Police are investigating alleged assaults by an orchard owner against migrant workers in Central Otago, including an incident where a worker says he was made to lie on the floor, stood on, and sworn at.
Another Pacific Island worker alleged he had his ear pulled by the same man, while others say he regularly called the workers names including calling one man “lazy arse”.
There was an “atmosphere of fear” at the farm they were assigned to, the workers told investigators from the Human Rights Commission, but they didn’t know how to report their problems, and so they stayed quiet for six months, until they moved north earlier this year.
An investigation by Equal Employment Opportunities Commissioner Saunoamaali'i Karanina Sumeo found that migrant horticulture workers are living in cold, damp and overcrowded housing, have been denied paid sick leave after falling ill and have faced excessive restrictions placed on them by employers.
Just a thought for a Saturday morning (and the application of a fair amount to hindsight).
I think the Labour Party has done remarkably well after their 2020 landslide victory, managing all the 65 hyper egos that constitute the parliamentary party.
A number of these egos were new to the rigours of parliamentary life, swept in on the wave of popular approval for the way the Coalition handled the pandemic.
Inevitably (with hindsight again) some of these egos will ignore Keith Holyoak’s advice to ‘breathe through your nose.’
That only one has crashed and burned is testament to a well-managed ship of state, to which much praise must go to the PM and her office. If only one ‘misfit’ got through the selection process and made it into the House this shows, IMO, good management processes.
Superb, if you compare this with other parties, with particular reference to the Upfendoff case, where the selection panel knew of the candidate’s short-comings but chose not to tell the electorate.
It really can’t be easy to manage a large number of new and inflated egos in the context of the routine of government. So, generally, well done, Labour.
While we get distracted by brazen nutjobs, there may be stealth lunacy creeping in the back door.
Christo-fascism has destroyed the GOP in America and riddled Australia's Liberals. By stealth or by arrogance, they don't care, they just want power. Are we subject to the same steady takeover from delusional cult members?
For those who remain, they will be faced with rebuilding the trust of a public weary of political scandals.
And for Labor, there's only so long they can wallow in their opponent's misfortune.
The challenge it faces is to rebuild the trust the nation puts in politicians to govern transparently.
Ex PM Morrison's machinations are an object lesson in how to circumvent democratic conventions, and undermine trust in all politicians and political institutions.
By stealth or by arrogance, they don't care, they just want power. Are we subject to the same steady takeover from delusional cult members?
An almost perfect description of the Critical Theory Cult … Wokedom relatively weak among the wider population … but dominant among cultural, political & administrative elites … a self-interested top-down authoritarian PMC vanity project guaranteed to create new forms of social injustice … in key respects, the antithesis of traditional liberal, universalist, egalitarian Social Democracy.
Ironically, you’re – at the very least – Cult-adjacent.
– constitute a deep and rapidly growing threat to the security of the United States, including the January 6th insurrection against democratically elected government
Obviously the next infection target of Christian nationalists, as distinct from your tiresome rebukes of people with different opinions to you, is the US military.
There's plenty of literature on this if you care to read it, but the fundamental is clear: 48 hours before the attack on Congress, ten former secretaries of defence on January 4th published a letter in The Washington Post, essentially warning the military to stay out of the election results. This is just two days before Biden was supposed to be confirmed, and Congress was stormed.
On the same day, Admiral Stavridis, former Supreme Commander of NATO and a Senior Executive in Carlyle Group one of the largest private equity funds and a major investor in the military-industrial complex. He wrote a column in Time magazine supporting the letter of the ten former secretaries.
President Trump was clear about what he was doing holding up a Bible and preparing the military to smash up those who protested against him.
Nope, the military aren't going to be woke-ified. They are going to be Christian Nationalised. And then there is no going back to democracy at all.
Cult-adjacent. Misdirection and plain shitforbrains methinks. Ridiculous.
I grew up in these clown-cults. I have 8 years consecutive as a merit student in scripture union and the more I learned the more I was at war with these hypocrites, these abusers, these Sunday trumpet blowing dandies.
A group I’d crawl over broken glass to get away from.
I've been critical of the infiltration of school boards by the religious for years and sat on boards myself to help negate their influence.
There was a list published in the media 15 or so years ago of a list of 40 or so wealthy fundamentalist Americans who decided that New Zealand was the appropriate bolt-hole – and small enough to influence government – that they would move here. I recall there was one who had bible messages on his burger chains cups, etc on the list and about 5 had been granted residency under at that point
I also recall ACT having to suddenly sort out quite a few candidates for one election some years back as well as 5 or 6 were not NZ residents.
I try hard not to fall down conspiracy rabbit holes but I do suspect with the plethora of American style politics and policy's – three strikes, pay less tax, anti-government, increasing homelessness and putting homeless in motels a la The Florida Project and so on it has been going on for a while.
I've hunted a few times for that list thinking I should see how many have residency now but have never been able to find it again.
YesD.O.S The Evangelical mob tried to take over a School in Rotorua, but the staff and parents managed to avoid that, in the 90s We had a couple on our Board, and when I read them the secular rules for NZ schools I became Satan's sister lol. Those folk are dispersed now and people became wary of their affiliations. I would like to see that List. There may be a few surprises.
Wow, thanks for giving me a heads up about 'The Platform.' Never heard of it before. Taking in what the opposition is up to is always good. I found this disturbing article regarding Dame Anne Salmond being cancelled. This type of shit needs to be addressed by Labour if we expect to win the next election. If such a venerated person with much mana can be trampled over with impunity, what chance do the rest of us have? More votes for ACT?
"Reality is just not the point".. Yet the Platform interviewed the main protagonists of the Stuff – Fire and Fury doco, and at least attempted to test them, question them and get their side of the story, which I thought is a basic of journalism to get both sides. Something which stuff appeared to go out of their way not to do.
And you can literally find angry commentary made in any protest, at the extreme ends. Have we forgotten about Hone Harawira? At least he was usually given right of reply by the mainstream media.
I'm at a loss to understand how it can be called fair, even believable journalism. Taking sound bites from people, putting them alongside scary music and 1984 imagery, with biased expert commentary who make tenuous links is, dare I say it Alex Jones stuff.
Don't really see them hounding the media off the scene though. The angry, middle-aged woman was an eye-opener – most of all, to herself, I imagine, were she to watch the footage. That's quite disturbing.
We all listened to that garbage first hand, day in, day out. You can deny it was the stuff of the protest all you like but it came out of the mouths of family, friends, former friends, flatmates and other persons starting with F. Then they concentrated the stupid on parliament grounds till it was stupid fuck plus.
A steady stream of implied threats "you shall pay", "you will see", and absolute nonsense "you're a government shill", "Jabcinda's a man", "where's Clark" while they 'flood the zone' aka send you all manner of bullshit earnestly pleading you read some incoherent toddlers 'research' or listen to endless clips where they trot out some knee surgeon to talk viruses to an avon salesperson for two fucking hours.
Perhaps you think we didn't hear the underlying message:
'Loss of trust in state institutions'
'Loss of trust in corporations'
'Loss of trust in science'
'Poor mental health funding'
'Institutionalised minority bashing'
and 'sociopathic white supremacists co-opt locally aggrieved persons and promise 'freedom' in exchange for sanity, social standing and reality'.
to be honest many of the rabbit (rabid) hole fallers aren't aggrieved about anything. They have never protested in their lives or stood up against power or previously made a stand.
It is as weird as shit as to why they have suddenly turned vociferous spouting nonsense they know little about, quoting charlatans as truth-seekers and continually calling me and others sheep all the while displaying cultish behaviour.
