..bradbury certainly has loose knickers..he’s anyones’..)
..bradbury..with his apparant promiscuous party-hopping/easy swapping of flags….is getting more than a touch of the peter dunnes about him…eh..?..which week is it..?..which party am i in..?..)
..and dotcom was told he would be breaching election-laws if he threw a ‘party’..
..and alistair thompson has resigned from scoop..to work for dotcom..
With what’s come to light over the last few daysdecades you have to be a wee bit skeptical of anyone who writes anything positive about dotcomNational.
It is the RWNJ new line to discredit KDC by implying he has brought anyone that says nice things about him… to be fair they are only assuming he is doing the same with his money as NAct and the other extreme right wing parties
“Needing money” and “wanting money” are two very different things.
The fact that a guy has a positive bank balance does not make him an objective commentator.
Many many relatively well off people and well educated people are being drawn to Dotcom’s ideology of “something for nothing”.
Greed: pure simple common greed and the lust for easy pickings is what is drawing the likes of Bradbury, Handley, Thompson and others to Dotcom’s campaign to beat extradition.
All Labour people should keep well clear of Dotcom and his bought men.
All Labour people should keep well clear of Dotcom and his bought men.
So anyone who supports Dotcom’s entirely mainstream view that the internet should be open and free and not controlled by governments and corporations is suddenly on Dotcom’s payroll.
Whereas the commentators who represent those corporations, and support governments snooping and spying and censoring our communications, are independent and responsible commentators.
I doubt DotCom has any interest in internet access, privacy, or freedom outside of how his bank balance is swollen further by people who want to get the creative output of Artists without paying for it.
The fact that big media companies are making massive profits does not justify direct theft by the consumer. Artists are finding better ways to retain a higher slice for themselves.
I believe every atom in DotComs body is focused on avoiding getting deported to the US and to making more money.
DotCom is a convicted criminal and is wanted on charges of piracy/theft. The inept performance of the FBI and the NZ Police don’t justify his efforts to make money by ripping off creative Artists.
DotCom is a convicted criminal and is wanted on charges of piracy/theft.
You do understand that once people have paid their fine/been in prison for their crimes they’re considered to have paid their debt to society and to be innocent don’t you?
Awesome to have you shilling for the big crony corporate apparatus
The fact that big media companies are making massive profits does not justify direct theft by the consumer. Artists are finding better ways to retain a higher slice for themselves.
How sure are you about that? Perhaps those “massive profits” you speak of should be viewed as theft from the community, in the first place. Rentier capitalists should always expect push back.
When an economic system is unjust, such as the use of patents and copyright (and deals like the TPP) to crush the wealth of the commons and to crush creativity, it will eventually be the cause of its own undermining.
The taxpayer subsidies over the last few years for films that have been made in NZ have been high enough to get everyone in NZ into a theatre to see them.
@CV: “Rentier capitalists should always expect push back.” I fully agree.
I also believe that a disruptive action/movement is required to bring about substantive change, and that the laws protecting the owners of capital are just that.
However…..it stick in my craw that a self-serving git like DotCom, who has been “generous” to some of our politicians, and now journalists, should be the catalysts for this change.
Actually, BM has a point. Bomber, Alastair Thompson and Graeme Edgeler have all promoted or been quoted talking about Dotcom’s party without acknowledging their links. Not exactly mold breaking behaviour, is it?
TRP, How many of us here at the Standard comment and/or promote particular political parties without revealing our links, if any, to those parties,
It seems given what has so far been pointed at Bradbury et al is more the criticism of convenience, convicted and damned for a quickly thought up ‘crime that isn’t’…
Not the point, bad12. The 3 I mentioned were all in positions of significant influence and should not have hidden the links. You and I are not editors of a blog or a news site, nor political/legal commentators on the national news. We contribute to the debate, but we cannot control it. However, Bradbury, Thompson and Edgeler have platforms much more weighty than us mere commenters on TS and all three should have been upfront from the start.
I got the impression that the leaked evidence was of those 3 making some kind of submissions to KDC in its early stages – kind of like a pitch so KDC could decide if he would have them working for/with his party. The evidence did not convince me they had already signed up to work with/for the party.
So, should such consultants make public every submission/application they make for paid contract work?
Your impression is wrong, karol. Thompson is the party secretary, Edgeler and Bradbury have apparently written proposals on a commercial basis. Bradbury has asked to be paid an ongoing salary and is considering being a candidate. I presume Edgerler has already been paid for his electorate analysis. Here at TS, we have regularly railed against WO’s blogging for cash. It’s no better when Bomber does it. Thompson, a gallery journalist, should have been upfront the moment he joined the party.
We have regularly railed against WO’s blogging for cash. It’s no better when Bomber does it.
Bomber submitted a proposal that Dotcom had requested. If you think he should publicly declare such talks concerning a potential position you’re badly mistaken. There is presently no conflict of interest and the right wing thrashing about like lunatics is ridiculous!
There is simply no comparison between Cameron Slater being paid by Ports of Auckland to leak private information and badly defame one of its workers and Bomber Bradbury having discussions with Kim Dotcom about the Internet Party. People who think otherwise need their heads examined.
I think Edgeler should be exempted from criticism. Hell I act for rapists and drug dealers but this does not mean that I have to believe that what they are doing is right …
Tis the nature of lawyers. People should have the best representation available.
For all of my usual carping at lawyers (and police and politicians), they are essential for a society to have to function correctly.
Just like those people who deal with the rubbish and stop the mountains growing around people to become a public health risk, the people who provide clean water, and those who deal with effluent of all kinds.
TRP, while i understand and mostly agree with the point you are making, i have to ask if most of said point is in fact not just the ‘smoke and mirrors’ of political to and fro,
While seeing what is being accused and being personally in agreement with the accusation i have to ask tho, what are the ‘Facts’,
How many articles prior to His outing as a ,(paid???), supporter of DotCom’s Internet Party did Bradbury actually publish in support of this Internet Party???
That question when applied to the big player in Scoop is harder of course to apply, but, just how many articles in support of the Internet Party did Scoop publish prior to Thompson’s outing as a supporter, in the case of Scoop, with reference to Thompson’s position with that organization, that question would have to include articles in support of the Internet Party by any Scoop author including Thompson,
The accusation made against these people is in fact the ‘smoke’, is there any proof of ‘fire’…
Well, with Thompson, clearly there is both smoke and fire. By joining the party he fatally compromised his position at Scoop. It’s not a question of articles he may have written; he was their gallery reporter and he should have known that he could not have both roles. Hence the swift resignation/sabbatical.
Bomber has form in this area already. He has worked as a paid consultant for mana and he should have acknowledged that whenever he wrote about them out of respect for his readers. Same for his role in Dotcom’s party. He has asked for money and also to possibly represent them as a candidate. That’s something TDB readers should be told upfront.
Edgeler, I’m less bothered about. He was interviewed about ‘treating’ and TV3 had control over whether his link to Dotcom was publicised in the news item and apparently chose not to provide that information. I’m assuming that he told them, of course.
TRP, so you cannot point to any particular article published by Scoop that promoted the Internet Party???, i am going to assume here but for the Blubber Boy blog getting in ahead of Him that Thompson would have declared His interest in the Internet Party at the point it became a registered political party,
In other words mere smoke being used by certain quarters to throw a hissy fit toward those who could be involved in this Internet Party,
Fair enough comment about Bradbury vis a vis the Mana Party, we would think that He would be polite enough to advise His readers,(although most of them obviously already know), that He has in the past been a paid consultant to the Mana Party,
Your comments though on Bomber vis a vis the Internet Party are a bit spurious, more smoke in other words, Bradbury might have asked to become a candidate for this Internet Party is hardly a matter of fact upon which to lynch Him,
You fail to point out any article that Bradbury has published or caused to be published in support of the Internet Party so in reality when you look at the ‘facts’ there is simply more smoke than actual fire…
Fair enough comment about Bradbury vis a vis the Mana Party, we would think that He would be polite enough to advise His readers,(although most of them obviously already know), that He has in the past been a paid consultant to the Mana Party,
Pretty sure that he had. Certainly I knew about it and long before The Daily Blog was created. I see that he has now added the link to his profile.
Tah for that, i don’t spend enough time over at the daily blog to have followed Bradbury’s blogging and the couple of times i have spent an hour reading there came away with the opinion that a lot of the blogging comes across as ‘the adults talking to the children’ and the means of commenting gives me the same impression,
That of course might be totally unfair on my part and simply an impression created by my lack of attention to that site…
Bad, there is a clear comparison between Bomber and WO. And in that comparison, Slater comes off much much worse. But Bomber has compromised himself by offering himself as a potential candidate (and presumably being paid for the proposal). Cameron writes to order, for cash, without disclosure. Bomber has done a pale version of that, by writing about both mana and Dotcom’s party without disclosure of his interest in both.
The other weird thing about Bomber’s involvement is offering to be a candidate before there is even any policy. What’s that about? A misogynist German millionaire libertarian with no history of social concern is hardly an ideal partner for advancing the revolution. More a case of “I for one welcome our new insect overloads” or “Hi, Homer, I’m Hank Scorpio”.
Te Reo, you fail to answer the points i raise in my comment to you at 12.39, instead choosing to try and divert the debate off onto another tangent,
i know from what Gordon Campbell wrote,(Karol provides a link below),about what Thompson’s intentions were and here i am going to assume that Bradbury was probably going to announce His involvement,(if any in the future), at the same time Thompson was which seems to be when the Internet Party was ‘officially launched’,
Obviously the leak to and the publishing of this leak by Blubber Boy is what has put both Thompson and Bradbury in the position where the likes of you are more than willing to read ‘compromised’ into what in reality was an ongoing process thus promoting fracturing and schisms within the left as a whole,
Again i will ask you to point to the specific articles either printed personally by Thompson and Bradbury in support specifically of ‘the Internet Party’ or to any articles of the same nature they have used their realitive positions to caused to have been published even if penned by other authors…
Internet mogul Dotcom told Fairfax Media that Bradbury was engaged as a consultant for two months last year.
“The suggestions in the proposal are not part of our strategy. The project time with the consultant who provided the proposal was limited to 2 months. To declare this document a leak of the Internet Party strategy is simply false,” he said.
“We are working with several political consultants with different political views, from the left to the right. We have reviewed several strategy proposals to identify the best strategy options for the Internet Party and it is an ongoing process.”
True Karol, Hooten is an example of what Bradbury is doing, emulating perhaps, wearing many hats Hooten seems to survive quite nicely as (a) National Party member,(b) Paid political consultant, (c) Political activist vis a vis His role in the broadband roll-out,(i have no knowledge if this is a ‘paid’ role)…
Ps, forgot, i should add (d), wannabe politician to wee Matty’s not so long list of achievements…
Well Hooten is upfront about his lobbying business. I guess the likes of Bradbury and Thompson need to decide if they are politcal activists, or politcal consultants.
What I’m seeing is Bradbury trying to move from being a grass roots activisits, to being a political commentator/journalist, and consultant – more like Brian Edwards than John Minto.
Bradbury has done some curious swings over the alst couple of years – first he was all for Mana and the grass roots intitiatives like feeding the kids. Then he was one of Cunliffe’s biggest cheer leaders – seeing Cunliffe as the best potential for over-throwing the present government. Now he seems to be getting into KDC’s camp – to attack Key but also offer Bradbury possibilities for a role in future public broadcasting?
Gordon Campbell on Alistair Thompson – looks to me like Thompson got caught out by the WO leak – Thompson was moving toward being explicit about his role with the Internet Party, but as the IntP was not fully launched, and trying to wait til it was ready for a full launch (I don’t think the party’s yet registered), he was wanting to keep on with his day job, til the IntP’s future was more certain.
I don’t think that’s the same as WO’s and Hooten’s pattern of several years.
From Dotcom’s comments in the Stuff link I linked to and quoted at above, my impressions are that Bradbury is probably finished in terms of any future connections to or work for the Internet Party.
I have no doubts that (a) Dotcom is ‘highly concerned’ (to put it mildly) that the documentation leaked to WO appears to be Bradbury’s submission to Dotcom on strategy for the IP; and (b) a lot is going on behind the scenes to identify the source and means of that leak.
Depends who you mean in terms of getting “the feeling we are being played.”
My perceptions are that Dotcom and Co were genuinely taken aback by the leak and that it came out of left field to them; and also by the ‘treating’ aspect to having the PartyParty as a joint 40th birthday celebration, launch of KDC’s latest album, AND the launch of the Internet Party. Re the latter, I am a little surprised that they had not done their homework sufficiently (eg had very detailed legal advice on the process of registering the Internet Party etc) to avoid any such hiccups.
What did cross my mind when the numbers of registrations for the party grew well beyond the 2000 offered, the leak occurred and the treating aspect came up was that they may have then looked initially at separating the IP launch out from the party at Vector Arena, and having the IP launch at Shed 10 earlier on Monday. (After all they had already booked – and presumably paid for – Shed 10 before they moved the party to Vector Arena.) The reason this crossed my mind was KDC’s Tweet on 14 Jan that “The Internet Party will be launched at a separate event at a separate time”. Note that he said “separate time” , not “date”.
In the event, obviously they really had no choice but to put off the IP Launch until they have dealt with all the issues relating to registration of the logo, the ramifications of the leak etc etc. So, no – my perceptions are that we are not being played by KDC and co, considering ‘the egg on the face’ situation for them.
Re the leak itself to WO, and WO’s timing in posting this – IMO yes this was obviously an attempt to play the situation. If I was in KDC’s shoes, finding the leak and plugging it would currently be my top priority. And, just my opinion, but I don’t believe for one moment that Bradbury would have knowingly been involved in the leak.
Have been offline for several hours – I do have a life other than online at the TS – but just need to add that IMO. A Thompson is an even less suspect than Bradbury in terms of leaks. (HAve just had a few wines with friends, so don’t want to trust to an alcohol-impaired memory as to how to spell his first name.) I am sad that he has been smeared by what has happened, but believe that he will rise above it in terms of his history, reputation etc. Enough, Will be back when wine and sleep have taken their course to clear my mind etc.
VV, with regards to your comment, i believe the electoral Commission, or whoever advised those proposing the Internet Party have given them an erroneous legal opinion over the ‘treating’ issue,
The ‘fact’ is that until the Internet Party has been officially registered with 500 members it does not for the purposes of any Act of Parliament exist, and holding a party to launch ‘the party’ in my view cannot be seen as ‘treating’ by an entity that in terms of Law does not exist,
Were the Internet Party to be with it’s 500 members a registered political party then of course this would make such a party ‘treating’ within the Law…
I don’t believe for one moment that Bradbury would have knowingly been involved in the leak.
I agree.
You know what names came to my mind when I heard there had been a leak?
Ian Fletcher, John Key, Jordan Williams, Cameron Slater in that order.
It’s clear there is an election year strategy of dirty tricks, slimy deals, political hoaxes and individual set-ups in play here. John Key’s top drawer is wide open… the sleuths have been put on the trail(s)… Williams acts as an intermediary and the leaks end up in Slater’s hands. Len Brown was a slightly special case, but he was merely an entree. KDC was first on the 2014 list… and somewhere down the path it will be Cunliffe’s turn.
We are going to see an election year like we have never seen before. Too much is at stake and international assistance for Key and co. will be forthcoming – US govt. anyone?
The above scenario is by no means far fetched given what we have learned from Snowden and the mode of operations we have already witnessed from our government.
As there are no reply thingees to Bad12 and Anne’s posts, just wanted to say:
Bad12 – excellent points re the fact that the IP is not yet a registered political party, and therefore the treating issue technically could not apply. But will leave that to the legal beagles, as I am not one. But logically, I think you are right (or should be).
Anne – good list; would add one – Jason Ede as an intermediary, with possible access to Key’s top drawer. (as well as cigarette butts LOL).
Enough – bed time, and hopefully, my cat will not drown me, my bed, and my two dogs who sleep on my bed tonight. Not that cryptic – see my comment at 17 on lprent’s post last night! Cannot remember the post title, but was also re the KDC situation. Cheers all.
Karol, can one not be both activist and consultant, i would add to that candidate as well but i would dare say that a success at being the latter would require the cessation of any consultancy,
Yes i read the Gordon Campbell article the other day which is the reason why this morning, without really knowing anything about Thompson’s motives,i find myself defending Him,
Perhaps the motivation of both Bradbury and Campbell fit well with my own expressed view that ‘the left’ has to keep growing possible support parties into the future to enable the formation of left-wing coalitions which is what the reality of MMP, in my opinion requires in the ongoing political process,
IF the above were to be the motive of both Bradbury and Thompson, then perhaps we should be showing a little more support to them, not as the Internet Party at this stage, but, for being forward thinking vis a vis Dotcoms proposed political vehicle and getting ‘in’ early to try and shape such a vehicle into something which would be a better fit in the political realm with the ‘left’ rather than the ‘right’,
Having said all that tho, and as pointed out by Vento below, we really need to ask ourselves could there be any point in supporting DotCom’s vehicle where the chances are, considering to who the leaked information was given, that DotCom has people working in a close working relationship with Him who also share a working close relationship with the likes of Blubber Boy or those of His ilk,
And yes, i have also considered that ‘a someone’ in a bid to further their ‘consultancy’ might have leaked such material to Blubber Boy simply using Him as the tool we all know He is as a means of ‘free advertising’, far fetched perhaps,but, this is politics…
Mr Handley does not directly endorse the Internet Party and Mr Dotcom, but says that “like him or not”, he could play an important part in the political process.
“We have a Government that doesn’t really listen to the people and has increasingly grown comfortable in a quasi-arrogant swagger.
“And now, here comes somebody larger than life, fearless and controversial who has decided to swagger alongside them.”
He decried the absence of long-term thinking in Parliament, saying that most voters felt there was not “an ounce of vision within 1,000 miles of the Beehive”.
He said Mr Dotcom would not be able to provide solutions in many areas, but he had a strong vision on a few vital policies – putting technology at the heart of the economy, universal broadband as a public service, privacy, and human rights laws which were fit for the digital age.
“As it stands, we are heading down a dangerous spiral on all those fronts.”
Excellent. A recognition that the IP is a new party with narrow interests, but those interests happen to be society shaping ones of civil rights and democratic freedoms, in an age where those are being deliberately curtailed by TPTB.
He decried the absence of long-term thinking in Parliament, saying that most voters felt there was not “an ounce of vision within 1,000 miles of the Beehive”.
The majority of voters a complete fucking numpties who could find their arse using both hands and an arse map.
That’s the reason why there’s no long term planning, the only way we’d get long term planning is if we ditched democracy.
50 years ago NZ was a monoculture every one was like robot, individuality was not a good thing back in those days.
I actually think people had more individuality. These days we have to conform to what the bosses want or we don’t get jobs and thus have to live in poverty.
Those days are gone, NZ is incredibly diverse these days, makes long term planning rather difficult.</blockquote.
And that's just another RWNJ excuse not to do anything and to leave it to "the market" despite the fact that "the market" is obviously failing.
Ah those were the days weren’t they CV? Lets see
– We were in the second term of a four term National Government.
– We had a two party , pre MMP, Parliament
– No idiot Green, ACT or Mana party MPs.
I wonder if the changes to those facts are the cause of our current problems?
Yes, “Those were the days, my friend
We thought they’d never end”.
My, my what big big words. “neoliberalisation” indeed.
I do wonder sometimes how much of the planning to provide power that was done by the MOW in that era was really done to ensure the supply of electricity and how much was done to simply provide careers for the engineers in the department. It sometimes seemed to be the latter and there always had to be a new project starting as it was Buggins turn to be a Project Engineer and there were a lot of career hydo-electric engineers who had to have something to do.
There never seemed to be a great deal of concern for where they built a dam of course, with the sole exception of Manapouri. It certainly gave us cheaper power that the wind turbines of today.
Alwyn, that’s the dumbest comment i have read this week, you would have to be stupid to suggest such idiocy,
Show me a point in time, except for the present when as a country we have had a nett surplus of electricity generation capability,
The Fact is that if it were not for wind turbine power we would have had to dam at least another river to ensure supply matched demand or we would have faced ongoing deficits of generation,
My sad lament continues, when oh when will we get a class of wing-nut commenting here that have the slightest shred of intelligence to raise their contribution above that what could be said to emanate from the Dunce’s corner…
Perhaps you will tell me exactly what part of the comment is what you seem to think falls into your view that it “suggest such idiocy”?
There was a continuous string of Hydro electric power projects in New Zealand from the mid 1930’s until about 1990. they were in both the North and South Island and employed a fairly consistent number of people throughout the period, with people moving from one project to the next.
I would note that I was employed by the Power Division of the MOW in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s and observed the way that the projects were planned.
There were, of course Coal and gas-fired thermal plants developed as well in the North Island and also Geothermal at Wairakei but the bulk of New Zealand’s electric power was, and remains, hydro-electric.
Did we have a surplus of power? Well obviously all the power generated was used but we tended, from the late 1970’s to become much less efficiient in terms of energy use per unit of output. This continued up until early this century.
Do you personally have any practical experience in the area or are you just waffling?
Well, you’re a prime example of a self serving shit head who uses an electricity infrastructure and design completely dependent on the excellent public service work done pre-1980, yet have the gall and the audacity to diss the people who actually put it together.
Fuck off you little over-privileged neoliberal apologist prick.
As I have noted just above here I worked in the Power Division of the MOW in the 1960’s and 1970’s and saw exactly what went on. Of course I think it was excellent work that we were doing. There is nothing in what I have said that “disses” anyone involved in this work. If you think there is then please point it out.
After all, I have often seen proposals on this site that suggest that we should schedule work to be done in New Zealand that will continue to employ the existing work forces in companies rather than get the work done, possibly more cheaply, overseas.
I would have thought you would approve of such practices, that keep skilled labour forces in work, rather than break them up and have them head overseas?
