Open mike 17/06/2021

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, June 17th, 2021 - 75 comments
Categories: open mike - Tags:

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Step up to the mike …

75 comments on “Open mike 17/06/2021 ”

  1. Whose afraid of no ghosts?

    Real estate industry tries to explain away ghost houses

    The spectre of ghost houses has haunted New Zealand for years, but it’s actually a bit of a bogeyman, says property commentator Ashley Church​….

    Are property investors and the real estate industry, (who look after their interests), frightened that the government might bring in a Vancouver style empty homes tax?

    Whose afraid of no ghosts?

    You are

    • Pat 1.1

      Indeed they are …..the Gov are being forced to slowly (ever so slowly) unpick the model that has benefited the few at the expense of the rest…..but they are being as circumspect as possible in order to prevent a rout.

      The beneficiaries are fighting for their lives (or lifestyles)

  2. 'Want to solve the housing crisis?

    Let's do this

    Vancouver To Triple Empty Home Tax To 3% In 2021

    Vancouver is doubling down on the success of its vacant home tax…well, tripling down, technically. The Vancouver Empty Homes Tax (EHT) will be tripled from its original rate for the 2021 assessment year. The tax, which places a penalty on underused homes, was put in place to help encourage more efficient use. Vancouver Empty Homes Tax (EHT)….

    Hundreds Of Vacant Homes Are Now Being Used

    The City’s vacant home tax appears to be making a big impact, with the total number of units falling. In 2017, the first year the City had a vacancy tax, there were 2,538 homes found vacant without exception. By 2018, that number fell to 1,989, and finally down to 1,893 in 2019. When including the number of exempted homes that transitioned to tenanted use, this added over a year of housing supply…..

    The tax revenue generated is also raising cash for the City, which is being used to fund affordable housing. In 2017, the City collected $33 million from vacancy taxes. As use improved, the revenue fell to $23.3 million in 2018. Last year, that number increased to $27.9 million, despite fewer vacancies. This would imply more expensive homes are being left vacant, potentially also helping with affordability…..

    The empty homes tax has released "over a years supply of housing" on the market.

    The empty homes tax has increased council revenue by "$33 million".

    The empty homes tax is "helping with affordability".

    What's not to like?

    [link required]

  3. gsays 3

    Doing a little reading about the recently disbanded Youth Climate Change group this morning, trying to get this male, pale and stale head around it.

    I came across this tweet which went 'viral' last month. I am fully inoculated from twitter and it passed me by. (Apologies if it was put up here on TS).

    I recommend reading it, especially any other whiter shade of pale folk, who have seen their fair share of sunsets.

    If only we heard more from Aigagalefili Fepulea'i-Tapua'i and her ilk and less from hospitality, seasonal employers, Jewish community and property investor mouthpieces.

    • Herodotus 3.1

      You are a disgrace, willing to openly promote the exclusion on racial grounds for any community group to speak out, are there others you are wanting to be silenced ?
      I am amazed that this site openly allows such comments to pass.

      [lprent: Doesn’t fit our criteria. We tend to concentrate on behaviour rather than ideological position. Like advocating silence or exclusion of people from a robust debate on our site. 

      The problem is that I can’t see how gsays has advocated for exclusion. The comment you are complaining about reads more like a call for inclusion and for others to read a different point of view.

      I’d point out that ironically you appear to be advocating for silencing a different viewpoint that you (presumably) disagree with. Worse still you didn’t bother to make any argument to support either your asserts about what they were purportedly doing, no statements about why it was a problem for the site, and as far as I can see you simply drawing your conclusions out of brain attached close to your lower large bowel.

      As you’re probably aware, as moderators we have absolutely no problems dealing with hypocrites trying to spin crap without making an argument. I suggest you try to formulate and articulate a coherent argument before I start judging your piss-poor behaviour in attacking others without one.

      In the meantime – don’t waste modderator time. I have a short fuse for dimwits doing that ]

      • lprent 3.1.1

        See my mod note.

        • Herodotus

          Contained in the news a few days ago a very emotional woman speaking form her experiences at being a target for being a Muslim made the comment that anyone who sees any one being (my words) targeted having adverse comments passed should stand up and call them out and support those who are being the subject of such attacks.

          and I am not making a comment about silencing the comment of promoting this amazing individual that the link refers to, just the needed extra regarding race.
          But will leave it there after expressing my opinion

          • gsays

            I think we are talking about different things.

            As close to a reference to Muslim I got was denigrating the tone deaf, ill timed comments of Juliet Moses.

            • ghostwhowalksnz

              Did the security services 'cancel out' Justine Sachs from this conference ?

    • I Feel Love 3.2

      Thanks gsays, there's always more to these things than Bomber outrage. Let them get on with it, let's not stand in their way, let them make their own decisions.

      • ghostwhowalksnz 3.2.1

        Yes. The have made their own decisions.

        gsays makes a good point on how the MSM news is dominated by these sectional interests…who crowd out all others. The NZ Initiative/business Round table would be included.

