Minister for Oversea Holidays

Written By: - Date published: 1:49 pm, December 23rd, 2012 - 53 comments
Categories: Minister for Overseas Holidays - Tags:

Getting away this summer? Or having a ‘staycation’ and selling your leave to make ends meet? Are you “jealous” that Key’s off to Maui for 3 weeks, again? Or are you just a bit pissed off to learn that our Minister of Tourism has so far spent over 100 days overseas on holiday since becoming PM, while the average Kiwi’s had just 27 days abroad and tourism here is in crisis?

Yup. Go back and add up the trips to Hawaii and Europe and Maine (when Key just happened to be overseas as the GCSB/Dotcom illegality started to emerge). You get 102 days overseas on holiday (plus 200 for ‘work’, not that there’s a lot to show for it) in the last four years. Not counting this holiday just started.

Stats NZ says the average Kiwi has had 27 days overseas on holiday in the same period.

OK, so dude’s rich and he can’t wait to get out of New Zealand. Of course, no-one should point out that Key takes a lot of expensive holidays and refuses to back our own tourism industry. That would just be ‘jealousy’.

Or is it?

Ask the 7,000 tourism workers who have lost their jobs under Key. What do they think of a Minister of Tourism who chooses to holiday abroad while our country’s tourism revenue is down 20% under his watch?

Are they just jealous of Mr Maui? Or would they like a Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism who put his money where his mouth is and supports his own country? Are they asking too much?

53 comments on “Minister for Oversea Holidays ”

  1. irascible 1

    I alwaysthought that KeY was a resident of Hawaii and took extended holidays in New Zealandto play at being a “responsible’ contributing citizen and Prime Minister”.

    • David Viperious H 1.1

      Yeah makes you wonder when he is going to dump his NZ citizenship, and get an American one, so he can try at becoming president of the world.
      And if he loses the next election you could almost lay money that he would be on the first plane out of town, back to Hawaii. Where he can plot his revenge on NZ for kicking him out. So if he loses I would expect a lot of attacks on our currency, using the knowledge he has collected in his time as PM. It’s the ultimate in Insider Trading.

    • Dr Terry 1.2

      He comes here occasionally to pay his son’s exclusive school fees (no charter school, thanks!), to keep up his end with the golfing fraternity, to enjoy company with his very rich mates, to ensure the destruction of our education system, to hurt children and youth as far as is conceivably possible, to pass smart-arsed quips following any intelligent remark from opposition, to meditate every night on his beloved Hawaiian mansion and beaches (that is where tourists should go!), and, oh dear, need I go on? Happy Christmas commoners!

  2. Populuxe1 2

    Maybe he just simply really likes Hawaii. I understand it’s a beautiful place.
    Aren’t there enough genuine things to criticise the National government for without lame, spiteful bullshit like this? How many overseas holidays did Helen Clark take, for god’s sake? Nobody, politicians included, needs your permission about when and where to go on holiday!

    • Colonial Weka 2.1

      I’m interested to know too how the 102 days compare to other NZ PMs.

      • Akldnut 2.1.1

        I too am interested, I can remember seeing many articles in the western leader of Clark walking the trails of the Waitakeres. Haven’t seen a picture or article of Key on a cycleway yet, and if there was one I doubt there would be many!

      • Fortran 2.1.2

        And Teachers ?

    • RedLogix 2.2

      Nobody, politicians included, needs your permission about when and where to go on holiday!

      John Key is not just any private person. He is both the Prime Minister and the Minister for Tourism.
      While he certainly does not need our permission about when and how he takes his holidays; his choices nonetheless can be reflected on.

      We don’t need your permission for that … do we?

      • Populuxe1 2.2.1

        Actually John Key is a private person when not acting as PM, and all his holiday choice reflects is that he likes Hawai’i. What your comments reflect is the kind of petty bellyaching that turned voters off Labour and put this schmuck in power in the first place.

        • quartz

          He likes Hawaii? I like New Zealand. I would have thought that liking a nation more than anywhere else was a fucking prerequisite for leading it. Maybe he should resign and run for governor of Hawaii instead.

