Written By:
notices and features - Date published:
7:47 am, November 13th, 2015 - 39 comments
Categories: john key, journalism, you couldn't make this shit up -
Tags: hypocrisy, rape, sexual violence
I recall “the one who can’t be named” getting a fancy job at an expensive golf resort!
@ travellerev (1) That’s right. What you said supports the headline doesn’t it?
And prior to “the one who can’t be named” resigning his previous job, his boss “the sneaky, smiley, slimy one” promoted him, obviously in full knowledge of “the nameless one’s” “misdemeanors”!
The Hypocrisy is strong in this one.
The problem is Key has placed the memes, and falsehoods, many lapped up and repeated here by supporters over recent days, and now the Opposition is the enemy again.
I have a post on this coming to a Blog near you this afternoon
Anyone remember the Rugby World Cup?
I’ve not seen this amount of public goodwill built and burnt by a politician in under a week since … I think I have to go back as far as David Lange.
Maybe Clinton and Monica Lewinsky.
The Opposition counter-strikes have been stupendously good, with more to come clearly.
Dare I say it, but we owe the origin of this story to Kelvin Davis.
Yup. I just hope he has no John Tamihere in him or it could all come crashing down. Quickly.
Lol, you guys are so out of touch.
Wait for the next few polls, it will be labour in the low 20’s.
The bet is on.
Key Preffered PM down 3.
National Stable, Greens up 1, Labour up 1, NZF down 2.
There might be a shift in the numbers, but I’d think that anyone giving a toss about JKs attitudes would already have been giving a toss. A part of me wonders if all that will have happened is that those who are already, rightly, fucked off with his (lack of) humanity, are more fucked off than before.
A fundamental shift in the reporting from msm would make an impact. Whether that has happened or not, I’m in no position to know.
In other words, I’m wondering if a ‘human rights’ upper-cut to the NZ Government has transmogrified into a body shot…might be bit painful, but generally, they’re a long, long way away from causing serious trouble.
I have a post especially for you coming up this afternoon BM. Enjoy.
Especially for me?, I am honored.
out of touch??? not like your hero keyee, he loves to touch – inappropriately and often – you are a fool bm
@ BM (4.2) –
No doubt FJK will have his redneck supporters drooling and pleasuring themselves at his latest vile, offensive comments and behaviour. At the next poll, they will excitedly give their idol the nod!
However, I like to think there are more intelligent Kiwis out there, who have come to realize what FJK is a man of no morals, empathy or decency. An uncouth piece of works, who should not be anywhere near Parliament, let alone hold the office of PM!
Actually I think a lot of his supporters are horrified. I know one who is very upset at the army guy who committed no crime but has associations with a motorcycle club being locked up. He is fuming about this man being locked up because he is innocent and has served his country.
John Key is a Master of Wriggling. Credit for that but no respect owed to him. An interesting discussion after 8 on Morning Report between Rob Salmond and Claire Robinson and Guyon. http://www.radionz.co.nz/audio/player/201778582.
He is not a master, He is an effective puppet. he has proven a good conduit for the strategy, but he is not the master, imo.
OK Perhaps not a Master this week as he has overdone the outrage. But subsequent “reasonableness” will resonate with his followers. It obscures the U-turn from “helping” criminals to “condemning” them. We notice but casual followers will see a confident calm PM. Sadly.
I was just playing ianmac.
It’s a definite strategy and one which is designed to lure people in. However once those people realise they are being played, they have the choice to continue to be dupes or not.
This goes for ALL political supporters, cos Key is not the first politician to use these strategies but they deliberately focussed hard on them post 2002 and 2005.
We can quibble on the subjective use of the word ‘master’ here, but I’ve always argued that the left – in it’s instinctive dislike of everything Key stands for – had also fallen into the trap of underestimating him as well.
Key has been playing these games all his working life. If nothing else he’s got form.
