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6:00 am, September 3rd, 2024 - 43 comments
Categories: open mike -
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Step up to the mike …
No Right Turn sums up the CoC pretty well:
And a $33Billion example…
Including his pet hate and a dogwhistle for his fellow fckwits….
Cycleways can/are also Walkways. And never mind our Planet burning….drill and mine, it will all be someone else's problem !
Well, it becomes ever more obvious why the CoC are delaying the Cook Straight ferry replacements–these vandals actually want to sever rail connection between the North and South Islands.
RUCs got slapped on EV owners immediately–do the fossil fuel people hate them or what…–while ICE cars are a couple of years out from RUCs if ever, given the difficulties of enforcement and admin. This is NZ’s version of MAGA and hopefully enough new gens will get into politics and voting for 2026 to boot them. But…it is going to be a hard several years with people in cars, tents, Doctors surgeries closing, boot camps, de funding of NGOs and all the rest of their vindictive agenda.
This country is now officially a “Tale of two cities”.
Yea, they certainly seem ideologically opposed to anything Sustainable..and everyone except the special Few. (IE cronies/funders, et al)
The RUC ICE thing was raised here recently….and the comments were, rather than helping the poor (ha) it was enabling the rich on their lifestyle blocks/boats/ etc…
Still, as with the "Tea and Toast", People need to Get Up, Stand Up.
Protest, and make your voice heard.
When I was part of the discussions at NZTA around RUC policy about 10 years ago, we always saw the existing petrol tax regime as incredibly regressive.
The reasons were that the FED was a tax on fuel consumption instead of travel, and that wealthier people that could afford newer, more fuel efficient cars were paying a disproportionately lower amount of tax.
The FED was always a weak (and bad) proxy for road use.
At least RUC somewhat correlates to the amount you use the road and the wear and tear you cause.
So if you own a Porsche Cayenne and use it to drive to your beach house every weekend, you'll pay for it.
RUC give much better tools to incentivise more responsible vehicle choices. It's a simple matter to graduate the charge based on weight, with a couple of graduations below 3.5 t , and probably dimension as well. Other jurisdictions don't have a problem with this.
When FED was dreamt up most vehicles used around 20 l/100km, now it's quarter to half that, and getting less if you've got the money.
To be fair, it's still regressive: a lower income taxpayer will still end up paying a higher proportion of their income on RUC than a rich prick and his Porsche.
But at least they'll be taxed on the same basis that isn't necessarily dependent on income. It became a charge for use rather than a tax on consumption.
Whether that's fair given the absolutely enormous top-ups given to transport out of crown funding is a different question entirely
Fair like for people who own light diesel vans and similar, as are now paying RUC?
You might think it will be fairer…IMO it wont benefit us poorer ones..much, if at all.
I don't disagree with your assertion. Universal RUC might be more equitable and at least more strongly linked to actual road use, but it's still extremely regressive and will still disporportionally affect poorer people.
Where does anyone think the poor will find hundreds of dollars to pay RUC. What will happen is what happens with deisel vehicles now, you take the risk of not paying or disconnect the speedometer or install a switch to turn it off and on if stopped by by police. The overall tax take will fall.
I'm picking cheaper rates for GPS monitored rucs,
As a near full-time public transport user, I strongly object to all the GST I have to pay on everything funding anything to so with more roads (being on a benefit, it's a bit difficult to call myself a hard-working taxpayer, but benefits are still taxed, it's just a giant money-go round, but that's for another day).
Especially since they've made it quite clear that public transport fares are going to 'have' to increase, and once again it's those at the bottom of the heap- and aren't going to get any use out of these roads- who pay the price.
Perhaps I should take up smoking and buy an investment property?
Hi Kay. In case you or others didnt see my other reply, here are some more Links also.
IMO well worth having your voice heard. And Like Minds too….
I'm waiting for the penny to drop that a very large proportion of that $33 billion isn't actually going into the road that Simeon drives on, but into 3 Waters infrastructure below the road, and the palaver that's involved in working on that under-road infrastructure. Not quite so much on rural regional highways, but once you get into town it could be most of the project.
In the much re-heated Queenstown Package it's going to take four years, and $250 million to remodel one intersection. Going to be fun.
But 3 Waters investment is still useful right?
Yes, probably more than the road over it.
It's the way that the inground infrastructure gets bundled in with, and labeled and cost allocated as roading. National, and others, are very quick to criticise the cost of cycleways, when most of the cost is what's under the cycleway.
Back in the bad old days 3 Waters upgrades were standalone projects and the bane of road users, possibly part of the reason 3 Waters projects get pushed back. Now 3 Waters, power and telecoms gets bundled in with roading projects cranking up the cost and timeframes.
Yep. Decades (I'd say many?) of, out of sight, out of mind are going to come into sight and mind big time !
Rates..already heading skyward will increasingly hit Superannuitants, and others on fixed incomes. Rents. Insurance.
New Mum's Tea and Toast are safe after Nicola mad Willis and Dr frustrated Reti step in stopping the maddening decision.
yea right Nic and Shane….I'm sure the backlash had a bit to do with it..