You do really get a sense of the algorithms in the social media space moving from drip-feeding knowing you are pregnant before your husband does five or six years ago to a torrent of self perpetuating dribble once you have dipped your toes in the conspiracy water. I used to get a nice and surprising mix of different recommendations in my various feeds that were useful. The algorithms are definitely much more aggressive and focussed now than they used to be. I started noticing this a few years back after a family member was killed in a workplace accident. On their birthday and anniversary of their death family would get inundated with advertising for the workplace they died in causing further anguish and reminders to the point we just don't go online if we can help it those days. Their name. death and the workplace are forever linked together in internet land.
I notice it only takes one query about something now to get advertising around that item and how connected it is across the different platforms – look something up in a retail shop – within less than an hour you are getting ads on Facebook or youtube or Stuff for the same or similar items.
I have no doubt with facial recognition you will be starting to see advertising in places like movie theatres targeted to the actual shopping habits of the people who are at that session.
The speed, accuracy and intenseness of the algorithms needs to be tempered in some way – maybe a compulsory randomness and apposite generator built in that maybe generates 50% of the recommendations to stop the spiraling.
You make interesting and valid points. Yes, some of the grievances were fictional (many, in fact), but the underlying angst (whatever the cause) was there to be tapped into.
I was contemplating the algorithm issue recently. Spying is all, of course, about money (pissant proxy power) and power (information being power).
Corporations make a lot of money herding us into easily reachable demographics so all this spying is not going to stop unless governments legislate themselves a spine (lol) or public backlash is so great it affects bottom line (more likely) or – we build something better?
Until I see a better model where we get useful info piped to us but are not spied on constantly… I'm all for making spying online illegal until a legal case for each case can be made. NOT a financial case, a case for the 'greater good'.
Some kind of filter that lets our computer know – this is a public service vs – this is a public nuisance. Perhaps.
I didn't see Sharma's latest offering on this morning's TV3 "The Nation", but I did see the debate. Janet Wilson, Judith Collin's former press secretary, was the only one who was mildly reasonable. The young PR woman had no idea what she was talking about. But the piéce de resistance was Josie Pagani – the woman who has spent the last 10 years wreaking revenge on Labour because they failed to pamper her inflated ego.
Venom dripped from her mouth, particularly towards Jacinda Ardern. She claimed Labour had been asking for it because their back-benchers have nothing to do but sit around all day twiddling their thumbs. That is a lie! I have seen back-benchers in various stages of exhaustion over the years because they have so much to do. They all have background portfolio responsibilities and are expected to sit on several select committees .
No-one raised the communication difficulties everyone has experienced since the start of the pandemic. Oh no, that would spoil the punch-up.
Or…was always heading Right. While white-anting Labour for all she was worth. TBH I'd never heard of her until 2 elections ago. I asked on the Standard about her…and really, her true Blue colour was pretty much known
I would think it is more accurate to say that Pagani can validly use Jim Anderton's comment. "I didn't leave the Labour Party. The Labour Party left me".
The party moved in different directions of course. I Jim's case it moved to the centre. In Pagani's case I imagine she thinks that the Party has moved to a rather odd combination of hard left opinions and racism.
That would seem to be an accurate description as far as I can see.
Blairite=BlairRight. He will never be forgiven for the Iraq war….incipient privatisation of the NHS (which Liz Truss supports) ….cozying up to Murdoch…etc etc
Blair? Wasn't he the UK PM Ms Ardern worked for as a "senior policy adviser"?
Ah yes "She then moved overseas to London, where she worked as a senior policy advisor for British Prime Minister Tony Blair in the UK Cabinet Office."
Blairites are instantly recognizable by their resemblance to Dolores Umbridge from the Harry Potter series – one of the finest satirical political vignettes of the last century.
You can imagine what Pagani thinks; I can only imagine what you think and since you’re commenting here, only relevant is what you think and write here – hiding behind other people’s thoughts or feelings is weak and pathetic and reeks of cowardice. Be a real man and tell us how you really feel about the Labour Party …
I voted for them in quite a lot of the elections in the last 40 or so years. In fact I voted for them in 1981, 1984, 1987, 1999 and 2002. Why not recently? Because they are quite useless and they have been a disaster for New Zealand.
I wanted to be able to vote for them in 2017, because no Government should have more than 3 consecutive terms, but I thought they were completely incapable of forming a decent Government. I have been proved right.
That isn't a moral description of course. An alternative word would be competent. It is a Government that does, on time and at a reasonable price, carry out the activities required of it. It also only does the things that are required and are beneficial to society.
I regard these sort of things as ones which demonstrate that the current lot are incapable of doing a decent job.
Kiwibuild. The amalgamation of the Polytechs, Providing an effective health system. Reducing homelessness. Providing suitable roading. Reducing violence in communities. Providing sensible public transport. etc, etc.
And again. Your name is most apt in the sense of your most accurate observations.
Jacinda got elected and hung in through plenty of grim times and then had some luck with the final circumstances.
But also it worked because of a lack of complication in some of her thoughts and presentation of them. And sure she’s a post Key figure rather than a partisan firebrand, but she’s done well on many many things.
Not Just Kansas; Women Motivated to Vote in States with Repro Rights at Risk
As we detailed in our analysis last week, the electorate in Kansas changed dramatically in the days after the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision leaked. Kansans turned out in record numbers in the primary and delivered a victory for abortion rights, a win fueled by Democrats out registering Republicans by 9 points since the Dobbs decision was announced, with a staggering 70% of all new registrants being women.
Now, as we move ahead through additional state primaries and toward the midterm elections, there is evidence that what happened in Kansas isn’t an outlier. In states like Wisconsin and Michigan where reproductive rights are at stake this year, we’re seeing a meaningful gender gap in registration, whereby women are out-registering men by significant margins. In states like Rhode Island and New York where reproductive rights are protected by Democratic leaders in government, no gender gap exists.
Republican crises of conscience aren't much help now, but good to see some have a conscience:
Collins revealed that he had sleepless nights after learning that doctors refused to extract the fetus from a 19-year-old woman whose water broke at 15 weeks of pregnancy.
"That weighs on me," Collins remarked. "I voted for that bill. These are affecting people and we're having a meeting about this. That whole week I did not sleep."
There's also lot of angry Dad's now motivated to vote against GOP.
I had hoped their implosion/division (Truth vs Trump) would seal the GOP's fate – so I could shallowly have a told you so moment to some TS authors, but attacking women's rights might be the actual straw that breaks the elephants back.
I have given the Sharma McAnulty relationship a bit of thought. McAnulty was a list MP for a term and he was selected as a junior whip. In the 2020 election he won the seat of Wairarapa and became an electorate MP and a chief government whip. Sharma and McAnulty are of similar age and they possibly clashed.
I do think that McAnulty did not have enough time in Parliament to have been the wisest pick to become a chief government whip. I do think that Sharma needed to be careful about anything he states.
I would like to see an independent inquiry into how McAnulty handled Sharma.
Sharma is the electorate MP for Hamilton West. Sharma is no slacker when it comes to proving he can work hard and for the benefit of people. Medical school and some surgical training is not for the faint hearted.
Getting into medical school is hard enough in the first place let alone the rigours of what comes next. Obviously many excellent candidates don't make the cut to even train to be doctors. Undoubtedly many who miss out would have made fine doctors.
That's why, when some doctor 'goes astray' and does something bewilderingly dumb, or shows human frailties beyond expectation, we see clearly that the qualities we wish all doctors had are not present in all of them.
We ascribe some sort of 'super person' status to them. We give them the benefit of the doubt – "oh, but he's a doctor, he wouldn't do that."
Two eye doctors have been in the news in the past week to do with terrible incidents. Another in the past fortnight has made the news for 'inappropriate behaviour' to do with female patients.
