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- Date published:
9:30 am, February 2nd, 2014 - 111 comments
Categories: election 2014, greens, Judith Collins, labour, Metiria Turei, national, Politics, same old national -
I was not going to post about the recent public spat about designer jackets but on reflection I think that this needs to be said, National’s boorish treatment of Metiria Turei is but a sign of things to come this year. In the same week that we have a proposal to change the Country’s flag we have a suggestion that Metiria’s jackets are too expensive.
At face value it seemed to be something that just bubbled up and involved Tolley, Metiria and Collins in a media beaten up stoush about the cost of designer jackets. But when I think about it I can’t help but think that the attack was preprogrammed with a long term goal in mind.
It is not as if it was an accidental utterance said in the heat of debate in Parliament. It was the ninth sentence of Anne Tolley’s prepared speech in the debate of the Prime Minister’s statement and followed a clearly drafted attack on the Greens. What she said was this:
I am actually insulted to be lectured on how out of touch I am with average New Zealanders by a list MP who has no constituents, lives in a castle, and comes to the House dressed in $2,000 designer jackets and tells me that I am out of touch.
The content appears to be far too detailed to be spontaneous for Tolley. And when you look at the video it appears that this comment was part of the written notes that Tolley was reading from.
The reality of course is that the Green Party has, based on its vote at the last election, the thick end of 250,000 voters as its constituents. These voters are justified in being insulted by Tolley’s comments and should rally around their party and express their disgust. Metiria may own a building that could be regarded as a castle but it appears to be of very modest value. And Metiria’s jackets may be of considerable value but I for one am more than happy to forgive her this “sin” because she is absolutely staunch on the issues that matter, and if her jackets help in the cause of removing this National Government from power then they are worth every cent.
If I can criticise Turei over this episode it is for saying that the attack was racist. While this may have been a motivation it is not clear that it was and it then allows Collins to show photos of her Samoan husband (sorry for the Whaleoil link) and ask how she could possibly be racist. I think it was a vicious attack designed to create a very unhealthy debate but to call it racist only muddies the waters.
And the right wing blogs are lapping this up. The sense of misogyny is strong. Farrar and Slater have run a video showing Turei being involved in a role play battle. While I personally have never engaged in this activity it looks harmless enough and looks like being a bit of fun. And at least the Greens are not driving families into poverty or destroying lives. Besides various National MPs have rather unusual hobbies so they should be careful in what they criticise.
John Key has jumped in and claimed that the Green MPs are the biggest bullies. He said:
Go back and play the file footage and see who says the hardest often nastiest comments. Almost always come from the greens they go really hard …
[Question] So they are bullying are they?Well, I was going to say if it was any way around it would not be on us to them.
[Question] So you are being bullied by the Greens Prime Minister?Well I don’t feel too bullied but I am just saying that they don’t hold back.
This surely must be a further entry to BLiP’s list.
After I listened to this a word starting with “P” and ending with “illock” sprung to mind. And I challenge any RWNJ to identify any occasion where the Greens have been personal in an attack. I agree with Karol about this. My very strong impression is that they are extremely well behaved and address the issues and not the person. If only every other party including Labour would do the same. Key’s comments are a joke and are more likely to be heard in a primary school yard discussion than a serious political debate.
As far as I am concerned it is ridiculous to say that Turei is a hypocrite. She is someone playing the political game, abiding by the rules and getting dressed appropriately. Her sin is that she has the temerity to not only tell National that they are wrong but to show them how wrong they are. Having a comfortable lifestyle does not prevent you from saying that the current system which overwhelmingly favours the wealthy and is destructive of our environment is wrong. If anything Turei is, in their eyes, guilty of treason rather than hypocrisy.
You can see National’s strategy now, Cunliffe and Labour cannot be trusted and the Greens are hypocrites and nuts. We are in for a long, vicious, year.
Having a modestly comfortable lifestyle and wanting others to have the same. Nothing wrong with that. Isn’t that what this election is about?
That’s the funny thing, RedBaronCV.
Collins, Tolley, Key and the rest are all very comfortable at the top end of a very unequal society. They understand this full well, and their entire political philosophy is based around keeping it that way.
Metiria’s only real crime, in their eyes, is that she won’t kick the ladder out. The Nats think that if you’re well-off then you should be working to protect the interests of the well-off.
If you’re well-off and you work for the interests of all of us, the Nats call it hypocrisy. Because you’re not being selfish enough like they think all well-off people should be.
Well said felix.
Classic black or white thinking from the Nats. Either you’re in the rich club with us our you’re not. If you’re in it what the hell are you doing making noises about helping the poor?
Us vs them – class war.
Also they are fully consciously aware that a large enough number of their voters has a shallow enough grasp of reason to fall for the ‘u dun like drilling for oil but u iz driving a car lol’ kind of argument such as this.
The Left Don’t Want Leftovers; Or Why Metiria Should Keep Her Jacket!
Copied over from previous thread as it seems to fit better here.
+1 Excellent point
national don’t want to talk about why the dollar has lost 2/3 of its purchasing power in the last 30 years or why asset and commodity prices have out stripped income or why there neo liberal economic policy s have failed or why there looting the country. Well guess what national we do!
I would say all the Greens (particularly Julie Anne Genter) are exemplary in their behaviour… except Russel Norman.
