Open mike 15/03/2025

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, March 15th, 2025 - 25 comments
Categories: open mike - Tags:

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25 comments on “Open mike 15/03/2025 ”

  1. Ad 1

    Shoutout to the Tamehaka, Tamekana and Uenuku iwi for getting their settlement through.

    A hard won $20+million. Lots of land taken for public works in there.

    Now the hard planning towards prosperity begins.

  2. adam 2

    truth, comes in a punk song

  3. Incognito 3

    What a surprise!

    Still, it might be good news for the workers and for the school kids.

    • Tony Veitch 3.1

      has agreed to sell its lunch operation to Compass Group NZ.

      How could this possibly be construed as 'good news . . . for the school kids?'

    • tWig 3.2

      Labour's finance person Edmond points out somewhere in this infrastructure planning clip with BHN that, while the current lunches cost $3, schools are getting additional funds to cover transport of lunches, bringing the cost to over $5.

      Labour's trial scheme ran to $5-8 per lunch, seems like transport inclusive. Where lunches were made locally or on-site, the transport cost was low. Just what is the budget for lunch transport from OZ?

      The infrastructure discussion is good, too.

  4. joe90 4

    Trump adopts Putin's tactic of taking foreign citizens as hostages to trade for its criminals economic concessions.


    Family and friends of a Vancouver entrepreneur are demanding answers after she was unexpectedly detained by U.S. immigration officials while attempting to cross the border with a job offer and visa paperwork in hand.

    Jasmine Mooney, a 35-year-old business consultant and co-founder of a drink brand, has been detained for 10 days under what her supporters describe as “inhumane conditions,” with no clear explanation of why U.S. Customs and Border Protection arrested her.


    Eagles said an immigration lawyer was finally able to reach Mooney late Thursday, but despite having no criminal record and facing no charges, Mooney remains in custody with no clear timeline for release.

    • Macro 4.1

      Crossing from Canada into the US is an experience I no longer want to undertake. Went for 3 day visit down from Toronto through Detroit to visit a cousin in Ohio. Beautiful time of year (the fall) and the country was full of colour – but the passage thru immigration in Detroit was something I never want to experience again. Everyone treated as a criminal. Going into Canada on the other hand was the complete reverse. That was 10 years ago, so nothing to do with Trump.

      • joe90 4.1.1

        I experienced US border patrol hospitality on a seventies surf trip to California and Mexico's Baja peninsula.

        Best described as boorish, paranoidly aggressive thugs with guns.

      • Visubversa 4.1.2

        A friend of mine – a woman in her late 70's was visiting her grand daughter in San Francisco. She had been there before with no problems but last time she was kept at Immigration for 5 hours while her family waited outside, questioned frequently and had her fingerprints taken twice.

        I have never set foot in the USA and never will. The closest I have been was about half a K from the border on the British Columbia side and I made damn sure that nobody took a wrong turn.

  5. joe90 5

    Jimmy Carter will be rolling.


    The FBI is moving to criminalize groups like Habitat for Humanity for receiving grants from the Environmental Protection Agency under the Biden administration.

    Citibank revealed in a court filing Wednesday that it was told to freeze the groups’ bank accounts at the FBI’s request. The reason? The FBI alleges that the groups are involved in “possible criminal violations,” including “conspiracy to defraud the United States.”

  6. Incognito 6

    The Government should, when it can, Cook says, look at how to maintain the attention on the March 15 attack at a local and national level – “how there can be some commemoration that’s meaningful, not only the Christchurch families, but the Muslim community.”

    I had a look on the Beehive website, because the RSS feed is dead again, and there’s nothing from the Coalition, which shows how much they care – ‘deal’ with it quickly and then move on as if there’s nothing more to see and do.

    The DPMC website was last updated on 12 August 2024 – out of sight, out of mind.