One shocking case most clearly demonstrating a 'fall from grace' involved a young doctor. For all the effort, dedication and intelligence to get to be a doctor, how could it be as it was and end as it did?
Doctors are not god. I have read enough Health and Disability Commission decisions to know that. I also read about the conduct of doctors in the media.
Look, I get that you don't like Sharma – but please stick to the actual facts.
Sharma is indeed an electorate MP for Hamilton West, just as McAnulty is for Wairarapa.
Sharma is male, he's a Doctor of medicine, they all think they are god. They only have to be in an organization for five minutes to expect to be in charge of everything.
He probably expected to have an important role and hasn't been promoted above his competency. All nurses can identify the type.
When I was in hospital earlier this year I said to the nurse… "but the surgeon said such and such." The nurse gave me a piercing look and said in all seriousness… "Don't take any notice of the surgeons. They haven't a clue what is going on."
I had the impression it was the nurses who run the hospitals, not the doctors and surgeons.
When it came to the care an ex partner received from a DHB the nursing staff showed diligence and the doctors made error after error. Went in for a simple op, had 3 surgeries in a week and the third surgery was for a treatment injury. Returned from surgery moribund and died 3 hours later.
You can see by the way Sharma has conducted himself that he is unscrupulous.
He lied about travel allowances and ramped everything up to 11. The whips office is there to help him, but he was unhappy and again here he is unhappy. Even in this he is behaving not as someone who has a shred of legitimacy, but someone who is trying to spread shit everywhere. He’s made claims and thrown insults and perjoratives, drip fed things and not provided evidence.
He’s performing a hit job, nothing more.
Im sure there are a lot of people who voted for him who are feeling particularly betrayed. But again the clear message is that this is about him. I mean the piece in Stuff comparing him to Rishi Sunak, the billionaire who propped up Boris, shows the grandiosity of his support and its lack of morals.
If there was a basis for anything more I’m sure it will happen. Currently there’s nothing.
Labour needs to select a strong candidate in Hamilton West and fight the good fight.
He knows that Labour won’t give him the oxygen of a case. Politically it’s hard to know what motivates him.
But the lady who defended him based on ethnicity reminded me of Morgan Godfrey pining for a Maori PM and thinking Shane Jones was the closest chance, despite everything.
I don’t think he’s worried about his financial future, but maybe MPs life is more exciting than GP practice and he’d like it to continue.
I too have given the Sharma McAnulty relationship a bit of thought.
I have concluded all I know is stuff through various media and to make some judgement about how MacAnulty operates as whip or any other role is presumptuous. Or is that 'preposterous.'
The context of your comment "Politics is about team play and not ego play," reads as though a judgement has been made about and he is unsuitable for his job.
An independent inquiry into how McAnulty handled Sharma? How about independent inquiries on every MP who is bad mouthed by someone?
They're starting to work out (slowly) that a guy who promises "hundreds of pages" of evidence and delivers none, a guy who makes private messages public, a guy who secretly records his colleagues, a guy who is too busy to speak to the PM or caucus but suddenly available for media on his own terms …
Sharma could sharpen up his team skills. The government needs to show transparency on what transpired between McAnulty and Sharma. Having a big ego is not the way to go. Dealing with the facts is the way to go.
I do think there is a difference between an electorate and a list MP when it turns to custard. One requires a by election the other is a space on a list.
The sort of politician NZ needs to heal the deep division and damage embedded into our country over the past 5 years……..
Where's that Nicolamania (nice) quote come from, and does columnist Cloe Willetts, or indeed National's Nicola Willis, have an opinion on the nature and cause(s) of "the deep division and damage" now apparently "embedded into our country"?
The Nicolamania quote comes from the comments to the article and appears to reflect the general opinions of the target audience. It is obviously a puff piece to bolster the professional but homely/family image of the deputy leader of the National party. And of course they will have an opinion on the nature and causes, its all the Ardern govts fault.
Ruth Richardson's favourite recipe left in the microwave for 25 years and now ready to eat (apparently). The clever bit is that 25 years on 'high' doesn't spoil the meal, because when you open the container it's always empty. Someone else ate it ages ago. All that matters is the mountain of blather that surrounds, justifies and transcendentally sanctifies the (notional) meal with a pseudo-religious zeal.
I don't understand the reluctance to have an inquiry, even if there is not much to inquire into, as it's a well-understood mechanism in politics to take the heat out of things.
Maybe Ardern is hoping that the Greens will provide a distraction soon, when they have their big vote between James Shaw and checks notes James Shaw.
it's a well-understood mechanism in politics to take the heat out of things.
Well, yes. But it requires an agreed understanding of the issue – in effect, of the simple meaning of words.
If (for example) there's an allegation that MP X spent public money on a private trip, which has happened in Parliament before, then there is something to investigate. Concrete facts. The answer is usually "it was against the rules", or "it was technically within the rules but not a good look".
But the issue Sharma claims is "bullying" is defined by him as "something that happens to me". He has rejected any suggestion at all that he might ever have been at fault during the past 2 years, despite the testimony of his own staffers. Therefore, there is no possible outcome to an "independent inquiry" that will satisfy Gaurav Sharma. He is never going to accept a finding that (for example) …
"party whips did not behave in a way that is any different from their predecessors, but these expectations should now be updated for a modern workplace" … and also "Sharma had demands of his staff that created unnecessary stress, and that should have been handled better."
That kind of outcome, balanced but with mild criticism, would get a very predictable response from a man who has no self-awareness whatsoever. He is the only victim, and an "independent inquiry" must say so.
Anything else, and he'd be demanding an "independent inquiry" into the "independent inquiry", which was carried out by a Labour stooge, etc, etc, etc.
Labour/Ardern have given up on him, and so he's not worth any more of their time. That judgement is hard to argue with.
"Sharma suggested some of the most powerful offices in Parliament were working to enforce a culture of fear and bullying where MPs felt that they could not speak freely.
He named “the whip’s office, the offices of the leaders of various parties, along with the Office of the Leader of the Opposition and the Prime Minister's Office”.
Those leaders alongside Parliamentary Service were allowing for the bullying of MPs and staff members, which he said had become “rampant”. No evidence to support this claim was provided.
He said Parliamentary Service was led by people whose self-interest was stopping it from upholding the proper running of Parliament. He went further, saying the service itself was being “used” by party whips to “bully and harass their MPs”."
(italics added)
So there should be an inquiry into Parl Service, the offices of leaders of at least 2 parties, and the whips. That makes it bigger than even the Francis report.
And all based on claims by one unhappy MP who consistently refuses to offer evidence.
It doesn't get anywhere near the threshold required. There's a reason courts have pre-trial hearings and don't clog up the system with every vexatious litigant. The world does not revolve around one angry man.
Well, I guess you either have the inquiry and come to a swift resolution, or, you continue to down-play the accusations and allow the festering boil to grow.
If Ardern had taken this to an inquiry, no-one would be talking about this now, as we all know inquiries are like working groups – a lengthy sentence to obscurity.
However, a mistake was made with Ardern's decision-making, and the 'threshold' you refer to will soon be breached.
Not a threshold of evidence, but a threshold of perception.
And with humans, perception is ultimately more powerful than mere 'evidence'.
Chess: if you read what Observer says above you surely can see that an inquiry would be a joke.
Sharma’s ego and sense of entitlement have got out of hand; he has, in reality, made a fool of himself. Labour are well rid of him.
Hoskin with his attempt to smear Jacinda as a liar via his ZB interview with Sharma, should hang his head in shame, though I guess he doesn’t know the meaning of the word.
Good luck to Provost on her new appointment. The morale in the police is not that great when it comes to being degraded or reporting incidents of bullying amoung the ranks.