Norman does occasionally get personal. For instance:
It’s not particularly jarring. It’s not up to the level of Key’s “Greens are the biggest bullies”, but it’s also not a case of that the Greens -never- go personal. Or Norman at least.
Not sure that highlighting Keys corrosive and divisive behaviour (and backing up the argument with specific examples) is a personal attack.
…think Russell Norman has done a damned good job as an Opposition Leader !…..hard hitting but not offensively personal….he plays the ball not the person!…..his criticisms and attacks are justified imo
I totally agree. Part of a strategy to assassinate the character of those on the left. Hone (never in Parliament), Cunliffe “tricky” and now Tuerei re her clothes etc). I think expect more of this. There should be a joint party response to this where whoever is attacked points this out “here is the National Party strategy of attacking the person and not addressing the real issues. This is the only strategy National have as they can’t defend their actual performance over this issue. I am going to ignore that. Lets get back to discussing poverty etc”
Just a thought!
+1 Yes a very good thought – I hope members of the Opposition parties are reading this – this approach would stop the Nat’s strategy in its tracks and refocus things back where it needs to be; letting the public work out what political party is [or combination of parties are] going to be addressing our issues in the most effective way and for the greatest number of people.
What Anne Tolley said was the truth. The truth sometimes hurts. Turei is a hypocrite.
“I am actually insulted to be lectured on how out of touch I am with average New Zealanders by a list MP who has no constituents, lives in a castle, and comes to the House dressed in $2,000 designer jackets and tells me that I am out of touch.” – Tolley
This doesn’t state that Metiria is a hypocrite (it may be implied) – this states that Tolley does not think that people with lots of money to buy expensive clothes and castles can be in touch with average New Zealanders.
This might be correct.
There is certainly a good reason to believe that Tolley – in the highly paid profession she is in – does not believe that issues such as poverty – which is an issue effecting ‘average New Zealanders’ – should be addressed by her ilk.
Tolley’s comment makes a great case for dropping parliamentary members payrates .
The part of Tolley’s comment about ‘not having constituents’ is wrong – I contact my local Green MP alongside those that have stood as local representatives (not just those that have ‘won’) in my district when I want to address a matter with a ‘local’ central government politician. I feel confident others’ would follow the same course of action.
Metiria’s castle didn’t even cost a lot of money. She paid $137,000 originally and it uses a lot of recycled materials. Even so, it manages to not be cheap and nasty like Collins’s tweets.
Another facile comment from this right wing nut job.
The truth? Oh really. Which bit was truth? $2000 jackets, NO. castle? NO.
So, two lies and a personal opinion from a biased failure constitute truth. No wonder the RWNJ’s see the world the way they do.
I’m only vaguely aware of all the to’s and fro’s on this. (Watched some TV3 vids?)
Anyway. A castle – ie, an actual castle, and a $2000 jacket could be a sign of somebody being out of touch – if that was backed by other, substantial evidence of them being out of touch.
Way I see it, Metirea’s response has been a bit unfortunate. She should have stuck to some a variation of an incredulous and dismissive ‘fuck off’. End.
The charge of racism and sexism only kicks the whole thing on by giving it oxygen. And opens up the opportunity (taken from what I’ve seen) for Collins and Tolley to repeat or modify their attack…she wears ugly clothes (so what – style is always a matter of opinion). The reaction to that (charges of sexism and racism) comes across as over the top and ushers in the next step …sensitive sausage, or whatever it was.
And all adds to the negative image National probably wants to build around the Green and Labour Parties and their mps.
I hope a lesson is learned. Stay focused on what you’re in parliament for. Remember that <it's not about you. Don’t let it be made about you. Stay a million miles away from such stramashes. Side step them, dismiss them or stomp them with a positive reference to what actually matters. Failing that, be very careful on the counter charges you throw out there and don;t throw any out if you lack the street smarts. (Ugly jacket, sexism and racism don’t naturally and easily connect btw)
Problem there is that if the attacks are say sexist and no-one stands up to them they just carry on and parliament remains a less safe place for women. Look what happened to Helen Clark. I also trust Maori when they say it’s important to deal with the racism. Turei’s points about racism weren’t aimed at NACT, or probably even Pakeha left wing voters. They were there for Maori.
I think Turei knows what she is doing. Look at what she has followed up with.
and compare that to Kere Woodham’s bit on the same day, where she tries to frame Turei as a rich bitch out of synch with the Greens unlike Fizsimmons who was a true green hippy (subtext: not only can uppity Maori not talk about poverty if they want to be in the big boys club, but hippies have to know their place too).
Turei has just shown that she walks her talk, and is a smiling, self-confident, non-arrogant woman, who uses her increased income intelligently, is connected with her community and who speaks up for Maori and low income people despite working in that corporate-unformed, political world. She has also just sent a strong message of support to women who are larger sizes. Good for her.
Then sure, stomp on it, and stomp hard. Same for racism. In this instance, I don’t think that’s an easy and obvious connection though. Meaning that making the charge leaves plenty of room for ‘street smart’ to run amok.
On the other hand…
You don’t like my jacket? Fuck off.
You don’t like me speaking for the poor? Fuck off.
You don’t think you are out of touch? Bwah-ha-ha – get fucking real! (And follow up with an obvious example or three)
Or maybe that too is street smart?
@ Bill
Yes, I agree with your comment (your initial one included).