I do wonder sometimes how much of the planning to provide power that was done by the MOW in that era was really done to ensure the supply of electricity and how much was done to simply provide careers for the engineers in the department.
It was all done to ensure supply and nothing else. Your conspiracy theory isn’t worth the electrons it’s written with.
It isn’t a conspiracy theory Draco, whatever you might mean by that.
It is simply an observation that there probably wasn’t as much work done to decide what were the requirements for power and so on as we might like to think. There was, in my view, much more of an approach that said “We have these engineers and construction workers available. Where will we use them next” rather than “Planning says we need a certain amont of power at such and such a time and at such and such a place. We will plan to produce the power at exactly the right time to meet that need”.
Did you ever see that baseball movie “Field of Dreams”? Power planning was like that with its motto of “Build it and they will come”. With the MOW it was a case of “Build the hydro plant and the power will be used for something”.
“We have these engineers and construction workers available. Where will we use them next” rather than “Planning says we need a certain amont of power at such and such a time and at such and such a place. We will plan to produce the power at exactly the right time to meet that need”.
There’s two points to your diatribe:
1.) Everyone was complaining about the lack of power generation and the brown outs which tends to indicate that we needed more power generation
2.) If we’ve got the engineers and we have a lack of power then economics says to use those engineers to produce more power infrastructure
With the MOW it was a case of “Build the hydro plant and the power will be used for something”.
I remember the brown outs (although I don’t think they were as bad as some of the RWNJs have made out that they were on this board).
I also happened to work at Telecom during the 1980s and, although I didn’t have any say in it, I do know how much planning went into building the network that we enjoy today. You, quite simply, can’t build such infrastructure without planning and without it taking up time and resources to build. Interestingly enough, “the market” actually gets rid of the planning and building as “the market” only responds to shortages – if it responds at all (more profit can be made during shortages).
This is actually intended for Alwyn but no reply button.
If as you say you were with MWD power div, then we probably crossed paths or just missed each other by a whisker. But I’m glad you appear to be acknowledging the expertise and efficiency of the work done by MWD (and its Vogel Computer Centre). DEFINATELY more efficient, cheaper and reliable than what occurs these days through privatisation and outsourcing – tickets being clipped all along the way, a developing bugger’s muddle in standards and project management activities that have occurred ever since!
Thank you BM for a perfect description of yourself as a voter, we all here at the Standard have known since your first comment that you are in fact a ‘fucking numpty’
“Not an ounce of vision within a 1,000 miles of the beehive”
In other words there goes the whole of New Zealand, except perhaps the Kermadec and Campbell Islands.
Sounds about right up to that point. I don’t like the rest of your comment though.
Handley: We have a government that doesn’t really listen to the people and has increasingly grown comfortable in a quasi-arrogant swagger. And now, here comes somebody larger than life, fearless and controversial who has decided to swagger alongside them.
So is the government arrogant, or only failing in attempting to be arrogant? And it’s to be welcomed that Dotcom may be able to out swagger the government, without the quasi-arrogance? So does that mean Handley thinks Dotcom will be able to do true arrogance?
Autarky: increasing sovereign independence from foreign control
” The ability to survive without trade or aid from other nations, for example, is not the same as the ability to reap enormous profits or grow one’s economy without trade with other nations. In other words, ‘self-sufficiency’ in terms of survival does not necessarily imply prosperity, but it does imply freedom of action without dependency on foreign approval, capital, resources, and expertise.
Freedom of action provided by independence/autarky also implies a pivotal reduction in vulnerability to foreign control of the cost and/or availability of essentials such as food and energy, and the resulting power of providers to blackmail or influence national priorities and policies”
I like this. Being wedded to the neo liberal trade and financial system which is controlled by the WTO, IMF and WB ensures most of us are kept much poorer, powerless and desperate than we could be. Becoming independent of that system of subjugation and subsumption allegedly means collectively we would forgo a drop in living standards initially, but we would gradually recover. If several other countries detached themselves in unison, we could begin to trade again on our own terms, and not on terms prescribed to us by rich, powerful, interconnected politically motivated bullying neo liberals.
If several other countries detached themselves in unison, we could begin to trade again on our own terms, and not on terms prescribed to us by rich, powerful, interconnected politically motivated bullying neo liberals.
And that’s how it should be. Independent nations with minimal trade between them. This ensures that society is sustainable and that poverty is eliminated. The present system of massive interdependence ensures the reverse as multi-national corporations seek profit and empire building.
Think community, then local, then national, then regional, and THEN international.
These so called ‘efficient’ markets are the reason I often see semi-trailers with logs spewing bark all over the place traversing the Rimutakas southward to service one market, whilst another semi-trailer with the exact same cargo traverses the Rimutakas northward.
Wrong on so many levels!
Hmmm… I don’t think bra wearers grow their paddedness themselves. Otherwise bra wearers would need to trim their bra pads daily….. or just let them grow.
Sanctuary – t’ain’t nothing to do with age and prudery – eveything to do with sexism and misogyn. Women’s breasts are not there as some passive convenience for others to play upon.
And you know nothing about what I was like when I was young or how it compares with me now. How come you are claiming to know so much about my life?
Well, you said your old and whenever you comment on anything vaguely randy it is tut tut.
But you are telling me you born fully formed, springing Nike-like from the head of a feminist Zeus (Hah! Deal with THAT juxtaposition, classical scholars!)?
Nary an intervening period of vice before your St Augustine moment?
Sanctuary, if you want randy comment piss off to a porn site and indulge yourself, the use of which i might add has been shown to be mainly the territory of you wing-nuts…
Good on you karol for putting up (with great calmness) with this shit from sanc who doesn’t even get that he doesn’t get it. I see he has just asked you to calm down – must be time for QoT’s bingo card soon.
I guess monetary payment is the only way I could conceive of any woman with a modicum of self-respect wanting to spend her time with you. I don’t think a dollar would be enough though.
I’m not the one who chose to proclaim the “I’d buy that for a dollar” line from Robocop as if it was epitome of wit (it’s main point in context was demonstrating how vapid the culture of New Detroit was, but even then got irritating really quickly). I guess it’s possible that you are not some excruciating no-mate-Jake virgin, but that’s sure how you come across.
“Since [you are] off soon to the BDO and probably won’t re-surface until Monday”, I reckon that you have to be; truly friendless, as well as clueless, to be typing away on a political blog when you should be getting your groove on. But that does presuppose social skills that you so evidently lack.
Sanctuary. It’s got nothing to do with being a prude. That image is just lame, sexist and you know, Benny Hill-ish.
It”s that kind of male expression of immaturity that make women groan and roll their eyes. I see from the twitter responses that Michelle A Court didn’t find it a great big laugh either.
And does KDC really want to be the Shane Jones of the Internet Party, if and when it forms? Does he actually want to turn off his potential female votes?
That’s vile slander, CV. KDC is a Modern Warfare 3 player. It’s still naff-as-fuck wish fulfilment for people with masculinity issues but god, it’s not COD:Ghosts.
I think, ultimately, the point here is that as a teenager I would have probably thought this was awesome and been all over it…
But I’m not. I’m older. It’s not necessarily “knowing better” but realizing that such things appeal to the juvenile and I’m no longer that. If I want to feel young again, I’ll go outside and do something really crazy – not get my jollies over “it’s a keyboard on boobies!”
hmmm… I am slightly confused as to how to interpret that but I will attempt with face value
I don’t think it would. It forms part of the reason why I no longer even snigger at them because I am more fully aware of the consequences of the continuing promotion of such images and the damage it causes on a societal scale.
I also think I made my original point very badly. I was trying to say that as a teenager I didn’t have anything beyond self-awareness and was very unaware of anything outside of my sphere of interest and that many teenagers (in my experience and talking over teenage experiences with acquaintances) are somewhat similar.
Overall, I was trying to say that Kim Dotcom is throwing red meat to his voting base by appealing to all those people who haven’t advanced beyond their juvenile phase despite having advanced further in years.
I kind of see KDC as a giant man-child. He is capable of rational thought and building coherent arguments but ultimately everything he does is self-serving despite potential benefits for people surrounding him. I appreciate what his presence in New Zealand has done to shake up the local scene but I do not feel he is worthy of respect and most likely never will.
In my personal opinion, someone needs to show willingness to sacrifice for reasons outside of their own advancement/gain before they become worthy of respect.
Yes. I agree his case has brought some important evidence to light about our surveillance services,a nd John Keyas lackey to the US corporates.
But i’m not keen on his entry into the politcal arena – seems ultimately self-serving to me. His party may have some positive impact on the elections, but there could be as many negative impacts in the long term.
It probably wasn’t as bad as that Herald article looks. I can’t remember exactly how it played out, but from what I remember he did some stupid, ignorant sexist tweeting, then apologised. So I’m not sure he is in the same bracket as Jones, he probably does have the capacity to learn, even if it is just being more politcaly savvy.
The thing about his party’s voter base being young male tech-lovers, if that includes the geek sector, just look at the huge amount of misogyny there (not sure that misogyny is a strong enough word though).
It will be interesting to see young male geek culture meet NZ political culture where you can’t really get away with being shit to women.
Having said all that, I was in the bush for a couple of days and just caught up with the whole IP thing last night. The thing that stands out most to me is how much time is being spent on a party that hasn’t even been launched yet, we don’t know what its political objectives are really, and its already involved in a couple of fairly serious messes. Bizarre.
weka, part of it sems to me to do with KDC being able to stimulate a lot of media coverage. The other is his ambiguous position re capitalism, corporatism and Internet surveillance. There’s a diversity of views as to where KDC stands poliically, and how his party would impact on the elections – his is indicative of some fracture points in NZ politics.
All that is bound to genrate a lot of discussion.
And the minor parties are looking to be the wild cards in the coming election – so many of them jockeying for position. An indication that NZ politics is going though some kind of transition, but with no certainty of the outcome/s.
I don’t think that there is any ambiguity in his internet positions. He is against totalitarian internet surveillance as it exists today, he is rolling out end to end encryption for his users to help push back against such surveillance, and he is definitely against corporate and corporate copyright control of the internet.
Re: capitalism – I’m sure he has no problem with run of the mill capitalism per se, but he has also learnt the hard way that the corporate crony government sponsored capitalism that we live under is no good for anyone – him included.
Karol and CV, I just found it interesting that there was so much speculation when the party hasn’t even been formed yet. And the comments in one of the standard’s threads the other day seemed overwhelmingly to support the idea that the party would get right wing votes (implication that it wouldn’t get left wong ones).
karol – I see KDC playing the Bob Jones/New Zealand Party card in this years election if he goes through with his threat. The spoiler. He will disrupt National wherever he can, after all they betrayed him. He donated to John Banks, and in eyes at the time, that would have been the same as donating to National.
Whether he wins seats or not, is immaterial, after one term he will disband the Party – too hard, no fun, and if he can escape the charges being brought by the C.I.A., then KDC will see it as a job well done.
I think he will genuinely seek to strengthen NZ’s broadband, after all a strong network is useful to him. I think he will also engage with a lot of the youth not currently being engaged by the mainstream political parties. That in itself is not a bad thing.
man-child is an excellent description – there was a british TV series of that name, bloody funny, but the lead characters have a lot in common with kdc.
A North Texas man who paid US$350,000 for the right to hunt an endangered African black rhino said he’s had to hire full-time security due to death threats after his name was leaked onto the Internet.
“I’m a Level 5 Vegan – I won’t eat anything that casts a shadow”
Ok, well in that case anything you ever say about anything trumps phil every single time, because you are obviously the king of kings when it comes to ethics, and ethics are absolutely absolute, so you can never be wrong and all underlings must bow to your superior knowledge of rightness and wrongness, eh? 🙂
Except, hang on, you realise that everytime you swallow you kill untold numbers of bacteria, drowning them in the cruel acid bath in your stomach?! Sorry mate, you will have to try harder.
And oxygen causes irreversible damage to your body through natural mechanisms… something is always killing you and it’s just a question of how much risk you’re happy with and where you spend your “risk budget”
And no, it doesn’t. Not in the least.
The problem you face Philip is that you assume that because you have some small amount of knowledge that if someone else only knew what you knew, then they would change the way they live their life. In fact, what you end up doing is ignoring the way other people see the world in your single minded quest to set the world “right” and alienate anyone who might share some common viewpoints.
I personally have issues with the way that Big Farming works and the inhumane treatment of stock in barns and cages and, as much as I can, I try to mitigate this by making informed and principled food purchasing decisions. This is something we could potentially agree on – if you weren’t such a radical extremist who is completely unwilling to accept other views of the world as tenable.
I was going to write a giant post of the ways in which I am trying to reduce my footprint and make ethical choices for my philosophy – but then I realized that you wouldn’t actually read it. You’d just skim it for more opportunities to get your rant on regarding “animal cruelty” and “oh those poor fluffy bunnies”
You want to know something about fluffy bunnies? They taste good. I have spent many years developing my personal philosophy regarding life, the universe and everything and I’m not going to further waste my time now by trying to justify my eating choices to someone who isn’t even interested in listening.
I have known your type for too long. You will always claim that the choices you make are better and that there is always something more to be done to meet your personal goals. Guess what? I don’t share your goals and, from the sounds of it, no-one else here does and the more you open your mouth to distance yourself, the less likely anyone will.
so..zorr..still just basically denying you are an addict..eh..?
…and were you to write..unlike yr claim..i wd read..as i am fascinated by the pretzel-shapes carnivorous-greens/(self-regarding)’ planet-carers’ twist themselves into..
..to (try to) justify getting other people to torture/kill animals..just so they can eat their flesh/feed their addiction..
.and the selective-nature of their green-ness..eh..?
..the rest of yr comment is just ad-homs..
..and yes..i feel no need to apolgise for the ‘better choice’ of not eating flesh/animal-bye-products..
..so yes..’I have known your type for too long’..
..have you met metiria turei..?..co-leader of the greens..?
..lover of wrapping body in dead-animal skins..?
..and needing tissues to wipe the pig-fat from her lips..
I don’t need to tie myself in pretzels. I like meat. I like the byproducts of the animals that produce my meat. I would like the meat that I eat to be treated as humanely as possible prior to it being horribly slaughtered and fed to me. And then, if possible, on top of that – I would like it to be farmed sustainably in such a way that the life cycle of the animal feeds positively back in to the ecosystem at the farm rather than stressing the environs.
All you reveal in that last diatribe is how bile-filled and poisonous your personal world view is. In all honesty, you scare me because you strike me as a very dangerous extremist because if your words here are any indication of your internal monologue…
Zorr, I think your last 3 comments are spot on. I would add too, that the knowledge that phil has is incomplete and highly selective and drenched in confirmation bias. This also prevents him from being able to discuss, explore and learn on these issues. A kind of ethical cul de sac, and very boring to boot.
Phil is a zealot. It’s the intellectual dishonesty that bothers me.
btw, phil, those aren’t ad hominems. They’re observations about how you argue here, which are entirely pertinent to the debate. You make ethical claims, but the way you make them ensures there can be no meaningful conversation about ethics and animals and life.
I like meat. I have no moral qualms about killing and eating animals. I have thought about it and decided where my priorities and principles lie.
Your behavior is the most abusive that I have experienced on this site because engaging with you is like signing up to be punched in the face for breathing.
There is nothing anyone can say except “I agree phil, you are 100% correct” that will make you shut up and even then I suspect you’d find something wrong. Maybe they don’t format their diatribes similarly or something. Or not enough full stops… or something… whoar (should I add more full stops here or not?)
So yeah – you are completely unwilling to participate in honest discussion where it is necessary to accept that everyone is capable of engaging with the topic and have their own viewpoint on the issue.
I don’t know if this makes me masochistic… or stupid… or both… for continuing to engage with you…
There is a type of person who chooses to engage in a difficult, denialist lifestyle and can only be made happy by ramming that lifestyle down everyone’s throats.
What’s interesting is that they’re unable to enjoy life, but hyper-focus on every additional self-hating day they can squeeze out of their mortal lifespans.
It’s like the super-rich who will never be able to spend every dollar they currently have, but are compelled to get more and more and more utterly useless wealth.
Of course, that’s their choice, I just wish they’d stop trying to fucking bully other people into joining their cult of life-denial.
what does ‘macerate’ mean?….my Mother has hens and they are very happy little hens , who scratch around in her garden every day ….and then go and lay eggs in the nest boxes…which my Mother collects and shares them around the family ….the chooks are happy and everyone is happy
btw phil ….I dont mind you going on and on about Veganism….it is quite interesting and i admire vegetarians and Vegans…..the only way you can change the world on this is to entice people into that way of eating and living….maybe 3 weeks holiday in Southern India would do it for some ie live on the beautiful cuisine there….maybe classes in schools etc on vegetarian/vegan cooking?….night classes will have to wait because Nact has killed them
Doesn’t matter Chooky, you are still evil in phil’s eyes, because there are no ethical choices to be made except being completely vegan. Which of course is a crock of shit, when you look at the damage that veganism does.
btw phil ….I dont mind you going on and on about Veganism….it is quite interesting and i admire vegetarians and Vegans…..the only way you can change the world on this is to entice people into that way of eating and living….maybe 3 weeks holiday in Southern India would do it for some ie live on the beautiful cuisine there….maybe classes in schools etc on vegetarian/vegan cooking?….night classes will have to wait because Nact has killed them
Problem is, being vegan, or even vegetarian, isn’t an ethical choice for most people if you take in the whole planet. Should we be considering only the welfare of the animals? Which animals? Is it all animals, or only the ones we deem important? How does AGW factor into this? What about the new emerging sciences that show an degree of complexity that equates to consciousness? How do we determine which life forms are worthy of our ethics and which aren’t?
What is ethical to eat is going to depend on where we live. Telling all the industrialised worlds to become vegan is akin to giving up on AGW mitigation. Eating vegan is highly polluting because of the reliance on monocropping and excessive food miles. It’s not hard to demonstrate the complexity of the ethics of eating, using veganism as an example. We just can’t do that with phil in the room.
My own btw is that I don’t have a problem with individuals who choose to be vegan. All power to them if it works. I do have a problem if they claim that they are the pinnacle of ethical choices, because that is just plainly incorrect.
Ditto @ chooky Re: Mum and happy hens with egg sharing. I have no idea what macerating means/is. The eggs are lovely though. Very yellow yolks.
Incidentally, a couple of the hens were “rescue” hens from a battery hen farm that were destined for the chop. They didn’t know what to do with themselves initially. They had to be taken out of the hen house in the morning because otherwise they would just sit inside all day. Same thing in the evening – pick them up and pop them back inside. After about two weeks they were up and about with the rest of the chooks scratching away happily.
I’d prefer it over, for example, reading phil’s comments for twenty hours a day (a fate that seems almost equivalent to being in the audience of a Vogon poetry recital).
I have tried to raise this point multiple times to Phil in the past and every time got the same response. As I have always stated, veganism is a dietary choice that is only available to those in affluent nations because the required food infrastructure to support it is only available in such locations.
..furiously writhing against the fact/realities of yr addiction..
..(you should have heard me way-back…acting-out when it was suggested it might be better if i didn’t start each day with a hypodermic-syringe filled with a mix of heroin/cocaine..
..’but..!..but..!..’..i spluttered…
..it’s what i do..!..
..and i’ve been doing it for so long..
..i can’t imagine life without it..!’..)
..addictions are funny like that..
..denial is an essential ingredient in any happy addiction..
“..Problem is, being vegan, or even vegetarian, isn’t an ethical choice for most people if you take in the whole planet. ..”
..unsure what you mean by that..the sentence doesn’t make any sense..
..why is it not an ‘ethical-choice’..?..what stops it being that..?
“….Should we be considering only the welfare of the animals? Which animals? Is it all animals, or only the ones we deem important?..”
basically..eat none of them..or their bye-products..
..why fuck around with ‘does it have eye of newt in it..?
..i eat everything except etc etc..'”
“..How does AGW factor into this?..
..well..the vegan-stool has three-legs..help yrsly..help the animals..help the planet..
..are you seriously trying to suggest that raising meat is the most efficient use of land..?
..got any facts/figures/links to back up that claim..?
..’cos you and others have said that before..that vegan is worse than meat..’cos of mono-culturing’..?
..what the fuck is meat..if not mono-cultering..?..(f.f.s..!..)
“.. What about the new emerging sciences that show an degree of complexity that equates to consciousness? How do we determine which life forms are worthy of our ethics and which aren’t?..”
it that the ‘but don’t vegetables cry when they are cut bullshit..?..
..this setting a new benchmark in equivalence ..?..
“..What is ethical to eat is going to depend on where we live..”
is that the ‘but i am nanook of the north..!..i must eat whale-meat!’ excuse..?
..got any examples..(that may pertain to what you do..?..not nanoo..?.. )
“..Telling all the industrialised worlds to become vegan is akin to giving up on AGW mitigation. Eating vegan is highly polluting because of the reliance on monocropping and excessive food miles..”
as noted above..complete and utter bullshit…
..show us some stats/facts to prove me wrong..eh..?
Why is it that only females have pig fat running down their chins? So far you have only used that phrase twice… once when mentioning Metiria Turei and now when addressing QoT. The implications are… disturbing…
You don’t listen to others. You don’t respect others opinions. Yet somehow you have gotten us all to try engage with you. Congratulations on epic troll threads – because that is all you are.
“..There is a type of person who chooses to engage in a difficult, denialist lifestyle and can only be made happy by ramming that lifestyle down everyone’s throats.
What’s interesting is that they’re unable to enjoy life, but hyper-focus on every additional self-hating day they can squeeze out of their mortal lifespans..”
Phillip, you used quotation marks to imply that I said “being a vegan” was the same as being part of a life-denying cult.
This is incorrect, because (a) that’s not what I said and (b) I am talking about *you*. Not all vegans. Just you and your constant nasty jibes at people who you get a boner browbeating with your moral superiority.