Raising the middle finger to NZTA one more time, Bevan Woodward gets a judicial review going against the decision to not even trial cycling over the Auckland Harbour Bridge, despite a direct request from the Minister of Transport.
Yeah. As a tax and/or ratepayer (not sure which side will be picking up the legal bills) I'm not exactly enthralled by his crusade.
And, as someone who regularly travels around Auckland and sees the behaviour of both motor vehicle drivers (not just cars – buses, vans, motorcycles), AND cyclists (some of whom seem to have an active deathwish) – I am firmly on the side of Waka Kotahi.
Opening up a single lane on the Auckland Harbour Bridge to cyclists, on the proposed trial basis (i.e. without any significant safety infrastructure) really is opening the gates to a multiple-victim tragedy.
NZTA needs to deliver sunlight and the High Court is the best place for it. Let's see the chance to see their design consultants shredded.
NZTA have actively conspired to kill a cycleway over the harbour for the best part of 15 years.
They have found technical reasons to kill at least four proposals. The first of which didn't require NZTA funding and which Bevan Woodward led himself. Each time NZTA ensured there was little for the Minister to defend and much in the public arena for ZB listeners to froth about. They are obviously waging a successful war against this Minister.
NZTA and indeed Kiwirail and AT have managed to generate cycleways on every other major arterial in Auckland including the motorways and railways, but not the Harbour Bridge.
Roche the NZTA Chair is well overdue for replacing as is most of the Board – particularly after multiple fiascos and blowouts this term: Transmission Gully, Northern Gateway, Waikato Expressway, and a comprehensive inability to enable national network resilience in a wet winter.
The number of times I've been on a major infrastructure job and some 50 year old dork comes up and says "Nah mate this is crap I would have done it this way cos my mate is an Injinuur', never fails to amaze me.
We have had four feasible and costed proposals already.
The wind shear was easily accounted for on Grafton Bridge when they put shields on it, same on the Crimson Cycleway, same on multiple others.
When it is necessary to stop traffic on the Auckland Harbour Bridge for wind, they do so. Happens every year.
There is no money,we are already an at risk economy with our CA deficit blowout,and serious questions are being asked about the quangos (ratings).
The NZ $ depreciated >4 % this week alone over 15% in the last 12 months.when you can come up with a single project that will be delivered on time and under budget,and without significant underestimated problems for maintenance or design f/ups.And at the end of the day it has no economic advantage.
Rutherford also said there was Physics and stamp collecting,as it is physically impossible to ride a pushbike carbon free (the respiration problem) there are better opportunities for investment.
So if NZTA have worked effectively, in partnership with other agencies, to implement cycleways alongside other highways (Northwestern, etc.) – it's hardly feasible to say that they are anti-cycleways. Perhaps, just perhaps, they really do have a point that this one is too dangerous and/or disruptive to the regular flow of traffic. Perhaps, indeed, 'A bridge too far'
If an NZTA engineer was instructed to, they would put a canal system for yachts on the top of Mt Cook. They've bored through basalt 10 metres thick at Waterview, formed curved lanes 20 metres in the air at 90 degree curves at Pt Chev, designed whole new rail+road tunnels for the Waitemata, and are currently designing underground rail systems multiple kilometres long at over $500m a kilometre in Light Rail.
That they have found a unique design problem that is too hard for them is preposterous.
There's no doubt these things are expensive. The Petone and Riverlink systems are stupendous, and the New Lynn to Avondale one was up there. So price it up team.
Why we can't just put in a PT option to get cycles across the harbour bridge at 1 millionth of the cost, beats me!
It would be cheap and easy to put in a cycle shuttle, looping from outside the old AHB offices at Northcote Point, across the bridge, off at Shelly Beach Road and with drop off and pick up at Curran St.
Run it every 10 minutes (or more frequently if the demand picks up), during peak hours, and every 30 minutes the rest of the time. Run more frequent services on weekends and/or public holidays to accommodate the recreational cyclists.
Cyclists cycle up to the pick up point at Northcote point and from the drop off point in Westhaven. Functionally exactly the same as the many overseas models where you cycle to the train station, load your bike, and cycle again when you get off.
Virtually no infrastructural changes required. Cyclists can demonstrate the actual demand in both short and long term. Which gives actual figures for planning for a long term cycle-path in association with the already-in-planning new harbour crossing.
Actually implementing it (and running it fees free for the first couple of years) would probably be cheaper than a single court case.
Every step you walk up Albert Street in Auckland's CBD, now costs us about $1.5 million. Whatever cost-effective is. Get your Gold Card ready for that one in 2025.
Listening now, but haven't forgotten that Eaqub headlined in 2012 about why people should rent, not buy. I bet anyone who listened to him is damn sorry.
He subsequently did a volte-face and bought in 2017.
Economists, by and large, aren't really terribly good at predicting what is going to happen.
I think that that GFC experience is reinforcing the NZ belief that house-price corrections are short term.
IIRC, the drop in the property market started in 2008, and had substantially recovered by 2010. NZ was in a very different situation than the US – we didn't have their sub-prime loan issue.
The elephant in the room, that I don't think he addressed, was the Government imposed lending criteria – which is a factor throttling the mortgage lending by the commercial banks. And what changes a National / Act goverment might make.
The political instability he forecast, doesn't fill me with optimism.
Our GFC experience was moderate however there was much activity/concern behind the scenes including RBNZ support.
Assume the Gov imposed lending criteria you are referring to are CCCFA changes from Dec last year….the banks had already begun a self imposed tightening prior …the CCCFA isnt the reason banks are currently reticent…fear of loses is.
Agree that if he is correct about fragmentation of the political centre then it dosnt exactly encourage stability.
GFC is different as we had the CHCH earthquakes,which brought into NZ a significant injection of free capital (insurance) the 42 billion was entered on the capital account (not current account) and made the government look good.
But the house prices in London (and for most of the rest of the UK) did the same thing – drop after the GFC, and then a fairly quick (couple of years) correction back to almost the same pre- GFC level.
The UK BOE dropped interest rates in 2008 to 2% (from 5.5% and variable mortgages of 7.5%) In 2009 they dropped it to 0.5% where it stayed for 7 years (mortgages 2.5%)
Lots of wasted money,and huge future costs (opex) for the ratepayers with concrete money shredders such as the conference centre (or worse with the stadium)
Lots of wasted money, the wrong things built in the wrong places, the training/employment opportunities wasted, lost investment in future proofed infrastructure.
No current belief from people that house prices will continue to fall (they think any corrections are short term and temporary)
Major throttle on house sales is ability to get a mortgage (controlled by by Reserve Bank).
Covid housing boom driven by RBNZ flooding housing market with cheap money. Major, major, error.
SE is keen on much more active intervention from government in banking. Culture problem in Wellington. RBNZ will be forced to change (not only in NZ)
Believes that there will be a long-term change, making it much harder to get a mortgage – so money flows away from housing to other investments. [Not sure *why* he thinks this]
Political division between renters/owners and population shift (no dominant generation). So fragmented, rather than a single dominant group to appease.
No 'centre' (group where interests overlap). Changes of government more frequent. Lots of reversal of policies as government change.
Politically there is a consensus that there is a problem. Debating over the solutions. Move from empathy to action. (Positive)
Wants to see a land tax. For everyone (no exemptions).
Housing policy is all inter-related. No 'one thing' you can do.
Underbuilt for 40 years. Not building fast enough. Moving towards medium density.
Problem: Most housing is being built for owner-occupiers. Not enough emphasis on renters, affordable housing, etc.
Places like Gisborne – rental stock is actually shrinking.
Immigration. Covid showed that house price increases don't have to be tied to immigration! But it is a driver, and is unpredictable (boom/bust)
Expecting to see a bust on the house-building side. Not enough people, with very high incomes (i.e. can get a mortgage), who want to buy. Affordable housing isn't economic to build.