The fact of the matter is calling the comment racist does muddy the waters because any racism involved in that comment is obscure and secondary – if it is involved is not the obvious weakness in the rubbish comment Tolley made.
The obvious weakness of Tolley’s comment was that it was wholly illogical, an ad hominem attack and not focussed on the issue at hand – sexism is more obviously involved than racism and that is also secondary to these other points.
Metiria created a diversion to the comment by responding in the way that she did.
These rubbish attacks from National need to be seen for what they are petty and diverting from the real issues of the day.
These attacks could be worn as ‘badges’ by any party and certainly a party such as the Greens – they have gone from being scoffed at by the National party – to being taken as a very serious threat (and quite rightly so).
Metiria was attacked because she is a co-leader of a party that is on the up and up, this party is a direct threat to National – not least because the Greens have been effectively and directly speaking – in a very reasoned and well researched manner – against the rubbish that has been carrying on in this country – and gaining credibility for having done so. In my view these are the reasons for the attack; her ethnicity has very little to do with it.
I will be keeping an eye on the party that appears to threaten this Government the most and that will most certainly be factored into who I vote for.
Absolutely agree weka.
+100 thanks for that Weka….the interview with Metiria Tuei is very very good!
….makes me admire her even more, not just as a consummate professional
…. but as a person with a big heart and the owner of a wonderful unpretentious recycled house …a loved work of art ‘castle’ home ….. which did not cost a fortune
…..and the interview gives a real evidential based perspective….. to the depth of lying and slander by NACT in their attack on her
Politics of envy much? Or is it ok when Tories do it?
Tolley’s stupid attack on Turei and MMP demeans her office, as Turei’s measured response points out. Just as her grossly inappropriate and insulting lectures to the teaching profession demeaned the last office she held.
On the other hand, given that the National Party’s last target was a grieving family, perhaps this represents an improvement.
Improvement or intentional distraction. Notice how quickly things moved away from focus on Slater and his connections with NACT.
Well. Tolley certainly made it obvious that, she, doesn’t care about poverty.
With her thousand dollar clothes.
Points to Met.
I would not be capable of her daily patience and temperance. Having to counter the unthinking fools, bamboozled by being allowed to play with the “big boys” into fronting NACT’s more evil polices and attacks, that hang on Nationals parliamentary skirts would drive me to drink, or worse..
Brownlee, Tolley, Bennett and Parata are too silly to realise that they will be dumped, as soon as their hatchet job is completed. Like all hatchet-men.
Metiria Turei really should epitomize what National stands for – someone who climbed the ladder and bettered herself. Huston – we have problem !! And it isn’t a nice one.
In “The Herald” today, they have a reprint from the ODT regarding Metiria’s house. In no way does it look like a “castle”. It cost her $137,000, up in Auckland, a smaller “house” is expected to sell for around $500,000. If Metiria took her home upto Remuera or Ponsonby, the neighbours would want it demolished, as it is quirky, not some mansion-like castle, that the toffs up there like to preen about in.
As for clothing, we all have our own personal tastes, and if every colour/style was appropriate and fitted, then we’d ever only need one shop. Thank goodness we like variety, otherwise life would be bland.
This is typical National spin, picking on the “brown-skinned brothers/sisters”. Think back to the “dawn raids”, the “81 Springbok Tour”, Don Brash’s infamous propaganda “Kiwi, not iwi”. Our history is littered with further examples if you look below the surface.
Her castle has turrets!!!!!!!
is it in hawaii?
Speaking of turrets….perhaps this is why John Key refuses to inform the Nat party caucus how ‘out of touch’ they really are with ‘average New Zealanders” interests.
Insults about what a woman looks like and/or how she dresses still goes down very well with many NZers. Look at the way some people STILL go on about Clark’s appearance and the “airbrushed” billboard etc. However, it is slightly problematic for males to slag off females in this way – there is a risk of being (correctly) labelled a sexist, etc instead of a funny and cool bloke as intended/believed. So, problem: good points still to be scored by slagging off women about their appearance, but risks attached if males do it. Solution: get other women to do it, preferably with an “us tough chicks over here” affect, knowing Labour and Green women would not sell out and attack other women in this personal way about appearance etc (or for not being married, not having babies, etc etc). In this way sexist attacks can continue from the Right directed at women on the Left, but it can be claimed this is not sexism, because it’s women saying it. They’re testing the waters to see whether it’s open season for this kind of shit to be dished out and whether the snigger-snigger “get over it”, us-over-here-is-tough-chicks-and-real-women antics continues to go down well and how far they can go.
Very smart analysis Jane and it fits with what micky is saying too. NACT are trying things out. It will be interesting to see what teh Greens do. It is a chance for them to show strength and integrity.
There is a volatility out there that the Crosby/Textor memos and memes both rely upon and encourage. The tory shit sprayer seems to have been twin turbo’ed with oversized nozzles this past week.
Everyone on social media has an instant opinion but not necessarily an informed one. This really emerged as fact in recent times during the Hobbit debacle. Helen Kelly’s chronological account http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL1104/S00081/helen-kelly-the-hobbit-dispute.htm
depicted how the public “NZ is Middle Earth”, and industry workers were played to perfection by the Key gang.
As Micky points out this is only going to continue so it is just going to be part of our daily work to “clear the desk” of the latest attacks on the left. The facts always do surface in the end.
