Written By:
Zetetic - Date published:
7:43 am, October 18th, 2012 - 35 comments
Categories: alcohol, john key -
Tags: lies
Key’s just straight up lying to the media now on easily verifiable facts. A 3news poll shows 57% said Parliament got it wrong keeping the drinking age at 18%. Key says: “That’s one of the reasons I voted for it to go to 20 – in line with what the public thought – but Parliament didn’t vote that one.” In reality, he voted split age and, when that was knocked out, to keep it 18.
There should be a question to the Prime Minister in Parliament asking:
“Does he have faith in his memory?”
The answer would be ‘I can’t recall’
Yes; because it belongs to a hard-working Minister.
I’m confident that will have no bearing on the outcome of whatever the issue may be.
Or I haven’t been informed.
Key has been ‘doing a Mitt’ much longer then even Mitt himself. The tactic of flat out lying knowing that the fact checker will take days to reveal the truth has long been used by Key. It works best if there is at least one factoid, however questionable, to provide a defense once the fact checker kicks in. But even then, he’s had the grab on the news. If the issue lingers, he can simply ‘move on’. If that fails, he can’t recall. You have got to hand it to him. He’s been getting away with it scot free for five years. Pretty impressive really. It also goes some way to explaining Shearer’s stumbling with words. It is hard for a fundamentally honest man to play Key’s game.
Agree, fight fire with fire and Labour’s not got the DNA to do what it takes as it considers this a more noble and rules based game.
There’s a line in the usual suspects from arch criminal played by Kevin Spacey ‘the greatest trick the devil pulled off was getting everyone believing he didn’t exist’
Wake up opposition please.
I disagree. That’s a descent into a society in hell. A short term win using those ethics, is a long term loss for society. The left needs to raise the standards for real, not lower them as part of a dodgy game.
That’s right Karol. This government’s participants are part of a trend across the western world and its politics of a descent into trash, lies, and blatant misuse of power.
But people aren’t stupid. They see this. The current norm is out of kilter with the long term average and it will move back, courtesy of the sense of the manwoman in the mall (the new clapham omnibus…)
Like everything – stick to what you are good at. Shearer must stick to his style – it is hopeless and see through if he tries to learn a new game. BUT, he must still fight back and with strength. He must oppose but he should do it in his style. Imo, it must be done however with strength and clarity. No more thinking about this words and mumbling them out all distorted. Clear, strong, simple. Louder voice. Clip the eyebrows (speaking of which – David Parker makes a boo boo everytime he is on the telly and the top rim of his spectacles are in fromt of his eyes. Gotta have a clear view of the eyes).
‘ But people aren’t stupid. They see this…’ really, can’t say I agree with that as most are easily fooled, see 2008 and 2011 where they hardly even showed up.
With a biased MSM you expect the left to waltz back in on a wave of informed voter decsions and improved opposition performances.
Neither look likely as we stand today.
I know I know. I was referring more to a longer time horizon. Unfortunately yes I agree that in the short term perception is everything
TG – a fundamentally honest man (or woman) would have no desire to play Key’s game. Shakespeare: “I pull in resolution, and begin,To doubt the equivocation of the fiend That lies like truth . . .”
I think it was the late great Steve Pieson who coined the phrase ‘hit and run’ to descibe this kind of behaivour in the run up to the corupt 2008 election.
Key and his disciples would run in and scream a blatant lie to the media. The media would report it. By the time it was fact checked, the story had been told by the idiots in the media. Then we all moved on to the next hit and so it went on until the elctorate was brain washed into believing Helen Clark was evil.
I see he is doing it all over again. Bullshit your way out of a probelm.
Corrupt and arguably the most evil politician to have lived.
A classic Key howler alright re drinking age. The ShonKey lies are stacked high and his intermittent pseudo aggressive displays in parliament display something of his underlying pyschology.
The politically aware need to keep on hammering Key till he finally cracks. Plus more Hone Harawira type activists are needed to take it to the communities. To the alienated people that don’t hang on every nuance of parliamentary politics but will get an issue that is right in front of them. Ahem, the ‘organising rather than servicing model’ as some unionists might say.
Key as we know has been lying for five years, suddenly Duncan Garner decides he is going to report Keys lies for once. Garner of coarse is not a journalist arse, he is worse than bloody useless.
The media including Garner have been Keys enabler for five years. As a result of the media not doing its job we have a Prime Minister and his cabinet who tell lies all the time. Two days ago in Parliament Paula Bennet said she had not released any beneficiaries private information in public even though the privacy commissioner said otherwise in the Pullar case.We have not heard a thing from the media on this cabinet members bare face lie in Parliament.
As for Shearer what a amateur, when Key did his “put up or shut” line where was the comeback, Key had run this line for days in the media before the return of Parliament. All he has to say is tell the truth Mr Key no lies no memory fades tell the people of NZ the truth.
Keys response of prove it was also predictable so why would you play the issue like Shearer has if you dont have the evidence in your hand.Seriously this is a major stuff up and Shearer has to go he is just not up to the job and never has been.