Auckland – lose people to provinces, gain from international migration. So rents (comparatively) low, right now. But may change quickly and unpredictably.
1/3 of income should be spent on housing – most people renting spend more, and is expensively supplemented by the govt. (Affordability going to be a major issue for people retiring with a mortgage, or paying rent)
Tenancies Act reform has improved things for renters, but not enough.
An answer is Institutional Landlords (build to rent) want long term tenancies (no turnover). cf Britain.
Most rental stock in NZ is mum & dad landlords. Not really in the business of being a landlord – business is really capital gain – tenants are a sideline.
NZ not ready culturally for rent control (Muldoon era).
Longer term – the answer is govt and/or institutional landlords for affordable housing.
Short-term Accommodation supplement needs to be indexed annually (more expensive, but encourages to find a better solution).
That’s a nice summary. But that doesn’t mention the incentives.
Almost all politicians own property and are benefiting from the price rises. For them there is no crisis which directly and urgently affects them. Similarly across the country there has been and is a lack of will to fix the problem as it is simply not a problem for many and for most decision makers.
As a society there is no real urgency, no real incentive for urgency, irrespective of who is in charge.
If insurance becomes unaffordable you think there will be urgent action. There was urgent action during the pandemic. There has been some action on inflation. We have participated on some group action on Ukraine.
Politically it doesn’t hurt anyone enough and personally it scarcely affects the political class (negatively) at all.
Yeh let alone when the forces of the reaction arrive and cancel density, public transport and urban planning.
Nice thread discussion, but I’ll believe any significant action after it is built and in use.
Oh I agree, there was a lot which was left out.
I was just covering what was said – for those who don't have time to listen to a 30 minute interview.
Agree that most politicians belong (by default) to the wealthy, older, and therefore property owning classes. Even youngsters like Swarbrick have bought after getting a parliamentary pay cheque.
It seems that increasing uninsurability (not just price increases, but areas which are uninsurable at any price) – is likely to become an issue. But I don't know what action the government could take – apart from reinforcing the pressure to just move away from the problem zone. I don't want to see taxpayers paying for managed retreat for multi-millionaires!
However, no one is denying that France (and the rest of Europe) is in the grip of a major drought, and there has been significant effects on the river systems.
Worst drought in more than 500 years is forecast to continue through until the end of October but not to worry, only one arm of a stretch of France's longest river has run dry.
Bit late for this loltastic insight, but the platforms new expert on ‘Maori Gone Craaazy’ is none other than Graham Adams from (formerly of) the Democracy Project where he hyperventilated about poor old Michael Bassett.
It rather does line up the crossover between the far right and the Democracy project with its Victoria University logo the first thing on the page.
Oh lol: Bryce Edwards, Karl Du Fresne, Marty’s Bradbury and head honcho Sean Plunket. Wonder if you’re allowed to call people a c— on the platform as Plunket famously did on his last job. No token Maori as yet? Plunket made it fairly clear in his first inter with Greive that he is not fussed by the Treaty at all.
It’s the whole Democracy Project team with Geoff Miller and Michael Bassett too.
Whatever Peter Fraser might have done, writing for something like the platform wouldn’t have been one. But emulating one’s heroes is often a bad idea!
but it may have slightly more credibility than Whaleoil , even if much of the underlying philosophy is similar.
This may be the media moment Bernard Hickey was concerned about. Or it might not. Certainly none of the ‘fart tax’, groundswell lot will be admitting they were part of the climate change problem and they’re not newly arrived…
A Republican candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives in Florida has said he would have sent FBI agents home "in a body bag" if they had raided his home the way they searched Mar-a-Lago.
Each day at 4:30 my brother calls in at the rest home to see Dad. My visits can be months apart. Five minutes after you've left, he’ll have forgotten you were there, but every time, his face lights up and it’s a warm happy visit.Tim takes care of almost everything ...
On the 19th of March, ACT announced they would be running candidates in this year’s local government elections. Accompanying that call for “common-sense kiwis” was an anti-woke essay typifying the views they expect their candidates to hold. I have included that part of their mailer, Free Press, in its entirety. ...
Even when the darkest clouds are in the skyYou mustn't sigh and you mustn't crySpread a little happiness as you go byPlease tryWhat's the use of worrying and feeling blue?When days are long keep on smiling throughSpread a little happiness 'til dreams come trueSongwriters: Vivian Ellis / Clifford Grey / ...
Here’s my selection1 of scoops, breaking news, news, analyses, deep-dives, features, interviews, Op-Eds, editorials and cartoons from around Aotearoa’s political economy on housing, climate and poverty from RNZ, 1News, The Post-$2, The Press−$, Newsroom/$3, NZ Herald/$, Stuff, BusinessDesk/$, Politik-$, NBR-$, Reuters, FT/$, WSJ/$, Bloomberg/$, New York Times/$, Washington Post/$, Wired/$, ...
ACT up the game on division politicsEmmerson’s take on David Seymour’s claim Jesus would have supported ACTACT’s announcement it is moving into local politics is a logical next step for a party that is waging its battle on picking up the aggrieved.It’s a numbers game, and as long as the ...
1. What will be the slogan of the next butter ad campaign?a. You’re worth itb.Once it hits $20, we can do something about the riversc. I can’t believe it’s the price of butter d. None of the above Read more ...
It is said that economists know the price of everything and the value of nothing. That may be an exaggeration but an even better response is to point out economists do know the difference. They did not at first. Classical economics thought that the price of something reflected the objective ...
Political fighting in Taiwan is delaying some of an increase in defence spending and creating an appearance of lack of national resolve that can only damage the island’s relationship with the Trump administration. The main ...
The unclassified version of the 2024 Independent Intelligence Review (IIR) was released today. It’s a welcome and worthy sequel to its 2017 predecessor, with an ambitious set of recommendations for enhancements to Australia’s national intelligence ...
Yesterday outgoing Ombudsman Peter Boshier published a report, Reflections on the Official Information Act, on his way out the door. The report repeated his favoured mantra that the Act was "fundamentally sound", all problems were issues of culture, and that no legislative change was needed (and especially no changes to ...
The United States government is considering replacing USAID with a new agency, the US Agency for International Humanitarian Assistance (USIHA), according to documents published by POLITICO. Under the proposed design, the agency will fail its ...
Hi,Journalism was never the original plan. Back in the 90s, there was no career advisor in Bethlehem, New Zealand — just a computer that would ask you 50 questions before spitting out career options. Yes, I am in this photo. No, I was not good at basketball.The top three careers ...
Mōrena. Long stories shortest: Professional investors who are paid a lot of money to be careful about lending to the New Zealand Government think it is wonderful place to put their money. Yet the Government itself is so afraid of borrowing more that it is happy to kill its own ...
As space becomes more contested, Australia should play a key role with its partners in the Combined Space Operations (CSpO) initiative to safeguard the space domain. Australia, Britain, Canada and the United States signed the ...
Ooh you're a cool catComing on strong with all the chit chatOoh you're alrightHanging out and stealing all the limelightOoh messing with the beat of my heart yeah!Songwriters: Freddie Mercury / John Deacon.It would be a tad ironic; I can see it now. “Yeah, I didn’t unsubscribe when he said ...
The PSA are calling the Prime Minister a hypocrite for committing to increase defence spending while hundreds of more civilian New Zealand Defence Force jobs are set to be cut as part of a major restructure. The number of companies being investigated for people trafficking in New Zealand has skyrocketed ...
Another Friday, hope everyone’s enjoyed their week as we head toward the autumn equinox. Here’s another roundup of stories that caught our eye on the subject of cities and what makes them even better. This week in Greater Auckland On Monday, Connor took a look at how Auckland ...
