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6:00 am, September 5th, 2024 - 51 comments
Categories: open mike -
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Grocery Duopoly. Have to say I was never optimistic with ComCom and the appointment of Grocery Commissioner Pierre van Heerden.
It all seemed…just a hand wave at the problem. Which was never going to be willingly sorted by the Duopolists ! 2 Years back…
More vague hand waving….
FFS get real! The Grocery Duopoly could give a fuck about fines…they are reaping a $million plus a day ! They are not giving that up…
Something needs to happen in real terms. I did last year raise that Labour/Green could have done something much more about it ? IMO would have resonated with Voters. Meh.
Anyway….Grocery Action Group chair Sue Chetwin (who I rate)
And..Aye. Those Grocery Duopolists foodstuff and woolworths with their fake as fuck Carewashing , will have to be led kicking and screaming or..just bypass them.
Competition, Now !
The supermarket duopoly dominance was created by the ComCom with the approval of the takeover of Foodtown by Woolworths.
In Banking it approved the ANZ taking over both Postbank and the National Bank, it also approved National Australia Bank (which operated a distinct presence in NZ) taking over the BNZ.
While in Hardware, the Com Com didn't even bother to consider the Fletcher Building Takeover of Tasman building products,….
In Fuel, it approved the takeover of Caltex by Z.
Often the argument is used that we have to pay international market prices for our food in New Zealand. Presumably as the result of trade agreements.
I would like to know how true this is and what impact this really has, if any.
When the local dairy can buy items cheaper from the supermarket than directly from the manufacturer then this hardly seems true. Clearly the supermarket is paying less.
Many supplier contracts pay a fixed price in advance with produce not needed to be destroyed or not picked and left on trees i.e. can't be sold elsewhere. So supply can be up but not allowed to be put into the market place so the usual rules of supply and demand are interfered with (just like the diamond cartels do). How much surplus food is never allowed to reach the supermarkets in the first place?
I love our supermarket system. It is a place where even the poorest people can purchase a vast array of quality food and groceries at very reasonable prices.
The real problem to me anyway is the stagering rental and house prices which have gone up 100%-200% in just 7 years. Nothing else compares. You need to be earning a minimum 100k p/a to get an 80% mortgage (unless you have boarders) or some other scheme. While $500 p/wfor a 2 bed flat is just normal.
For me Supermarkets with the warehouse and subsidised DR visits. freeview TV, internet , libraries, op shops markets and cheap public transport are life saving.
Please don't change one of our only real places of joy our supermarkets..
WTF? Did you even read my comment? And the Links? troll on….
Calling some one a troll is so childish, I read your comments. You have offered nothing new. Heard it all before years ago and have my own take.. You seem to be so angry that any one would have another view on life. You poor sensitive soul, And yes I love our supermarkets and am looking forward to another wonderful supermarket visit this afternoon,
Do remember to give thanks to your redeemer that you can afford the prices and don't have to queue up at Zilch every afternoon like many who can't afford the prices have to do.
I think about that every time I have another "wonderful" supermarket visit. Do you?
Well said Koina. Until eye gouging in the rental market is outlawed, a few cents that might be saved in a supermarket enquiry is just pretense of "doing something". Food would be easily afforded if housing as an investment were made to pay the social costs that wreck nz society.
We are witnessing with this government, the serious degrading of health and infrastructure that the rerouting of public money to landlords entails. As expected, there has been no movement down in rental prices. Its a very sick joke.
Lol, really? "Koina" who enjoys NZ's wonderful supermarket pricing….could just as easily have started a comment themselves about…Rentals,Housing, Health, etc, etc. Its not like I havent already made many comments about same and with supporting Links. : )
Given the cartel, maybe a windfall profits tax of 5% (thus a 33% total).
And use the money to support regulation, competition and growers.
The outrageous profits the Grocery Duopoly/(Cartel !) make…..we need some major pushback.
insiderCommissioner notwithstanding…..How did we in the West get to this place where criticism of an ongoing Israeli genocide can lead to terrorism charges:
Well, history I guess. We prefer to forget it along the same old colonialist Atlas Dave lines. From AlbertoToscano in a piece titled Genocide and the English Language:
It's not hard to argue that the "drift to war" is the logic behind the US unconditional support of Israel since no moral argument can any longer stand up. From Caitlin Johnstone
Which brings us back to some final words from Alberto:
One could note these two issues during the Trump presidency
1.an embasssy in Jerusalem.
2.and while not recognising the annexation of Crimea, recognition of the annexation of the Golan Heights.
(walked back a little by the Biden presidency).
Oh great. The proposition that unconditional support of a genocide is the lesser evil. Precisely the sort of statement that the above post is aimed at.
The GOP position is notably the more extreme.
A GOP POTUS would be even less inclined to try and moderate Netanyahu.
1.Most of the West did not support either of the two measures.
2.The EU has offered to work with the PA to manage the Rafah crossing – to ease the IDF out of Gaza.
This is farce. There is no "less inclined" than unconditional support. If genocide is acceptable then there are no red lines and the only takeaway, in the immortal words of Madelaine Albright is that we think the slaughter of children is "worth it"
It depends how you define unconditional support and genocide.
It can be called too much support for the continuance of war crimes, but it could still get worse or have been worse.
14 children under 10 died on Oct 7 2023.
Good point. And 2,100+ infants and toddlers under 2 have died since then, despite the IDF doing its level best to minimise civilian casualties.
Israel and its occupied territories would be safer without Hamas, and the Gaza Strip would be safer without Netanyahu and IDF munitions.