          • Populuxe1

            That is the stupidest fucking thing I’ve heard in a long time. I love many European countries without it remotely affecting my patriotism, and by the same token Hitler, an Austrian, was passionate in his love with Germany. Fuck, by your logic we should make Kyle Chapman PM.

            IrishBill: Did you just godwin your own argument?

        • karol

          petty bellyaching that turned voters off Labour and put this schmuck in power in the first place.

          You mean like that bellyaching that used to go on about Helengrad and lightbulbs?

          Not only is Key minister of NZ tourism, but he also seems more fixated on sucking up the powerful US corporates and politicians. He rolled over for Warners changing the law for them. And he has been involved in the whole shift from 100% pure branding to 100% Middle-earth – turning over the promotion to US companies, targeting US tourists. Instead it’d be more sensible to target tourists in the Asia-Pacific area.

          Hawaii? key sure seems fixated on the US rather than looking out for all Kiwis.

          • Populuxe1

            I don’t particularly like the smug prick, but you hopefully could do better than that. And as the bellyaching about Helengrad and lightbulbs was largely coming from disaffected members of the Labour party, I fail to see how that does anything to disprove the culture of moaning and backstabbing that has come to dominate Labour (Hello! Shearer vs Cunliffe)

            • IrishBill

              And as the bellyaching about Helengrad and lightbulbs was largely coming from disaffected members of the Labour party

              I’m calling bullshit on this. Put up or shut up.

        • Crimson Nile

          I thought you were against censorship. But now you want to censor “bellyaching”? I’m sure Key can stand the criticism. Because he deserves it.

          • Populuxe1

            Freedom of speech doesn’t usually apply to baseless hate speech

            • Crimson Nile

              Attacking Prime Minister Key is now considered “baseless hate speech”? You whining sycophant.

              • Populuxe1

                Given that I really really don’t like the National party, you clearly don’t know what sycophant means

    • Dr Terry 2.3

      Since when has he asked our permission? Sure, I liked visiting Hawaii too, several times. But if my country had faced an unexpected disaster, I hardly think I would have been missed! On second thoughts, would Key be missed anyway? And by the way, yes I do agree, there are more than enough “genuine things” to criticise the National government for. You bet! I think you have got it! (And never mind Helen Clark – who is counting? Even so, two wrongs do not make a right).

  3. Zetetic 3

    Doesn’t need my permission. Not exempt from my criticism either.

    A education minister who only sent their kids to private schools or a health minister who refused to use the public system would face same.

    Don’t you think the minister of tourism should support our tourism industry? Especially when it has been decimated (decimated twice over, technically) under his watch?

    Or is it wrong and rude to hold a minister to account? Of course it is, quite right. Nothing to see here.

    • Populuxe1 3.1

      In a system such as ours where there exist private and public options and one has the resources to be able to choose, that choice is their right. One might easily argue that Key has done a lot for the tourism industry, albeit questionably, through his media appearances in the US and his approach to the Hobbit movies. I think this is entirely focusing on the wrong thing – everybody in this country should have their private lives respected where it doesn’t conflict with the public interest, and Key’s holidays are nothing to do with the public interest.

      • Colonial Weka 3.1.1

        They are if he takes too many of them. But I think the point is more that his govt has been abysmal for NZ, and he shouldn’t be living the high life while that happens. It is an indication he doesn’t give a shit.

        Privacy? try running that line past any beneficiary who needs to speak out and is now afraid to because of Key’s support of Bennett.

        • Populuxe1

          No one is arguing that Paula Benefit, rabid manatee in leopard print, is an evil bitch. I fail to see why that is an excuse to descend to her level when instead we should be pushing to get rid of her and make ironclad the privacy rights of beneficiaries.

          • Colonial Weka

            Your arguing that Key has a right to his privacy when he misuses his power against the privacy rights of vulnerable people. Given that he is the PM, that doesn’t wash.

            Another way of saying this is that yes, in the normal course of things I think MPs and the PM have the right to some privacy, but Key’s actions have demolished that particular social contract.

            • Populuxe1

              You may have a point there, but I still find it ugly and petty regardless of who does it, and I say exactly the same things to the other side as well, so don’t feel too special.