The podcast above of the weekly ‘Hoon’ webinar for paying subscribers on Thursday night features co-hosts & talking with special guest author Michael Wolff, who has just published his fourth book about Donald Trump: ‘All or Nothing’.Here’s Peter’s writeup of the interview.The Kākā by Bernard Hickey Hoon: Trumpism ...
Wolff, who describes Trump as truly a ‘one of a kind’, at a book launch in Spain. Photo: GettyImagesIt may be a bumpy ride for the world but the era of Donald J. Trump will die with him if we can wait him out says the author of four best-sellers ...
Australia needs to radically reorganise its reserves system to create a latent military force that is much larger, better trained and equipped and deployable within days—not decades. Our current reserve system is not fit for ...
Here’s my selection1 of scoops, breaking news, news, analyses, deep-dives, features, interviews, Op-Eds, editorials and cartoons from around Aotearoa’s political economy on housing, climate and poverty from RNZ, 1News, The Post-$2, The Press−$, Newsroom/$3, NZ Herald/$, Stuff, BusinessDesk/$, Politik-$, NBR-$, Reuters, FT/$, WSJ/$, Bloomberg/$, New York Times/$, Washington Post/$, Wired/$, ...
I have argued before that one ought to be careful in retrospectively allocating texts into genres. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1818) only looks like science-fiction because a science-fiction genre subsequently developed. Without H.G. Wells, would Frankenstein be considered science-fiction? No, it probably wouldn’t. Viewed in the context of its time, Frankenstein ...
Elbridge Colby’s senate confirmation hearing in early March holds more important implications for US partners than most observers in Canberra, Wellington or Suva realise. As President Donald Trump’s nominee for under secretary of defence for ...
China’s defence budget is rising heftily yet again. The 2025 rise will be 7.2 percent, the same as in 2024, the government said on 5 March. But the allocation, officially US$245 billion, is just the ...
Concern is growing about wide-ranging local repercussions of the new Setting of Speed Limits rule, rewritten in 2024 by former transport minister Simeon Brown. In particular, there’s growing fears about what this means for children in particular. A key paradox of the new rule is that NZTA-controlled roads have the ...
Speilmeister:Christopher Luxon’s prime-ministerial pitches notwithstanding, are institutions with billions of dollars at their disposal really going to invest them in a country so obviously in a deep funk?HAVING WOOED THE WORLD’s investors, what, if anything, has New Zealand won? Did Christopher Luxon’s guests board their private jets fizzing with enthusiasm for ...
Christchurch City Council is one of 18 councils and three council-controlled organisations (CCOs) downgraded by ratings agency S&P. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāMōrena. Long stories shortest:Standard & Poor’s has cut the credit ratings of 18 councils, blaming the new Government’s abrupt reversal of 3 Waters, cuts to capital ...
Figures released by Statistics New Zealand today showed that the economy grew by 0.7% ending the very deep recession seen over the past year, said NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi Economist Craig Renney. “Even though GDP grew in the three months to December, our economy is still 1.1% smaller than it ...
What is going on with the price of butter?, RNZ, 19 march 2025: If you have bought butter recently you might have noticed something - it is a lot more expensive. Stats NZ said last week that the price of butter was up 60 percent in February compared to ...
I agree with Will Leben, who wrote in The Strategist about his mistakes, that an important element of being a commentator is being accountable and taking responsibility for things you got wrong. In that spirit, ...
You’d beDrunk by noon, no one would knowJust like the pandemicWithout the sourdoughIf I were there, I’d find a wayTo get treated for hysteriaEvery dayLyrics Riki Lindhome.A varied selection today in Nick’s Kōrero:Thou shalt have no other gods - with Christopher Luxon.Doctors should be seen and not heard - with ...
Two recent foreign challenges suggest that Australia needs urgently to increase its level of defence self-reliance and to ensure that the increased funding that this would require is available. First, the circumnavigation of our continent ...
Here’s my selection1 of scoops, breaking news, news, analyses, deep-dives, features, interviews, Op-Eds, editorials and cartoons from around Aotearoa’s political economy on housing, climate and poverty from RNZ, 1News, The Post-$2, The Press−$, Newsroom/$3, NZ Herald/$, Stuff, BusinessDesk/$, Politik-$, NBR-$, Reuters, FT/$, WSJ/$, Bloomberg/$, New York Times/$, The Atlantic-$, The ...
According to RNZ’s embedded reporter, the importance of Winston Peters’ talks in Washington this week “cannot be overstated.” Right. “Exceptionally important.” said the maestro himself. This epic importance doesn’t seem to have culminated in anything more than us expressing our “concern” to the Americans about a series of issues that ...
Up until a few weeks ago, I had never heard of "Climate Fresk" and at a guess, this will also be the case for many of you. I stumbled upon it in the self-service training catalog for employees at the company I work at in Germany where it was announced ...
Japan and Australia talk of ‘collective deterrence,’ but they don’t seem to have specific objectives. The relationship needs a clearer direction. The two countries should identify how they complement each other. Each country has two ...
The NZCTU strongly supports the OPC’s decision to issue a code of practice for biometric processing. Our view is that the draft code currently being consulted on is stronger and will be more effective than the exposure code released in early 2024. We are pleased that some of the revisions ...
Australia’s export-oriented industries, particularly agriculture, need to diversify their markets, with a focus on Southeast Asia. This could strengthen economic security and resilience while deepening regional relationships. The Trump administration’s decision to impose tariffs on ...
Minister Shane Jones is introducing fastrack ‘reforms’ to the our fishing industry that will ensure the big players squeeze out the small fishers and entrench an already bankrupt quota system.Our fisheries are under severe stress: the recent decision by theHigh Court ruling that the ...
In what has become regular news, the quarterly ETS auction has failed, with nobody even bothering to bid. The immediate reason is that the carbon price has fallen to around $60, below the auction minimum of $68. And the cause of that is a government which has basically given up ...
US President Donald Trump’s tariff threats have dominated headlines in India in recent weeks. Earlier this month, Trump announced that his reciprocal tariffs—matching other countries’ tariffs on American goods—will go into effect on 2 April, ...
Hi,Back in June of 2021, James Gardner-Hopkins — a former partner at law firm Russell McVeagh — was found guilty of misconduct over sexually inappropriate behaviour with interns.The events all related to law students working as summer interns at Russell McVeagh:As well as intimate touching with a student at his ...
Climate sceptic MP Mark Cameron has slammed National for being ‘out of touch’ by sticking to our climate commitments. Photo: Lynn GrievesonMōrena. Long stories shortest:ACT’s renowned climate sceptic MP Mark Cameron has accused National of being 'out of touch' with farmers by sticking with New Zealand’s Paris accord pledges ...
Now I've heard there was a secret chordThat David played, and it pleased the LordBut you don't really care for music, do you?It goes like this, the fourth, the fifthThe minor falls, the major liftsThe baffled king composing HallelujahSongwriter: Leonard CohenI always thought the lyrics of that great song by ...
People are getting carried away with the virtues of small warship crews. We need to remember the great vice of having few people to run a ship: they’ll quickly tire. Yes, the navy is struggling ...
Mōrena. Here’s my selection1 of scoops, breaking news, news, analyses, deep-dives, features, interviews, Op-Eds, editorials and cartoons from around Aotearoa’s political economy on housing, climate and poverty from RNZ, 1News, The Post-$2, The Press−$, Newsroom/$3, NZ Herald/$, Stuff, BusinessDesk/$, Politik-$, NBR-$, Reuters, FT/$, WSJ/$, Bloomberg/$, New York Times/$, The Atlantic-$, ...