Collins has links to Whalespew so hopefully will go down to the bottom with him eventually. Tolley is already packing her bags so gets to run a few of these diversionary lines for her masters.
to call it racist only muddies the waters.
I disagree. I think Turei very clearly explained why she said it was racist – “I think they seem to think it is all right for them to wear perfectly good suits for their professional job but that a Maori woman from a working-class background is not entitled to do the same. I think it is pure racism.”
Of course there will be huge numbers of people who say “ooh but they never said the n-word so how can it be racist” but those people are hardly likely to vote Green anyway.
I also think it’s relevant to point out the race factor in this, because when people say “how can someone in designer clothes comment on poverty” the first person you think of is Paula Bennett – who despite having some Tainui ancestry (according to Wikipedia) will read to most people as Pakeha. Apparently it’s okay for her to comment on poverty, so what’s different about Turei?
I think we can see how election year’s going to go. David Cunliffe lives in Herne Bay, Jacinda Ardern doesn’t have children, Metiria Turei wears fancy jackets. Next it’ll be Russel Norman’s Australian, Holly Walker hasn’t taken PPL, Julie Anne Genter drives a car, which Labour MPs own second houses or have trusts, who meets Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge but wrote a pro-republic column in their varsity paper.
Call their shit out, and have good clear policies which show why the left is the best option for our country.
John Key said recently that NZ will become a republic sooner than later.:
John Key said recently that NZ will become a republic sooner than later.:
Couldn’t agree more. Perhaps Metiria should have called it covert racisim but that may have been way too hard for many in the MSM to get their head around. It certainly would have bypassed whatshernamenow Kerre oncewas Woodham.
Lets get it out in the open. The NAct party have four principle bully girls and in order of ‘bully’ precedence they are:
Judith Collins, Paula Bennett, Hekia Parata and Anne Tolley.
There are a probably a few waiting in the wings for their turn too.
They are no different to the teenage girls who beat up class mates with their fists just for the fun of it. The four NAct bully girls do it with their tongues.
Anyone who has ever been on the receiving end of a bully girl (bullies of both sexes in fact) in adult life will know just how much damage they can do to the victim’s personal and professional life – especially if that victim has no position of power or authority and can’t fight back. In this instance Metiria can fight back and should…
QoT is right:
I would emphasise the word clear Labour. No more badly worded documents open to misinterpretation!
“Perhaps Metiria should have called it covert racisim but that may have been way too hard for many in the MSM to get their head around.”
Actually that’s a good point, I think putting the term covert racism or similar out there would help shift the debate. It’s never going to get through to someone like chris73, but there will be Pakeha who start to go, hang on what does she really mean there? and that’s a good thing, to get people thinking.
Micky, the fact that Tolley has a Samoan husband, and that there are Maori MPs just demonstrates that anyone is welcome if they play the game right. Your Maoriness becomes irrelevant so long as you don’t talk about it or talk about poverty or your constituents.
whatshernamenow Kerre oncewas Woodham
The four NAct bully girls do it with their tongues
Remind me again who used the word talliban in relation to the greens and point me to keys condemnation of it?
I reckon we need a BLiP list, mark2, of all the personal shit that NACT have said, alongside the criticisms from the GP.
“Calling their shit out” needs some expansion.
Firstly, how you appear in politics, including what you wear, your tone of voice, your phrasing, your Facebook/Vine/Twitter/Blogs/Findsomeone accounts, the full extensions of your public realm, are a major part of your political life and political being. You will be held to account for it, and you should expect that.
Secondly, politics is a value-laden business, and those values aren’t portrayed evenly. In National and Act, it’s good to be rich, that’s a core of their political values. The media prefers people who are successful, and very few advertisers or sponsors want anything to do with the losers of society. So they tend to value those who are a success, and have the trappings of money. We should always presume that the MSM prefers those who like wealth – it’s the way their business works.
Thirdly, it’s unfortunate that election year voting decisions are rarely about policy. Study after study tells us how many people make up their mind within the last 48 hours to polling day. A voter may turn against you because you are too fat, have bad hair that day, have a strange accent, stumbled, mispronounced something, look distasteful for an unfair reason. So that means there’s a natural tendency for candidates to dress in a conformist manner and avoid much deviation from the televisual norms.
In other words, when a Maori and/or a women is losing an argument, it is required that they cry racist and/or sexist?
Meh. Metiria’s probably already moved on from pushing the “racist” line. It was never going to fly with most people but probably scored points with a few Maori so she lost nothing by doing it. She’s won the battle with Tolley and Collins already, with her home now seen to be exceptionally modest and quaintly quirky – far removed from the wealthy aristrocrat picture Tolley tried to paint.
No doubt die hard National supporters think the Nat’s girly goblins scored hits, but I think they’ve scored own goals. I reckon any but the really nasty hard-core Nat voters are ashamed of Collins and Tolley over this.
🙄 Fuck off, derailer.
QoT and Anne +100
MS: link to the video of Tolley’s speech is wrong – goes to a parliamentary question from 2011.
Thanks Paycho. Not sure what happened there but have fixed it..
What this whole episode says to me is that the current government genuinely fears a Labour/Green coalition.
There has been enough talk from David Cunliffe/Russell Norman saying that we need to try a new way rather than a perpetuation of the Neo Liberal experiment, that has put the shits up National and their backers.
