Open mike 08/07/2013

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, July 8th, 2013 - 75 comments
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75 comments on “Open mike 08/07/2013 ”

  1. logie97 1

    Congratulations Andy Murray.
    And thank goodness as all the genuine sports fans here will be feeling as well.

    Now every anti-Brit Sports Jock, television and radio presenter in NZ will have to change their script.
    (Deaker, Saville, Devlin, Telfer, Veitch, Morrison, et al… you can start to earn your money as unbiased journalists now on some real sports stories – … yeah, naah! there are of course the Northern Hemisphere referees you can still target)

    • karol 1.1

      And many English sports fans are now celebrating a Scot champion.

      • logie97 1.1.1

        … didn’t take you long to split hairs did it?

        But then I guess in that case you are celebrating that difference as well. Good on ya mate.

        • karol

          Nah. Just aware of history. And particularly the long history of England vs Scotland in sport.

          • karol

            PS: I was also thinking the English anti-Scot is as much an issue as anti-Brit NZ sport commentators. So no more splitting hairs than your initial comment.

            • logie97

              Almost a cue for a song from Neil Sedaka oh Karol. However I saw mostly Union Jacks in that crowd. I think your reaction is to be expected from a very sensitive Kiwi who sees the world through silver fern glasses. Some of us Kiwis can take criticism and others cannot and ne’re the twain…
              How nice it would be for all those with British ancestry delighting in this victory instead of the constant cynicism that has greeted every tennis hopeful from Britain over the last 40 years at least from the Roger Taylor / Mark Cox days.

              • rosy

                “How nice it would be for all those with British ancestry delighting in this victory “

                I was watching the game in the pub. On one side a guy from Middlesbrough was having a go about why were the English supporting a Scot who wouldn’t even admit he was English – I asked if he meant British, he said no. Why would you support some dude who was Scottish in an English tournament?

                That was pretty interesting because up until then I’d always thought (info gleaned from various sources) that the English overwhelmingly saw themselves as British first and then English and with the Scots it was commonly the reverse.

                On the other side was an English dude who was just cheering for Murray because he was Murray, and because he was British. Guy2 was really supportive, cheering away, but Guy1 was really, really loud and for anyone not nearby his was the message they’d take about how the English feel about a Scot winning an English (not British) tournament.

              • karol

                Mate, your are very mistaken. My ancestry is mainly Scot, with a smidgen of anglo-saxon.

                I also lived in London for going on 2 decades, and am very familiar with the Scot-English relationships. I now have dual Brti-NZ nationality.

                Actually, it seems to me that you are the one looking at it through Kiwi eyes.

              • karol

                PS: On the TV news, I saw some of the celebrations in Scotland. One guy had a Scot flag painted on his face.

                • logie97

                  Well, well Karol – it sounds as though we have very similar histories. I suggest though that you have had the great fortune to have avoided discussions of sport on NZ television and radio over the past few decades and you are completely unaware of the nastiness of aforementioned “sports-hosts”.

                  And rosy, didn’t you realise that that guy from Middlesbrough was craving another pint of Truefitt Ale or maybe a McEwens. You could have quietened him down with that, easily.

                  • karol

                    I have during some periods in the past, listened to the likes of Radio Sport. The main thing that put me off was the frequent use of “PC, tree-hugging, sandal-wearing, hairy-legged lesbians” as a way of denouncing anything progressive.

                    In contrast, the ongoing sniping between Kiwis and overseas sports (especially rugby) journalists and fans seems just part of the usual sniping between (largely male) sports teams and their supporters.

    • mickysavage 1.2

      William Wallace would be pleased 😀

  2. infused 2

    Before it gets on the news. No, I didn’t create it.

    • karol 2.1

      No news. There’s been a Pakeha party around for a long time.

    • JK 2.2

      Thanks for highlighting this, Infused. Sick, eh !

      Meanwhile – there appears to be no mention in MSM about the great activity undertaken by Coromandel Watchdog people over the weekend. They managed to get up into remote forest to stop the drilling for mining for 30 hours.

