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9:57 am, May 4th, 2012 - 15 comments
Categories: budget 2011, jobs, national -
Tags: broken promises
Number of additional jobs per year needed to match population growth: 25,000
Jobs promised by National last Budget to be added in March 2012 year: 36,000
Actual number of jobs added: 20,000
Additional unemployed: 5,000
Change in number of fulltime jobs: -6,000
Change in number of parttime jobs: 25,000
Growth in underemployment: 4,000
Broken promises: 1 really big one
On TV last night John Key said he was ‘confident’ there would be 170,000 more jobs by 2014. ???????
I think that’s as clear a sign as any that he doesn’t intend to stand in 2014. It’s pretty damning if there’s a quantifiable benchmark like that which his government fails to reach.
I agree he’s likely to hit the eject button prior to the next election.
But I predict that something ‘dynamic’ in nature will be the reason he doesn’t meet this figure pulled from his nether regions.
And I bet that the interviewer, instaed of asking “wow John tell us more about how and where these jobs will come from” just smiled and moved on to the next “question”
He also said we would be in the plus around about the same time. Here and here is why it’s a lie and John Key knows it!
Money as Debt: II
Awesome explanation as to why our present money system doesn’t work and how it creates poverty.
Thanks for this link absolutely fascinating and informative, although I sort of understood the essence of this I could not have explained it succintly – great
He’s been reading the book”The Secret”Just say it aloud and it will happen!I get really annoyed at the way he confidently makes these predictions and then doesn’t give information on how these jobs
are going to miraculously appear,where they are going to be,what they are going to consist of etc.Why does he not have to qualify these pronouncements with actual proof that these jobs will eventuate.
Because in Nu Zeeland, the news media , who are also in on the act, do not ask him hard questions. Have you seen the standard in what passes for reporting in this country, its beyond a joke!
Politicians are not held to account in any way that means Key has to validate his lies, nor be held accountable for them, or the damage the government does to NZ…
The sheep get to deal with the fall out, as its always been, and always will be.
Time for peole to appreciate not only that there is deception, and corruption, but that both of those are so far past anything imagineable, it is actually testament to the level of cover up, that all most get to see are the blips like John Banks and Dotcom, and ACC, as a current example.
If people think what they see, is all there is, well it explains rather alot!
I would agree with you up to now Muzza, but there has been a very clear shift from TV3 in particular and they appear to have their guns firmly trained on the current government
The Campbell live series on the John Banks fiasco and the arrest of Kim Dotcom
The language used by Duncan Garner in his political reports.
The Rachel Smalley interview with Key this week.
I have not seen this level of interviewing and analysing of what this government is up to from TV3 in the past 3.5 years.
Lets hope they keep it up.
It would promote confidence in the Govt to say 170,000 jobs are coming, but by the time 2014 comes around there will be plenty of excuses and a new promise, “170,000 jobs by 2021.” Like petrol prices the ground keeps shifting so that the target is fuzzy.
When they say there will be x number of new jobs do they ever take into account x number of jobs that have disapeared due to companies going under etc? Does it also include people changing jobs. I.e if I left my job and went to a new job would they say that’s two jobs they have created?
it’s the change in total employment – so it’s net of job losses.
Headline in the NZ Herald business news today “Unemployment Leaps As Recovery Falters”.
What recovery? It never got underway.
We have effectively had 4 years of recession and stagnation under National.
Growth? Bill English couldn’t grow a lettuce.
grow… hmm. Maybe that’s a good nickname for his cohort – Pinokeyo. See if his nose grows whenever he promises more jobs.