        My pet hate is the 'hospitality industry'…really meaning cafes and bars. They dominate the lives of inner city urban elites but not the lives of the vast majority, but many economic issues are framed around their existence and their access to cheap labour.

        This is cafe as part of a well known Cairns pub, with its famous 'Croc bar' and these are its prices in $A. Even with the higher wages and distance to suppliers its still cheaper than a NZ equivalent

        • gsays

          I would have added the proxy mouthpieces of the Australian banking industry if the coffee had kicked in.

  4. Jimmy 4

    Clark will need to change vehicles. This on Kiwiblog this morning.

    • I Feel Love 4.1

      So mps spouses (private citizens) are open season? Shame on you.

      • greywarshark 4.1.1

        Ifeellove – Don't be so quick to hassle people commenting here. The tone of discourse can degenerate quickly to fault-finding, nit-picking, purist outrage if no self-control is mustered. Try breathing in and counting to ten, and let something go that isn't a bad case of whatever you're bothered about.

        Myself I am about to write a letter to a newspaper suggesting that too much fault-finding and too tight a criteria is being applied to people needing help. I hope it will improve the situation. I think that approach is a worthy one because it isn't just dissing someone.

        • ghostwhowalksnz

          Will we see photos snapped of who Farrar stays with when visiting Great Barrier Island ?

          Maybe some audio from outside the Nick Smith office door too

        • Red Blooded One

          If people come here with legitimate arguments or praise of Government policies then I would absolutely agree with you Grey, however the type of attacks we are seeing lately appear to be no more than dumb attacks with no legitimate substance and should be treated accordingly, so I Feel Love should be free to react to an unwarranted attack on the PMs Partner, without being criticized for it. Would we have encouraged an attack on what sort of car Bronagh drove?

          • Anne


          • greywarshark

            I think we should let small things flow under the bridge instead of being po-faced about them. We have bigger things to worry and think about but get deflected often on some teeny matter. Need to grow up a bit – get wise. This is the 21st century and time is short and behaving as in the 20th century will leave us as behind the moving steamroller as we were in 2000.

    • Pete 4.2

      Why will he need to change vehicles? Are utes being banned?

    • Red Blooded One 4.3

      So that shows this Government making decisions not based on self interest, refreshing isn't it.

    • David 4.4

      Labour Party electioneering in a Ute would appear to pass the legitimate use sniff test …

    • Anne 4.5

      If Clarke is on location for his fishing programme then the chances are it is a vehicle owned by the company he works for which I think is Mediaworks.

    • AB 4.6

      "Clark will need to change vehicles."

      He won't of course – already owning it means he can hang onto it as long as he wants. If he's as sensible as Kiwis of more modest means, he'll have bought it with 60-90,000 km on the clock and will run it to 200,000km or a bit more over the course of about 10 years. Plenty of time for greener alternatives to pop up and have other people with more money than sense take the initial depreciation hit on them.

      "This on Kiwiblog this morning"

      Oh right – so a fact-free hit job. Though it must really annoy the devoted followers of Farrar's towering intellect that Clark isn't an effete leftie liberal, but he owns a ute and knows how to put a few snapper in the bin.

    • Ad 4.7


      Helen Clark lost 5% points just on the showerhead and lightbulb kerfuffle alone.

      Gayford needs to get on message when Prime Minister Ardern is now in full burn of the political bank account.

      • Pete 4.7.1

        Gayford needs to hide somewhere and never appear or do anything in life. Anything he does will be used to attack his partner. Then the 10,000 stories will appear about where he is.

        Maybe he is just living life appreciating there are f'wits who will do and say anything to appeal to the mindless it attacking Ms Ardern.

        • Ad

          He makes his living from TV, fishing and showing off. He understands media perception.

          I'm sure he won't let it happen again.

  5. Jimmy 5

    They need to actually dish out some decent punishments / fines to ensure people like this do not flout the rules.

    Covid 19 coronavirus: Two children with virus symptoms among 12 to breach MIQ rules – NZ Herald

  6. greywarshark 6
    …It means that many will now, for the first time, earn money when their songs are streamed on services like Spotify and Amazon Music….

    Musicians typically take on debt when they first sign to a record label. They are given a lump sum, known as an advance, to pay for recording studios, video shoots, distribution and other expenses. The money is then paid back when they sell their music.
    However, many artists never earn enough to repay their advances, often because they get unfavourable royalty rates from their own record companies.

    Heritage black artists have been particularly affected.

    I hope musicians still around will get real benefit from this, even if it just takes a load off their minds.