Underestimating the implementation of the game plays or powerless to counter them without making it a race to the bottom which is what it is now
“The comments and abuse being hurled at me, not a single one of those has been about a victim, or alternatively about New Zealanders. I’m actually the person standing up for victims of crime, I’m certainly the person standing up for New Zealanders to make sure they are protected.”
This is what the PM also said. Sounds a lot like something sportscaster Tony Veitch would say.
Did that come across as whiny in the audio?
Ah, I can only find text which leaves it open to wider interpretation.
“The comments and abuse being hurled at me, not a single one of those has been about a victim, or alternatively about New Zealanders. I’m actually the person standing up for victims of crime, I’m certainly the person standing up for New Zealanders to make sure they are protected. I am the REAL and ONLY victim here”
What John Key meant.
I disagree. I will NOT side with any criminal, Kiwi or not.
Once a criminal, always a criminal so you think CL. You would fit in well with 17-18 Century England in exporting the criminal class to Australia for heinous crimes like stealing a loaf of bread. Bread stealers are clearly criminals who must be punished forever. Now even if they have completed their sentence we must punish them again with incarceration in a gulag.
By the way CL. Do you have a guilty conscience about something?
You do understand the difference between siding with a criminal and siding with the application of universal human rights, yes?
I don’t think they do. Or they think that ex-criminals don’t have human rights. Or both.
They are doing and writing anything to justify the unjustifiable. Thats why it sounds so ridiculous
What do you mean by ‘siding with a criminal’?
This issue isn’t about ‘criminals vs victims’, and even if it was, what would siding with the victims look like here?
Is Key ‘siding with victims’ when he rolls over for Australia, and brings criminals who have spent their entire lives in Australia to NZ?
How does that makes sense for anyone?
This isn’t about ‘making sense for anyone’. In most respects Key has NEVER been about that.
tracey is absolutely onto this. It is about game playing the suckers, setting up the memes and working their emotions.
It’s why he was a good money trader; it was a skill he perfected on his way up the merchant banking corporate ladder – and he’s smoothly transferred to politics.
Thnx bro
That’s pretty obvious, isn’t it – Key’s good at simplifying a message to make superficial sense but the argument becomes incoherent and people switch off.
It’s why it’s essential to frame arguments (e.g not criminals vs victims) in ways that make it more difficult for Key to troll them.
And that’s been done well by the left this time. It’s run the issue in different directions, drawing on its strengths (Davis and his no nonsense advocacy; the women MPs’ stand in Parliament).
And there is just so much in the story itself (which keeps gaining new angles/stories) that it’s confounded Key, who looks like an out of touch bully.
“I disagree. I will NOT side with any criminal, Kiwi or not.”
you brave brave man !
I want my daddy. How long will it take before a lawyer stridently argues before a court that a child wants his daddy who was exported to nz, and how his client is the pawn in a despicable distraction. You see nobody believed that immigrants would expend the effort to try to get into Australia with irreproachable character, criminal records etc, it would be a waste of their money. But thanks to Key, the immigration centers of are now associated with rioters, criminals rapist, murders and child molesters. the glee of English was clear on his face when Key laid waste to all improperity and lambastered the opposition for helping rapists.
the victims of this stupid Aussie policy are growing. Not only innocent families torn apart,but the PM of Australia, the economic loses in both countries, from the upheaval and the resettlement.
Why anyone would think the placement of hardened agitators in immigration centers would not cause rioting, and i alledge obvious premediated given Keys’ rank defiling of parliament so outrageously. Key is doing everything to keep the process going and nothing to standup for all who are being harmed.
as people risk their lives, as babies wash up showing their desperate intent to seek safety, the Australian nation, and by association NZ thanks to our PM, are kicking up the dust to smear and cover up the oppressive and dehumanized disgrace that are the detention centers.
I think it’s blatantly obvious that the governments on both sides of the Tasman don’t consider family wellbeing to be important. It’s the same disadain shown to beneficiaries and low income workers. All fodder for the neoliberal machine (although I’ve been thinking lately that neoliberal is no longer the right word for these people).
Why do they hate us, why does Key enjoy it so much?