They genuinely FEAR what will happen to their cosy winner-takes-all economy and the thought of having to share the wealth is anathema to them.
I think we are well-and-truly into an American style election campaign and the hatred and bile is now starting to be shown. Whether-or-not the public accept it is another matter. I am sure Nact are doing some serious research right now to see if these early salvoes have hit the mark.
I visited the ‘castle’ at new year’s eve for a friend’s funeral/going away event – yes it does have castle walls, crenelations even, but the walls are built in part from recycled fridges and washing machines. I think however a better word for the edifice is probably the more traditional “folly”. It’s about as much a castle and the Waitati Militia is a stand in for the NZ Army, and in much the same vein
Here’s the ODT article on it:
And here’s an article (and video) of the NYE festivities, you’ll notice from the picture half way down the page that the castle wall that it is well defended by gargoyles ….
Yes i can fully believe that Tolley’s attack on Metiria Turei came form a prepared speech,(probably prepared up on the 9th floor of the Beehive),
To a certain extent, aided admirably by the compliant media only too happy to run with the ‘lives in a Castle’ lies, National have achieved for the week exactly what they set out to do, that being to take the Country’s minds off of the Policy and focus everyone’s thinking solely on the Personal,
A modest two bedroom rock and tin dwelling with a quirky ‘turret’ attached has since when been a castle and Collins ‘how could i possibly be racist’ comment make this attack by National both bizaare and ludicrous,
If Mets modest dwelling features on tonight’s six oclock news National will surely have lost this absurd debate with even their ‘wing-nut’ supporters narrowing their focus of support for Tolley’s lies down to the level of pin-head dancing National are likely to find that a week’s relief from the bombardment of some excellent Policy aimed squarely at measures which will go some way to relieving child poverty will demand a price electorally that they cannot afford to pay,
Slippery the Prime Minister, and some would surmise the prime mover in what appears to be a premeditated attack on Metiria Turei in an attempt to bury the Green Party’s policy announcements, is in danger of creating a ‘doctor dullard election campaign’ where Don Brash neatly divided the country with the Iwi/Kiwi campaign winning Him a week of glory among the ‘wing-nuts’ and ‘red-necks’ but ultimately seeing Him fail at the final hurdle as Normal Kiwis said no thanks…
Found the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAKRHnMswFU.
Certainly does seem to show a deliberate, planned attack. I had the impression from the media that Tolley had responded to some criticism from Turei, but it was actually written into her prepared speech and seemed to have no basis other than that the Greens had announced education policy based on addressing child poverty. It’s a ridiculously long stretch from that to “I’ve been personally insulted by Metiria Turei” – so, anything but spontaneous.
A crafted, prepared Ministerial clumsy stupid personal attack. It’s also good to hear that some of Tolley’s best friends are poor.
Psycho Milt, nice link, expect far far more of the media spinning as fast as they possibly can leading up to the election,
Being hit heavily by two dove-tailing pieces of Policy from both the Greens and Labour in a two week period has obviously stung National where it really hurts, electorally, and, having zero policy as an answer, except crumbs off of the table, to such Policy we have to expect an orchestrated and vicious response from the silver spoon brigade…
“Being hit heavily by two dove-tailing pieces of Policy from both the Greens and Labour in a two week period has obviously stung National where it really hurts,”
Dude, seriously that is fucked up deluded!!
SSLands, the only one round here with serious delusions is you, now F off with your pathetic snippets of abuse…
No wait! How about Srylands actually present a good argument for why they think National hasn’t been stung where it really hurts by Labour and Green’s recent policy proposals?
Here is a reasoned argument for why I think they have been hit hard by Labour & Green’s announcements
Or a shorter version here
Does anyone have a link to what Turei said originally that sparked all this off?
I think you’ll find that it was the “State of the Nation” presentation that Tolley was “responding” to
Ok, so nothing about anything Tolley herself had done or said?
Not as far as I can tell. Googling it turns up an unusually silly Herald columnist who says Turei accused Tolley of being “out of touch with reality,” but there’s nothing to suggest this accusation occurred outside the columnist’s head.
Pete George listened to Turei’s speech that day, and in among his usual tedious, pompous finger-wagging says “No specifics about National or Anne Tolley being out of touch, maybe that came from somewhere else…”
Yeah, maybe it came at some other time and I’m just not finding it. Or maybe not.
The original video shows Turei leaving the house and I am pretty sure that she did not say anything at the time. She was told off for interjecting when not sitting in her seat but this was after the Tolley attack.
Original video of what Tolley said? Do you have a link for the micky?
The earliest report I can find is this
It says Tolley made the jacket speech in the house on that day. That was Thurs. Turei’s speech was the previous Sunday, Cunliffe’s on the Monday. What happened on Weds? That was the day that the MSM were covering the Slater debacle, including that classic RNZ interview where grieving mother Joe Hall makes a straight line connection between Slater and the National party. Maybe a coincidence, maybe they were just rolling out the distractions over the week (flag, jacket…)
Turei’s speech. I can’t see her saying anything about Tolley, and the phrase out of touch isn’t used.
@ Weka,
“Does anyone have a link to what Turei said originally that sparked all this off?”
What a very good question
I just looked that up today and have posted what I found [a longer version] in today’s [3 February] Open Mike.
From the debate on the Prime Minister’s Statement
Sounds to me that she hit Mr Key’s sore spot – I’m guessing Tolley was requested to say the things she did by her Dear Leader.