  7. Incognito 7

    I’m getting a feeling that we should start a project to get rid of the Coalition. Let’s call it:

      Free Kiwi First 2026
  8. Morrissey 8

    On Wednesday, weka dished me out a two-day ban, charging me with the fantastical offence of "peddling fascism denial" after I criticised a French politician and three weapons manufacturing companies.

    That was more than three days ago. This morning I posted a message quoting a United Nations report on Israel's policy of rape and sexual terrorism.

    It has not been published. Are you now censoring criticism of Israel as well as of armaments companies and NATO?

    [Another two-day ban.

    Stop being a fuckwit and stop accusing TS of censorship.

    I manually lifted your ban this morning @ 9:54 am.

    You’re free to re-submit the comment that you tried to submit @ 9:02 am. I’d like to think that’s a pretty quick response from Mods. BTW, that comment was shite, as usual, but that’s beside the point.

    If you keep up this fuckwit behaviour, your next ban will have 2 0s added to it, which means we will see you again on 1 October or later – Incognito]

    • Incognito 8.1

      Mod note

    • joe90 8.2

      This morning I posted a message quoting a United Nations report on Israel's policy of rape and sexual terrorism.

      Thing is, unlike you and your fellow tankie/campists who openly support Putin's army of rapists, murderers, and toilet thieves, nobody here supports Israel's war crimes and sexual terrorism.


      The new report by the UN's Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine, published online this week, is to be formally presented to the UN Human Rights Council next Tuesday.

      "The commission has concluded that Russian authorities committed enforced disappearances and torture as crimes against humanity," the report said.

      "Both were perpetrated as part of a widespread and systematic attack against the civilian population and pursuant to a coordinated state policy," it added.


      Russia "systematically used torture against certain categories of detainees to extract information, coerce, and intimidate", the inquiry concluded.

      The most brutal forms were used during interrogations, but Russian authorities had also "systematically used sexual violence as a form of torture against male detainees".

      • Incognito 8.2.1

        It’s not very nice to kick someone who cannot defend themselves and leave flaming comments for them that they can read but not respond to, is it?

        Please make your comments here without the whataboutery and flaming, thanks.

        • joe90

          It’s not very nice to kick someone who cannot defend themselves

          Of course it isn't nice but then I'm addressing someone who can't bring themselves to condemn the motives and actions of an invading army that has been credibly accused of using sexual violence as a weapon of war.

          Fuck him.

          • tWig

            Cognitive dissonance, when you wirld-voew and the facts misalign. Those here who doggedly support Russia must be struggling to reframe their 'this is a proxy war with evil capitalist US amd noble socialist anti-nazi Putin', now that Trump has stepped out.

            'A person who experiences internal inconsistency tends to become psychologically uncomfortable and is motivated to reduce the cognitive dissonance…mak[ing] changes to justify the stressful behavior, either by adding new parts to the cognition causing the psychological dissonance (rationalization), believing that “people get what they deserve” (just-world fallacy), taking in specific information while rejecting or ignoring others (selective perception), or by avoiding circumstances and contradictory information likely to increase the magnitude of the cognitive dissonance (confirmation bias).

            'Festinger [1957 definition] explains avoiding cognitive dissonance as, "Tell him you disagree and he turns away. Show him facts or figures and he questions your sources. Appeal to logic and he fails to see your point." '

          • Incognito

            Similarly if you act like a machine (ie a troll) you will be treated as one – a form of spambot. A troll is generally defined on this site as someone who clearly isn’t bothering to engage their brain when commenting. The standard is that the troll could be replaced with a dictionary of lines and phrases, and no-one would know the difference. Typically trolls do not interact with other commentators as they either ignore what others say in reply or write a reply that ignores what they said. In either case it is ignorant, anti-social, annoying to read, and will often result in a banning so that others don’t have to read the comments of someone living with their sense organs turned off.


            Mossie displays all the hallmarks of a dumb fuckwit troll, so why waste oxygen on him – let the Mods take care of it. The problem here is that anti-troll warriors tend to become annoying and anti-social very quickly too.

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