And I’m nice enough to not assume all vegans are pushy shits like you.
I find it amusing how he has been criticized by almost everyone in this thread but he still continues to single out the identified females (QoT and weka) within his comments and doesn’t pull the same shit with myself, McFlock or marty mars.
Anyway, it has been amusing to watch an extremist vegan descend in to rabid frothing extremist crazy.
Hey Phil, PETA’s on the line – they’ve got a few jobs for you.
One of my rules for life – never trust an extremist… on either side.
@ phil
yeah well while you were still fisting the KFC in dick I was forsaking the flesh and now you, who have seen the light (well done you – slow clap indeed) after so much pig-fat and chicken-fat has graced your lips and fingertips, can go all sanctimonious because you’ve seen the light eh? You have a long way to go and your born-again preaching is funny from someone who used to salivate so much when the sizzle of pig and chicken fat went on the barbie eh?
..and i used to sallivate over the smell of meat..
..(the smell of smack cooking in a spoon (a unique odor..that i can still summon up..so many years later..)..will also do that for a heroin-addict..eh..?
..which is my point..meat/dairy consumption is an addiction..
..(when the idea of stopping something sends you into a panic/cold-sweat..and you crave..
..and you suffer withdrawals..?
..these are the benchmarks of addiction..)
..can you not see that..?
..there are no other food-groups..that if you were told caused cancer..that you wouldn’t drop in a shot..
..but you are addicted/you are an addict..
..which explains the overwrought-reactions to having this reality pushed up into yr (and other(s) face(s)..
..and re yr timeline-claims..
..we both stopped eating flesh at about the same time..(and good on you..!..most vegetarians are there for the best of reasons..(be they be health/animal-welfare/save the planet)..
..and i have nothing to say against those motivations..
..it is usually/often a matter of awareness/knowledge..
..like i noted earlier..many vegetarians would not know the cheese they love so much/are addicted to.. has calves’-guts in it..so they are still eating animal-flesh..it’s just been hidden in the cheese..)
..and i stopped eating the cheese/animal-bye-products about 15 yrs ago..
..and when vegetarian..i thought vegans were ‘a bit weird’/taking things ‘a bit too far’..
..and you know how not eating flesh makes/made you feel better..?
..the benefits in personal well-being from making that final severing of the animal-product dependency..
..far outweighs the benefits from going from carnivore to dairy-dependent vego..
..i thought you (and other vegetarians) should know that..
“..and i have nothing to say against those motivations..”
Funny, that is not what you said in your initial response to my post above – try being honest phil instead of pretending
All vegetarians that I have met know about rennet ffs
Your wee crusade to turn everyone vegan is just based on your own guilt and the sooner you front up to that the sooner you will grow up into the potential human you could be – until then, sadly, you are living in a deluded paradise in that steel and concrete city you call home
dick this is what you wrote to my post about the irony of the rhino killer feeling a bit uneasy being on the wrong end of the gun
are you a vegan marty..?..or is it:..’kill rhino bad’….’kill cow good – me eat..!..’….is it the ‘endangered’ that riles you..?..so if we had black rhinos thundering across the waikato in abundance….rhino-veal..?..y’know..!..’cos the babies taste that much nicer..eh..?..or are you one of those (small)-dicks with a gun..?..whose grasping at masculinity must entail killing..?..and you are saying you feel ‘zero sympathy’ for the rhinos..?..yr statement made with such fervour .. is unclear….in a few areas..
see, you went off half cocked so that you could try to be the big internet man – I call that visible low self esteem.
Frankly I just don’t believe your “I care about the animals” lines – from what i have seen your ego elbows everything else out the way. As I said way up top – flytrap meet fly.
philip ure …just being practical here….why dont you go into the fast food vegan business and create a vegan sausage ( with vegan casing of course!) to throw on the barbecue?…it could be a big hit like ‘Pics peanut butter’…i have often tried to find such sausages to feed vegetarian people at barbecues but there dont seem to be any around
…horrible about all the little boy chicks going into the mincer…but I think they are developing new ways of putting them painlessly to sleep….still horrible,….once upon a time the roosters used to get the chop ( after growing up and making a pest of themselves)…this was before chicken became a multi-national multi billion dollar food business
keep fighting but watch it!…. all the meat eaters might come after you with a big hatchet
well you should start this fast food Vegan business..’.Ure’s Vegan sausages’…to begin with..(.if I had any money i would invest in it…)…you need a big mincer for a start off….and you could trial it in your garage (as i think the pic’s peanut butter guy did and the vodka 40 degrees below man did…lots of businesses start off in a shed)
if I were to make a vegan sausage it would be ….beans/lentils/chickpeas , brown rice, cocoanut oil , tumeric or cumin,…and a little chillie or curry flavour, and maybe a little salt, brown sugar or molasses….all through the mincer…i am not sure what one would do for the casing
once the recipe is perfected you ask Mr Dot Com for some finance ( ha ha)…i have met a few German vegetarians…it could be a big hit!
If I may say so @ Phil (in the nicest possible way) – its all becoming a bit ridiculous now. Even the ex-junkie thing is bordering on “the only gay in the village”.
I think we may share a similar dim distant past (in my case until about 21 with extremel infrequent lapses) – and although (like me) you may have overcome your addiction(s) – the obsessive/compulsive shit is alive and well and becoming tedious to most others in here.
If the aim is to CHANGE them all – it ain’t gonna work.
For Christ sakes – worry about yourself! Preaching is very unattractive.
““..Even the ex-junkie thing is bordering on “the only gay in the village..”
..that’s funny..!
phillip ure..”
….. yep – well you know what I mean.
Only because I know there appear to be a shitload of commenters on here that are in full agreement with you on most other issues (of course there are others that t – roll in and out to exercise their egos from time to time).
Ekshly … I suspect we may have met in passing …. ‘cept you’d be more of my brother’s vintage and ‘circulation’ somewhere in the past.
@ philip…just trying to be helpful …..you seem to be ‘flogging a dead horse’ on this site( McFlock has already gone for the steak)….so I think ‘Ure’s Vegan sausages’ …….is the way for you to go…where to put your energies (lol) … provide food and sustenance for the already converted
…(and no you are quite right ….the word chooky does not go with veganism)
In Te Reo Māori ure means penis. Perhaps a rebranding for the vegan sausage is in order.
Although, why would a vegan make anything to look like a sausage as the only reason sausages are shaped as they are is that traditionally the casings were made from the intestines of animals.
..and have often joked about it..(my ancestors from scotland should have turned right..and gone to australia/’i have been called that a few times in the life..(and probably deserved it..)’….etc..etc..)
..and i enjoy being introduced to to reo speakers..
..i watch their faces/eyes as they digest (excuse the pun) my sirname..
..i have only had one laugh outright into my face..(heh..!)..
..and should i need consolation over this..
..i can also turn to the alternate meaning in te reo..
..which is ‘power’..
..’phillip power’ it is..!..(i like it..!..)
..and funny story..!
..the waima river used to be called the ure river..
..(i wonder what brought about that change..do any historians reading this know..?..
..was it an attack of blue-stocking prurience..?..
..when those missionaries/settlers realised they were living on/around..the penis-river..?
..inquiring minds want to know..
..and if that is the case..
..i think a campaign should be started..
..to restore the original/te reo name to that river..
From the Greek name Φιλιππος (Philippos) which means “friend of horses”, composed of the elements φιλος (philos) “friend, lover” and ‘ιππος (hippos) “horse”.
philip’s Ure vegan sausages…….horse lover power penis vegan sausages.!…..lol….and a marketing disaster!?
@phillip ure …damage is done….dont try and change the subject……more on the ‘Ure Vegan sausage’ name ….a marketing disaster ….except perhaps for the Chinese who may love it as an aphrodisiac instead of rare endangered tigers and other endangered wild species
The power that you speak of is associated with ‘potency.’ No point having an ure if it can’t produce the goods. Whakapapa is the source of our strength.
There is a place called Urenui, which still exists. Apparently, the name relates to a big chief, who was hugely endowed, tripoding his way through the rohe. Nui means big.
lol are you thick phil? to be making so many judgements based on what? Just remember when you were skulling the meat (and salivating like a hungry dog at the stench of fried pig and chicken fat) from the leg-bones of factory farmed chickens I wasn’t – makes you think that eh? Do you think you’re balancing out your karma somehow after all those long long years where you doggsihly gnawed on flesh? Do you think the animals you digested have forgotten?
In phil’s world, the individual animal you can relate to at the fluffy bynny level is more important than the species. That’s why many hardcore vegans are against pest control and would rather see bird species in NZ go extinct from stoats and possums, than have those stoat and possum populations controlled. That might be why he missed that his comparison between rhino and cows was nonsensical. Or it might just be that he has no logic where this is concerned.
Doesn’t he know that cows are dicks? All the other animals call them “big grass-eating jerks”, whereas rhinos are universally regarded as the nice guys of the savannah.
Once again proving you live in some strange world of fantasy where even your answers to current issues require technology that is yet to be discovered.
I’m with McFlock – 1080 or a slug. Either one is good.
Also, I’m not going to invest extra time when Wiki is good enough. There are plenty of things being currently “worked on” that would easily fall in to the realm of “fantasy”…
Such as cold fusion.
The point here is that you are suggesting solutions that, as of yet, don’t exist. That doesn’t really make them a solution.
I love how your argument style is to automatically go to the most far out suggestion when there are plenty of techniques already in use that are perfectly workable.
I didn’t mean that (I don’t think we are smart enough to come up with a cure that doesn’t have significant side effects). I meant that the wholesale, whack ’em with poison, bugger the collateral damage mentality, is not leading us to sustainable solutions long term. We need to develop a meat and fur industry, one that actually works and is based on sustainability principles rather than being profit driven niche marketing.
If my facts are correct…..1080 is banned in Oregon….in many states of USA it is rarely or very selectively used……NZ takes 80% of the entire USA production of 1080…and USA is the only country in the world to produce 1080
….so NZ plasters 80% of the worlds production of 1080 over our ‘pristine’ land
imo it is exterminating the kea, which is now an endangered species
The difference you seem to be missing is that the Western black rhinoceros is now extinct. The domesticated cow does not seem to be in any imminent danger of extinction.
Otherwise, that part of me which thinks that Colin Craig should but the hell out of consenting adults’ bedrooms, is also thinking that you would be better off butting the hell out of consenting adults’ dinner tables.
Marty Mars
Karma is a bastard.
Now he knows what the Rhino has to put up with.
Instead of hunting the Rhino and Now having to pay for security .
It would be easier just to put out a media statement saying I am not going to shoot thr Rhino but I am going to donate the money .problem solved.
this is the realities of this prick..he ain’t donating anything..
..this link has his kill-gallery…(so it’s not suitable for those who already know..but others may add to their revulsion-level at what is done to animals..
Vattenfall has a 74.9 percent stake in the electricity grid company, Stromnetz Hamburg, while the remaining 25.1 percent belongs to the German city.
“The value of the entire electricity grid company has preliminarily been agreed at €550 million euros,” the Swedish company said. “However, both parties have agreed on a minimum value of €495 million.”
The transaction was a result of a popular initiative launched in 2010 by a pressure group which included environmentalists, consumer organisations, unions and local churches.
In a referendum held last September, 50.9 percent voted in favour, while the Social Democratic mayor and the Christian Democratic Union, Germany’s largest party, had campaigned for a no-vote.
OK, but they still have thermal backup for that 50%. That needs to be kept in a complete state of readiness. Have you looked at electricity pricing in Denmark?
In most of Denmark it is illegal to use electricity for home heating, better to burn gas instead.
“part” of what?
It would appear that your article’s 3 year old prediction of doom has been contradicted by a three day old announcement of record supply.
Apart from Crusherles “slaughtering sacred cows” I know day to day ACC services aren’t issue du jour. However I thought I’d follow up on that chat the other day about full funding for physio rehab sessions.
I emailed Iain Lees- Gallowway and cc’d Kevin Haugue, both opposition spokespeople for ACC.
I asked whether full funding would be reinstated and put my reasoning forward for why it should be. I also informed them of my personal experience of the loss of full funding and how detrimental this has been to my recovery.
I received a reply the next day from Iain Lees Galloway and basically the answer is NO but it may be considered. I guess they don’t want to sound too closed to an idea that would benefit the public, in an election year. I was hoping for a YES though. This made me think of CV’s reply when he said something along the lines of no party being likely to restore full funding. Disappointing if this is the case. Really disappointing.
Reply below:
“I don’t think we will make a specific pre-election policy about funding for physiotherapy. But we are certainly keen to ensure everyone gets access to the treatment they need and will consider the merits of restoring full funding for physiotherapy and weigh that against other matters that need attention such as making sure more claims are accepted overall, making sure people are really able to go back to work before compensation is stopped and giving people the home help that they need. Obviously, we have been convinced of the value of fully funding physiotherapy in the past and if the evidence remains as strong it will be considered”.
During the nineties I had 24 treatment sessions over two years for a work related neck problem and because my employer allowed me to attend during work hours those treatments were recorded on my time sheet.
A couple of years later an ACC investigation showed that she had claimed for at least one session a week over that two year period so off to court she went.
Hi joe90. I had heard from CV the other day of physio’s who were scamming the system. (Sorry yours was one of them!) and from that I took that was the reason that charges were introduced, or should I say, sessions were no longer fully funded.
But this is no way to deal with with scammers! Patients get punished for the crimes of their physio’s, and that is wrong. All it does is reduce patients access to treatment.
I’m not fully convinced that the National Government reduced the subsidies simply because they wanted to make up for the loss, or as a way of controlling physio’s less than moral behaviour. It seems like an all too easy and convenient excuse when if they were fully supportive of the aims of ACC they would have instead introduced some way of monitoring physio’s client ACC claims, and ensure it was a tight scam proof system.
Iain Lees-Galloway’s response left me feeling a little puzzled ( as well as disappointed) as to why they wouldn’t reinstate full funding. Morally, injured folk can’t just be left to suffer because they can’t afford to attend their physio appointments. I thought they would get that.
Thanks, Rosie. There are some positives in the reply – accepting more claims. I’ve heard a lot of stories of people being refused any treatment, necessary surgery, etc; Not sending people back to work too early – my experience is that they focus too much on returning people to work, don’t take into account the impact of severe injuries on general well-being, and look more to getting people back to work as soon as, rather than looking at what’s best for the individual.
But ACC currently also tend to try to limit physiotherapy as much as possible, regardless of whether people actually need it.
Yes, I did see some positives in the reply but got the feeling that they may possibly be at the expense of other services. I did like the sentence “making sure people really are able to go back to work before compensation is stopped”.
And I have also had the same experience as you previously. It’s all about work work work. They need to take a more holistic approach to the rehab for full and genuine recovery to happen, and to help prevent further occurrences in the future.
I got a better response when Andrew Little was the ACC spokesperson. Because you cc’d Kevin Hague, it usually takes a week or so longer for a response, than a direct approach. But you should get one. I’ve always found Kevin very good to deal with.
I see dotcondom has resiled from his party party.
He thinks he can take what he wants and use the ill gotten gains to buy anything or anybody.
No. And its not his internet either. Everybody inlcuding him has to pay to use it and abide by the rules but somehow he thinks he is above it all.
Him and wail boil together.
Well pride comes before a fall and both of them are due for it.
We’re all on a journey mate. And you’ve made a hell of a lot of character assassinating assumptions re: KDC. His worst sin in this instance appears to be bringing people onboard who have not given him good advice.
With Au Pair Link you also have access to 20 Hours ECE and WINZ childcare subsidies.!
Does anybody know how this works- it looks a lot like another ‘capture by rich people’ If so I would have thought it worth going after.
It is ‘red queen race’ stuff we have to keep on working because otherwise they will run the whole place for their own interests only
So, according to the MSM business confidence is up in NZ. Meanwhile, across the ditch with one of our major trading partners, business confidence is taking a slide.
The research found a significant decline in positive feelings about the direction of the economy in the next 12 months and next five years. There was also a small drop in the number of businesses planning to expand their businesses in the next 12 months.
Thanks, that was interesting. I would add that those humans would have been eating the whole animal, not just the bits we eat today. Most of the anti-meat arguments are based on theories and research of eating modern diets, not historical ones.
..(best summed up in a comment @ the foot..(see..i did read it..)
“..Obviously addicted to eating meat , what a load of crock.. if humans were meant to eat meat they would have a fixed jaw like a dog shorter intestine like a carnivor teeth like a shark instead of molars.. besides the biggest animals on the planet are all vegetarians… go figure!..”
with due respect.
Junk science – there is heaps of it.
The summary is full of suppositions cascaded to illogical conclusions.
eg. B12 levels.
Who really funds this stuff which ignores so much evidence.
A lot of reductionist findings often are not viewed in the bigger picture, which is always more complex and dependent on a wide perspective of understanding.
The leading killers in Western diet appear to be heart/circulatory related disease ( including cerebral conditions including stroke ); and cancer.
This pattern is not observed for various reasons, in populations that eat few animal products; ,but a major reason being diet.
Has anyone read the overheated comments Chris Trotter came out with today on the subject of the amendment to Section 59?
Sheeesh – I don’t think he likes children!
I must say that although Trotter’s article raises a few interesting points, it is at times factually incorrect. Unfortunately this sentence is particularly misleading:
It is, however, a crucial element of Mr Craig’s naïve political genius to instinctively “get” that the anti-smacking legislation owes nothing at all to the will of the people and everything to the unshakeable convictions of a self-righteous minority. Those who bridle at this characterisation would no doubt also dismiss the judgement of the 87.4 percent of voters who in 2009 answered “No.” to the Citizens Initiated Referendum question: “Should a smack as part of good parental correction be a criminal offence in New Zealand?”
What the pro-smackers still fail to understand is that the law change wasn’t concerned with a smack as part of good parental correction. It was instead concerned with parents and caregivers getting away with severe injuries and sometimes the death of children. To quote Wikipedia:
(The amendment) removed the legal defence of “reasonable force” for parents prosecuted for assault on their children.
If the citizens-initiated referendum was worded correctly to relate to what the actual law change proposed, it should have said something like this:
Should a parent or caregiver be able to injure or kill a child and get away with it because of a loophole within the current law?
Any sane person would answer NO to this question, which along with his ridiculous claims concerning the moon landing etc clearly shows that Collin Craig isn’t fit to be a politician.
Precisely – and passed by most of the MPs on both sides of the House who had access to the facts, not the beat-ups of an immoral and self-interested press.
People with money and good lawyers were getting away with horse-whipping their children. At the end of the day, all the legislation did was to provide children with the same level of protection as animals
Hard, if not impossible to talk sense in the face of all the heated rhetoric that was flying about. Plenty of people said it, but it’s a different story getting someone to put it into print. It was a very sensationalist topic which provided a feeding frenzy – there was a lot more heat than light on the topic, and many newspaper editors, journalists and commentators should hang their heads in shame
+1 It’s pretty shameful that certain publications perpetuated such a blatant untruth that essentially advocated for parents and caregivers to continue getting away with grievous bodily harm and child murder. It’s also a bit shameful that such a large amount of the New Zealand public was too stupid to realise that they were being lied to. It’s highly shameful that Collin Craig is now trying to use the publics continued misunderstanding about the so-called “anti-smacking bill” to try and gain support for the Creepy Conservatives. Somebody should let him know that being able to beat children to death and get away with it is only a tradition in a sick society.
Nope. I make I own and have for years. Very therapeutic kneading dough. And tending to my sour dough yeasty pets. (they are vegan too. like your dogs.)
What is going on here on ‘The Standard’ seems to be a bit of a worry. I know it is still the holiday season, the end phase of it, but I notice that ‘Open Mike’ is getting the bulk of attention and comments, apart from very few other topics.
I hope that soon some writers and commentators here will focus on the real issues of this election year:
Economic policy and direction (differentiating the “left” and “progressive” from the status quo, short sighted mess);
Social justice – with justifying and fighting for a minimum wage at $ 15 to 16 an hour, also promoting the idea of the “living wage”, and thus better incomes for those that have been neglected by this crap government;
More social justice – by being truly inclusive and fair, and reversing the worst of the “welfare reforms” that Bennett and her lot are “celebrating” with manipulating figures and outcomes; which means, a new benefit and welfare system offering UBI or something similar, that will not be punitive, not be full of sanctions and NOT treat sick and disabled as useful “human material” to feed to greedy employers – but by truly supporting, working with and helping those in need;
Sustainable development – by showing a clear direction in transforming NZ’s infrastructure and economy to a more sustainable, environmentally compatible, fairer and healthier economic system, that can survive and outlast the short sighted idiocy we are getting from Key, Grosser and the lot;
Economic development – by promoting and investing in value added, more diversified production here in NZ, that offer better value export products and services, and that surely also focuses on developing the local economy, rather than keep things “ticking over”;
Healthcare that will support the needs of the present population and also focus more on prevention of diseases and illness, same as accidents and so forth, incentivising healthy behaviour and employment, by tax or other discounts, and perhaps also levying unhealthy food and behaviour, putting a charge or sanctions on such; and I want government to stop interfering with medical science, by promoting mad “research”, which is not sufficiently fact based, by ones like the mad UK “professor” Mansel Aylward;
By aligning NZ again with progressive countries that follow smart and constructive social, economic and various other policies, rather than blindly follow the Anglo Saxon economies like the US, Australia and so; a different strategic global policy may be called for, rather than what we have;
Put a new focus on education, to follow ideas like those in Finland, to bring about better results. Some progress happened before, but the over focus on national standards and now even charter schools is distracting from putting more resources, ideas and manpower into the existing systems. I also would like to see the abolition of elite private schools, charging them extra for catering for high income parents or whatever, because we need more equality, need to set examples, and must have smart, talented, gifted students sit in class with those less fortunate, to help them progress, which also develops social and collective skills;
We need a fairer tax system, which cannot just be about an intro of a CGT; we need a transaction tax, we need a higher income rate for top earners, we need to look at a reduction of GST, at least for essentials;
There is NO place for poverty in a country rich in resources. So retail supermarkets need looking at, perhaps by introducing more competition, or by regulating some behaviour, as it is idiotic to accept that certain NZ produce can be bought cheaper in London and Frankfurt than here in Auckland;
The environment is also paramount, and NZ is in vast areas already so destroyed, when it comes to the natural environment, it is not funny; I want more resources in bio security, in conservation, protection of species and so forth, certainly better equipped marine vessels for emergencies for oil and gas disasters; we get too much of the law being hollowed out under this government; NZ is NOT clean and green, it is a hypocrisy, and that is wrong!