I took had the impression turei must have said something to prompt the report. Not once did the media describe it as an unprovoked attack on turei. One additional word would make the world of difference… and be more ac urate.
No squealing from tbose who said cunliffe misled or lied.
I assume there are dress standards for the House. Has any media outlet covered off this aspect?
Don’t raise the subject of House dress code, please. It just reminds me of this epic facepalm moment.
Tolley having a Samoan husband does not mean she is not racist or engages in racist behaviour, and you have bought into the idea that having a Samoan husband gives her non-racist cred. Telling a Maori that raising racism ‘muddies the waters’ isn’t very nice as you have to walk in brown owned shoes to appreciate our experiences.
Other posts have talked of racist behaviours to the non-direct sphere as it’s harder to call out, but the effect and damage are the same. Racism and sexism are not being employed against Tariana, Hekia and Paula as they are compliant and propping the rich and powerful (although Tariana was miss unpopular herself when she advocated strongly for maori). See how positions change?
Tolley and Collins engaged in a petty, personal attack of a type that most people see as just plain being nasty. They are both senior National Party Cabinet Ministers. They have shown the voting public just how nasty they are. They have done all the other parties a favour. Most kiwis are fair-minded people and can clearly see how dirty Tolley and Collins and the Nats can get. I hope they keep it up.
you have bought into the idea that having a Samoan husband gives her non-racist cred.
Hi Papa I definitely do not think that and I meant it to sound like the old “but I have friends who are Maori” line that you hear from rednecks.
Telling a Maori that raising racism ‘muddies the waters’ isn’t very nice as you have to walk in brown owned shoes to appreciate our experiences.
I apologise for this. The attack by Tolley was for Turei being a list MP, owning a castle and wearing designer jackets. Race was not overtly a factor in these criticisms although I accept that there is a sense of racism in the attack.
Thank you, PT, except that I think it’s Collins who has the Samoan husband, although I have no idea about Tolley’s relationship status. I have known plenty of white racists with Maori partners. I also trust Metiria to recognise the continual racist attacks that have been made on her by the standard bearer of casual racism in our country, the NAct party.
Turei has succeeded in doing exactly what National probably wanted her to: talking about herself, her clothes, her dress sense, her sensitivity to racism, her house, her whateverthefuckidontcare.
Note: not talking about policy, poverty, education.
She got trolled and took it hook, line, and sinker. Now all anyone will remember from the past week is that Cunliffe doesn’t have a head for detail, Ardern can’t be trusted with a simple policy statement, and Turei’s a hypocritical little princess.
This was the best week ever for National. And it could have been so different with just a little bit of fucking preparation by Labour and the Greens.
Nope. I reckon Metiria’s come out on top with the voters. You’re mis-reading how most voters will take this incident. She’ll score points with voters for being a decent person. Tolley and Collins will lose points for being rich-bitchy. Simple as that. You don’t see it because you’re like them, not her. But most people will sympathise with Metiria. All she needs to do now is ignore the Nats’ bitchiness and get on with her job.
Scoring points with voters, being a decent person, sympathy for this person, being like that person. You’re talking personality politics. National LOVES the thought of this year being about personality politics because they’ve got something no other party has: John Key. The most popular personality in NZ politics.
People may not like National but they sure as fuck love John Key.
Every second the opposition parties spend on personality shit is a second not spent on policies and issues. Every second that the opposition parties spend on personality shit is a fail because John Key has the personality game already won.
Nope. I reckon Metiria’s come out on top with the voters. You’re mis-reading how most voters will take this incident.
The fact that the voters are thinking about this incident AT ALL is evidence of the Left’s total inability to stay on-message this week. THIS WAS THE WEEK OF DAVID CUNLIFFE’S BIG SPEECH. You know, the policy announcement that was going to take Labour to the election?
Oh, I hope the Nats really go hard on the personality politics. I think the opposition parties will benefit enormously from their doing so this year.
Cunners made a right pigs ear of a start to the year. Still, he’s got a lot of time left to improve the performance.
Instead of leaving the country to dwell on Cunners’ stumblings’ Tolley and Collins decided to make us focus on how rich and bitchy they were to Metiria. Keep up the good work girls. You’ll make lots of people dislike you.
Interestingly, what I hear is that in one newsroom in the country there is discussion that maybe someone needs to have a look at Judith Collins’ place, that is to say, stake it out, film it, put it on the telly……..could be interesting. Doubt we’d see a hovel. Hey, maybe KDC will offer the use of his chopper.
Who is this “Left” you speak of? Why should the Greens be carrying Labour’s water? As far as I can tell, Labour has been doing it’s own thing but the media has chosen instead to focus on this rather than anything that might require anything beyond one brain cell.
No one cares about either comment
Except that you’re here taking about it fizzy. If you really don’t care then off you’ll fuck.
“Note: not talking about policy, poverty, education.”
SHG So you admit that the Nats desperately want distractions from the issues that actually matter to real NZers trying to live their lives, and you applaud this “you’re wearing a nice jacket so shut up about poverty” bullshit as good strategy?
Nah to you it’s Lab/Green’s own fault for not being as big an arsehole as Nat. Do you ever look in the mirror and say “Oh, I’m a bit of a dick really?”