For the sake of children in Gaza, pray that Netanyahu gets his 'win' soon.
If Benjamin Netanyahu didn't end the war after killing the previous head of Hamas.
Do you really believe Krammy, that Netanyahu will end the war after killing the current head of Hamas?
If you believe that, then I have a bridge in London I can sell you.
For the sake of the children of Gaza, pray that Netanyahu is ousted from office. So that a ceasefire deal can be concluded.
No Jenny – even the implausible total elimination of 'Hamas' would just be the start. Let's hope saner heads prevail soon, or at least eventually.
The saner heads were over ruled.
This, from the 'Times Of Israel'
Let's hope saner heads prevail soon, or at least eventually.
Saner heads risk getting chopped off.
By coming out publicly as Hamas chief negotiator, Khalil al-Hayya risks the fate of Hamas previous chief negotiator, Ismail Haniyeh.
Nothing signals refusal to negotiate quite like killing the other side's chief negotiator.
p style=”text-align:center”>Hope>
I must die
You must live\
To tell my tale
To sell my things
To buy some cloth
And some strings
Make it white with a long tail
So that some child, somewhere in Gaza
While looking heaven in the eye, awaiting his Dad
Who left in a Blaze, never saying goodbye
Not even to himself, not even to his flesh
Sees my kite, the kite you made, up above
Thinks, just for a moment,
That it is an angel
Bringing back love
If I must die
Let it bring
I think Netanyahu is stretching things out til the Nov US elections before making any firm promises internationally. With Trump in, Netanyahu will get carte blanche.
Let's hope saner heads prevail soon, or at least eventually.
The western media agonizes about the dead hostages who are named as victims of horrific acts. Scarcely mentions the thousands of innocent children also killed who are just nameless casualties of war.
Some families may have been killed by the IDF on Oct 7, although Hamas did kill other children.
Sort of, they were places where hostages were taken by the "combatants" and civilians of various families died (in that case two 12 year olds).
The "proscription" appears to have been the lead to a restriction on arms sales to the IDF.
So the public perceive there to be a "balanced" position.
Dear old Barely Sober uses his NZME platform to scribble something about Luxon's first year, or that's what you might think. In fact, he used his crayons to do three things:
They must be taking pity on the doddery old fool. If you are unfortunate enough to hear the misogynistic ramblings on his wife's right wing radio show, there's multiple signs of approaching dementia; forgetfulness, stumbling, frustration and temper.
She needs to pull him off the air to protect him from the public.
A crusty old, barely intelligible piece of Mainland cheese long past its used-by date!
It still gets right up my nose that the Nats claim the economy was in a mess when in fact they inherited an economy with excellent ratings from Fitch, Standard an Poor's and Moody's
This has to be repeated ad infinitum.
It is true that if you tell a big lie often enough it becomes the truth. The Nats talked down the economy so much that it became in effect a self fulfilling prophecy.
True Mike….and as I said in a post the other day Luxon may have miscalculated here as by 2026 the economy will still look listless.
Internal Affairs Minister Brooke van Velden will withhold findings from the first phase of the Royal Commission into the Covid-19 response for many months after she receives it in November.
It is possible that the report, written by epidemiologist Tony Blakely, economist John Whitehead and litigator Grant Illingworth KC, may even be kept private by the minister until the second phase reports back in February 2026.
The revelation has prompted outrage from Labour Party leader and former Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins, who said it was “unprecedented” and “a flagrant violation of the law”
It probably says labour did a good job.
And/or it will say that National were a most unhelpful opposition in a time of pandemic.
Like Boris Johnson…. https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/world/504096/former-uk-pm-boris-johnson-says-he-vastly-underestimated-covid-dangers
Note that the British get to hear the results of an enquiry there!
Here's what the NYT said of the report. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/18/world/europe/uk-covid-pandemic-inquiry-report.html
To be fair, the Nats first wanted a bipartisan approach to the Covid response, but were turned down by the coalition government at the time, no reason given.
Too many decisions in too short a timeframe, I presume, or maybe Winston threw a tanty?
The Nats and NZF loved it later, though, when they could harvest anti-Ardern and anti covid-response feeling in their election campaigns.
Were they though – turned down? I can’t remember.
I remember reading about it at the time, enough to hmm? And file it away in my brain. If the government of the day HAD taken a bi-partisan approach to decision-making, we would have had Nats on that daily briefing podium too.
There WAS a whole-of-government approach to legislation. Which is what popped up in my search for a ref. I couldn't be faffed searching more extensively on my phone for what I remember as one sentence or two in an article. So you can choose if you believe it or not. I do have a good memory for the printed word.
Sorry, …whole-of-legislature, non-partisan….
Govt/oppo MPs singing from the same Covid response hymn sheet would have been good – perhaps irreconcilable (political) priorities got in the way?
Those are indeed two options, given that I can't remember.
Err….because they did do a good job…one of the best worldwide.
And off to the Ombudsman we go.
King Tuheitia's youngest child and only daughter.
Our new Māori Queen Kuini Ngawai Hono I Te Po
A unanimous decision apparently. Kotahitanga
I was hoping that would happen. A commendable choice. Long and successfully may she reign.
What started as a very sad week has turned into a wonderful week of celebration where the vibrant Maori culture and language has dominated the airwaves.
Best of all l've lost track of the number of comments that have begun this week with something like "given the current anti Maori climate propagated by Seymour….".
Shame on Seymour and shame on Luxon for not standing up to him.
ACT< Seymour, Gibbs and the Atlas Group are on another Planet IMHO.
If Jo Biden was going to raise taxes, why can’t we??
Rhetorical question.