    • ghostwhowalksnz 6.1

      I think they realised that music artists know they can now bypass them and the record producers arent getting their calls returned

  7. Adrian Thornton 7

    Here is a excellent interview with a brave and as it turns out, one of the few remaining actual Left wing politicians in western politics today, Clare Daly…

    • McFlock 7.1

      from the blurb for the 15minute vid:

      We speak to Clare Daly MEP. She discusses the Julian Assange case and how it shows the hypocrisy of the West in calling out Russia on human rights abuses and Alexei Navalny’s arrest, the hawkish framing of the Vladimir Putin-Joe Biden summit by the Joe Biden administration, the West’s tensions with China and why the policy is pushing the EU closer to the United States, the myth of the Chinese threat, Ireland’s recent actions against Israel’s occupation of Palestine, the painting of Russia and China as imminent threats and much more! We contacted the European Parliament about the allegations in this show and they directed us to this article:

      Can't say I'll bother with it unless I get really shitted-down at work.

      • Adrian Thornton 7.1.1

        Can't say I am surprised at your response there McFlock..being some sort of Centrist Liberal imperialist yourself, I guess her Left Wing politics wouldn't really float your boat.

        • McFlock

          At least I did what you should have done and actually described the content of the goddamned vid. When you use the words "excellent" and "brave", all that means is that you agree with what you think you heard them say. When you use the words "liberl", "centrist" or "imperialist", all that means is that you disagree with what you think you heard them say.

          I was curious enough to at least scope out the description. One day you might link to something useful, with new information. From the description, this video does not seem to document any changes in any of the situations mentioned, or provide any deep analysis.

          So what didn't float my boat was the idea that any new information would be introduced about nine or so complex issues in a video that would give an average of a minute and (almost) a half for each issue.

          For a chronic whinger like yourself, all that constitutes is a bit of ego stroking at the idea that someone seems to be agreeing with your existing opinions.

  8. greywarshark 8

    I'm afraid, with a strong usa influence here, of our police officers picking up on the policing methods from over there, apparently in turn used by Israeli force. So good that we are getting judgment against the use of head violence here. The guy has disobeyed laws and instructions. Not an excuse for violence from the force entrusted to promote peaceful society.
    A car was seen by police trying to avoid an alcohol checkpoint as it drove through Upper Hutt in January 2020.

    Police discovered the car was stolen and the young person, (Mr Z) was driving while disqualified.
    Officers tried to arrest him but he resisted, did not follow instructions and broke free of the handcuffs.

    The car was stolen from his legal guardian, and he was carrying three passengers, one of whom filmed the incident.

  9. weka 9

    Can anyone help me find the actual audio of Ardern talking about not exempting utes? Shub quote her here and seem to imply she said it on The AM Show, but I can't find replays of the AM show anywhere.

  10. greywarshark 10

    The theme of governments over last decades has been to give encouragement to business. But often that seems to be big business, in the main areas the government favours. But most businesses in NZ are micro to small businesses, and they need support because this is where the real NZs are.

    They have put heft, heart and soul getting something going, and it is providing them with a living, plus the multiplier effect swirling the money sauce through the community. Just needed road works are holding up customers around Nelson and the businesses are suffering. When it is something of major importance to the region, there sure will be benefits to all, but please don't beggar us little guys (I haven't got one now, but have had). Government, is there an advocate for Micro Business,

    Some stats –

    Small enterprises are firms with fewer than 20 employees. They make up the majority of businesses in NZ and are the backbone of our economy. They employ 29% of our workforce and contribute over a quarter of our GDP. … When small businesses grow and succeed, they raise employment and incomes. New Zealand's Support for Small Business –

    What about the micro businesses then:

    UK entry – The main difference between a small business and a micro business is size. A micro business generally has 0 – 9 employees, whereas a small business can have between 10 – 49 employees. A small business also has a higher turnover than a micro business and more money on its balance sheet. Micro Business Statistics UK 2021 – SME Loans

    In NZ? – Are you a micro business? – Business Headspace › are-you-a-micro…
    16/05/2018 — In NZ you don't generally speak of or hear of the term micro business. … according to Statistics NZ – 97% of NZ businesses are considered small. … When you look to, one of micro's definitions is “very small in …

    Ministry of Economic Development report of 2011 doesn't refer to 'Micro businesses' in index – that I notice?
    SMEs in New Zealand: Structure and Dynamics 2011

    10 Amazing Facts About Small Businesses in New Zealand … › News & Insights
    How New Zealand small business are made up of: 3. 70% of all NZ Enterprises are sole traders and therefore have no employees. That's over 353,000 Small …

    (It looks as if this is a growth area for employment. It could be that each of these businesses might take on one trainee or apprentice a year, with some incentive, and make more money and help upskill the workforce. And I think that the saying should be reversed from 'Big business, too big to fail' so that Micro as well as Small Businesses are encouraged, and their entrepreneurship with it, with real money for pilot schemes that if successful, can be granted low-cost loans to develop even if the market is fleeting. And they should not be left dangling when there are big projects proceeding. Once the government chose to go free market and destroy the small-scale domestic market in favour of fixation on exports and imports, intelligent economic planners would have ensured there were incentives for people to self-employ after being given the heaveho from their previous jobs,)