      • Dr Terry 3.1.2

        Oh, Key’s holidays might very well have to do with the public interest!! May I suggest you refrain from joining the all too regular selfish screaming for “rights”. In the end, public servants have no “rights”, only duties. How can you mention the Hobbit movies (and all the photo op’s) without blushing for shame? Never mind, Merry Christmas anyway!

  4. Raymond a Francis 4

    Fair enough, all true but just for balance would you care to do a similar post on Helen Clark’s holidays
    Just a reminder, she was both out of the country and un-contactible when there was a major disaster (tsunami, earthquake) and thanks to her management style nothing could be done to she came out of the mountains

    • bad12 4.1

      Helen Clark is no longer the Prime Minister, Slippery the little Shyster now fills that role, i am sure that there was adequate comment over the bloggesphere about where the previous Prime Minister chose to take Her holidays at the time she was the Prime Minister,

      If you are looking for a barrage of continual criticism of the past the Blubber-Boy blog is the place to find it…

    • Zetetic 4.2

      you’re welcome to do the research on Clark and send in a guest post. Also, include the change in tourism revenue during the period for which she was tourism minister.

    • QoTViper 4.3

      tsunami, earthquake

      Yes, those things are so comparable to a political issue relating to the abuse of police authority and possible misconduct by the agency the PM is in charge of. Gosh you’re clever.

    • Dr Terry 4.4

      And Key will descend from his Planet? Speaking in this way about Clark is a purely diversionary tactic. Happy Christmas, regardless!

  5. bad12 5

    Slippery can’t afford to take His holidays in New Zealand, should He be viewed by the public for anything more than the carefully choreographed smile’n’wave walk through a factory or shopping-mall, or, the latter incarnation where He is viewed through the lens of a TV camera behaving as a complete and utter ‘tool’ in a radio broadcast the public would see the other side of such a false smile’n’wave persona,

    Scratch the surface of our Slippery Prime Minister tho and the revelation of the ‘fun bloke’ is not forthcoming, His behavior at such a point can only be described as ‘a hissy fit’ produced from the mind of a simpering condescending b**ch,

    In terms of ‘the message’ He as the Prime Minister sends to the average Kiwi struggling to keep it together in tough times His scarpering off to His bolt-hole in Hawaii is a kick in the teeth, my Christmas wish of course is for Him to stay there…

  6. It would be appalling to suggest that Mr Key is promoting an export-crippling high dollar to make his holidays in Hawaii cheaper, wouldn’t it? Only a cynical Leftie fed up with broken promises could think that, surely. Where is the Christmas Spirit, I ask?

    • felixviper 6.1

      Yes, that would be appalling. I also hope no-one is going to stoop so low as to suggest that Key has never stopped speculating in the currency markets and has taken certain positions which yield him a better return the longer our dollar stays high.

    • Dr Terry 6.2

      RW – I am finding it hard to detect your “Christmas Spirit” just now. Tell me, who is being cynical here?? Hope you enjoy your Christmas anyway – try to forget your denigrated “lefties” (who just might happen to be your fellow human beings).

  7. Toosense 7

    I have no objection to the prime servant going to holiday in Hawaii.
    But I do object to the bastard coming back…

  8. Shorts 8

    The average kiwi has 27 days abroad over this period? Seems a high number

    I guess like many I dream of being average…. Now to pay rent, defer bills and get into the festive spirit

    Happy holidays glorious leader

  9. infused 9

    Oh he mad.

  10. vto 10

    Key is hopeless as a Tourism Minister. And while he is surely entitled to a certain level of privacy, that has been pretty well completely stripped away by his and his Ministers appalling abuse of power with respect to individuals privacy. They can go jump.

    Taking holidays out of NZ is most definitely not a good look and we are perfectly entitled to comment on his non-PM activities. Key himself plays up his non-PM activities and uses them for political advantage all the time so people who think those things are out of range need to ask Key why he brings all of that within range.

  11. unpcnzcougar 11

    We are fortunate enough to holiday in Maui once a year and a second holiday somewhere else. When Americans find out where you are from the first comment is inevitably about LOTR.