There is heaps more I would like to raise, like fairer, better worker’s protection, work safety standards to be improved, electricity and housing needing to become more affordable, and much more, but I read too little on all this here now, at least over the last few weeks.
I would encourage those contributing here to focus on some of the above. Some do, but the slow season is nearing its end, and we must now work on election year and the issues that need addressing. I look forward to more writing here, and more commenting, as reading TS is very entertaining and also enlightening most the times.
Well said. But should the push be for roll back of only some measures “reversing the worst of the welfare reforms” incremental change or substantial structural change that the next right wing government finds harder to reverse or sell off for their own gains.
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A listing of 25 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, January 12, 2025 thru Sat, January 18, 2025. This week's roundup is again published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, so if ...
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..Thanks for reading Frankly Speaking ! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.The Numbers2024 could easily have been National’s “Annus Horribilis” and 2025 shows no signs of a reprieve for our Landlord PM Chris Luxon and his inept Finance Minister Nikki “Noboats” Willis.Several polls last year ...
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The state of the current economy may be similar to when National left office in 2017.In December, a couple of days after the Treasury released its 2024 Half Year Economic and Fiscal Update (HEYFU24), Statistics New Zealand reported its estimate for volume GDP for the previous September 24 quarter. Instead ...
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It’s Friday and time for another roundup of things that caught our attention this week. This post, like all our work, is brought to you by a largely volunteer crew and made possible by generous donations from our readers and fans. If you’d like to support our work, you can join ...
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We are concerned that the Amendment Bill, as proposed, could impair the operations and legitimate interests of the NZ Trade Union movement. It is also likely to negatively impact the ability of other civil society actors to conduct their affairs without the threat of criminal sanctions. We ask that ...
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Early reports indicate that the temporary Israel/Hamas ceasefire deal (due to take effect on Sunday) will allow for the gradual release of groups of Israeli hostages, the release of an unspecified number of Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails (likely only a fraction of the total incarcerated population), and the withdrawal ...
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This might be the longest delay between reading (or in this case re-reading) a work, and actually writing a review of it I have ever managed. Indeed, when I last read these books in December 2022, I was not planning on writing anything about them… but as A Phuulish Fellow ...
Kia Ora,I try to keep most my posts without a paywall for public interest journalism purposes. However, if you can afford to, please consider supporting me as a paid subscriber and/or supporting over at Ko-Fi. That will help me to continue, and to keep spending time on the work. Embarrassingly, ...
There was a time when Google was the best thing in my world. I was an early adopter of their AdWords program and boy did I like what it did for my business. It put rocket fuel in it, is what it did. For every dollar I spent, those ads ...
A while back I was engaged in an unpleasant exchange with a leader of the most well-known NZ anti-vax group and several like-minded trolls. I had responded to a racist meme on social media in which a rightwing podcaster in the US interviewed one of the leaders of the Proud ...
Hi,If you’ve been reading Webworm for a while, you’ll be familiar with Anna Wilding. Between 2020 and 2021 I looked at how the New Zealander had managed to weasel her way into countless news stories over the years, often with very little proof any of it had actually happened. When ...
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Last year, 292 people died unnecessarily on our roads. That is the lowest result in over a decade and only the fourth time in the last 70 years we’ve seen fewer than 300 deaths in a calendar year. Yet, while it is 292 people too many, with each death being ...
This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by Jeff Masters and Bob HensonFlames from the Palisades Fire burn a building at Sunset Boulevard amid a powerful windstorm on January 8, 2025 in the Pacific Palisades neighborhood of Los Angeles, California. The fast-moving wildfire had destroyed thousands of structures and ...
..Thanks for reading Frankly Speaking ! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.The Regulatory Standards Bill, as I understand it, seeks to bind parliament to a specific range of law-making.For example, it seems to ensure primacy of individual rights over that of community, environment, te Tiriti ...
Happy New Year!I had a lovely break, thanks very much for asking: friends, family, sunshine, books, podcasts, refreshing swims, barbecues, bike rides. So good to step away from the firehose for a while, to have less Trump and Seymour in your day. Who needs the Luxons in their risible PJs ...
Patrick Reynolds is deputy chair of the Auckland City Centre Advisory Panel and a director of Greater Auckland In 2003, after much argument, including the election of a Mayor in 2001 who ran on stopping it, Britomart train station in downtown Auckland opened. A mere 1km twin track terminating branch ...
For the first time in a decade, a New Zealand Prime Minister is heading to the Middle East. The trip is more than just a courtesy call. New Zealand PMs frequently change planes in Dubai en route to destinations elsewhere. But Christopher Luxon’s visit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) ...
A listing of 23 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, January 5, 2025 thru Sat, January 11, 2025. This week's roundup is again published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, so if ...
The decade between 1952 and the early 1960s was the peak period for the style of music we now call doo wop, after which it got dissolved into soul music, girl groups, and within pop music in general. Basically, doo wop was a form of small group harmonising with a ...
The future teaches you to be aloneThe present to be afraid and coldSo if I can shoot rabbits, then I can shoot fascists…And if you tolerate thisThen your children will be nextSongwriters: James Dean Bradfield / Sean Anthony Moore / Nicholas Allen Jones.Do you remember at school, studying the rise ...
When National won the New Zealand election in 2023, one of the first to congratulate Luxon was tech-billionaire and entrepreneur extraordinaire Elon Musk.And last year, after Luxon posted a video about a trip to Malaysia, Musk came forward again to heap praise on Christopher:So it was perhaps par for the ...
Hi,Today’s Webworm features a new short film from documentary maker Giorgio Angelini. It’s about Luigi Mangione — but it’s also, really, about everything in America right now.Bear with me.Shortly after I sent out my last missive from the fires on Wednesday, one broke out a little too close to home ...
So soon just after you've goneMy senses sharpenBut it always takes so damn longBefore I feel how much my eyes have darkenedFear hangs in a plane of gun smokeDrifting in our roomSo easy to disturb, with a thought, with a whisperWith a careless memorySongwriters: Andy Taylor / John Taylor / ...
Can we trust the Trump cabinet to act in the public interest?Nine of Trump’s closest advisers are billionaires. Their total net worth is in excess of $US375b (providing there is not a share-market crash). In contrast, the total net worth of Trump’s first Cabinet was about $6b. (Joe Biden’s Cabinet ...
Welcome back to our weekly roundup. We hope you had a good break (if you had one). Here’s a few of the stories that caught our attention over the last few weeks. This holiday period on Greater Auckland Since our last roundup we’ve: Taken a look back at ...
Sometimes I feel like I don't have a partnerSometimes I feel like my only friendIs the city I live in, The City of AngelsLonely as I am together we crySong: Anthony Kiedis, Chad Smith, Flea, John Frusciante.A home is engulfed in flames during the Eaton fire in the Altadena area. ...
Open access notablesLarge emissions of CO2 and CH4 due to active-layer warming in Arctic tundra, Torn et al., Nature Communications:Climate warming may accelerate decomposition of Arctic soil carbon, but few controlled experiments have manipulated the entire active layer. To determine surface-atmosphere fluxes of carbon dioxide and ...
It's election year for Wellington City Council and for the Regional Council. What have the progressive councillors achieved over the last couple of years. What were the blocks and failures? What's with the targeting of the mayor and city council by the Post and by central government? Why does the ...
Over the holidays, there was a rising tide of calls for people to submit on National's repulsive, white supremacist Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill, along with a wave of advice and examples of what to say. And it looks like people rose to the occasion, with over 300,000 ...
The lie is my expenseThe scope of my desireThe Party blessed me with its futureAnd I protect it with fireI am the Nina The Pinta The Santa MariaThe noose and the rapistAnd the fields overseerThe agents of orangeThe priests of HiroshimaThe cost of my desire…Sleep now in the fireSongwriters: Brad ...
This is a re-post from the Climate BrinkGlobal surface temperatures have risen around 1.3C since the preindustrial (1850-1900) period as a result of human activity.1 However, this aggregate number masks a lot of underlying factors that contribute to global surface temperature changes over time.These include CO2, which is the primary ...
There are times when movement around us seems to slow down. And the faster things get, the slower it all appears.And so it is with the whirlwind of early year political activity.They are harbingers for what is to come:Video: Wayne Wright Jnr, funder of Sean Plunket, talk growing power and ...
Hi,Right now the power is out, so I’m just relying on the laptop battery and tethering to my phone’s 5G which is dropping in and out. We’ll see how we go.First up — I’m fine. I can’t see any flames out the window. I live in the greater Hollywood area ...
2024 was a tough year for working Kiwis. But together we’ve been able to fight back for a just and fair New Zealand and in 2025 we need to keep standing up for what’s right and having our voices heard. That starts with our Mood of the Workforce Survey. It’s your ...
Time is never time at allYou can never ever leaveWithout leaving a piece of youthAnd our lives are forever changedWe will never be the sameThe more you change, the less you feelSongwriter: William Patrick Corgan.Babinden - Baba’s DayToday, January 8th, 2025, is Babinden, “The Day of the baba” or “The ...
..I/We wish to make the following comments:I oppose the Treaty Principles Bill."5. Act binds the CrownThis Act binds the Crown."How does this Act "bind the Crown" when Te Tiriti o Waitangi, which the Act refers to, has been violated by the Crown on numerous occassions, resulting in massive loss of ...
Everything is good and brownI'm here againWith a sunshine smile upon my faceMy friends are close at handAnd all my inhibitions have disappeared without a traceI'm glad, oh, that I found oohSomebody who I can rely onSongwriter: Jay KayGood morning, all you lovely people. Today, I’ve got nothing except a ...
Welcome to 2025. After wrapping up 2024, here’s a look at some of the things we can expect to see this year along with a few predictions. Council and Elections Elections One of the biggest things this year will be local body elections in October. Will Mayor Wayne Brown ...
Canadians can take a while to get angry – but when they finally do, watch out. Canada has been falling out of love with Justin Trudeau for years, and his exit has to be the least surprising news event of the New Year. On recent polling, Trudeau’s Liberal party has ...
This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections Much like 2023, many climate and energy records were broken in 2024. It was Earth’s hottest year on record by a wide margin, breaking the previous record that was set just last year by an even larger margin. Human-caused climate-warming pollution and ...
Submissions on National's racist, white supremacist Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill are due tomorrow! So today, after a good long holiday from all that bullshit, I finally got my shit together to submit on it. As I noted here, people should write their own submissions in their own ...
Ooh, baby (ooh, baby)It's making me crazy (it's making me crazy)Every time I look around (look around)Every time I look around (every time I look around)Every time I look aroundIt's in my faceSongwriters: Alan Leo Jansson / Paul Lawrence L. Fuemana.Today, I’ll be talking about rich, middle-aged men who’ve made ...
A listing of 26 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, December 29, 2024 thru Sat, January 4, 2025. This week's roundup is again published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, so if ...
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This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by John Wihbey. A version of this article first appeared on Yale Climate Connections on Nov. 11, 2008. (Image credits: The White House, Jonathan Cutrer / CC BY 2.0; President Jimmy Carter, Trikosko/Library of Congress; Solar dedication, Bill Fitz-Patrick / Jimmy Carter Library; Solar ...
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The Green Party has welcomed the provisional ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas, and reiterated its call for New Zealand to push for an end to the unlawful occupation of Palestine. ...
The Green Party welcomes the extension of the deadline for Treaty Principles Bill submissions but continues to call on the Government to abandon the Bill. ...
Complaints about disruptive behaviour now handled in around 13 days (down from around 60 days a year ago) 553 Section 55A notices issued by Kāinga Ora since July 2024, up from 41 issued during the same period in the previous year. Of that 553, first notices made up around 83 ...
The time it takes to process building determinations has improved significantly over the last year which means fewer delays in homes being built, Building and Construction Minister Chris Penk says. “New Zealand has a persistent shortage of houses. Making it easier and quicker for new homes to be built will ...
Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden is pleased to announce the annual list of New Zealand’s most popular baby names for 2024. “For the second consecutive year, Noah has claimed the top spot for boys with 250 babies sharing the name, while Isla has returned to the most popular ...
Work is set to get underway on a new bus station at Westgate this week. A contract has been awarded to HEB Construction to start a package of enabling works to get the site ready in advance of main construction beginning in mid-2025, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.“A new Westgate ...
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Health Minister Dr Shane Reti says people with diabetes and other painful conditions will benefit from a significant new qualification to boost training in foot care. “It sounds simple, but quality and regular foot and nail care is vital in preventing potentially serious complications from diabetes, like blisters or sores, which can take a long time to heal ...
Associate Health Minister with responsibility for Pharmac David Seymour is pleased to see Pharmac continue to increase availability of medicines for Kiwis with the government’s largest ever investment in Pharmac. “Pharmac operates independently, but it must work within the budget constraints set by the government,” says Mr Seymour. “When this government assumed ...
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Analysis - The prime minister has taken a close hard look at the varying skills of his ministers, resulting in a portfolio allocation imbalance following Sunday's reshuffle, Jo Moir writes. ...
The CEO, Paul Ash, responds to the Meta decision to ditch fact-checkers, among other changes that come just ahead of Trump’s return, along with the recent activity of Elon Musk.One of the most resounding of New Year resolutions this month came from Mark Zuckerberg, CEO and chair of the ...
Painful penetrative sex isn’t just a medical symptom. It’s a brick wall, a monster, an unwanted third partner in the bed. The Spinoff Essay showcases the best essayists in Aotearoa, on topics big and small. Made possible by the generous support of our members. My friends sometimes describe me as the ...
And so to a new year of one of the most fragile and unpredictable industries in New Zealand: publishing. The books trade, made possible in the first instance by the imaginations and anxieties of authors, and made real by the nice people who stand behind the counter at the nation’s ...
A majority of New Zealanders say at least 15 percent of the country’s oceans should be protected, when just 0.4 percent is currently covered by no-take marine reserves.The finding comes from a new poll by Horizon Research, commissioned by WWF New Zealand and released exclusively to Newsroom, into attitudes on ...
Comment: Annus horribilis. While the vast majority of us weren’t forced to take Latin at school, thanks to Queen Elizabeth’s 1992 speech, we all pretty much know that these two words literally translate into ‘horrible year’. That’s what 2024 was. Good riddance to 2024 and welcome 2025 (or 2569 in the Buddhist ...
Comment: It’s hard to imagine a more tragic way to start a new year than the news of child homicide. In fact, two children were separately killed by homicide in New Zealand in just the first week of 2025.At the hands of close relatives and people known to them.As that ...
Comment: The incoming Trump administration is likely to introduce new tariffs on China that will reverberate across the multilateral economic system. Such a policy would change the calculations of countries like New Zealand that rely on the global trading system in their relations with Asian superpower.Donald Trump’s tariff policy matters ...
Comment: It was an anniversary holiday like no other. It had started out normally with extra visitors in town, festivities to mark the occasion, people visiting friends, playing sport, or watching the boat races and horse races. But by 9.30pm residents were in a state of shock, their familiar surroundings ...
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Auckland Transport is being reminded that transport is a public service rather than a marketing exercise, after it spent millions advertising its own campaigns in 2024.The agency has confirmed that from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024, it spent $3.5 million on advertising and media placements for all of ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Brendan Coates, Program Director, Housing and Economic Security, Grattan Institute Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock Having compulsory super should help create a comfortable and stress-free retirement. But Australia’s super system is too complex for retirees to navigate. This can leave them stressed and ...
RNZ Pacific Samoa’s prime minister and the five other ousted members of the ruling FAST Party are reportedly challenging their removal. FAST chair La’auli Leuatea Schmidt on Wednesday announced the removal of the prime minister and five Cabinet ministers from the ruling party. Twenty party members signed for the removal ...
A professor from the University of Auckland says social media is responsible for people "directly engaging with these proposed changes" in the Treaty Principles Bill and the Regulatory Standards Bill. ...
LETTER:By John Minto With the temporary ceasefire agreement, we should take our hats off to the Palestinian people of Gaza who have withstood a total military onslaught from Israel but without surrendering or shifting from their land. Over 15 months Israel has dropped well over 70,000 tonnes of bombs ...
Analysis: Prime Minister Christopher Luxon will have got a nasty shock on Friday, when the Taxpayers Union published its monthly poll showing National’s worst major poll result while in government since 1999.In the survey, by National’s own preferred pollster Curia, the party dropped below 30 percent to 29.6 percent. It ...
We wish the new Ministers well, but their success will depend on their ability to secure increased funding for health and the public service, not more irresponsible cuts. ...
Taxpayers’ Union Co-founder, Jordan Williams, said “Economic growth isn’t everything, but it is almost everything. Our ability to afford a world-class health, education, and social safety system depends on having a first-world economy. Nothing is more ...
There should be only one reason why people enter politics. It is for the good of the nation and the people who voted them in. It is to be their voice at the national level where the country’s future is decided. The recent developments within the Samoan government are a ...
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Asia Pacific Report The United Nations tasked with providing humanitarian aid to the besieged people of Gaza — and the only one that can do it on a large scale — says it is ready to provide assistance in the wake of the ceasefire tomorrow but is worried about the ...
Asia Pacific Report About 200 demonstrators gathered in the heart of New Zealand’s biggest city Auckland today to welcome the Gaza ceasefire due to come into force tomorrow, but warned they would continue to protest until justice is served with an independent and free Palestinan state. Jubilant scenes of dancing ...
The Government has released the first draft of its long-awaited Gene Technology Bill, following through on the election promise to harness the potential of biotechnology by ending the de facto ban on genetic engineering in Aotearoa New Zealand.While the country does not and has never completely banned genetic engineering (GE), ...
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Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Liam Byrne, Honorary Fellow, School of Historical and Philosophical Studies, The University of Melbourne Should a US president by judged by what they achieved, or by what they failed to do? Joe Biden’s administration is over. Though we have an extensive ...
COMMENTARY:By Lagipoiva Cherelle Jackson and Junior S. Ami With just over a year left in her tenure as Prime Minister of Samoa, Fiame Naomi Mata’afa faces a political upheaval threatening a peaceful end to her term. Ironically, the rule of law — the very principle that elevated her to ...
Madeleine Chapman reflects on the week that was. A year ago I met a lovely older gentleman at a Christmas party who owned racehorses. He wasn’t “in the business”, as he said, he just enjoyed horses and so owned a couple as a hobby. After a dozen questions from me ...
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The actor and comedian takes us through her life in television, from early Shortland Street rejection to the enduring power of the Gilmore Girls. Browse local telly offerings and you’ll likely encounter Kura Forrester soon enough. Whether you know her best as loveable Lily in Double Parked or Puku the ...
Making rēwana is about more than just a recipe – it’s a journey of patience, care and persistence.A subtle smell is filling our living room as my son crawls around playing with his nana. It has the familiar scent of freshly baked bread, with a slight hint of sweetness. ...
Good opinion piece by Derek Handley on Kim Dotcom’s new Party, in which he says that:
“We have a government that doesn’t really listen to the people and has increasingly grown comfortable in a quasi-arrogant swagger”
Is he on Dotcoms pay roll?
i don’t think he needs the money..there..bm..
..you thoroughly-modern/stressed-out green..you..
..grasping for straws..?
..are we..?
phillip ure..
With what’s come to light over the last few days you have to be a wee bit skeptical of anyone who writes anything positive about dotcom.
@ bm..
..what actually has ‘come to light’..?
..bradbury jumped to the next vehicle he thought would best achieve his personal ends..
(that’s just what bradbury seems to do..nothing new there..
..past week..greens..one week mana..next week labour..the week after..dotcom..
..what’s next..?..the bomber bradbury party..?..
..bradbury certainly has loose knickers..he’s anyones’..)
..bradbury..with his apparant promiscuous party-hopping/easy swapping of flags….is getting more than a touch of the peter dunnes about him…eh..?..which week is it..?..which party am i in..?..)
..and dotcom was told he would be breaching election-laws if he threw a ‘party’..
..and alistair thompson has resigned from scoop..to work for dotcom..
..what else have i missed here..?
..to cause yr consternation at recent events..?
phillip ure..
BM’s been reading Cam Slater over on Whaleoil. He’s parroting the great man.
@ morrissey..
..aah..!..that explains it..
phillip ure..
@ BM
“With what’s come to light over the last few days you have to be a wee bit skeptical of anyone who writes anything positive about dotcom.”
Same could and has been said re John Key & National.
Welcome to the real world BM.
So if they’re on KDC’s payroll, everything they write should be viewed with suspicion.
But if they’re on the national party payroll, you’ll parrot their lines as gospel.
It is the RWNJ new line to discredit KDC by implying he has brought anyone that says nice things about him… to be fair they are only assuming he is doing the same with his money as NAct and the other extreme right wing parties
“Needing money” and “wanting money” are two very different things.
The fact that a guy has a positive bank balance does not make him an objective commentator.
Many many relatively well off people and well educated people are being drawn to Dotcom’s ideology of “something for nothing”.
Greed: pure simple common greed and the lust for easy pickings is what is drawing the likes of Bradbury, Handley, Thompson and others to Dotcom’s campaign to beat extradition.
All Labour people should keep well clear of Dotcom and his bought men.