      Sunday, 7 July, 2013 – 19:21 Scoop Media
      The Coromandel Watchdog group have withdrawn from the drilling rig in the Parakiwai Valley this evening having achieved their goal of stopping the drilling activity for more than 30 hours.
      “We have achieved our purpose which was to highlight that this area should never be mined. We camped for two days on the drilling rig in the remote forest because we want to protect the environment and the endangered species in this forest,” said Coromandel Watchdog Coordinator Renee Annan.

    • David H 2.3

      Well on farce book you can become anyone or anything. It wont help in the real world, but lets leave these poor delusional people to their fun.

    • felix 2.4

      “If the Maori get it, we want it to! (sic) No matter WHAT it is!”

      Careful what you wish for I say.

    • vto 2.5

      The pakeha party, ha ha, dumb is as dumb does.

      Mind you, if they represent a view in society then good for them. Not as if it is anything new. Neither is it surprising.

      • weka 2.6.1

        Can someone with posting rights at ts please, please put up a post that just has this in it:

        “If the Maori get it, we want it to! (sic). No matter WHAT it is!”

        The we can make a list…

        • Winston Smith

          Moari Party, Pakeha Party, woman only MPs…can’t we all just get along 🙂

      • Pascal's bookie 2.6.2

        And now it’s trending on twitter, infused:

        Obviously I take your word for it that you didn’t start it, but what a fail parade.

        • weka


        • weka

          The wiki entry is pretty funny (see it before it changes 😉

          • karol

            Ha! Thanks for the heads up.

            The Pakeha Party is a racist political party in New Zealand. The party doest not claim to oppose racism and is led by Heir David Ruck.[1] It takes its name from Pākehā, the Māori language term for New Zealanders of European descent. There has been no statement as yet from Ruck regarding the irony of using a Maori word to name a party aimed at the New Zealand European demographic.

            There has been heated discussion on social media platforms as to the validity of Ruck’s claims about Māori privilege; however, it has not been ascertained if Ruck is educated about the effects of colonialism, urbanisation and disenfranchisement on Māori and the how this reflects in poor socio-economic, health and education outcomes. David Ruck attended Kaiapoi High School so is unlikely to have had any education at all

            No policy has been released as of yet.

            The party launched over Facebook in June 2013 and is now seeking registration with the Electoral Commission.[1]

            The Pakeha Party have been criticised, amongst other things, for a general lack of grammatical prowess. The banner image on the group’s Facebook page, for example, stated that “If the Maori get it, we want it to!”, [sic]. Many critics, including Andy Porehāmā have pointed out the error, as well as the party’s inability to spell Pākehā correctly. However some controversy exists, with pundit Toby Manhire[2] arguing that the erroneous use of the English language was in fact a purposeful and ironic move aimed at destabilising normative colonial discourse via a masterful act of satire. Whether the Pakeha Party are “serious”, or just “not very smart”, is still a hotly contested topic amongst critics throughout the country.

    • millsy 2.7

      I wouldnt be all that worried about a bunch of what appears to be high school kids who have had too much time on facebook. They wont even reach the 500 members required to be a registered political party, let along get the votes needed to gain seats in Parliament.

  3. National are just as ready to suck up to radical Marxist feminists as any Progressive political party.

    I think the campaign by Kiwiblog and Whaleoil is organised and designed to distract from JK’s poor performance at the GCSB enquiry.

    Also, it makes me think that what Kim Dotcom might have on John Key could be nore important than is suggested.

    See my comments on this Kiwiblog thread.

    (I am not permitted to post as Whaleoil as punishment for calling Slater an arsehole.)

  4. Yes, congratulations to Andy Murray – he has persisted and persisted. Very Robert the Bruce of him.

  5. Infused- “Regardless, I doubt dotcom has anything on Key.”

    Well, I was keeping an open mind on it. My own view is that Kim Dotcom’s conversations have the ring of truth to them, but I was waiting to see what evidence existed.

    The allegations he has made against John Banks have considerable substance.

    I was unsure about what he might have on Key, but IMHO this coordinated high effort campaign by both Kiwiblog and Whaleoil has to have some strategic significance.

    Its is obviously made up, as my examples show that National are just as sold on quotas as Labour.

    So there has to be some other reason.