You seem to contradict yourself, Craig. If Key lies and the idiot chooks enable him, and Shearer refuses to lie and the chooks attack him, then who is the amateur? It must be clear to anyone with even a partly functioning brain that Shearer did not have the tape. He never claimed to have it. He simply said his two sources told them there was a tape and asked Key to release it. The brain dead Key enablers then decided the story was about Shearer, dutifully following their instructions from their idol and mentor. The bottom line is that Key will lie with alacrity, whereas Shearer struggles with lying. Just like Obama. By the way, I’m gonna stick up for Garner. He is indeed a journalist’s arse.
Tom no contradiction.
1/Key is a Liar
2/ The media have not done their job and have enabled John Key’s behaviour.
3/ Shearer mishandled the info he got. He should never have talked of a Tape, he should have stuck to, Key told a joke about a man he says he had not heard of in a meeting with GSB staff that is what my sources have told me is that true MR Key did you tell a joke about .Com in a meeting with GSB staff on this date.
Job done.
Shearer is working in an environment with the media constructing stories to enable Key.Its no good moaning about that you have to be very smart about how you play your cards given to you by your sources so the media and Key cant make the story about you.
This is not knew media enabling Keys lies it has been going on for years the fact that Shearer is the story is now Shearers failure. He should have not talked about a tape and should of had a rebuttal line for ” put up or shut up”
He could ask the same of the trader to show his evidence for his LIE in Parliament stating that he had been told by Standard and Poor’s that they would likely downgrade NZ if Labour got in.Everyone knows the story! But it would seem that he has set a precedent.If he didn’t have to show proof or name his source or apologise for his blatant LIE then he should shut up. Or apologise to NZ and Labour.
When challenged by Metiria Turei in urgent debate about leaking private details of beneficiaries she very proudly and scornfully that she did not “leak details, she was upfront about giving information to media,so therefore she did not leak info as this member would know if she had checked her facts”To make this statement more insufferable she got a round of applause from those poor little people in the stalls. All handpicked for their IQ which had to be lower than keys which is lower than a snakes belly. Hope the money is worth it for them to sell their souls to this sorry little excuse for a pm.
“…keeping the drinking age at 18%.”
Sounds like a strong brew
Interesting that even last year, some folk had cottoned on to Key’s predilection to bending the truth or telling outright lies. These photos seem somehow prescient,
A 3news poll shows 57% said Parliament got it wrong keeping the drinking age at 18%. Key says:
If he was honest, he’d say the poll most likely shows only that 57% of respondents were over 20 so it hardly warrants comment from him. But, yeah, that’s one hell of an “if.”
Yep. Saw that on the news last night and there were a few “WTF?” glances exchanged around the living room. It’s like he’s doing the lying limbo.
How low can he go?
He wan’t even trying in the first place.
Totally agree with Z on this. I watched the news last night.
I was … well, gobsmacked. But where were the follow-up Q’s?
He gets away with it for one reason only: because he can. The media and the (official) opposition share the blame. As I’ve said before, there needs to be Instant Rebuttal. Look at how Romney’s lies get torn apart in seconds. In NZ we wait for days. What century are we in?
I will happily contribute to any grass-roots fact-check, let’s just ignore the people who are paid to do it for us. Trevor’s still trying to open his e-mail.
‘Bludging bennies’ don’t deserve privacy. The above link is a form all new Winz ‘clients’ have to sign.
Note that National Radio News at 4pm is carrying the “Key saying that he voted for 20 when in fact he voted 18. ” They are quoting the Labour claim that Key either has a Brain Fade or is telling untruths.” (paraphrased.)
From here
So, what’s the score now, so far I count . . .
I’m Jewish/Christian/Agnostic
Tranzrail shares
Lord Ashcroft
National Ltd™ would have sent troops into Iraq
Standard & Poors,
“I won’t raise GST:
Capping, not cutting the public service,
“North of $50 a week”
Privatisation won’t significantly help the economy
Wave goodbye to higher taxes, not your loved ones
“I never offered Brash a diplomatic job in London”
National Ltd™ is not going to radically reorganise the structure of the public sector
Tax cuts won’t require additional borrowing
National Ltd™ will tender out the government banking contract
“We [NZ] have grown for eight of the last nine quarters”
“…we will be back in surplus by 2014-15…”
“…unemployment is starting to fall…”
“…we have created 45,000 jobs…”
“…we are likely to create 170,000 jobs in the next 4 years…”
The Isreali spy killed in the Christchurch quake had “only one” passport
The Police will not need to make savings by losing jobs
GCSB x 3 (that we know about)
“I voted to keep the drinking age at 20”
Also’I promise to get our boys out” (of the mine at Pike River)
The 18year vote now in the Herald.
You gotta wonder who’s actually doing his thinking for him now!
Some pitying witch/mother no doubt.
She’d finally be free of it, if she divorced him.
In all seriousness, either Key is lying (likely)… or the stress has affected him mentally. His ‘brain fades’ may be indicative of something affecting his mental processes.
I’ve seen Prime Ministers come and go, and Key’s performance is unlike anything I’ve seen before.
If he’s not lying, he’s in dire need of medical intervention, starting with a head CAT scan.