US President Donald Trump’s hostile regime has finally forced Europe to wake up. With US officials calling into question the transatlantic alliance, Germany’s incoming chancellor, Friedrich Merz, recently persuaded lawmakers to revise the country’s debt ...
We need to establish clearer political boundaries around national security to avoid politicising ongoing security issues and to better manage secondary effects. The Australian Federal Police (AFP) revealed on 10 March that the Dural caravan ...
The NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi have reiterated their call for Government to protect workers by banning engineered stone in a submission on MBIE’s silica dust consultation. “If Brooke van Velden is genuine when she calls for an evidence-based approach to this issue, then she must support a full ban on ...
The Labour Inspectorate could soon be knocking on the door of hundreds of businesses nation-wide, as it launches a major crackdown on those not abiding by the law. NorthTec staff are on edge as Northland’s leading polytechnic proposes to stop 11 programmes across primary industries, forestry, and construction. Union coverage ...
It’s one thing for military personnel to hone skills with first-person view (FPV) drones in racing competitions. It’s quite another for them to transition to the complexities of the battlefield. Drone racing has become a ...
Seymour says there will be no other exemptions granted to schools wanting to opt out of the Compass contract. Photo: Lynn GrievesonLong stories shortest:David Seymour has denied a request from a Christchurch school and any other schools to be exempted from the Compass school lunch programme, saying the contract ...
Russian President Boris Yeltsin, U.S. President Bill Clinton, Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma, and British Prime Minister John Major signed the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty in ...
Edit: The original story said “Palette Cleanser” in both the story, and the headline. I am never, ever going to live this down. Chain me up, throw me into the pit.Hi,With the world burning — literally and figuratively — I felt like Webworm needed a little palate cleanser at the ...
This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by Sarah Wesseler(Image credit: Antonio Huerta) Growing up in suburban Ohio, I was used to seeing farmland and woods disappear to make room for new subdivisions, strip malls, and big box stores. I didn’t usually welcome the changes, but I assumed others ...
Myanmar was a key global site for criminal activity well before the 2021 military coup. Today, illicit industry, especially heroin and methamphetamine production, still defines much of the economy. Nowhere, not even the leafiest districts ...
What've I gotta do to make you love me?What've I gotta do to make you care?What do I do when lightning strikes me?And I wake up and find that you're not thereWhat've I gotta do to make you want me?Mmm hmm, what've I gotta do to be heard?What do I ...
Here’s my selection1 of scoops, breaking news, news, analyses, deep-dives, features, interviews, Op-Eds, editorials and cartoons from around Aotearoa’s political economy on housing, climate and poverty from RNZ, 1News, The Post-$2, The Press−$, Newsroom3, NZ Herald, Stuff, BusinessDesk-$, NBR-$, Reuters, FT-$, WSJ-$, Bloomberg-$, New York Times-$, The Atlantic-$, The Economist-$ ...
Whenever Christopher Luxon drops a classically fatuous clanger or whenever the government has a bad poll – i.e. every week – the talk resumes that he is about to be rolled. This is unlikely for several reasons. For starters, there is no successor. Nicola Willis? Chris Bishop? Simeon Brown? Mark ...
Australia, Britain and European countries should loosen budget rules to allow borrowing to fund higher defence spending, a new study by the Kiel Institute suggests. Currently, budget debt rules are forcing governments to finance increases ...
The NZCTU remains strongly committed to banning engineered stone in New Zealand and implementing better occupational health protections for all workers working with silica-containing materials. In this submission to MBIE, the NZCTU outlines that we have an opportunity to learn from Australia’s experience by implementing a full ban of engineered ...
The Prime Minister has announced a big win in trade negotiations with India.It’s huge, he told reporters. We didn't get everything we came for but we were able to agree on free trade in clothing, fabrics, car components, software, IT consulting, spices, tea, rice, and leather goods.He said that for ...
I have been trying to figure out the logic of Trump’s tariff policies and apparent desire for a global trade war. Although he does not appear to comprehend that tariffs are a tax on consumers in the country doing the tariffing, I can (sort of) understand that he may think ...
As Syria and international partners negotiate the country’s future, France has sought to be a convening power. While France has a history of influence in the Middle East, it will have to balance competing Syrian ...
One of the eternal truths about Aotearoa's economy is that we are "capital poor": there's not enough money sloshing around here to fund the expansion of local businesses, or to build the things we want to. Which gets used as an excuse for all sorts of things, like setting up ...
National held its ground until late 2023 Verion, Talbot Mills & Curia Polls (Red = Labour, Blue = National)If we remove outlier results from Curia (National Party November 2023) National started trending down in October 2024.Verion Polls (Red = Labour, Blue = National)Verian alone shows a clearer deterioration in early ...
In a recent presentation, I recommended, quite unoriginally, that governments should have a greater focus on higher-impact, lower-probability climate risks. My reasoning was that current climate model projections have blind spots, meaning we are betting ...
Daddy, are you out there?Daddy, won't you come and play?Daddy, do you not care?Is there nothing that you want to say?Songwriters: Mark Batson / Beyonce Giselle Knowles.This morning, a look at the much-maligned NZ Herald. Despised by many on the left as little more than a mouthpiece for the National ...
Employers, unions and health and safety advocates are calling for engineered stone to be banned, a day before consultation on regulations closes. On Friday the PSA lodged a pay equity claim for library assistants with the Employment Relations Authority, after the stalling of a claim lodged with six councils in ...
Long stories shortest in Aotearoa’s political economy:Christopher Luxon surprises by announcing trade deal talks with India will start next month, and include beef and dairy. Napier is set to join Whakatane, Dunedin and Westport in staging a protest march against health spending restraints hitting their hospital services. Winston Peters ...
At a time of rising geopolitical tensions and deepening global fragmentation, the Ukraine war has proved particularly divisive. From the start, the battle lines were clearly drawn: Russia on one side, Ukraine and the West ...
Here’s my selection1 of scoops, breaking news, news, analyses, deep-dives, features, interviews, Op-Eds, editorials and cartoons from around Aotearoa’s political economy on housing, climate and poverty from RNZ, 1News, The Post-$2, The Press−$, Newsroom3, NZ Herald, Stuff, BusinessDesk-$, Newsroom-$, Politik-$, NBR-$, Reuters, FT-$, WSJ-$, Bloomberg-$, New York Times-$, The Atlantic-$, ...
Hundreds more Palestinians have died in recent days as Israel’s assault on Gaza continues and humanitarian aid, including food and medicine, is blocked. ...
National is looking to cut hundreds of jobs at New Zealand’s Defence Force, while at the same time it talks up plans to increase focus and spending in Defence. ...
It’s been revealed that the Government is secretly trying to bring back a ‘one-size fits all’ standardised test – a decision that has shocked school principals. ...
The Green Party is calling for the compassionate release of Dean Wickliffe, a 77-year-old kaumātua on hunger strike at the Spring Hill Corrections Facility, after visiting him at the prison. ...
The Green Party is calling on Government MPs to support Chlöe Swarbrick’s Member’s Bill to sanction Israel for its unlawful presence and illegal actions in Palestine, following another day of appalling violence against civilians in Gaza. ...
The Green Party stands in support of volunteer firefighters petitioning the Government to step up and change legislation to provide volunteers the same ACC coverage and benefits as their paid counterparts. ...
At 2.30am local time, Israel launched a treacherous attack on Gaza killing more than 300 defenceless civilians while they slept. Many of them were children. This followed a more than 2 week-long blockade by Israel on the entry of all goods and aid into Gaza. Israel deliberately targeted densely populated ...