    I feel it is linked to John Key’s atrocious performance at the GCSB enquiry, and to my mind the most striking event there was John Key’s failure to credibly rebut Kim Dotcom’s allegations the JK knew what was going on.

    Could the events be linked?

    Maybe not, but the strident distracting campaign by two of the National Party’s main blogs makes me think it is highly possible.

    • One Anonymous Knucklehead 5.1

      Spot on RB. The gender balance discussion has been going on for ages, the timing is indeed suggestive.

      It must be driving you nuts watching Slippery eat himself like this.

    • Tim 5.2

      I reckon there are a lot of people ‘keeping open minds’ – as well as weighing up on which side their bread is buttered.
      I reckon they even include employees of the PM&Cabernet Sauvignon’s Dept, the NZDF, the Gee See Ess Bee, (the S Oi S – [sorry any rellies affected]) and even author(s)’s of inquiries into same.

      …Oh, and thankfully even now members of the Judiciary.

      This whole thing we now innocently try to convince ourselves is one of the world’s most un-corrupt, progressive deMockracies has been so utterly manipulated by the self-interested in this gubbamint that it’s ekshly an elected diktatorship.

      Almost happened once before – we’ve had 20 plus years since for the ‘morally-mandated’ to perfect their craft (even WHEN many of the participants don’t even understand the most basic of concepts of a democratic .. ummm ‘State’).

      Roll the Dice

  6. ghostrider888 6

    Interesting Lines.

  7. chrissy 7

    Matthew Hooton is soooooo boring.!!!!!

    • Tim 7.1

      Jeez – have you just noticed that? or was it his latest desperado attempt on today’s Nine to Noon to pump up the John Phil-Stein Key using any and every piddling little factoid (like employment stats, etc.)

  8. bad12 8

    Has the Treasury set aside $100 million of asset sales monies to be used at some future point in time to ‘bail out’ the State’s miner Solid Energy,

    According to the Treasury and Finance Minister Bill from Dipton, Yes they have, according to Slippery the Prime Minister quoted on RadioNZ national at noon today, No they haven’t,

    Anyone want to start a ‘book’ on who the LIAR is in this little farce, first Slippery’s National Government ‘kneecap’ the State’s mining company Solid Energy forcing it to effectively ‘waste’ millions and millions of investments made in alternative fuel sources at a time when coal prices had tanked thus severely curtailing Solid energy’s income stream,

    Now according to what was supposed to be ‘secret’ Treasury documents Slippery’s mate Bill from Dipton has dipped into the proceeds of asset sales earmarking part of what we were all told was going to be spent upon Hospitals, Schools and the like to prop up the mess they made of Solid Energy,

    The fact that these 2, Slippery and Bill from Dipton are in charge of this country’s finances is a bad joke on us all, i wouldn’t leave these Shysters in charge of the corner dairy…

  9. weka 9

    Especially for McFlock and TRP (today only)

  10. Pascal's bookie 11

    Defamation case that’s likely to cause some red faces when it all comes out:

  11. Pascal's bookie 12

    Pakeha party clown sends Duncan Garner an email after an interview was too hard:

    “You can tell that Duncan Garner that he is a joke – if he doesn’t understand the implications of an explosion like this through social media on this issue he’s a MORON!.


  12. Draco T Bastard 13

    World’s first GM babies born
    I suppose it was going to happen sooner or later and, IMO, sooner or later we’ll see babies being designed for more strength and intelligence.

    • weka 13.1

      Dumb, selfish fucks.

      Would be good to see a source better than the Daily Mail though. Get a load of the list of celebrity Femail articles on the right hand side… Homo sapiens deserves to go down in a big screaming heap at this point.

      • Colonial Viper 13.1.1

        These aren’t even the babies they are planning who will have DNA from 3 different parents…

  13. BM 14

    Lol, if Labour can come back from this, it will be the greatest comeback since Lazarus.

    If I was Shearer I’d say “Fuck this shit, I’m gone”

  14. mickysavage 15

    Wow the ALP is ahead of the Lib-National Party 54.5 to 45.5 according to the latest Roy Morgan. That Kevin Rudd huh?