So you admit that the Nats desperately want distractions from the issues that actually matter to real NZers trying to live their lives
National is very good at ensuring Labour and the Greens provide distractions when distractions would be of benefit to National. During this week we should have been hearing about nothing from the Left other than glowing analysis of the policies outlined in Cunliffe and Turei’s speeches. Instead hardly anyone even REMEMBERS that they gave speeches because Labour and the Greens happily went off-message and now Cunliffe looks like a muppet and Turei looks like a sensitive widdle pwincess.
That Turei has spent the past two days crying about racism, defending her four-figure designer outfits, and taking reporters around her house to clarify the word “castle” is unmitigated stupidity, and it’s her own damn fault. She got trolled and she fell for it. That she allowed herself to be so easily used in a bit of media manipulation must call her leadership competence into question.
Bottom line: the National party is far better at POLITICS than the Labour or Green parties.
SHG saying that National is better at politics than Labour or Greens is like saying that National is better at lying and cheating than Labour or the Greens. Is that something that you think they should be proud of?
Cunliffe and Turei are politicians. Based on this week’s performances, not very good ones.
Yeah they wouldn’t get my bullshit artist vote either SHG. But then that’s not how I choose who I vote for.
“The National party is far better at POLITICS than the Labour or Green parties.”
Yep I’d have to agree with that, their propensity for spin, distractions, lies, misdirections, gaming the system, cheap headline grabbing personal attacks, and dog-whistling to their redneck base with bene-bashing and a bit of cheeky racism is clearly the best in town.
The thing is there are some of us who have this old-fashioned belief that a government should be about governing with policies that are in the interests of everyone. For us SHG, the Nats low ploys to avoid serious discussion of these things is disgraceful and suggests a selfish agenda.
For you it’s all about your team winning at all costs. This isn’t a rugby game dufus. For some of us it’s about the issues that help real people, you know, the issues that you just said you’re stoked, for some strange reason, that we’re not talking about.
“The National party is far better at SELF-INTEREST than the Labour or Green parties.”
“She got trolled and she fell for it.”
Yeh – I know how that feels! But, if you have any integrity, it is difficult to let error go uncorrected.
I wouldn’t pretend to have a background in political strategy. Having written my comment earlier about ignoring the personal attacks from National, I have read others thoughts and found them interesting.
I still wonder if having a collective response from the Left might be effective. One that highlights what NACT are doing.
For example ” I have taken note that Tolley (Key, Collins, Joyce etc) has just raised the issue of my jacket (called me tricky or say I am not in parliament much etc, etc). Lets stay on track with the actual issue here then I will address their criticism of me personally in an email, which I will copy to the media. Now 150,000 children live in poverty etc.
The email should be very formal and factual. While I agree its very important to address issues of sexism and racism, MSM are hardly champions of doing so. They are likely to use this against Hone, David etc. So what Meteria did, clarifying her “castle” and her wardrobe and what David did “I take responsibility for my mistake” was great. Then point out how National are using this strategy to divert from real issues. And that this is the 3rd time they have done it this week and the 50 time (by April) they have done it this election year. Keep a paper trail. That is what I have always been told when dealing with bullies.
Anyway, these are just some thoughts to put into the mix!
Excellent points in my opinion, annkerr.
I particularly like the collective approach and the keeping count. Lets hope they take your very good advice.
If you go back and watch Question Time over many years, the biggest arsehole in the House is always John Key himself. Closely followed by Judith Collins, Gerry Brownlee and Chris Finlayson.
The Greens are without exception the party most focused on the issues and the least interested in the ‘political theatre’/backstabbing that goes on.
Key is always rude, dismissive, arrogant and tries to get as many nasty remarks in as he can.
Either he’s been spending too much time on Planet Key or he’s just doing his usual dump of bullshit on idiots who won’t call him on it. The Greens must really have National scared for them to launch an attack like this.
+1 Blue.
I can never see what people see in Key. “The most popular PM NZ has ever had” line seems to be more Nat Party spin. It must be as Hooton keeps saying it.
My Goodness………Joan Rivers is in town. Boy she looks pissed – what’s that all about ?
Great to see though that Attorney-General and Treaty Negotiations Minister Chris Finlayson is so up on gals’ gears.
From the article – “Attacks on Mrs Turei’s choice of clothing began almost a year ago when Treaty Negotiations Minister Chris Finlayson hit out at her for lecturing National on social justice “resplendent in her Adrienne Winkelmann jackets”.”
That’s what he’s paid for after all !
Thanx North informative background. Who is next on the NACT knock-the-rock star’s clothes roster? Finlayson, Tolley, Collins so far.
What other waspish WASP is in line to do his/her duty?
So in lieu of policy the nats have a hitlist with prepared, individualised personal attack lines.
Good. Shows tories for the people they are – it’s a double-edged sword. Even if this time they got what they wanted, every time they do it they risk over-egging it like slaterboy did.
I’d much prefer a Cabinet filled by high-income folk who are trying to help the poor, rather than a Cabinet filled by high-income folk who don’t give a shit. 🙂
Just another thought about my earlier suggestion. Whoever has been personally attacked, should say ” I will reply to this in due course, once the media has covered the issues I am raising, such as Best Start, Child Poverty etc” Once the public have been given this important information, uncontaminated by these comments, I will respond”.
Then respond about a week later when the heat has gone out of it.
I disagree – the nactoids want the personal discussions going on for weeks.