@ not ps..
assumption piled upon pressumption..
..to reach the most dubious of conclusions..
..1/10 for elucidation of a rational argument..
..(what insights to peoples’ minds you must have..?
..have you thought of doing a stage-tour..?
..reading peoples’ minds..?
phillip ure..
All Labour people should keep well clear of Dotcom and his bought men.
So anyone who supports Dotcom’s entirely mainstream view that the internet should be open and free and not controlled by governments and corporations is suddenly on Dotcom’s payroll.
Whereas the commentators who represent those corporations, and support governments snooping and spying and censoring our communications, are independent and responsible commentators.
Got it.
I doubt DotCom has any interest in internet access, privacy, or freedom outside of how his bank balance is swollen further by people who want to get the creative output of Artists without paying for it.
The fact that big media companies are making massive profits does not justify direct theft by the consumer. Artists are finding better ways to retain a higher slice for themselves.
I believe every atom in DotComs body is focused on avoiding getting deported to the US and to making more money.
DotCom is a convicted criminal and is wanted on charges of piracy/theft. The inept performance of the FBI and the NZ Police don’t justify his efforts to make money by ripping off creative Artists.
Bradbury was a stupid fool to work for DotCom.
You do understand that once people have paid their fine/been in prison for their crimes they’re considered to have paid their debt to society and to be innocent don’t you?
Awesome to have you shilling for the big crony corporate apparatus
How sure are you about that? Perhaps those “massive profits” you speak of should be viewed as theft from the community, in the first place. Rentier capitalists should always expect push back.
When an economic system is unjust, such as the use of patents and copyright (and deals like the TPP) to crush the wealth of the commons and to crush creativity, it will eventually be the cause of its own undermining.
The taxpayer subsidies over the last few years for films that have been made in NZ have been high enough to get everyone in NZ into a theatre to see them.
@CV: “Rentier capitalists should always expect push back.” I fully agree.
I also believe that a disruptive action/movement is required to bring about substantive change, and that the laws protecting the owners of capital are just that.
However…..it stick in my craw that a self-serving git like DotCom, who has been “generous” to some of our politicians, and now journalists, should be the catalysts for this change.
Actually, BM has a point. Bomber, Alastair Thompson and Graeme Edgeler have all promoted or been quoted talking about Dotcom’s party without acknowledging their links. Not exactly mold breaking behaviour, is it?
Has David Fisher, the Herald reporter ruled himself out yet?
He’s an excellent journo, with deep insight into the KDC case. If anything, he needs to keep on going.
Yeah, but is he on the pay roll?
Conflict of interest and all that sort of stuff springs to mind.
Ask Fisher yourself. I’m sure you can find his email address.
TRP, How many of us here at the Standard comment and/or promote particular political parties without revealing our links, if any, to those parties,
It seems given what has so far been pointed at Bradbury et al is more the criticism of convenience, convicted and damned for a quickly thought up ‘crime that isn’t’…
Not the point, bad12. The 3 I mentioned were all in positions of significant influence and should not have hidden the links. You and I are not editors of a blog or a news site, nor political/legal commentators on the national news. We contribute to the debate, but we cannot control it. However, Bradbury, Thompson and Edgeler have platforms much more weighty than us mere commenters on TS and all three should have been upfront from the start.
I got the impression that the leaked evidence was of those 3 making some kind of submissions to KDC in its early stages – kind of like a pitch so KDC could decide if he would have them working for/with his party. The evidence did not convince me they had already signed up to work with/for the party.
So, should such consultants make public every submission/application they make for paid contract work?
Your impression is wrong, karol. Thompson is the party secretary, Edgeler and Bradbury have apparently written proposals on a commercial basis. Bradbury has asked to be paid an ongoing salary and is considering being a candidate. I presume Edgerler has already been paid for his electorate analysis. Here at TS, we have regularly railed against WO’s blogging for cash. It’s no better when Bomber does it. Thompson, a gallery journalist, should have been upfront the moment he joined the party.
Te Reo Putake
Bomber submitted a proposal that Dotcom had requested. If you think he should publicly declare such talks concerning a potential position you’re badly mistaken. There is presently no conflict of interest and the right wing thrashing about like lunatics is ridiculous!
There is simply no comparison between Cameron Slater being paid by Ports of Auckland to leak private information and badly defame one of its workers and Bomber Bradbury having discussions with Kim Dotcom about the Internet Party. People who think otherwise need their heads examined.
I think Edgeler should be exempted from criticism. Hell I act for rapists and drug dealers but this does not mean that I have to believe that what they are doing is right …
Tis the nature of lawyers. People should have the best representation available.
For all of my usual carping at lawyers (and police and politicians), they are essential for a society to have to function correctly.
Just like those people who deal with the rubbish and stop the mountains growing around people to become a public health risk, the people who provide clean water, and those who deal with effluent of all kinds.
TRP, while i understand and mostly agree with the point you are making, i have to ask if most of said point is in fact not just the ‘smoke and mirrors’ of political to and fro,
While seeing what is being accused and being personally in agreement with the accusation i have to ask tho, what are the ‘Facts’,
How many articles prior to His outing as a ,(paid???), supporter of DotCom’s Internet Party did Bradbury actually publish in support of this Internet Party???
That question when applied to the big player in Scoop is harder of course to apply, but, just how many articles in support of the Internet Party did Scoop publish prior to Thompson’s outing as a supporter, in the case of Scoop, with reference to Thompson’s position with that organization, that question would have to include articles in support of the Internet Party by any Scoop author including Thompson,
The accusation made against these people is in fact the ‘smoke’, is there any proof of ‘fire’…
Well, with Thompson, clearly there is both smoke and fire. By joining the party he fatally compromised his position at Scoop. It’s not a question of articles he may have written; he was their gallery reporter and he should have known that he could not have both roles. Hence the swift resignation/sabbatical.
Bomber has form in this area already. He has worked as a paid consultant for mana and he should have acknowledged that whenever he wrote about them out of respect for his readers. Same for his role in Dotcom’s party. He has asked for money and also to possibly represent them as a candidate. That’s something TDB readers should be told upfront.
Edgeler, I’m less bothered about. He was interviewed about ‘treating’ and TV3 had control over whether his link to Dotcom was publicised in the news item and apparently chose not to provide that information. I’m assuming that he told them, of course.
TRP, so you cannot point to any particular article published by Scoop that promoted the Internet Party???, i am going to assume here but for the Blubber Boy blog getting in ahead of Him that Thompson would have declared His interest in the Internet Party at the point it became a registered political party,
In other words mere smoke being used by certain quarters to throw a hissy fit toward those who could be involved in this Internet Party,
Fair enough comment about Bradbury vis a vis the Mana Party, we would think that He would be polite enough to advise His readers,(although most of them obviously already know), that He has in the past been a paid consultant to the Mana Party,
Your comments though on Bomber vis a vis the Internet Party are a bit spurious, more smoke in other words, Bradbury might have asked to become a candidate for this Internet Party is hardly a matter of fact upon which to lynch Him,
You fail to point out any article that Bradbury has published or caused to be published in support of the Internet Party so in reality when you look at the ‘facts’ there is simply more smoke than actual fire…
Pretty sure that he had. Certainly I knew about it and long before The Daily Blog was created. I see that he has now added the link to his profile.
Tah for that, i don’t spend enough time over at the daily blog to have followed Bradbury’s blogging and the couple of times i have spent an hour reading there came away with the opinion that a lot of the blogging comes across as ‘the adults talking to the children’ and the means of commenting gives me the same impression,
That of course might be totally unfair on my part and simply an impression created by my lack of attention to that site…
Bad, there is a clear comparison between Bomber and WO. And in that comparison, Slater comes off much much worse. But Bomber has compromised himself by offering himself as a potential candidate (and presumably being paid for the proposal). Cameron writes to order, for cash, without disclosure. Bomber has done a pale version of that, by writing about both mana and Dotcom’s party without disclosure of his interest in both.
The other weird thing about Bomber’s involvement is offering to be a candidate before there is even any policy. What’s that about? A misogynist German millionaire libertarian with no history of social concern is hardly an ideal partner for advancing the revolution. More a case of “I for one welcome our new insect overloads” or “Hi, Homer, I’m Hank Scorpio”.
Te Reo, you fail to answer the points i raise in my comment to you at 12.39, instead choosing to try and divert the debate off onto another tangent,
i know from what Gordon Campbell wrote,(Karol provides a link below),about what Thompson’s intentions were and here i am going to assume that Bradbury was probably going to announce His involvement,(if any in the future), at the same time Thompson was which seems to be when the Internet Party was ‘officially launched’,
Obviously the leak to and the publishing of this leak by Blubber Boy is what has put both Thompson and Bradbury in the position where the likes of you are more than willing to read ‘compromised’ into what in reality was an ongoing process thus promoting fracturing and schisms within the left as a whole,
Again i will ask you to point to the specific articles either printed personally by Thompson and Bradbury in support specifically of ‘the Internet Party’ or to any articles of the same nature they have used their realitive positions to caused to have been published even if penned by other authors…
As I understand it, Graeme Edgeler provided some legal advice to Dotcom on a strictly lawyer/client basis.
This article on Stuff last night also provides some clarification re the Bomber/Dotcom relationship.
At the end of the article
Internet mogul Dotcom told Fairfax Media that Bradbury was engaged as a consultant for two months last year.
“The suggestions in the proposal are not part of our strategy. The project time with the consultant who provided the proposal was limited to 2 months. To declare this document a leak of the Internet Party strategy is simply false,” he said.
“We are working with several political consultants with different political views, from the left to the right. We have reviewed several strategy proposals to identify the best strategy options for the Internet Party and it is an ongoing process.”
Snap – pretty much what I was thinking of re- my above comment.
True Karol, Hooten is an example of what Bradbury is doing, emulating perhaps, wearing many hats Hooten seems to survive quite nicely as (a) National Party member,(b) Paid political consultant, (c) Political activist vis a vis His role in the broadband roll-out,(i have no knowledge if this is a ‘paid’ role)…
Ps, forgot, i should add (d), wannabe politician to wee Matty’s not so long list of achievements…
Well Hooten is upfront about his lobbying business. I guess the likes of Bradbury and Thompson need to decide if they are politcal activists, or politcal consultants.
What I’m seeing is Bradbury trying to move from being a grass roots activisits, to being a political commentator/journalist, and consultant – more like Brian Edwards than John Minto.
Bradbury has done some curious swings over the alst couple of years – first he was all for Mana and the grass roots intitiatives like feeding the kids. Then he was one of Cunliffe’s biggest cheer leaders – seeing Cunliffe as the best potential for over-throwing the present government. Now he seems to be getting into KDC’s camp – to attack Key but also offer Bradbury possibilities for a role in future public broadcasting?
Gordon Campbell on Alistair Thompson – looks to me like Thompson got caught out by the WO leak – Thompson was moving toward being explicit about his role with the Internet Party, but as the IntP was not fully launched, and trying to wait til it was ready for a full launch (I don’t think the party’s yet registered), he was wanting to keep on with his day job, til the IntP’s future was more certain.
I don’t think that’s the same as WO’s and Hooten’s pattern of several years.
From Dotcom’s comments in the Stuff link I linked to and quoted at above, my impressions are that Bradbury is probably finished in terms of any future connections to or work for the Internet Party.
I have no doubts that (a) Dotcom is ‘highly concerned’ (to put it mildly) that the documentation leaked to WO appears to be Bradbury’s submission to Dotcom on strategy for the IP; and (b) a lot is going on behind the scenes to identify the source and means of that leak.
Some good points, veuto.
Agreed VV
Makes you also wonder at the strategy behind the publication of the leak. Do you get the feeling we are being played?
Depends who you mean in terms of getting “the feeling we are being played.”
My perceptions are that Dotcom and Co were genuinely taken aback by the leak and that it came out of left field to them; and also by the ‘treating’ aspect to having the PartyParty as a joint 40th birthday celebration, launch of KDC’s latest album, AND the launch of the Internet Party. Re the latter, I am a little surprised that they had not done their homework sufficiently (eg had very detailed legal advice on the process of registering the Internet Party etc) to avoid any such hiccups.
What did cross my mind when the numbers of registrations for the party grew well beyond the 2000 offered, the leak occurred and the treating aspect came up was that they may have then looked initially at separating the IP launch out from the party at Vector Arena, and having the IP launch at Shed 10 earlier on Monday. (After all they had already booked – and presumably paid for – Shed 10 before they moved the party to Vector Arena.) The reason this crossed my mind was KDC’s Tweet on 14 Jan that “The Internet Party will be launched at a separate event at a separate time”. Note that he said “separate time” , not “date”.
In the event, obviously they really had no choice but to put off the IP Launch until they have dealt with all the issues relating to registration of the logo, the ramifications of the leak etc etc. So, no – my perceptions are that we are not being played by KDC and co, considering ‘the egg on the face’ situation for them.
Re the leak itself to WO, and WO’s timing in posting this – IMO yes this was obviously an attempt to play the situation. If I was in KDC’s shoes, finding the leak and plugging it would currently be my top priority. And, just my opinion, but I don’t believe for one moment that Bradbury would have knowingly been involved in the leak.
Have been offline for several hours – I do have a life other than online at the TS – but just need to add that IMO. A Thompson is an even less suspect than Bradbury in terms of leaks. (HAve just had a few wines with friends, so don’t want to trust to an alcohol-impaired memory as to how to spell his first name.) I am sad that he has been smeared by what has happened, but believe that he will rise above it in terms of his history, reputation etc. Enough, Will be back when wine and sleep have taken their course to clear my mind etc.
VV, with regards to your comment, i believe the electoral Commission, or whoever advised those proposing the Internet Party have given them an erroneous legal opinion over the ‘treating’ issue,
The ‘fact’ is that until the Internet Party has been officially registered with 500 members it does not for the purposes of any Act of Parliament exist, and holding a party to launch ‘the party’ in my view cannot be seen as ‘treating’ by an entity that in terms of Law does not exist,
Were the Internet Party to be with it’s 500 members a registered political party then of course this would make such a party ‘treating’ within the Law…
Very good points veutoviper @ 2:47pm
I agree.
You know what names came to my mind when I heard there had been a leak?
Ian Fletcher, John Key, Jordan Williams, Cameron Slater in that order.
It’s clear there is an election year strategy of dirty tricks, slimy deals, political hoaxes and individual set-ups in play here. John Key’s top drawer is wide open… the sleuths have been put on the trail(s)… Williams acts as an intermediary and the leaks end up in Slater’s hands. Len Brown was a slightly special case, but he was merely an entree. KDC was first on the 2014 list… and somewhere down the path it will be Cunliffe’s turn.
We are going to see an election year like we have never seen before. Too much is at stake and international assistance for Key and co. will be forthcoming – US govt. anyone?
The above scenario is by no means far fetched given what we have learned from Snowden and the mode of operations we have already witnessed from our government.
As there are no reply thingees to Bad12 and Anne’s posts, just wanted to say:
Bad12 – excellent points re the fact that the IP is not yet a registered political party, and therefore the treating issue technically could not apply. But will leave that to the legal beagles, as I am not one. But logically, I think you are right (or should be).
Anne – good list; would add one – Jason Ede as an intermediary, with possible access to Key’s top drawer. (as well as cigarette butts LOL).
Enough – bed time, and hopefully, my cat will not drown me, my bed, and my two dogs who sleep on my bed tonight. Not that cryptic – see my comment at 17 on lprent’s post last night! Cannot remember the post title, but was also re the KDC situation. Cheers all.
Yes veutopiper. I did remember Jason Ede but too late to include. He will be in the mix somewhere. Should be between Key and Williams.
It’s speculation but could be close to the truth. We,ll see.
Karol, can one not be both activist and consultant, i would add to that candidate as well but i would dare say that a success at being the latter would require the cessation of any consultancy,
Yes i read the Gordon Campbell article the other day which is the reason why this morning, without really knowing anything about Thompson’s motives,i find myself defending Him,
Perhaps the motivation of both Bradbury and Campbell fit well with my own expressed view that ‘the left’ has to keep growing possible support parties into the future to enable the formation of left-wing coalitions which is what the reality of MMP, in my opinion requires in the ongoing political process,
IF the above were to be the motive of both Bradbury and Thompson, then perhaps we should be showing a little more support to them, not as the Internet Party at this stage, but, for being forward thinking vis a vis Dotcoms proposed political vehicle and getting ‘in’ early to try and shape such a vehicle into something which would be a better fit in the political realm with the ‘left’ rather than the ‘right’,
Having said all that tho, and as pointed out by Vento below, we really need to ask ourselves could there be any point in supporting DotCom’s vehicle where the chances are, considering to who the leaked information was given, that DotCom has people working in a close working relationship with Him who also share a working close relationship with the likes of Blubber Boy or those of His ilk,
And yes, i have also considered that ‘a someone’ in a bid to further their ‘consultancy’ might have leaked such material to Blubber Boy simply using Him as the tool we all know He is as a means of ‘free advertising’, far fetched perhaps,but, this is politics…
can one not be both activist and consultant,
Well, that’s tricky to maneuvre, especially in the case of Bardbury who also is aiming to be a siginficant player in the media.
And, agree that there’s more to the leak than it first appeared to be.
It would seem that Handley is not on Dotcom’s payroll, according to this Herald article this morning.
Mr Handley does not directly endorse the Internet Party and Mr Dotcom, but says that “like him or not”, he could play an important part in the political process.
“We have a Government that doesn’t really listen to the people and has increasingly grown comfortable in a quasi-arrogant swagger.
“And now, here comes somebody larger than life, fearless and controversial who has decided to swagger alongside them.”
He decried the absence of long-term thinking in Parliament, saying that most voters felt there was not “an ounce of vision within 1,000 miles of the Beehive”.
He said Mr Dotcom would not be able to provide solutions in many areas, but he had a strong vision on a few vital policies – putting technology at the heart of the economy, universal broadband as a public service, privacy, and human rights laws which were fit for the digital age.
“As it stands, we are heading down a dangerous spiral on all those fronts.”
Excellent. A recognition that the IP is a new party with narrow interests, but those interests happen to be society shaping ones of civil rights and democratic freedoms, in an age where those are being deliberately curtailed by TPTB.
The majority of voters a complete fucking numpties who could find their arse using both hands and an arse map.
That’s the reason why there’s no long term planning, the only way we’d get long term planning is if we ditched democracy.
The nation was quite capable of long term planning 50 years ago. In fact most of that infrastructure is that our modern day economy relies upon.
50 years ago NZ was a monoculture every one was like robot, individuality was not a good thing back in those days.
Those days are gone, NZ is incredibly diverse these days, makes long term planning rather difficult.
have you heard the one about a hole and digging BM?
I actually think people had more individuality. These days we have to conform to what the bosses want or we don’t get jobs and thus have to live in poverty.
Ah those were the days weren’t they CV? Lets see
– We were in the second term of a four term National Government.
– We had a two party , pre MMP, Parliament
– No idiot Green, ACT or Mana party MPs.
I wonder if the changes to those facts are the cause of our current problems?
Yes, “Those were the days, my friend
We thought they’d never end”.
Don’t forget the neoliberalisation of the economy and the destruction of public sector capabilities in favour of short term private sector profiteers.
My, my what big big words. “neoliberalisation” indeed.
I do wonder sometimes how much of the planning to provide power that was done by the MOW in that era was really done to ensure the supply of electricity and how much was done to simply provide careers for the engineers in the department. It sometimes seemed to be the latter and there always had to be a new project starting as it was Buggins turn to be a Project Engineer and there were a lot of career hydo-electric engineers who had to have something to do.
There never seemed to be a great deal of concern for where they built a dam of course, with the sole exception of Manapouri. It certainly gave us cheaper power that the wind turbines of today.
Alwyn, that’s the dumbest comment i have read this week, you would have to be stupid to suggest such idiocy,
Show me a point in time, except for the present when as a country we have had a nett surplus of electricity generation capability,
The Fact is that if it were not for wind turbine power we would have had to dam at least another river to ensure supply matched demand or we would have faced ongoing deficits of generation,
My sad lament continues, when oh when will we get a class of wing-nut commenting here that have the slightest shred of intelligence to raise their contribution above that what could be said to emanate from the Dunce’s corner…
Perhaps you will tell me exactly what part of the comment is what you seem to think falls into your view that it “suggest such idiocy”?
There was a continuous string of Hydro electric power projects in New Zealand from the mid 1930’s until about 1990. they were in both the North and South Island and employed a fairly consistent number of people throughout the period, with people moving from one project to the next.
I would note that I was employed by the Power Division of the MOW in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s and observed the way that the projects were planned.
There were, of course Coal and gas-fired thermal plants developed as well in the North Island and also Geothermal at Wairakei but the bulk of New Zealand’s electric power was, and remains, hydro-electric.
Did we have a surplus of power? Well obviously all the power generated was used but we tended, from the late 1970’s to become much less efficiient in terms of energy use per unit of output. This continued up until early this century.
Do you personally have any practical experience in the area or are you just waffling?
Well, you’re a prime example of a self serving shit head who uses an electricity infrastructure and design completely dependent on the excellent public service work done pre-1980, yet have the gall and the audacity to diss the people who actually put it together.
Fuck off you little over-privileged neoliberal apologist prick.
As I have noted just above here I worked in the Power Division of the MOW in the 1960’s and 1970’s and saw exactly what went on. Of course I think it was excellent work that we were doing. There is nothing in what I have said that “disses” anyone involved in this work. If you think there is then please point it out.
After all, I have often seen proposals on this site that suggest that we should schedule work to be done in New Zealand that will continue to employ the existing work forces in companies rather than get the work done, possibly more cheaply, overseas.
I would have thought you would approve of such practices, that keep skilled labour forces in work, rather than break them up and have them head overseas?