    • BM 15.1

      Tony Abbot has such a bad head.
      He looks like Agent Smith.

    • Tim 15.2

      Christ! That Paul Murray guy must be apopletic!
      Might need another break in a Tweed redneck city to console hisslef.

      Failing that, Nimbin is just down the road .. he could just go get thoroughly out of it – no one would notice the difference

      • Tim 15.2.1

        Oh – actually I forgot. He couldn’t do that. Nimbin has CCTV cameras installed at either end of the highway connected to the NSW State Police, watching who comes and goes. Normally they’re watching for pesky little Abbo’s, but I’m sure there’d be money in ‘leaking’ a high profile Mr Personality vid scoring off a dirty little Abbo

    • Colonial Viper 15.3

      Wow the ALP is ahead of the Lib-National Party 54.5 to 45.5 according to the latest Roy Morgan. That Kevin Rudd huh?


      According to McFlock and others, the Leader makes fuck all difference to the performance of a party. It’s all in the policies. The explanation is: Rudd must have put forward a shit load of new policies in the last 7 days,

  15. Tim 16

    Can someone please explain to me – (El Fiko Tim) the following:

    In Waihi: Colenso can mine under residential areas where people own their land (sometimes freehold).
    No say as regards their rights to object, nothing that might prevent potential damage – only a claim AFTER the event should something go wrong.

    In Auckland: The Auckland Uber City – patting itself on the back and giving itself Lennie Brown points – are awestruck by ‘bizzness’ wanting to proceed with near-Brito development forthwith BUT in a situation where the council is going to have to pay some sort of ongoing rights for the undercity rail tunnel.

    I.E. in one situation – the freehold residents have no say as to what’s going on beneath OR any claim to financial benefit…. YET in the other – completely different story.

    WHY does the Uber City have to pay any sort of fee for a tunnel, especially when it will result in a public benefit.

    I might be reading this all wrong – but if so – please enlighten me.

    • weka 16.1

      Who are they to pay rent to for the tunnel?

      AFAIK when you buy land you don’t own what is underneath the land. Not quite sure how that works when it comes to building and excavating though.

      • Tim 16.1.1

        @ Weka – My question exactly.
        I may have read thing wrong, but there is NO WAY the Uber City should be paying rights to any developer for running something underneath – especially for public benefit.

        I’m asking the question though – IS that what is proposed?

        If it is, then I’d say Waihi residents and land owners have an entitlement to whatever the gems discovered underneath might be. (i.e. right to the centre of the Earth)
        Its just that Lennie’s remarks on a video blip I saw in passing (can’t remeber which) seemed a little ambiguous.

        • weka

          Can’t see anything about a fee in google news. You could try asking at the Auckland Transport Blog.

          • Tim

            @ Weka – Thnx. As I say, I just caught the end of a Len Brown media blip that was a bit ambiguous.
            No matter really – even if that were the case since the Uber City has the ability to ‘strike’ rates. Any future Council therefore couldn’t be held to such madness.

    • Jane 16.2

      Is it because under a house there is less affect than under a building? A house foundations might go say 10 meters where a mutil story building has foundations that go much deeper?

  16. tsmithfield 17

    I guess there’s no such thing as a sure bet. But Ipredict is paying around 13 cents at the moment for Shearer to depart as leader in 2018 or later. Looks like a pretty certain shorting opportunity to me.

    • gobsmacked 17.1

      He’ll be departing in 2013. That’s not even a debate any more, it’s a sure bet. Just a question of how it’s done, and – consequently – who.

      • BM 17.1.1

        I actually wonder if this man-ban wasn’t actually a planned over throw by the front bum collective.

        As normal, everyone is looking in a completely different direction then all of a sudden, BAM out of left field comes the true challenger.

        Sue Moroney for leader !!!!, whoever had money on that would have made a killing, a real 1000 to 1 outsider.

