commentators praise Shearer is because they know with a half eloquent leader Labour would have National plummeting in the polls.

  2. Craig Glen Eden 2

    James, Keys Brand is not suffering, you see eating insects helps his brand smiling and waving helps his brand, talking shit with engineering students and being a dick head on Radio all helps his brand. The fact that he is doing a terrible job in just about every area of Government and is constantly changing his story and tells lies has hardly had any negative effect really.

    You see thats the whole point the Nats have worked it out they dont have to be good with the economy, stop the exodus to Aussie reduce unemployment or create a better education system its the Media image that counts and thats why Shearer will never beat Key in the most preferred PM stakes.

    Shearer might be the nice guy he might play the guitar and have feed thousands in war torn countries non of that matters, Shearer has to be quick with retorts and deal with Keys created brand and image. Shearer does not have that ability he is slow and bumbling and thats why he will fail on the campaign trail.

    Keys problem is no coalition partners thats what could be his undoing.

    • Tracey 2.1


      read the hollow men again, or if you haven’t read it, for the first time. This blueprint is laid out there. They didn’t learn to be better people after 2002 and 2005 they learned to be better liars…

      • Draco T Bastard 2.1.1

        They didn’t learn to be better people after 2002 and 2005 they learned to be better liars…


        And the thing that really gets me is that the lies are so damn blatant and yet they still do not get held to account over them.

        • Tracey

          And one reason is that Labour can’t quite seem to drag itself out of “what’s in this for me” mode, and so with egoes coming first, the nation comes second. Thank God for the Greens right now.

        • muzza

          Held to account by who/what?

          If you mean their sponsors who also control the MSM, along with most other industry…..could be a while/never!

          Actually a change will come when the MSM is instructed to pump up the greens, but that is only likely to happen once the current job being done on Labour is completed.

    • Northshoreguynz 2.2

      So, JK is Nats answer to JT?

  3. Roy 3

    I suspect that being the party boy is all Key knows.

  4. Dv 4

    Practicing for the all the dead rat he will have to swallow in the next 2 years.

    • Ennui in Requiem 4.1

      The dead rats are all here in Purgatory…they have been assigned the task of building the Tenth Circle of Hell…..a place initially reserved for politicians who fail to deliver their earthly promises. The talk among-st the devils down here is that Lucifer has demanded that this new ring is only partially begun (completion will take eternity)…in time to receive the entire cabinet of the current National Government. It is to be a “cycleway”.

  5. The performance of Key as leader of the NACTs begins to appear hollow only when the fiction that the NACTs represent the ‘public’ or ‘general’ or ‘universal’ interest begins to break down.

    This is because while proclaiming to have the ‘general’ interests at heart, the NACTs are more and more blatantly serving the interests of international finance capital and its kiwi cronies.

    Key’s performance therefore is designed to cover up this contradiction by trying to prove that without the enrichment of finance capital, there would be no growth, rising unemployment and record emigration to Australia, and that US multinationals will not be indemnified against loss of profits.

    In fact it is that the enrichment of international finance capital and the NACT crony regime requires all of these above and Key cannot claim otherwise without appearing to be on ‘Planet Key’.

    If the left wants to explain why Key’s performance is such as it is it needs to point to the underlying contradiction and decide which side it stands on. Labour needs to say that it is not international finance capital that represents the ‘general’ interest, but the historic class that emerges to replace capital as representing the ‘general’ interest and that is the working class the owners of nothing but their labour which produces the wealth under capitalism.

    Marx was onto it in the German Ideology.

    “For each new class which puts itself in the place of one ruling before it, is compelled, merely in order to carry through its aim, to represent its interest as the common interest of all the members of society, that is, expressed in ideal form: it has to give its ideas the form of universality, and represent them as the only rational, universally valid ones.”

  6. bad12 6

    Yes the Slippery little Shyster we have as Prime Minister has a certain appeal to those who see behaving idiotically as ‘having fun’ after all a large section of the population use their weekend hours to behave in a lot of instances even more idiotically than the Prime Minister has thus far managed,

    Expect nothing more from the empty suitcase of intellectual rigor tho, while the focus groups quite happily lap up His ‘spastic with the ice-cream routine’ the cynical little manipulator will keep dishing it up as will the media keep the focus upon such stupidity rather than the woeful state of the Slippery National Governments failures of policy,

    The fact that the Member for Dipton has managed in a few short years to drag the economy back to 2002 levels of employment and production would strongly suggest that on present trends National can only hope to be the biggest opposition party of any Parliament for quite some time…

  7. vto 7

    I see on Planet Key last week he claimed that one of the benefits of the Hobbit movie is that it brings James Cameron to live in our country.

    And on the other side of Planet Key New Zealanders are referred to by the likes of James Cameron as “Mexicans with cellphones”.


    what a frikkin’ dipstick

    • You are under the illusion that John Key’s time as Prime Minister is anything save a trophy on his wall, he revels in the power and authority just like he did in Merill; he didn’t give a damn about his fellow employees, let alone care about New Zealanders now. But New Zealand wanted to be used by John Key’s smiling assassin smile.

  8. tracey 8

    Can anyone tell me what picture warners is cuurently having shot in nz, or scheduled over the next year?

  9. feijoa 9

    The populace at large are sucked in by celebrity culture, perhaps more so in hard times, as their troubles are massaged away by the entertainment industry.
    John Key is merely a celebrity, -photos in the Womans weekly, handshakes with actors, chatting with rock stars… That’s really all that’s necessary- intellectual rigour not required
    Crosby Textor have this completely sussed

  10. Tombstone 10

    the guy sickens me to the core – what a slimey little weasel.

  11. Reagan Cline 11

    John’s grasshopper eating goes way back –

    ” Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth”

    The Greens message contradicts this foundation of our culture and our society.

    That is why I fear and distrust them.

    • Draco T Bastard 11.1

      The Greens message contradicts this foundation of our culture and our society.

      Yeah, have you considered the idea that the founding principles of our society are the problem?

    • You_Fool 11.2

      “The Greens message contradicts this foundation of our culture and our society.”

      Quotation needed

    • karol 11.3

      The Greens message contradicts this

      What part of being responsible custodians of the earth and its creatures is a contradiction of God’s alleged role designation? 

  12. You all seem to forget, John Key was shoulder tapped to get NZ ready for sale, he has done that, now he is biding time till his next multi million $ job becomes available.

    The multi nationals will be tapping John Keys shoulder saying “Good job John, good job”.

    And what else is there for John Key to worry about.