Lolz CV, well said and saved my stubby wee pinkies a walk round the keyboard wasting pixels replying to this particular wing-nut…
It was all done to ensure supply and nothing else. Your conspiracy theory isn’t worth the electrons it’s written with.
It isn’t a conspiracy theory Draco, whatever you might mean by that.
It is simply an observation that there probably wasn’t as much work done to decide what were the requirements for power and so on as we might like to think. There was, in my view, much more of an approach that said “We have these engineers and construction workers available. Where will we use them next” rather than “Planning says we need a certain amont of power at such and such a time and at such and such a place. We will plan to produce the power at exactly the right time to meet that need”.
Did you ever see that baseball movie “Field of Dreams”? Power planning was like that with its motto of “Build it and they will come”. With the MOW it was a case of “Build the hydro plant and the power will be used for something”.
There’s two points to your diatribe:
1.) Everyone was complaining about the lack of power generation and the brown outs which tends to indicate that we needed more power generation
2.) If we’ve got the engineers and we have a lack of power then economics says to use those engineers to produce more power infrastructure
I remember the brown outs (although I don’t think they were as bad as some of the RWNJs have made out that they were on this board).
I also happened to work at Telecom during the 1980s and, although I didn’t have any say in it, I do know how much planning went into building the network that we enjoy today. You, quite simply, can’t build such infrastructure without planning and without it taking up time and resources to build. Interestingly enough, “the market” actually gets rid of the planning and building as “the market” only responds to shortages – if it responds at all (more profit can be made during shortages).
Alwyn, fuck off you are so full of shit your breath smells.
This is actually intended for Alwyn but no reply button.
If as you say you were with MWD power div, then we probably crossed paths or just missed each other by a whisker. But I’m glad you appear to be acknowledging the expertise and efficiency of the work done by MWD (and its Vogel Computer Centre). DEFINATELY more efficient, cheaper and reliable than what occurs these days through privatisation and outsourcing – tickets being clipped all along the way, a developing bugger’s muddle in standards and project management activities that have occurred ever since!
That shift of wealth away from the public is a fundamental understanding without which comment lacks credibility.
Who runs the show………..
I think the absolute opposite BM
Would rather have laws drawn by referendums placed in malls. You discount fellow manwoman, you discount yourself. It shows in your comments.
Thank you BM for a perfect description of yourself as a voter, we all here at the Standard have known since your first comment that you are in fact a ‘fucking numpty’
Nice of you to provide the confirmation…
“Not an ounce of vision within a 1,000 miles of the beehive”
In other words there goes the whole of New Zealand, except perhaps the Kermadec and Campbell Islands.
Sounds about right up to that point. I don’t like the rest of your comment though.
Handley: We have a government that doesn’t really listen to the people and has increasingly grown comfortable in a quasi-arrogant swagger. And now, here comes somebody larger than life, fearless and controversial who has decided to swagger alongside them.
So is the government arrogant, or only failing in attempting to be arrogant? And it’s to be welcomed that Dotcom may be able to out swagger the government, without the quasi-arrogance? So does that mean Handley thinks Dotcom will be able to do true arrogance?
Ha, ha I was correct
The MSM in NZ are are bunch of corrupt fucks
“We have a government that doesn’t really listen to the people and has increasingly grown comfortable in a quasi-arrogant swagger”
Sounds like every NZ government I’ve ever known.
You turning anarchist on us, doc?
Nah more of a churchillian acceptance that our political system is poor but the alternatives are almost always worse.
Right wing cynic
Speaking of people being bought to say nice things about others:
Although they do still seem to be haggling over the price:
“The group aimed to ”re-establish connections” with Anadarko, and ”provide certainty to them over who is involved with our group”. “
Autarky: increasing sovereign independence from foreign control
” The ability to survive without trade or aid from other nations, for example, is not the same as the ability to reap enormous profits or grow one’s economy without trade with other nations. In other words, ‘self-sufficiency’ in terms of survival does not necessarily imply prosperity, but it does imply freedom of action without dependency on foreign approval, capital, resources, and expertise.
Freedom of action provided by independence/autarky also implies a pivotal reduction in vulnerability to foreign control of the cost and/or availability of essentials such as food and energy, and the resulting power of providers to blackmail or influence national priorities and policies”
I like this. Being wedded to the neo liberal trade and financial system which is controlled by the WTO, IMF and WB ensures most of us are kept much poorer, powerless and desperate than we could be. Becoming independent of that system of subjugation and subsumption allegedly means collectively we would forgo a drop in living standards initially, but we would gradually recover. If several other countries detached themselves in unison, we could begin to trade again on our own terms, and not on terms prescribed to us by rich, powerful, interconnected politically motivated bullying neo liberals.
And that’s how it should be. Independent nations with minimal trade between them. This ensures that society is sustainable and that poverty is eliminated. The present system of massive interdependence ensures the reverse as multi-national corporations seek profit and empire building.
Think community, then local, then national, then regional, and THEN international.
These so called ‘efficient’ markets are the reason I often see semi-trailers with logs spewing bark all over the place traversing the Rimutakas southward to service one market, whilst another semi-trailer with the exact same cargo traverses the Rimutakas northward.
Wrong on so many levels!
Since I am off soon to the BDO and probably won’t re-surface until Monday, I feel the need to say something important enough to carry three days.
I have come to the conclusion that beards are the padded bra of masculinity.
Hmmm… I don’t think bra wearers grow their paddedness themselves. Otherwise bra wearers would need to trim their bra pads daily….. or just let them grow.
You can see where; Sanct’s confusion comes from, Karol. He obviously hasn’t had much experience with woman.
the current wave of beards are a padded fad.
haven’t you heard the old saying, never do business with a man with a beard
Some of us just don’t like shaving.
Cross your heart (and hope to die)?
Actually I’m sitting next to a Sikh this very moment who’d beg to differ.
Is this sort of thing why Kim Dotcom’s Internet Party is considered to have most appeal to urban professional males?
I’d buy that for a dollar! (Robocop was on telly the other day).
God you are such a prude Karol. Try and remember when you were young. It actually happened once you know.
Sanctuary – t’ain’t nothing to do with age and prudery – eveything to do with sexism and misogyn. Women’s breasts are not there as some passive convenience for others to play upon.
And you know nothing about what I was like when I was young or how it compares with me now. How come you are claiming to know so much about my life?
Well, you said your old and whenever you comment on anything vaguely randy it is tut tut.
But you are telling me you born fully formed, springing Nike-like from the head of a feminist Zeus (Hah! Deal with THAT juxtaposition, classical scholars!)?
Nary an intervening period of vice before your St Augustine moment?
🙁 <— Sad face.
I don’t comment on anything vaguely randy – I comment on sexism. There’s a difference. And it has nothing to do with age.
Sanctuary, it’s not about me. Ad hominems do not an argument make.
Again I say, you know nothing about my life or what I was like when I was young.
Calm down! Jesus. Imagine you and Russell Brand trapped in a elevator.
Sanctuary – do you have anything but ad hominems and personal attacks? Do you understand anything about the impact of sexism and misogyny?
And I really don’t see what Russell Brand in an elevator has to do with anything.
Sanctuary, if you want randy comment piss off to a porn site and indulge yourself, the use of which i might add has been shown to be mainly the territory of you wing-nuts…
Good on you karol for putting up (with great calmness) with this shit from sanc who doesn’t even get that he doesn’t get it. I see he has just asked you to calm down – must be time for QoT’s bingo card soon.
Thanks, marty – maybe QoT needs a new bingo card – only so many squares.
There’s always time for more bingo cards.
Well there is one thing Kim Dotcom has in common with the surgeons who removed your senses of humour – both are clearly German.
Next up: Martry Mars tells us why craft beer isn’t a bad thing.
Lack of sense of humour – BINGO!
Yeah…there’s a bingo card springing fully formed from the head of Sanctuary emerging as we type. Let’s see…Prude! Old! Tut tut! Calm down!
I guess monetary payment is the only way I could conceive of any woman with a modicum of self-respect wanting to spend her time with you. I don’t think a dollar would be enough though.
What a load of pompous ass.
I’m not the one who chose to proclaim the “I’d buy that for a dollar” line from Robocop as if it was epitome of wit (it’s main point in context was demonstrating how vapid the culture of New Detroit was, but even then got irritating really quickly). I guess it’s possible that you are not some excruciating no-mate-Jake virgin, but that’s sure how you come across.
“Since [you are] off soon to the BDO and probably won’t re-surface until Monday”, I reckon that you have to be; truly friendless, as well as clueless, to be typing away on a political blog when you should be getting your groove on. But that does presuppose social skills that you so evidently lack.
Sanctuary. It’s got nothing to do with being a prude. That image is just lame, sexist and you know, Benny Hill-ish.
It”s that kind of male expression of immaturity that make women groan and roll their eyes. I see from the twitter responses that Michelle A Court didn’t find it a great big laugh either.
And does KDC really want to be the Shane Jones of the Internet Party, if and when it forms? Does he actually want to turn off his potential female votes?
Well, there is that, and also his ability to blow away dozens of opponents in CoD: Ghost multiplayer firefights.
All part of the same whole?
Such a digital macho man!
Yeah, if Karol thinks his keyboard is scandalous, you wanna see his playstation controller.
That’s vile slander, CV. KDC is a Modern Warfare 3 player. It’s still naff-as-fuck wish fulfilment for people with masculinity issues but god, it’s not COD:Ghosts.
I think, ultimately, the point here is that as a teenager I would have probably thought this was awesome and been all over it…
But I’m not. I’m older. It’s not necessarily “knowing better” but realizing that such things appeal to the juvenile and I’m no longer that. If I want to feel young again, I’ll go outside and do something really crazy – not get my jollies over “it’s a keyboard on boobies!”
And you think it’d have the same meaning for teenage girls and gay guys that it would for some het guys?
hmmm… I am slightly confused as to how to interpret that but I will attempt with face value
I don’t think it would. It forms part of the reason why I no longer even snigger at them because I am more fully aware of the consequences of the continuing promotion of such images and the damage it causes on a societal scale.
I also think I made my original point very badly. I was trying to say that as a teenager I didn’t have anything beyond self-awareness and was very unaware of anything outside of my sphere of interest and that many teenagers (in my experience and talking over teenage experiences with acquaintances) are somewhat similar.
Overall, I was trying to say that Kim Dotcom is throwing red meat to his voting base by appealing to all those people who haven’t advanced beyond their juvenile phase despite having advanced further in years.
Fair enough, Zorr. Kind of confirming that you see KDC’s base is young heterosexual males.
Sanctuary, on the other hand, seemed to be claiming all/most young women would have a similar response to the KDC tweet as all/most young men.
I kind of see KDC as a giant man-child. He is capable of rational thought and building coherent arguments but ultimately everything he does is self-serving despite potential benefits for people surrounding him. I appreciate what his presence in New Zealand has done to shake up the local scene but I do not feel he is worthy of respect and most likely never will.
In my personal opinion, someone needs to show willingness to sacrifice for reasons outside of their own advancement/gain before they become worthy of respect.
Yes. I agree his case has brought some important evidence to light about our surveillance services,a nd John Keyas lackey to the US corporates.
But i’m not keen on his entry into the politcal arena – seems ultimately self-serving to me. His party may have some positive impact on the elections, but there could be as many negative impacts in the long term.
I suspect that KDC is in for a steep learning curve when it comes to politics and NZ women 😉 (plus many other cultural things).
There was that thing about the rape jokes by KDC too http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10831624 (don’t think that’s the best account of what happened though).
Thanks for the info, weka.
Geez. Like I said above, does he really want to be the Shane Jones of the Internet Party? (if and when it forms)
Also, this reporter quoted in the article could do with educating, especially if she is reporting on sexual assault and rape.
“TVNZ reporter Heather du Plessis-Allan discovered on Sunday the gag didn’t get many laughs among her Twitter followers.
“Wow. A full 30 people unfollowed me after I retweeted Kim Dotcom. Not much love for the man out there?” “
It probably wasn’t as bad as that Herald article looks. I can’t remember exactly how it played out, but from what I remember he did some stupid, ignorant sexist tweeting, then apologised. So I’m not sure he is in the same bracket as Jones, he probably does have the capacity to learn, even if it is just being more politcaly savvy.
The thing about his party’s voter base being young male tech-lovers, if that includes the geek sector, just look at the huge amount of misogyny there (not sure that misogyny is a strong enough word though).
It will be interesting to see young male geek culture meet NZ political culture where you can’t really get away with being shit to women.
Having said all that, I was in the bush for a couple of days and just caught up with the whole IP thing last night. The thing that stands out most to me is how much time is being spent on a party that hasn’t even been launched yet, we don’t know what its political objectives are really, and its already involved in a couple of fairly serious messes. Bizarre.
weka, part of it sems to me to do with KDC being able to stimulate a lot of media coverage. The other is his ambiguous position re capitalism, corporatism and Internet surveillance. There’s a diversity of views as to where KDC stands poliically, and how his party would impact on the elections – his is indicative of some fracture points in NZ politics.
All that is bound to genrate a lot of discussion.
And the minor parties are looking to be the wild cards in the coming election – so many of them jockeying for position. An indication that NZ politics is going though some kind of transition, but with no certainty of the outcome/s.
I don’t think that there is any ambiguity in his internet positions. He is against totalitarian internet surveillance as it exists today, he is rolling out end to end encryption for his users to help push back against such surveillance, and he is definitely against corporate and corporate copyright control of the internet.
Re: capitalism – I’m sure he has no problem with run of the mill capitalism per se, but he has also learnt the hard way that the corporate crony government sponsored capitalism that we live under is no good for anyone – him included.
Karol and CV, I just found it interesting that there was so much speculation when the party hasn’t even been formed yet. And the comments in one of the standard’s threads the other day seemed overwhelmingly to support the idea that the party would get right wing votes (implication that it wouldn’t get left wong ones).
karol – I see KDC playing the Bob Jones/New Zealand Party card in this years election if he goes through with his threat. The spoiler. He will disrupt National wherever he can, after all they betrayed him. He donated to John Banks, and in eyes at the time, that would have been the same as donating to National.
Whether he wins seats or not, is immaterial, after one term he will disband the Party – too hard, no fun, and if he can escape the charges being brought by the C.I.A., then KDC will see it as a job well done.
I think he will genuinely seek to strengthen NZ’s broadband, after all a strong network is useful to him. I think he will also engage with a lot of the youth not currently being engaged by the mainstream political parties. That in itself is not a bad thing.
man-child is an excellent description – there was a british TV series of that name, bloody funny, but the lead characters have a lot in common with kdc.
I feel zero sympathy for this creature
are you a vegan marty..?
..or is it:..’kill rhino bad’..
..’kill cow good – me eat..!..’..
..is it the ‘endangered’ that riles you..?
..so if we had black rhinos thundering across the waikato in abundance..
..y’know..!..’cos the babies taste that much nicer..eh..?
..or are you one of those (small)-dicks with a gun..?
..whose grasping at masculinity must entail killing..?
..and you are saying you feel ‘zero sympathy’ for the rhinos..?
..yr statement made with such fervour .. is unclear..
..in a few areas..
phillip ure..
fuck you dick
not that I have to justify anything to you but…
I haven’t eaten meat for over 33 years.
as for the statement – it was deliberately ambiguous for fun and as a flytrap – looks like I caught one lol
@ marty..
//still guzzling down the bye-products tho..eh..?
..and as animal-welfare seems to be the issue you are arguing..
..pray tell the difference..?
..between eating the flesh..and eating the bye-products..?
..(that is if animal-welfare is a reason you haven’t eaten meat in 33 yrs..
..and you do know that most cheese has rennet in it..eh..?..as a binder..?
..and that rennet is processed calves’-guts..?
..you do know that..?
..as i said..what exactly is the difference..?
phillip ure..
fluffy bunny syndrome
You should go for Vegan Pope
You’ve got the self-righteous sanctimony nailed
Nah he should become a Breatharian. So much more scope for being a sanctimonious, pious git.
I’m a Level 5 Vegan – I won’t eat anything that casts a shadow
worms?….chookies eat worms….does that mean you are a chook?
….but worms are meat and have faces….so that must mean a level 5 Vegan eats dirt?
Worms caste a shadow on the way to the plate 😉
Water and air
“I’m a Level 5 Vegan – I won’t eat anything that casts a shadow”
Ok, well in that case anything you ever say about anything trumps phil every single time, because you are obviously the king of kings when it comes to ethics, and ethics are absolutely absolute, so you can never be wrong and all underlings must bow to your superior knowledge of rightness and wrongness, eh? 🙂
Except, hang on, you realise that everytime you swallow you kill untold numbers of bacteria, drowning them in the cruel acid bath in your stomach?! Sorry mate, you will have to try harder.
“I’m a Level 5 Vegan – I won’t eat anything that casts a shadow”
Most plants cast shadows. Yeast and bacteria throw microscopic shadows in any clear fluid. Shadows are a function of height (and a light source).
Yeah, that’s why I said Breatharian. Although I suspect that we kill yeasts and bacteria every time we breathe in anyway.
And some plants are better than others.
…weka…the green you have –
– when you aren’t having a green..eh..?
phillip ure..
nuthin’ to with me..zorr..
..(deeply flawed creature..me..eh..?..definitely not pope-material..)
..it’s actually about the animals..eh..?
..those institutional-cruelties most care little about..
..and talk about even less..
..’cos they just want to feed their flesh-addiction..
..and often..people like marty..(who have (admirably) forsaken flesh..)
..aren’t even aware that the cheese they love so much..
..has calves’-guts in it..
(so..essentially..they are still eating meat..how can they not be..?..)
..did you know that..?..about the calves-guts in cheese..?
..does that disturb you at all..?
..(and it’s also a health heads-up/alert..
..’cos both meat and dairy can give you cancer..)
..does that disturb you at all..?
..phillip ure..
Having a steak and cheese sandwich for lunch
Woo Hooo, double cow.
@bm..can i suggest some shots of vodka with that..?
..followed by a couple of ciggies..?
..and then a big bowl of sugar ‘n fat marketed as ‘ice-cream’..?
..seeing you are so resolutely marching down that particular ‘healthy-lunch’ road..
.that’ll all have ya feeling really good..
..shame about yr bowel tho..eh..?
..never mind..!..think/worry about that later..eh..?
phillip ure..
And oxygen causes irreversible damage to your body through natural mechanisms… something is always killing you and it’s just a question of how much risk you’re happy with and where you spend your “risk budget”
And no, it doesn’t. Not in the least.
The problem you face Philip is that you assume that because you have some small amount of knowledge that if someone else only knew what you knew, then they would change the way they live their life. In fact, what you end up doing is ignoring the way other people see the world in your single minded quest to set the world “right” and alienate anyone who might share some common viewpoints.
I personally have issues with the way that Big Farming works and the inhumane treatment of stock in barns and cages and, as much as I can, I try to mitigate this by making informed and principled food purchasing decisions. This is something we could potentially agree on – if you weren’t such a radical extremist who is completely unwilling to accept other views of the world as tenable.
@ zorr..(snigger..!)..
..do you (sometimes) buy organic/’free-range’-eggs….?
(btw..you do know that ‘free-range’ egg-peddlers..no matter how funky/down-home they may be..they still macerate..
..you do know what macerating is..don’t you..?
..i’d like to see you fit that reality into yr..’ informed and principled food purchasing decisions’..eh..?..)
pray tell us yr ‘ informed and principled food purchasing decisions’..
..what criterea do you use..to make that (lofty) claim about yrslf..?
..and yes..zorr..i am very aware that my arguing this case alienates most..
..(some of whom who may support other arguments i present..and so overall..shutting up about that wd help my overall case..)
..if my words/arguments/fact-presentations..cause one person to think..again..
..and to stop hurting the fucken animals..(when they don’t need to..)
..that outweighs all other considerations/priorities..
..that’s just the way it is..
..(and i’d swap all my other ’causes’..for serious movement on that one..)
..phillip ure..
I was going to write a giant post of the ways in which I am trying to reduce my footprint and make ethical choices for my philosophy – but then I realized that you wouldn’t actually read it. You’d just skim it for more opportunities to get your rant on regarding “animal cruelty” and “oh those poor fluffy bunnies”
You want to know something about fluffy bunnies? They taste good. I have spent many years developing my personal philosophy regarding life, the universe and everything and I’m not going to further waste my time now by trying to justify my eating choices to someone who isn’t even interested in listening.
I have known your type for too long. You will always claim that the choices you make are better and that there is always something more to be done to meet your personal goals. Guess what? I don’t share your goals and, from the sounds of it, no-one else here does and the more you open your mouth to distance yourself, the less likely anyone will.
so..zorr..still just basically denying you are an addict..eh..?
…and were you to write..unlike yr claim..i wd read..as i am fascinated by the pretzel-shapes carnivorous-greens/(self-regarding)’ planet-carers’ twist themselves into..
..to (try to) justify getting other people to torture/kill animals..just so they can eat their flesh/feed their addiction..
.and the selective-nature of their green-ness..eh..?
..the rest of yr comment is just ad-homs..
..and yes..i feel no need to apolgise for the ‘better choice’ of not eating flesh/animal-bye-products..
..so yes..’I have known your type for too long’..
..have you met metiria turei..?..co-leader of the greens..?
..lover of wrapping body in dead-animal skins..?
..and needing tissues to wipe the pig-fat from her lips..
..i am sure you would have much in common..
..in yr ‘green-ness’..
phillip ure..
Wow… just… wow…
I don’t need to tie myself in pretzels. I like meat. I like the byproducts of the animals that produce my meat. I would like the meat that I eat to be treated as humanely as possible prior to it being horribly slaughtered and fed to me. And then, if possible, on top of that – I would like it to be farmed sustainably in such a way that the life cycle of the animal feeds positively back in to the ecosystem at the farm rather than stressing the environs.