This makes politics looks even more petty, and thereby increases the nonvoting proportion.
I reckon Turei hit the right response. Sure, the wingnuts are having fun pretending blindness to the covert racism, but that’s cool. If everyone else they attacked responded in the same way, calling each attack for what it is, it would begin to taint the nats quite badly.
Everything that lefties do is wrong. If Metiria didn’t dress tidily, she would be scruffy and bringing the House into disrepute or such, she would be said to truly represent those the RWNJs think of as The Great Unwashed or other disparaging terms. Seeing she does dress tidily and attractively, some other fault must be found.
A man’s quality suit can be very expensive too, (also remember Tau’s tie and somebody else’s underpants about $75 each). I looked on-line and a Rembrandt man’s suit is available for $600 ($800 elsewhere) and Hallensteins have a Merino Suit for $300 and tailormade from $170. So a range from cheap to medium with quality to match I guess. Men can buy their uniform reasonably cheaply. Women’s fashion on the other hand, if going by the weekend magazine inserts can be expensive, t-shirts for $70, skirts for $250, designer jeans with slashes and holes at the knees $200. But to buy well-made clothes at a good price has always been the advice and then to have numbers of shirts or tops for variety.
Metiria dresses well and suitably for her job, and that is used to lambast her? She may be wearing lamb, llama, leather or polyester, woven flax with sparrow feather lining (native birds being too precious), or..? She or other opposition women will always be the subject of the short sharp knives and long sharp tongues from the class-ridden, entitled.
NACTs learn to sneer and disdain and alienate before their esteemed primary, secondary and tertiary education. Just the updated version of that story of Katherine Mansfield’s that comes to mind when snobbery appears, from her story The Little Lamp. The Kelveys, two poor girls, Lil and “our” Else…are of a much lower social class than Kezia Burnell and for that reason often excluded, yet despite that she invites them to see her special Doll’s House, but an adult intervenes and commands them to go considering them poor trash from a solo mother,a ‘spry, hardworking little washerwoman’.
The children, with so little themselves, are charmed by the beauty and intricacy of the House and filled with wonder from their brief view; little Else murmurs ecstatically ‘I seen the little lamp’.
http://www.lamaquinadeltiempo.com/mansfield/04dollh.htm (the story)
(And a youtube showing La Maquina del Tiempo or The Time Machine about a world library of everything accessed through an all-knowing hologram)
guarian podcast of Margaret Drabble reading the story
But surely Grey you know only blue rinse, twin-set and pearls are acceptable in parliament…
Welcome to election year. Parliament might as well be a school play ground. Please Miss those white girls over there said my expensive jacket was ugly. Don’t worry dear they are definitely racist (tui ad)
Possibly they are. But whats really happening is a criticism of the elites who are at the top ( nats, labs and greens), trying to bleat on about improving poverty when they fritter away their own money ( sorry the taxpayers money we pay them) on whimsical indulgences. They all do it, men on suits, women on fancy jackets , shoes and hand bags whatever. And they are allowed to spend their money on whatever they want. But if your personal mission statement was to end child poverty blabbing on about buying shit (to wear) that could pay the mortgage for two months, makes you a soft target, it makes you sound stupid, and hypocritical. Perception matters.
Opinion people that insult someones clothing and totally ignore the guts of the argument are useless c__ts. They should not be tolerated in parliament, lets get rid of that pointless distraction, its such a waste of all our time.
“You learn all you need to know in kindergarten”.
never more appropriate than now. The children with the dad who has the biggest car are suddenly less cool, and in desperation grasp at straws to regain power, give them enough rope… Comes to mind
Just had a thought. How would you like to be Mr Collins when asked, “Does it make my backside look big?”
It does very much so, but what would the poor beggar answer?!!!
He’ll give the correct answer if he wants the NZ public to keep paying for his car and petrol.
Hmm, wonder why the Taxpayers’ Union haven’t said anything about that…
Fishy areshole she paid only for aound $ 250,000 built by a do it yourself builder it wasn’t pretty rough on the inside the value of thr property is mainly land value .
Your house in remuera is worth way more fishy.
House prices in dunedin are very reasonable you can still get a dooeruper for under $100,000.
Russell Brand on inequality
Brilliant story in this morning’s Herald – about Metiria’s cheap “do up” recycled castle, and her wardrobe – not just the expensive business suits, but also the basic “around the house” gear from The Warehouse
I think this is the wrong framing.
Basically it is almost apologising for being well off. Feeding the hypocrisy line.
The right framing should have been, something like.
“Yes, I have done well, like you, I have been lucky, but, unlike you, I am leaving the ladder there for others to climb”.
Remember what I said, about our own memes.
In the 1960’s a cleaner/caretaker campaigned an A class(large) racing yacht. In the 2010’s the same person would not make enough to feed his kids, working at two jobs………
The brighter future the neo-liberals promised us.
Yes, I agree – bit of a tricky situation for Metiria/Greens because while it has merit to convey that the plain facts of the ‘castle’ comment were wrong – Metiria ends up answering to the wrong-minded logical fallacy that Key [spoken through Tolley*] put forward and thereby lends it more weight than it deserves.
*See my comment at 14.3.2
Collins and Tolley. What’s your house worth and what’s in your wardrobe? Who cares? Clearly an organised , pre meditated slur and distraction. Really sad and disturbing that our Ministers stoop to this behaviour.