  17. hush minx 18

    I know things are in a sorry state when I agree with DF’s analysis of events:
    David Farrar
    Labour’s strategy on the “man ban”

    1. Make a decision on a point of deeply held principle
    2. Tell no one and fail to prepare
    3. Let the media frame It for you
    4. Explain Policy
    5. Deny Policy
    6. Defend Policy
    7. Reject Policy
    8. Go into hiding

    It’s all feeling a little inevitable. Guess it will be an interesting caucus tomorrow. Eyes will be on Robertson to see if he speaks out in defense… Actually I read somewhere that the Chief press sec was off on Friday. Think the Chief of Staff is on an extended holiday too…

  18. Agora 19

    Could a similar scenario work here ?

    Rudd now has ALP in prime position to win Federal Election as Labor gains again. ALP 54.5% (up 3%) cf. L-NP 45.5% (down 3%).

    This week’s Morgan Poll, the third since Kevin Rudd became Prime Minister, shows another significant swing to the ALP. The ALP 54.5% (up 3% since last week’s multi-mode Morgan Poll of June 28-30, 2013) is now further ahead of the L-NP 45.5% (down 3%) on a two-party preferred basis.

    The ALP primary vote is 41.5% (up 2%), ahead of the L-NP primary vote at 39.5% (down 1%).

    Among the minor parties Greens support is 8.5% (unchanged) and support for Independents/ Others is 10.5% (down 1%) – including within that support for Katter’s Australian Party of 1.5% and support for the Palmer United Party of 1.5%.

    If a Federal Election were held today the ALP would win comfortably according to this weekend’s multi-mode Morgan Poll on Federal voting intention with an Australia-wide cross-section of 3,521 Australian electors aged 18+.

    The Roy Morgan Government Confidence Rating has improved slightly – up 1pt to 107 – the highest since mid-March 2013. Now 43% (down 0.5%) say Australia is ‘heading in the right direction’ and 36% (down 1.5%) say Australia is ‘heading in the wrong direction’.

    Analysis by Gender

    Analysis by Gender shows both genders again swinging towards the ALP after Rudd’s return. Women now clearly favour the ALP (57%, up 3%) cf. L-NP (43%, down 3%) on a two party preferred basis. Even men now favour the ALP (51.5%, up 3%) cf. L-NP (48.5%, down 3%).

    Gary Morgan says:

    “It’s believable that the ALP would be in front since Kevin Rudd’s shock return as Prime Minister with Rudd’s successful Indonesian trip tackling the issue of ‘asylum seekers’, outlining his plan to deal with the problems in the NSW branch of the ALP and Tony Abbott’s refusal to debate, leaving Abbott with no opportunity to look like a leader combating Kevin Rudd ‘head-on’. The biggest swings to the ALP have been recorded in Queensland and New South Wales.

    “A further boost for the Rudd Government is today’s Roy Morgan employment estimates which show an extra 88,000 jobs created in June, however there are still a significant 2.35 million Australians (18.9%) either unemployed or under-employed.

    “Will the ALP vote still be in front whenever the Federal election is held – August or a later date?

    “This solely depends on Tony Abbott and his Coalition advisors and whether they understand how to convince the electorate that Australia under their leadership would be a better place. There’s no doubt the ALP is at a level of support that no one would have believed was possible a month ago!”

    Electors were asked: “If an election for the House of Representatives were held today — which party would receive your first preference?”

    Finding No. 5025 – This multi-mode Morgan Poll on Federal voting intention was conducted over the last few days via Face-to-Face, Internet and SMS interviewing, July 5-7, 2013 with an Australia-wide cross-section of 3,521 Australian electors aged 18+, of all electors surveyed 1.0% (down 0.5%) did not name a party. Research Update&utm_term=Will the ALP vote still be in front whenever the Federal election is held – August or a later date Depends on Tony Abbott and his Coalition advisors – Gary Morgan say

    • Murray Olsen 19.1

      The main change in Australia was that a man was swapped for a woman. The policies are virtually interchangeable and where there was a point of difference, such as with refugees, Rudd is moving towards the Gillard/Abbott position. The media has also laid off Rudd and even made a few mild criticisms of Abbott, which makes me wonder what Kevin has quietly promised Rupert and Gina.

      In Aotearoa Labour doesn’t have such a simple solution available, despite what party stalwarts like Backpussy Tamihere might think of Shearer’s masculinity. Any change will still need a lot of work afterwards, which is why it should have happened yesterday.