All you reveal in that last diatribe is how bile-filled and poisonous your personal world view is. In all honesty, you scare me because you strike me as a very dangerous extremist because if your words here are any indication of your internal monologue…
Zorr, I think your last 3 comments are spot on. I would add too, that the knowledge that phil has is incomplete and highly selective and drenched in confirmation bias. This also prevents him from being able to discuss, explore and learn on these issues. A kind of ethical cul de sac, and very boring to boot.
Phil is a zealot. It’s the intellectual dishonesty that bothers me.
btw, phil, those aren’t ad hominems. They’re observations about how you argue here, which are entirely pertinent to the debate. You make ethical claims, but the way you make them ensures there can be no meaningful conversation about ethics and animals and life.
@ zorr..
“..I would like the meat that I eat to be treated as humanely as possible prior to it being horribly slaughtered and fed to me..”
so..this is the extent of yr…’ informed and principled food purchasing decisions’.
summarising:..’if i like it..nothing else matters..’
..right ho..!
phillip ure..
I like meat. I have no moral qualms about killing and eating animals. I have thought about it and decided where my priorities and principles lie.
Your behavior is the most abusive that I have experienced on this site because engaging with you is like signing up to be punched in the face for breathing.
There is nothing anyone can say except “I agree phil, you are 100% correct” that will make you shut up and even then I suspect you’d find something wrong. Maybe they don’t format their diatribes similarly or something. Or not enough full stops… or something… whoar (should I add more full stops here or not?)
So yeah – you are completely unwilling to participate in honest discussion where it is necessary to accept that everyone is capable of engaging with the topic and have their own viewpoint on the issue.
I don’t know if this makes me masochistic… or stupid… or both… for continuing to engage with you…
There is a type of person who chooses to engage in a difficult, denialist lifestyle and can only be made happy by ramming that lifestyle down everyone’s throats.
What’s interesting is that they’re unable to enjoy life, but hyper-focus on every additional self-hating day they can squeeze out of their mortal lifespans.
It’s like the super-rich who will never be able to spend every dollar they currently have, but are compelled to get more and more and more utterly useless wealth.
Of course, that’s their choice, I just wish they’d stop trying to fucking bully other people into joining their cult of life-denial.
what does ‘macerate’ mean?….my Mother has hens and they are very happy little hens , who scratch around in her garden every day ….and then go and lay eggs in the nest boxes…which my Mother collects and shares them around the family ….the chooks are happy and everyone is happy
btw phil ….I dont mind you going on and on about Veganism….it is quite interesting and i admire vegetarians and Vegans…..the only way you can change the world on this is to entice people into that way of eating and living….maybe 3 weeks holiday in Southern India would do it for some ie live on the beautiful cuisine there….maybe classes in schools etc on vegetarian/vegan cooking?….night classes will have to wait because Nact has killed them
Doesn’t matter Chooky, you are still evil in phil’s eyes, because there are no ethical choices to be made except being completely vegan. Which of course is a crock of shit, when you look at the damage that veganism does.
@ chooky..
..male chicks on all egg-farm.
..even from those caring/sharing/free-range/farmers-market hippie-type ones…
..are all fed into the macerator..
..which grinds them up..
..while they are still alive..(it makes a ‘zzzttt!!’-sound..as it eats them..eh..?..)
..(you didn’t know that..?
..was that still ‘sunny-sides-up’..?..)
phillip ure..
btw phil ….I dont mind you going on and on about Veganism….it is quite interesting and i admire vegetarians and Vegans…..the only way you can change the world on this is to entice people into that way of eating and living….maybe 3 weeks holiday in Southern India would do it for some ie live on the beautiful cuisine there….maybe classes in schools etc on vegetarian/vegan cooking?….night classes will have to wait because Nact has killed them
Problem is, being vegan, or even vegetarian, isn’t an ethical choice for most people if you take in the whole planet. Should we be considering only the welfare of the animals? Which animals? Is it all animals, or only the ones we deem important? How does AGW factor into this? What about the new emerging sciences that show an degree of complexity that equates to consciousness? How do we determine which life forms are worthy of our ethics and which aren’t?
What is ethical to eat is going to depend on where we live. Telling all the industrialised worlds to become vegan is akin to giving up on AGW mitigation. Eating vegan is highly polluting because of the reliance on monocropping and excessive food miles. It’s not hard to demonstrate the complexity of the ethics of eating, using veganism as an example. We just can’t do that with phil in the room.
My own btw is that I don’t have a problem with individuals who choose to be vegan. All power to them if it works. I do have a problem if they claim that they are the pinnacle of ethical choices, because that is just plainly incorrect.
Ditto @ chooky Re: Mum and happy hens with egg sharing. I have no idea what macerating means/is. The eggs are lovely though. Very yellow yolks.
Incidentally, a couple of the hens were “rescue” hens from a battery hen farm that were destined for the chop. They didn’t know what to do with themselves initially. They had to be taken out of the hen house in the morning because otherwise they would just sit inside all day. Same thing in the evening – pick them up and pop them back inside. After about two weeks they were up and about with the rest of the chooks scratching away happily.
macerator is basically a blender.
Pretty quick.
I’d prefer it over, for example, reading phil’s comments for twenty hours a day (a fate that seems almost equivalent to being in the audience of a Vogon poetry recital).
@weka – exactly
I have tried to raise this point multiple times to Phil in the past and every time got the same response. As I have always stated, veganism is a dietary choice that is only available to those in affluent nations because the required food infrastructure to support it is only available in such locations.
@ McFlock. Ok. Well, the only blender my mum owns is reserved for margaritas. And sometimes Pina Coladas if she’s feeling fancy.
no weka..you aren’t ‘evil’..
..on this subject..you are just ignorant..
..and of course..you are an addict..
..furiously writhing against the fact/realities of yr addiction..
..(you should have heard me way-back…acting-out when it was suggested it might be better if i didn’t start each day with a hypodermic-syringe filled with a mix of heroin/cocaine..
..’but..!..but..!..’..i spluttered…
..it’s what i do..!..
..and i’ve been doing it for so long..
..i can’t imagine life without it..!’..)
..addictions are funny like that..
..denial is an essential ingredient in any happy addiction..
phillip ure..
“..Problem is, being vegan, or even vegetarian, isn’t an ethical choice for most people if you take in the whole planet. ..”
..unsure what you mean by that..the sentence doesn’t make any sense..
..why is it not an ‘ethical-choice’..?..what stops it being that..?
“….Should we be considering only the welfare of the animals? Which animals? Is it all animals, or only the ones we deem important?..”
basically..eat none of them..or their bye-products..
..why fuck around with ‘does it have eye of newt in it..?
..i eat everything except etc etc..'”
“..How does AGW factor into this?..
..well..the vegan-stool has three-legs..help yrsly..help the animals..help the planet..
..are you seriously trying to suggest that raising meat is the most efficient use of land..?
..got any facts/figures/links to back up that claim..?
..’cos you and others have said that before..that vegan is worse than meat..’cos of mono-culturing’..?
..what the fuck is meat..if not mono-cultering..?..(f.f.s..!..)
“.. What about the new emerging sciences that show an degree of complexity that equates to consciousness? How do we determine which life forms are worthy of our ethics and which aren’t?..”
it that the ‘but don’t vegetables cry when they are cut bullshit..?..
..this setting a new benchmark in equivalence ..?..
“..What is ethical to eat is going to depend on where we live..”
is that the ‘but i am nanook of the north..!..i must eat whale-meat!’ excuse..?
..got any examples..(that may pertain to what you do..?..not nanoo..?.. )
“..Telling all the industrialised worlds to become vegan is akin to giving up on AGW mitigation. Eating vegan is highly polluting because of the reliance on monocropping and excessive food miles..”
as noted above..complete and utter bullshit…
..show us some stats/facts to prove me wrong..eh..?
..instead of just repeating yr orifice-pluck..
..phillip ure..
for someone who doesn’t use animal by-products, you certainly seem to have an inexhaustible supply of bullshit.
qot (above) get’s quote of the thread..
..being a vegan is ‘a cult of life-denial’..
..now..that can have two meanings..
..and both ‘deliver’..
1)..i wd think that killing animals to eat them is a tad more ‘life-denying’..than being a vegan..eh..?..heh..!
(just saying..!..)
..or..2)..you are positing that a life be hardly worth living..
..without pig-fat running down yr chin..(can be said in accent of choice..)
..and that my life must be devoid of any ‘fun’..’cos i don’t do pig-fat..
..you are about as fucken evolved as a mollusc..eh..?
..but funny with it..eh..?
..i’m laughing like a fucken drain here..
..chrs 4 the belly-maasage..
..phillip ure..
Why is it that only females have pig fat running down their chins? So far you have only used that phrase twice… once when mentioning Metiria Turei and now when addressing QoT. The implications are… disturbing…
You don’t listen to others. You don’t respect others opinions. Yet somehow you have gotten us all to try engage with you. Congratulations on epic troll threads – because that is all you are.
Don’t misquote me, phillip. I didn’t say veganism was a cult of life-denial. But fuck knows you act like it is.
@ qot..
..how exactly was i ‘miss-quoting’ you..
“..There is a type of person who chooses to engage in a difficult, denialist lifestyle and can only be made happy by ramming that lifestyle down everyone’s throats.
What’s interesting is that they’re unable to enjoy life, but hyper-focus on every additional self-hating day they can squeeze out of their mortal lifespans..”
..was that not addressed to/at me..?
..if not me..who..?
phillip ure..
I was actually going to have a pretty small dinner tonight, no cooking and maybe bread would be the only thing phil could judge me on.
Fuck it.
I’m gonna buy a steak.
Phillip, you used quotation marks to imply that I said “being a vegan” was the same as being part of a life-denying cult.
This is incorrect, because (a) that’s not what I said and (b) I am talking about *you*. Not all vegans. Just you and your constant nasty jibes at people who you get a boner browbeating with your moral superiority.
And I’m nice enough to not assume all vegans are pushy shits like you.
you know the funny thing about you..qot..?
..on so many subjects you set yrslf up as the arbiter of standards etc..eh..?
..and hector others/lessr-beings for perceived failures..
..how do you carry around the motes in yr eyes on this subject..eh..?
..they must be so heavy..
..you bang on about oppression..
..but clearly have no problems with animals being tortured/killed..
..just so you can eat them..
..(are you at all aware of the horrors they suffer..?
..how about you stop just fucken thinking about yrslf for five minutes..
..you sound just like a whining/bleeting/self-pitying fucken junkie..
..i’ve seen enough of them to know onw when it pops up..
..you..quot..are an addict..
..you are addicting to animal-flesh/bye-products..
..they will likely give you fucken cancer..
..and just me pointing out the news that both meat and dairy cause cancer..
..sends you into a spewing/cursing rage..
..just ad hominems..you and that fucken claytons green weka..just fuken ad homs..thru this whole thread..
..but that’s ok..readers can see yr words..they can make their own judgements..
..and just a fucken fact/reality check for you..
..i do a news-aggregation website..
..the news came thru on the 27th of december that for the first time..it can be stated clearly..
..that dairy can give you cancer..
..should i not have fucken told you all..?
..i am only the messanger here..eh..?
..trying to give you a heads-up that you might be giving yrslves/yr children..fucken cancer..
..do i deserve this spewing fucken abuse for doing that..?
..are you such a blind fucken.in denial addict..
..that you just don’t care..?
..are you really that fucken stupid..?
..phillip ure…
“Phillip enters frothing rage. More news at 11”
I find it amusing how he has been criticized by almost everyone in this thread but he still continues to single out the identified females (QoT and weka) within his comments and doesn’t pull the same shit with myself, McFlock or marty mars.
Anyway, it has been amusing to watch an extremist vegan descend in to rabid frothing extremist crazy.
Hey Phil, PETA’s on the line – they’ve got a few jobs for you.
One of my rules for life – never trust an extremist… on either side.
Are you seriously claiming that >50% of people who eat meat or byproducts will get cancer as a result?
Because the one article you indirectly brought up about meat and cancer sure as shit didn’t say that.
“..just ad hominems..you and that fucken claytons green weka..just fuken ad homs..thru this whole thread..”
Lolz, ok, that’s actually quite funny.
@ phil
yeah well while you were still fisting the KFC in dick I was forsaking the flesh and now you, who have seen the light (well done you – slow clap indeed) after so much pig-fat and chicken-fat has graced your lips and fingertips, can go all sanctimonious because you’ve seen the light eh? You have a long way to go and your born-again preaching is funny from someone who used to salivate so much when the sizzle of pig and chicken fat went on the barbie eh?
yes..marty..i was raised on meat/veg etc..
..and i used to sallivate over the smell of meat..
..(the smell of smack cooking in a spoon (a unique odor..that i can still summon up..so many years later..)..will also do that for a heroin-addict..eh..?
..which is my point..meat/dairy consumption is an addiction..
..(when the idea of stopping something sends you into a panic/cold-sweat..and you crave..
..and you suffer withdrawals..?
..these are the benchmarks of addiction..)
..can you not see that..?
..there are no other food-groups..that if you were told caused cancer..that you wouldn’t drop in a shot..
..but you are addicted/you are an addict..
..which explains the overwrought-reactions to having this reality pushed up into yr (and other(s) face(s)..
..and re yr timeline-claims..
..we both stopped eating flesh at about the same time..(and good on you..!..most vegetarians are there for the best of reasons..(be they be health/animal-welfare/save the planet)..
..and i have nothing to say against those motivations..
..it is usually/often a matter of awareness/knowledge..
..like i noted earlier..many vegetarians would not know the cheese they love so much/are addicted to.. has calves’-guts in it..so they are still eating animal-flesh..it’s just been hidden in the cheese..)
..and i stopped eating the cheese/animal-bye-products about 15 yrs ago..
..and when vegetarian..i thought vegans were ‘a bit weird’/taking things ‘a bit too far’..
..and you know how not eating flesh makes/made you feel better..?
..the benefits in personal well-being from making that final severing of the animal-product dependency..
..far outweighs the benefits from going from carnivore to dairy-dependent vego..
..i thought you (and other vegetarians) should know that..
..phillip ure..
“..and i have nothing to say against those motivations..”
Funny, that is not what you said in your initial response to my post above – try being honest phil instead of pretending
All vegetarians that I have met know about rennet ffs
Your wee crusade to turn everyone vegan is just based on your own guilt and the sooner you front up to that the sooner you will grow up into the potential human you could be – until then, sadly, you are living in a deluded paradise in that steel and concrete city you call home
“..All vegetarians that I have met know about rennet ffs..”
so why don’t you just eat veal..?
..what is the fucken difference..?
..(when as a vegatarian i found that out..i only ever ate rennet-free..(i think!..)
..and ‘heh..!..’guilt’..?
..whoar..!..i was raised a catholic..so have institutional-guilt built in..eh..?
..but no..i don’t feel my ‘wee crusade’ is based on ‘guilt’ from past carnivorous-endeavours..eh..?
..like i said..
..i want the torture/killing of all those animals to stop..it’s as simple as that..
..(the cancer-causing/planet-killing factors are less..tho’ still strong..)
..and it’s a big task/ask..i know..(as my efforts here prove..)
..but i’ll just keep on plugging away..
..’cos..y’know what..?
..everyday there are more vegans..
..not less..
..and this is all good..
..(and the cancer-causing news about dairy..will just hasten that process/progress..)
..get on the right side of history..eh marty..?
phillip ure..
dick this is what you wrote to my post about the irony of the rhino killer feeling a bit uneasy being on the wrong end of the gun
are you a vegan marty..?..or is it:..’kill rhino bad’….’kill cow good – me eat..!..’….is it the ‘endangered’ that riles you..?..so if we had black rhinos thundering across the waikato in abundance….rhino-veal..?..y’know..!..’cos the babies taste that much nicer..eh..?..or are you one of those (small)-dicks with a gun..?..whose grasping at masculinity must entail killing..?..and you are saying you feel ‘zero sympathy’ for the rhinos..?..yr statement made with such fervour .. is unclear….in a few areas..
see, you went off half cocked so that you could try to be the big internet man – I call that visible low self esteem.
Frankly I just don’t believe your “I care about the animals” lines – from what i have seen your ego elbows everything else out the way. As I said way up top – flytrap meet fly.
philip ure …just being practical here….why dont you go into the fast food vegan business and create a vegan sausage ( with vegan casing of course!) to throw on the barbecue?…it could be a big hit like ‘Pics peanut butter’…i have often tried to find such sausages to feed vegetarian people at barbecues but there dont seem to be any around
…horrible about all the little boy chicks going into the mincer…but I think they are developing new ways of putting them painlessly to sleep….still horrible,….once upon a time the roosters used to get the chop ( after growing up and making a pest of themselves)…this was before chicken became a multi-national multi billion dollar food business
keep fighting but watch it!…. all the meat eaters might come after you with a big hatchet
@ chooky..
..i’ve got the recipies/cooks..
..i just need financing for that one..
..(i also have a fairly well-honed healthy/tasty fast-food chain model to hand..)
..i would love to be involved in practically-supplying ‘tasty’ solutions to the problems i highlight..
..and that is a goldmine..
..good quality/’easy’/tasty vegan food..
..in part..because everyone can eat them..
..so build a ‘brand’ that can be trusted..for content..and quality..
..have a strong ethical-base..(part of cost to go to enviro-projects..etc..
..and you will both make a fortune..
..and be doing something really really fucken good…eh..?
(..that safe for all is one of the arguments i used to put to the green party..to get them to stop having fucken bbq’s..(i failed..)
..(could that be more of an irony-free-zone..?..a green party/greenpeace bbq..eh..?..whoar..!..)
..namely..that anyone could then be invited to a green party function..
..and they could eat question/offence-free..
(how could that be more
..and as far as quality vegan food is concerned..
..that also applies to most of society..
..minds are much more open to it now..(especially compared with only a couple of years ago..
..(it is ‘on the table’..as it were..)
..and that is most cheering..
..sorry to be the bearer of bad news….but..
“..but I think they are developing new ways of putting them painlessly to sleep…”
..nah..!..eh..?..the macerator is a really really cheap kill..eh..?
..just the electricity to run it..and a bit of oil for the macerating parts every now and then..
..hard to get cheaper than that..
..and that is the fact(or) with every aspect of these foul industries..(pun intended..).
..is all down to the bottom-line/profit/cost..
..but times are changing..
..and this too will change..
..phillip ure..
reply philip ure
well you should start this fast food Vegan business..’.Ure’s Vegan sausages’…to begin with..(.if I had any money i would invest in it…)…you need a big mincer for a start off….and you could trial it in your garage (as i think the pic’s peanut butter guy did and the vodka 40 degrees below man did…lots of businesses start off in a shed)
if I were to make a vegan sausage it would be ….beans/lentils/chickpeas , brown rice, cocoanut oil , tumeric or cumin,…and a little chillie or curry flavour, and maybe a little salt, brown sugar or molasses….all through the mincer…i am not sure what one would do for the casing
once the recipe is perfected you ask Mr Dot Com for some finance ( ha ha)…i have met a few German vegetarians…it could be a big hit!
sounds tasty chooky..
..we could call it the ‘chooky’..?..
..hang on..!..maybe not..
..phillip ure..
If I may say so @ Phil (in the nicest possible way) – its all becoming a bit ridiculous now. Even the ex-junkie thing is bordering on “the only gay in the village”.
I think we may share a similar dim distant past (in my case until about 21 with extremel infrequent lapses) – and although (like me) you may have overcome your addiction(s) – the obsessive/compulsive shit is alive and well and becoming tedious to most others in here.
If the aim is to CHANGE them all – it ain’t gonna work.
For Christ sakes – worry about yourself! Preaching is very unattractive.
“..Even the ex-junkie thing is bordering on “the only gay in the village..”
..that’s funny..!
phillip ure..
Again – no reply button – so this is to Phill
““..Even the ex-junkie thing is bordering on “the only gay in the village..”
..that’s funny..!
phillip ure..”
….. yep – well you know what I mean.
Only because I know there appear to be a shitload of commenters on here that are in full agreement with you on most other issues (of course there are others that t – roll in and out to exercise their egos from time to time).
Ekshly … I suspect we may have met in passing …. ‘cept you’d be more of my brother’s vintage and ‘circulation’ somewhere in the past.
Keep safe!
@ philip…just trying to be helpful …..you seem to be ‘flogging a dead horse’ on this site( McFlock has already gone for the steak)….so I think ‘Ure’s Vegan sausages’ …….is the way for you to go…where to put your energies (lol) … provide food and sustenance for the already converted
…(and no you are quite right ….the word chooky does not go with veganism)
had eggs too 🙂
no offence…
Kiaora Chooky
“Ure’s Vegan Sausages”
In Te Reo Māori ure means penis. Perhaps a rebranding for the vegan sausage is in order.
Although, why would a vegan make anything to look like a sausage as the only reason sausages are shaped as they are is that traditionally the casings were made from the intestines of animals.
Adele, your comment, it’s…well..it’s gold. 🙂
@ Kiaora Adele…..lol ….that is interesting …..maybe a renaming is in order!!!! ha ha….could put Vegans off their vegan sausages
I wonder if phil knows this about ‘ure’ ….philip the penis….maybe he needs to change his name too! ( but being a Catholic….maybe he does know !……lol)
@ adele..of course i know that..
…(i actually think it is quite funny..
..and have often joked about it..(my ancestors from scotland should have turned right..and gone to australia/’i have been called that a few times in the life..(and probably deserved it..)’….etc..etc..)
..and i enjoy being introduced to to reo speakers..
..i watch their faces/eyes as they digest (excuse the pun) my sirname..
..i have only had one laugh outright into my face..(heh..!)..
..and should i need consolation over this..
..i can also turn to the alternate meaning in te reo..
..which is ‘power’..
..’phillip power’ it is..!..(i like it..!..)
..and funny story..!
..the waima river used to be called the ure river..