And hey guys…there are quite a few more mad ideas you creeps at NACT1 have made. Change them !
It's only a mad/bad idea when the public backlash (read: politically embarrassing) just isn't worth the fight anymore.
But of all the issues out there to kick up a serious fuss about, why is this the only one?
Ah..first up, Climate/Anti Fast track March ? Plenty more..maybe look?
And sadly…some people maybe need more..”motivation” to get activated? Not quite sure how bad it will get..before they do.
Doesnt have to be marching.
Even phone calls/emails/join groups ?
Other ideas?
I stand corrected.
I see this as part-protest, part media beat-up with quiet endorsement from “certain people”.
Well, of course. My point…dont complain quietly, get Motivated..and Activated !
Something to cheer about for some of us in the provinces.
Feilding High School 1st XV in the semis of the top four rugby schools in the country after beating Palmy Boys in the Hurricanes final 15-14, keeping PNBHS scoreless in the second half.
"Not bad for a co-ed school from a hick town" was heard on the sideline at full time.
FAHS play Hamilton Boys in Palmy on Friday arvo. Nelson College vs Kelston BHS in the other semi.
Meanwhile Mankura maitain a period of high achievement with their team in the girls top four against Hamilton Girls.
I wonder if it's the farm boy boarders effect,
In the past yes, this years boarders vs day boys fixture at Feilding Ag the day boys had a rare win.
Before anyone throws the other common slur, the team isn't stacked with island boys with 5 o'clock shadow either.
Good to see, had to wait till I was playing under 19s at yellows to play Pnbhs. The FAHS 1st 15 wasnt near good enough in warrant a match in my day. They've done a great job for a bunch of years now every since the Whitelock brothers.
We've just had, what was dubbed 'The Royal Visit'.
Sam Whitelock came back to FAHS to do his book launch. A surprisingly humble and entertaining speaker.
And as an aside, such is the state of local club rugby, Feilding Yellows have merged with Oroua. Making for interesting bedfellows, games split between Johnson Park and the Kimbolton Domain.
Surely you mean Feilding Old Boys, but nothing like a cold wet afternoon in Kimbolton with a bit of sleet in the air…
But yeah club rugby is in big trouble think there we 3 under 21's teams at Yellows when I was playing then A's B's 3rds 4ths and Pressies place. Pretty sad to see the decline really sadly the powers that be don't seem to care that much. Bit foolish really need a big base to have a tall pyramid.
Yep, sorry got the wrong Feilding team. A cold arvo in Kim certainly sorts the wheat from the chaff.
I have heard a whisper that there are plans afoot to encourage youth towards clubs at the expense of school/1st XV rugby. Not sure where they have originated, I heard it from a high school principal. Makes sense as the youngsters don't do an 'apprenticeship' once they leave school, maybe some age grade stuff.
The game PNBHS fear so much, it is only ever played as part of the national competition at the end of the year (about once a decade or less).
Last year Scots "cheated" their way to a win to save PNBHS from "two" defeats in 2 years.
Yeah I saw that, was a complete disgrace from Scotts and the old boys club that run the game.
NACT1 MSD cut the funding to Advisory/Help services..but are still directing Clients to them ? Wtaf?!
Is anyone really surprised at this???
News item (3 Sept) says government to raise tourist visitor levy from $35 to $100.
Never thought I'd see that happen. Cue the usual howls of outrage from tourist industry reps, who will claim overseas tourists will be frightened off, or some such.
But it's long past the time when we should have imposed such a charge. If NZ's mountains, lakes and other scenery are worth visiting, they are worth protecting.
A levy is one way to do that.
Of course, the Tourist Industry is crying foul, poor things.
If people really want to come to NZ, they'll pay it. I recall something about a long-haul levy imposed by the UK government a few years back. Has it specifically stopped us from travelling there?
Ketamine delusion.
Elon Musk engaged in one of his regular habits on The Platform Formerly Known as Twitter, amplifying a controversial tweet by commenting that it was “interesting” — this time a right-wing account that called for democracy to be replaced with a government system run by “high status males” and “aneurotypical people.”
The account that originally shared the post in question, @AutismCapital, has many recent tweets that show support for former President Donald Trump, criticize Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, or otherwise promote those on the right and take swipes at those on the left.
The screenshot of text, apparently from 4chan, that was shared by @AutismCapital said:
Why a republic? Let's have a system run by one hereditary male without the waste of elections, committees, parliaments, councils. Inbreedng should take care of the need for 'aneurotypical' brains and the consenting masses will have a cult consensus figure to adore.
Google gives this compelling argument. "One benefit of an absolute monarchy is the ability of the monarch to accomplish much-needed tasks without having to first get the consent of a legislature. For instance, if a road needs to be built, all the monarch has to do is command it to happen, and it will be done.
King Simeon, arise!
There could be palace coup led by Prince David the Pretender.
Even scarier!
More US larceny.
So, so pleased that the Marlborough District Council has voted unanimously to retain its Māori ward at a meeting attended by the largest public gallery in a long time. https://insidegovernment.co.nz/marlborough-council-votes-for-maori-wards/
What a waste of resources now to have to go to a referendum in 2025.