    We both work incredibly hard and the reason we go overseas (especially USA) is to get inspired by the positivity that abounds outside of NZ and having new experiences and meeting new people gives us the juice to come back here to the slog of 60-80 hours a week.

    John Key is on holiday with his family. I doubt he spends too much time with them when he’s on the job. All MP’s are entitled to holiday with their families wherever they choose, and I am sure with his family and other MP’s it’s about having some privacy over the Christmas period.

    There are surely much better things to attack him over. This seems to me to be envy over someone who has money to holiday overseas.

    • felixviper 11.1

      I don’t care where he has a holiday in and of itself.

      But that’s not the complaint. The complaint is that Key is fucking our country up. He’s sacked thousands of public sector workers and stood idly by while tens of thousands more have been laid off in the private sector.

      He’s attacked labour laws and workers’ rights so even if you can find another job you can be fired at any time for no reason whatsoever, thereby destroying job security and the ability to plan ahead for many many thousands more.

      He has raised taxes via GST, levies, duties and fees which disproportionately burden the poor.

      He’s pushed wages down in real terms, which is probably the only promise he has kept in the last five years.

      And while all this is going on at the hands of John Key, what is he doing? Spending 100 days in the lap of luxury in Hawaii while more and more of out citizens sffer more and more hardship every day.

      That’s what’s offensive about it

    • Crimson Nile 11.2

      Let me ask, why don’t you give up half your arduous workload so that some other people can have some employment?
      You say that there is more positivity in the USA compared to NZ. But I suspect you do not hang out with the nearly 50M Americans relying on food stamps to survive, in the richest country in the world. Do you?

      • infused 11.2.1

        It’s hardly the richest.

        • felixviper

          Relative to our population we’re very rich in terms of resources and productive ability.

          Unfortunately we allow much of that wealth to be extracted in profits to overseas owners of capital, and allow the wealth that does remain here to be concentrated into a very small – and shrinking – number of pockets.

      • unpcnzcougar 11.2.2

        We have created a business Crimson. It now employs 20 kiwis. Everything we own is at stake. We work arduous hours to create new product so we can be successful and employ more people. Every dollar earned goes back into R&D – there are no tax breaks, just lots of balls!

        I have met many poor people in my travels and I am always struck by those in the most dire straights having the most optimism. I know a little about being poor having grown up in a state house in Lange’s electorate. However, applying “stinkin thinkin” never got me anywhere.

        Bless you.

        • Crimson Nile

          You should be arguing for cheaper small business loans, R&D assistance, reduced taxes on new enterprises and easier access to venture capital. Instead of defending a PM who doesn’t care about the 99%.

    • Dr Terry 11.3

      Well, he did manage to visit America to watch his son play minor baseball, at a critical time for his country. Somehow, I think he finds as much time as anybody else for his family (which is too little for most of us).

  12. SHG (not Colonial Viper) 12

    Hmm, on whose watch was production of “The Hobbit” retained? On whose watch did Warner Bros agree to include on the DVD of “The Hobbit” a tourism feature about New Zealand?

    But I’m sure those things won’t be responsible for any tourist revenue.

    • Dr Terry 12.1

      How about filling in all the missing details concerning The Hobbit”? Maybe there is a bit of tourist revenue – but what compares with changing this country’s law to suit American Warner Bro’s?
      Hmmm, happy Christmas to you too.

  13. gnomic 13

    This ‘overseas holiday’ of which you speak – what is it? Indeed what is a holiday even aside from a few stat hols which many workers don’t get to enjoy, on the actual day at any rate? Perhaps some official stats on the number of days the everidge Kiwi has spent abroad in recent times to back this up? Excluding the medical professionals, lawyers, accountants, company directors, politicians, media personalities, and so forth? Just how widespread are those winter spells in Fiji, Vanuatu, or Norfolk Island? Or Hooton holidays in Canada getting the kids taught skiing skimmed off fatuous emissions trading schemes made to be scammed.

  14. burt 14

    Remember the good old days when asking if Helen Clark was going skiing in Europe this Xmas break got you banned ! Oh how things change in the game of musical chairs that passes for politics in NZ.

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