..(i wonder what brought about that change..do any historians reading this know..?..
..was it an attack of blue-stocking prurience..?..
..when those missionaries/settlers realised they were living on/around..the penis-river..?
..inquiring minds want to know..
..and if that is the case..
..i think a campaign should be started..
..to restore the original/te reo name to that river..
phillip ure..
…and philip is derived from lover of horse
From the Greek name Φιλιππος (Philippos) which means “friend of horses”, composed of the elements φιλος (philos) “friend, lover” and ‘ιππος (hippos) “horse”.
philip’s Ure vegan sausages…….horse lover power penis vegan sausages.!…..lol….and a marketing disaster!?
the river is a real sweetie..
..that river ure..
phillip ure..
@phillip ure …damage is done….dont try and change the subject……more on the ‘Ure Vegan sausage’ name ….a marketing disaster ….except perhaps for the Chinese who may love it as an aphrodisiac instead of rare endangered tigers and other endangered wild species
Kiaora Phil
The power that you speak of is associated with ‘potency.’ No point having an ure if it can’t produce the goods. Whakapapa is the source of our strength.
There is a place called Urenui, which still exists. Apparently, the name relates to a big chief, who was hugely endowed, tripoding his way through the rohe. Nui means big.
lol are you thick phil? to be making so many judgements based on what? Just remember when you were skulling the meat (and salivating like a hungry dog at the stench of fried pig and chicken fat) from the leg-bones of factory farmed chickens I wasn’t – makes you think that eh? Do you think you’re balancing out your karma somehow after all those long long years where you doggsihly gnawed on flesh? Do you think the animals you digested have forgotten?
my 12.17 answer above covers most of that..
phillip ure..
Cows aren’t endangered.
Although the entire concept of the auction is a bit like Make a Wish auctioning the right to hit one of the kids.
“Cows aren’t endangered.”
In phil’s world, the individual animal you can relate to at the fluffy bynny level is more important than the species. That’s why many hardcore vegans are against pest control and would rather see bird species in NZ go extinct from stoats and possums, than have those stoat and possum populations controlled. That might be why he missed that his comparison between rhino and cows was nonsensical. Or it might just be that he has no logic where this is concerned.
Doesn’t he know that cows are dicks? All the other animals call them “big grass-eating jerks”, whereas rhinos are universally regarded as the nice guys of the savannah.
If other animals had guns, they’d shoot cows too.
lol wouldn’t surprise me if that dude in the original story was a cow dressed up in a mansuit just to get back at the nice rhinos
that’s exactly the sort of dick move they’d pull, too.
“If other animals had guns, they’d shoot cows too.”
If they had opposable thumbs. But then they’d probably milk them as well.
Well, it seems we’re both wrong. Dogs seem to have a compulsion to shoot their human friends. 🙂
@ weka..(ignoring the ad homs..)
i concede the possum/stoat thing is ‘a rock and a hard place’..for most vegans..(esp if there for animal-welfare reasons..)
..and that is no different for me..
..i have thought about this one a bit..
..and feel a sterilising-drug would be the humane way to tackle the problem..
..the problem would be under control in one generation..
..(and certainly not leaving them to slowly die..with limbs crushed/trapped in jaw-toothed traps..
..which is one of the current ‘solutions’..one both cruel..and ultimately ineffective to a large degree..
..whereas a ‘drop’ of a sterilising drug.. in something tasty..
..would target large areas/numbers of possums..
..hope that clarifies that..
(for other readers..weka..you are just a foil in all this..eh..?
.(you do know/realise that..?..no..?..not yet..?.)
..so..curse/ad hom on..
..give it yr best shot..eh..?)
..phillip ure..
Please enlighten as to what kind of sterilizing drug you would use and how you would ensure it would sterilize any possums that ate it?
Add in to that this little factoid:
It may be Wiki but it is still relevant.
Once again proving you live in some strange world of fantasy where even your answers to current issues require technology that is yet to be discovered.
@ sterilising possums..
..there is work being done on this..
..so it is hardly a ‘fantasy”..
..and wki..eh..?..going for the cutting-edge stuff..eh..?
i would suggest increased-funding be put into that task of refining a sterilising-agent….
..not an unreasonable suggestion..?
..got a better idea..?
phillip ure..
1080 works
If it’s botanically sourced fluoroacetate it would even be a suitably vegan death.
I’m with McFlock – 1080 or a slug. Either one is good.
Also, I’m not going to invest extra time when Wiki is good enough. There are plenty of things being currently “worked on” that would easily fall in to the realm of “fantasy”…
Such as cold fusion.
The point here is that you are suggesting solutions that, as of yet, don’t exist. That doesn’t really make them a solution.
I love how your argument style is to automatically go to the most far out suggestion when there are plenty of techniques already in use that are perfectly workable.
1080 isn’t a good long term solution either. We can do better than this.
definitely treatment rather than cure.
And there’s what the yanks like to call “collateral damage”.
But at least it exists.
I didn’t mean that (I don’t think we are smart enough to come up with a cure that doesn’t have significant side effects). I meant that the wholesale, whack ’em with poison, bugger the collateral damage mentality, is not leading us to sustainable solutions long term. We need to develop a meat and fur industry, one that actually works and is based on sustainability principles rather than being profit driven niche marketing.
If my facts are correct…..1080 is banned in Oregon….in many states of USA it is rarely or very selectively used……NZ takes 80% of the entire USA production of 1080…and USA is the only country in the world to produce 1080
….so NZ plasters 80% of the worlds production of 1080 over our ‘pristine’ land
imo it is exterminating the kea, which is now an endangered species
The difference you seem to be missing is that the Western black rhinoceros is now extinct. The domesticated cow does not seem to be in any imminent danger of extinction.
Otherwise, that part of me which thinks that Colin Craig should but the hell out of consenting adults’ bedrooms, is also thinking that you would be better off butting the hell out of consenting adults’ dinner tables.
@ dave..
..well..ya see dave…
..it’s bigger than just you or me..eh..?
..and funny-story..!
..this battle to end the slavery/killings of animals so so echoes the struggle against slavery..
..the two biggest arguments thrown back at the abolitionists then..
..was that:..it’s impossible..!..our whole economy is based on slavery..!..are you trying to wreck the country?..’
(any of that sound familiar..?..)
and of course what you touch on with yr admonition to ‘butt the hell out of consenting adults dinner tables’..
..namely:..’but we all do it/use slaves..!’…
..much as most just (unthinkingly) eat animal-flesh..
..with not a thought/concern passing through their heads of the horrible suffering behind that piece of flesh/blood/fat they are chewing on..
..’we all do it..!’..
(any of that sound familiar..?..)
..animals are the modern-day slaves..
..and they suffer much worse than those human slaves did..
..and this is what i and many others are fighting to stop..
..to end this modern-day slavery..
..and bad news it may be..that dairy causes cancer..
..but it will hasten this process..
..and so far..to my eyes..
..flick-director james cameron ( vegan) is showing the/a way for our future…
..he has bought huge dairy-holdings in the wairarapa..
..and is converting them back into growing real food..
..and i tip my hat to him for that..
..we have to get rid of the mono-culture of meat/dairy..
..(as essentially..we are exporting cancer/death..from our animal concentration camps/factories of unbelievable horror/slaughterhouses/charnal-houses..
..and that has to change..
..and james cameron is showing the way..)
phillip ure..
Comparing doestication of animals with slavery? Where have I heard that before?
Marty Mars
Karma is a bastard.
Now he knows what the Rhino has to put up with.
Instead of hunting the Rhino and Now having to pay for security .
It would be easier just to put out a media statement saying I am not going to shoot thr Rhino but I am going to donate the money .problem solved.
this is the realities of this prick..he ain’t donating anything..
..this link has his kill-gallery…(so it’s not suitable for those who already know..but others may add to their revulsion-level at what is done to animals..
..for ‘fun’..
..phillip ure..
50% of Denmark’s energy comes from wind power.
Electricity needs to be more specific. Transport fuel and fossil fuels for thermal will drop that number a bit.
More specific, how? More explanation needed.
Sorry bad punctuation. I meant to say electricity: needs to be more specific than just “energy.”
And the good people of Hamburg have had enough.
Vattenfall has a 74.9 percent stake in the electricity grid company, Stromnetz Hamburg, while the remaining 25.1 percent belongs to the German city.
“The value of the entire electricity grid company has preliminarily been agreed at €550 million euros,” the Swedish company said. “However, both parties have agreed on a minimum value of €495 million.”
The transaction was a result of a popular initiative launched in 2010 by a pressure group which included environmentalists, consumer organisations, unions and local churches.
In a referendum held last September, 50.9 percent voted in favour, while the Social Democratic mayor and the Christian Democratic Union, Germany’s largest party, had campaigned for a no-vote.
….So….should Wellington buy back from the Chinese?
OK, but they still have thermal backup for that 50%. That needs to be kept in a complete state of readiness. Have you looked at electricity pricing in Denmark?
In most of Denmark it is illegal to use electricity for home heating, better to burn gas instead.
[citation needed]
Did you read this part
“part” of what?
It would appear that your article’s 3 year old prediction of doom has been contradicted by a three day old announcement of record supply.
Apart from Crusherles “slaughtering sacred cows” I know day to day ACC services aren’t issue du jour. However I thought I’d follow up on that chat the other day about full funding for physio rehab sessions.
I emailed Iain Lees- Gallowway and cc’d Kevin Haugue, both opposition spokespeople for ACC.
I asked whether full funding would be reinstated and put my reasoning forward for why it should be. I also informed them of my personal experience of the loss of full funding and how detrimental this has been to my recovery.
I received a reply the next day from Iain Lees Galloway and basically the answer is NO but it may be considered. I guess they don’t want to sound too closed to an idea that would benefit the public, in an election year. I was hoping for a YES though. This made me think of CV’s reply when he said something along the lines of no party being likely to restore full funding. Disappointing if this is the case. Really disappointing.
Reply below:
“I don’t think we will make a specific pre-election policy about funding for physiotherapy. But we are certainly keen to ensure everyone gets access to the treatment they need and will consider the merits of restoring full funding for physiotherapy and weigh that against other matters that need attention such as making sure more claims are accepted overall, making sure people are really able to go back to work before compensation is stopped and giving people the home help that they need. Obviously, we have been convinced of the value of fully funding physiotherapy in the past and if the evidence remains as strong it will be considered”.
Stopping the physio gravy train is about the only thing I agree with this government on Rosie.
What do you mean by “stopping the physio gravy train” Bearded Git?
During the nineties I had 24 treatment sessions over two years for a work related neck problem and because my employer allowed me to attend during work hours those treatments were recorded on my time sheet.
A couple of years later an ACC investigation showed that she had claimed for at least one session a week over that two year period so off to court she went.
Hi joe90. I had heard from CV the other day of physio’s who were scamming the system. (Sorry yours was one of them!) and from that I took that was the reason that charges were introduced, or should I say, sessions were no longer fully funded.
But this is no way to deal with with scammers! Patients get punished for the crimes of their physio’s, and that is wrong. All it does is reduce patients access to treatment.
I’m not fully convinced that the National Government reduced the subsidies simply because they wanted to make up for the loss, or as a way of controlling physio’s less than moral behaviour. It seems like an all too easy and convenient excuse when if they were fully supportive of the aims of ACC they would have instead introduced some way of monitoring physio’s client ACC claims, and ensure it was a tight scam proof system.
Iain Lees-Galloway’s response left me feeling a little puzzled ( as well as disappointed) as to why they wouldn’t reinstate full funding. Morally, injured folk can’t just be left to suffer because they can’t afford to attend their physio appointments. I thought they would get that.
I agree.
Physio’s can cause more harm than good.
Really need to go back to the old system of doctor referrals.
Thanks, Rosie. There are some positives in the reply – accepting more claims. I’ve heard a lot of stories of people being refused any treatment, necessary surgery, etc; Not sending people back to work too early – my experience is that they focus too much on returning people to work, don’t take into account the impact of severe injuries on general well-being, and look more to getting people back to work as soon as, rather than looking at what’s best for the individual.
But ACC currently also tend to try to limit physiotherapy as much as possible, regardless of whether people actually need it.
No reply from Hague?
Hi karol, no reply from Hague as yet.
Yes, I did see some positives in the reply but got the feeling that they may possibly be at the expense of other services. I did like the sentence “making sure people really are able to go back to work before compensation is stopped”.
And I have also had the same experience as you previously. It’s all about work work work. They need to take a more holistic approach to the rehab for full and genuine recovery to happen, and to help prevent further occurrences in the future.
I got a better response when Andrew Little was the ACC spokesperson. Because you cc’d Kevin Hague, it usually takes a week or so longer for a response, than a direct approach. But you should get one. I’ve always found Kevin very good to deal with.
The climate change disaster rolls inexorably on. This from the Graun today:
I see dotcondom has resiled from his party party.
He thinks he can take what he wants and use the ill gotten gains to buy anything or anybody.
No. And its not his internet either. Everybody inlcuding him has to pay to use it and abide by the rules but somehow he thinks he is above it all.
Him and wail boil together.
Well pride comes before a fall and both of them are due for it.
We’re all on a journey mate. And you’ve made a hell of a lot of character assassinating assumptions re: KDC. His worst sin in this instance appears to be bringing people onboard who have not given him good advice.
@ Captain Hook
Dot Com cancelled the party due to possible compromises to our rules around electioneering:
With Au Pair Link you also have access to 20 Hours ECE and WINZ childcare subsidies.!
Does anybody know how this works- it looks a lot like another ‘capture by rich people’ If so I would have thought it worth going after.
It is ‘red queen race’ stuff we have to keep on working because otherwise they will run the whole place for their own interests only
So, according to the MSM business confidence is up in NZ. Meanwhile, across the ditch with one of our major trading partners, business confidence is taking a slide.
I’m thinking that the last half of this year is going to be a rather ugly nose dive…for many it will be just more of the same…
david farrar made a joke about the tragedy in st leonards on his facebook page? jeez those righties are such ugly, despicable people.
especially farrar.
no amount of weight loss will ever disguise that fact.
Plenty of shit to call out DPF on, no need to make the cheap fat joke.
LMAO, I have just been blocked from posting on Whale Oil for slamming him on his Len Brown coverage.
How hilarious!!
This is pretty funny, all things considered:
Re the vegan-vegetarian vs.carnivore/omnivore debate:
Thanks, that was interesting. I would add that those humans would have been eating the whole animal, not just the bits we eat today. Most of the anti-meat arguments are based on theories and research of eating modern diets, not historical ones.
@ amrite..
..seriously..?..yr link..?
..what a ‘crock’..!
..(best summed up in a comment @ the foot..(see..i did read it..)
“..Obviously addicted to eating meat , what a load of crock.. if humans were meant to eat meat they would have a fixed jaw like a dog shorter intestine like a carnivor teeth like a shark instead of molars.. besides the biggest animals on the planet are all vegetarians… go figure!..”
phillip ure..
with due respect.
Junk science – there is heaps of it.
The summary is full of suppositions cascaded to illogical conclusions.
eg. B12 levels.
Who really funds this stuff which ignores so much evidence.
A lot of reductionist findings often are not viewed in the bigger picture, which is always more complex and dependent on a wide perspective of understanding.
The leading killers in Western diet appear to be heart/circulatory related disease ( including cerebral conditions including stroke ); and cancer.
This pattern is not observed for various reasons, in populations that eat few animal products; ,but a major reason being diet.
Has anyone read the overheated comments Chris Trotter came out with today on the subject of the amendment to Section 59?
Sheeesh – I don’t think he likes children!
I must say that although Trotter’s article raises a few interesting points, it is at times factually incorrect. Unfortunately this sentence is particularly misleading:
What the pro-smackers still fail to understand is that the law change wasn’t concerned with a smack as part of good parental correction. It was instead concerned with parents and caregivers getting away with severe injuries and sometimes the death of children. To quote Wikipedia:
If the citizens-initiated referendum was worded correctly to relate to what the actual law change proposed, it should have said something like this:
Any sane person would answer NO to this question, which along with his ridiculous claims concerning the moon landing etc clearly shows that Collin Craig isn’t fit to be a politician.
Precisely – and passed by most of the MPs on both sides of the House who had access to the facts, not the beat-ups of an immoral and self-interested press.
People with money and good lawyers were getting away with horse-whipping their children. At the end of the day, all the legislation did was to provide children with the same level of protection as animals
It wasn’t a loophole, it was a specific legal defense and the Greens and Labour should have been shouting that from the roof tops.
Hard, if not impossible to talk sense in the face of all the heated rhetoric that was flying about. Plenty of people said it, but it’s a different story getting someone to put it into print. It was a very sensationalist topic which provided a feeding frenzy – there was a lot more heat than light on the topic, and many newspaper editors, journalists and commentators should hang their heads in shame
+1 It’s pretty shameful that certain publications perpetuated such a blatant untruth that essentially advocated for parents and caregivers to continue getting away with grievous bodily harm and child murder. It’s also a bit shameful that such a large amount of the New Zealand public was too stupid to realise that they were being lied to. It’s highly shameful that Collin Craig is now trying to use the publics continued misunderstanding about the so-called “anti-smacking bill” to try and gain support for the Creepy Conservatives. Somebody should let him know that being able to beat children to death and get away with it is only a tradition in a sick society.
@ draco..yeah..they did a terrible job of selling that one..
..almost up there with the job the greens did selling/promotion of the medical marijuana bill..
..(they went for the stunned-silence approach there..eh..?
..it didn’t work that well..)
phillip ure..
i just gave my vegan dogs a late night/supper treat..
..toasted ciabatta-buns with jam and peanut on them..’
..most appreciative..they are..
..they like a ciabatta-bun with jam and peanut butter on it..
..aside from peanut-allergics…who doesn’t..?
..and funnystory..!
..most of the commercial breads are now vegan..
..(they used to all have dairy in them..)
..(you didn’t even notice..did you..?..
..little steps in the right direction..eh..?..)
..and it’s been a long thread..
…i might go and smoke a joint..
..and listen to some music..
phillip ure
Nope. I make I own and have for years. Very therapeutic kneading dough. And tending to my sour dough yeasty pets. (they are vegan too. like your dogs.)
What is going on here on ‘The Standard’ seems to be a bit of a worry. I know it is still the holiday season, the end phase of it, but I notice that ‘Open Mike’ is getting the bulk of attention and comments, apart from very few other topics.
I hope that soon some writers and commentators here will focus on the real issues of this election year:
Economic policy and direction (differentiating the “left” and “progressive” from the status quo, short sighted mess);
Social justice – with justifying and fighting for a minimum wage at $ 15 to 16 an hour, also promoting the idea of the “living wage”, and thus better incomes for those that have been neglected by this crap government;
More social justice – by being truly inclusive and fair, and reversing the worst of the “welfare reforms” that Bennett and her lot are “celebrating” with manipulating figures and outcomes; which means, a new benefit and welfare system offering UBI or something similar, that will not be punitive, not be full of sanctions and NOT treat sick and disabled as useful “human material” to feed to greedy employers – but by truly supporting, working with and helping those in need;
Sustainable development – by showing a clear direction in transforming NZ’s infrastructure and economy to a more sustainable, environmentally compatible, fairer and healthier economic system, that can survive and outlast the short sighted idiocy we are getting from Key, Grosser and the lot;
Economic development – by promoting and investing in value added, more diversified production here in NZ, that offer better value export products and services, and that surely also focuses on developing the local economy, rather than keep things “ticking over”;
Healthcare that will support the needs of the present population and also focus more on prevention of diseases and illness, same as accidents and so forth, incentivising healthy behaviour and employment, by tax or other discounts, and perhaps also levying unhealthy food and behaviour, putting a charge or sanctions on such; and I want government to stop interfering with medical science, by promoting mad “research”, which is not sufficiently fact based, by ones like the mad UK “professor” Mansel Aylward;
By aligning NZ again with progressive countries that follow smart and constructive social, economic and various other policies, rather than blindly follow the Anglo Saxon economies like the US, Australia and so; a different strategic global policy may be called for, rather than what we have;
Put a new focus on education, to follow ideas like those in Finland, to bring about better results. Some progress happened before, but the over focus on national standards and now even charter schools is distracting from putting more resources, ideas and manpower into the existing systems. I also would like to see the abolition of elite private schools, charging them extra for catering for high income parents or whatever, because we need more equality, need to set examples, and must have smart, talented, gifted students sit in class with those less fortunate, to help them progress, which also develops social and collective skills;
We need a fairer tax system, which cannot just be about an intro of a CGT; we need a transaction tax, we need a higher income rate for top earners, we need to look at a reduction of GST, at least for essentials;
There is NO place for poverty in a country rich in resources. So retail supermarkets need looking at, perhaps by introducing more competition, or by regulating some behaviour, as it is idiotic to accept that certain NZ produce can be bought cheaper in London and Frankfurt than here in Auckland;
The environment is also paramount, and NZ is in vast areas already so destroyed, when it comes to the natural environment, it is not funny; I want more resources in bio security, in conservation, protection of species and so forth, certainly better equipped marine vessels for emergencies for oil and gas disasters; we get too much of the law being hollowed out under this government; NZ is NOT clean and green, it is a hypocrisy, and that is wrong!
There is heaps more I would like to raise, like fairer, better worker’s protection, work safety standards to be improved, electricity and housing needing to become more affordable, and much more, but I read too little on all this here now, at least over the last few weeks.
I would encourage those contributing here to focus on some of the above. Some do, but the slow season is nearing its end, and we must now work on election year and the issues that need addressing. I look forward to more writing here, and more commenting, as reading TS is very entertaining and also enlightening most the times.
Jolly well said Xtasy!
Well said. But should the push be for roll back of only some measures “reversing the worst of the welfare reforms” incremental change or substantial structural change that the next right wing government finds harder to reverse or sell off for their own gains.
+100 xtasy…you need to get back on the case more often