Living Strong, Aging Well There is much discussion around the health of our older New Zealanders and how we can age well. In reality, the delivery of health services accounts for only a relatively small percentage of health outcomes as we age. Significantly, dry warm housing, nutrition, exercise, social connection, ...
Shane Jones’ display on Q&A showed how out of touch he and this Government are with our communities and how in sync they are with companies with little concern for people and planet. ...
Labour does not support the private ownership of core infrastructure like schools, hospitals and prisons, which will only see worse outcomes for Kiwis. ...
The Green Party is disappointed the Government voted down Hūhana Lyndon’s member’s Bill, which would have prevented further alienation of Māori land through the Public Works Act. ...
The Labour Party will support Chloe Swarbrick’s member’s bill which would allow sanctions against Israel for its illegal occupation of the Palestinian Territories. ...
The Government’s new procurement rules are a blatant attack on workers and the environment, showing once again that National’s priorities are completely out of touch with everyday Kiwis. ...
With Labour and Te Pāti Māori’s official support, Opposition parties are officially aligned to progress Green Party co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick’s Member’s Bill to sanction Israel for its unlawful presence in Palestine. ...
Te Pāti Māori extends our deepest aroha to the 500 plus Whānau Ora workers who have been advised today that the govt will be dismantling their contracts. For twenty years , Whānau Ora has been helping families, delivering life-changing support through a kaupapa Māori approach. It has built trust where ...
Labour welcomes Simeon Brown’s move to reinstate a board at Health New Zealand, bringing the destructive and secretive tenure of commissioner Lester Levy to an end. ...
This morning’s announcement by the Health Minister regarding a major overhaul of the public health sector levels yet another blow to the country’s essential services. ...
New Zealand First has introduced a Member’s Bill that will ensure employment decisions in the public service are based on merit and not on forced woke ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’ targets. “This Bill would put an end to the woke left-wing social engineering and diversity targets in the public sector. ...
Police have referred 20 offenders to Destiny Church-affiliated programmes Man Up and Legacy as ‘wellness providers’ in the last year, raising concerns that those seeking help are being recruited into a harmful organisation. ...
Te Pāti Māori welcomes the resignation of Richard Prebble from the Waitangi Tribunal. His appointment in October 2024 was a disgrace- another example of this government undermining Te Tiriti o Waitangi by appointing a former ACT leader who has spent his career attacking Māori rights. “Regardless of the reason for ...
Police Minister Mark Mitchell is avoiding accountability by refusing to answer key questions in the House as his Government faces criticism over their dangerous citizen’s arrest policy, firearm reform, and broken promises to recruit more police. ...
The number of building consents issued under this Government continues to spiral, taking a toll on the infrastructure sector, tradies, and future generations of Kiwi homeowners. ...
The Green Party is calling on the Prime Minister to rule out joining the AUKUS military pact in any capacity following the scenes in the White House over the weekend. ...
Parliament's recent inquiry and debate on climate change adaptation asked small questions, looked short-term and inched towards reactive solutions. ...
No news is good newsLord Breen of Seymour was taking the watersAt the Head in the Clouds Health Spa.A figure walked up the long, winding stepsTo his mountain top resort.It was the Court Surgeon.“What’s up, Sawbones?,” chuckled Lord Breen.“Why didn’t you fly up in the Royal Balloon?”“Lo,” said the Court ...
Asia Pacific Report Green Party co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick called on New Zealand government MPs today to support her Member’s Bill to sanction Israel over its “crazy slaughter” of Palestinians in Gaza. Speaking at a large pro-Palestinian solidarity rally in the heart of New Zealand’s largest city Auckland, she said Aotearoa ...
The draft bill was intended to stop any move away from the principle of equal suffrage, where each person gets an equal say in electing people, Uffindell said. ...
By Leah Lowonbu, Stefan Armbruster and Harlyne Joku of BenarNews The Pacific’s peak diplomatic bodies have signalled they are ready to engage with Papua New Guinea’s Autonomous Government of Bougainville as mediation begins on the delayed ratification of its successful 2019 independence referendum. PNG and Bougainville’s leaders met in the ...
MONDAYThe party of honoured New Zealanders were shown an old fort. “Awesome,” said Mr Luxon.He wore a gold turban, a white linen jacket, a peacock-illustrated waistcoat sewn with exquisite rubies, a white dhoti crafted from finest polyester with 1 1/2″ gold jari border, and a $625 pair of Christian Kimber ...
Christopher Luxon's trip to India included the restart of trade talks, the tightening of defence ties, and more than a spot of cricket - RNZ's deputy political editor takes us behind the scenes. ...
Six months after Vincent Dix and his son Nikau stumbled across remains of an ocean-voyaging waka while searching for driftwood on their property in Rēkohu/ Chatham Islands, the community is still buzzing over the discoveries.The big question locals want an answer to: where did the waka come, from and who ...
Leon Pritchard used to be absolutely ripped, back in the day. He exercised his muscles one by one at the gym, so that each formed its ultimate shape and could be easily seen by passing females, even at a glance. He worked hardest on his upper body and put the ...
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Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Nathan Kilah, Senior Lecturer in Chemistry, University of Tasmania Karynf/Shutterstock There is something special about sharing baked goods with family, friends and colleagues. But I’ll never forget the disappointment of serving my colleagues rhubarb muffins that had failed to rise. They ...
"One thing you can be sure of is, we're wrong"
Modern day slavery NZ : Its here…and a disgusting blight on our Orchards,Vineyards and Farms.
Kiwis wouldnt ever put up with working for these scum bags…..
National fuckwits Blinglish and sir Key said that Kiwis dont WANT to work !
Indeed, not for these type of maggot….
Please…. Stand Up for our Brother and Sister Workers !
Just a thought for a Saturday morning (and the application of a fair amount to hindsight).
I think the Labour Party has done remarkably well after their 2020 landslide victory, managing all the 65 hyper egos that constitute the parliamentary party.
A number of these egos were new to the rigours of parliamentary life, swept in on the wave of popular approval for the way the Coalition handled the pandemic.
Inevitably (with hindsight again) some of these egos will ignore Keith Holyoak’s advice to ‘breathe through your nose.’
That only one has crashed and burned is testament to a well-managed ship of state, to which much praise must go to the PM and her office. If only one ‘misfit’ got through the selection process and made it into the House this shows, IMO, good management processes.
Superb, if you compare this with other parties, with particular reference to the Upfendoff case, where the selection panel knew of the candidate’s short-comings but chose not to tell the electorate.
It really can’t be easy to manage a large number of new and inflated egos in the context of the routine of government. So, generally, well done, Labour.
Morning everyone.
And those cats were only having a cat nap! But they can be very heavy sleepers
With cats it is mind over matter, especially when they want to be fed and use the Force on their hapless
ownersfeeders & carers.While we get distracted by brazen nutjobs, there may be stealth lunacy creeping in the back door.
Christo-fascism has destroyed the GOP in America and riddled Australia's Liberals. By stealth or by arrogance, they don't care, they just want power. Are we subject to the same steady takeover from delusional cult members?
THe FBI investigation for sex crimes at the Southern Baptist Convention is the play to watch.
Unprecedented and right into the heart of darkness.
God forgives all for a vote and a token fee.
Those who feel they only answer to a higher authority often behave very lowly.
Supply-Side Jesus may agree, but most NZ Christians don't.
Ex PM Morrison's machinations are an object lesson in how to circumvent democratic conventions, and undermine trust in all politicians and political institutions.
An almost perfect description of the Critical Theory Cult … Wokedom relatively weak among the wider population … but dominant among cultural, political & administrative elites … a self-interested top-down authoritarian PMC vanity project guaranteed to create new forms of social injustice … in key respects, the antithesis of traditional liberal, universalist, egalitarian Social Democracy.
Ironically, you’re – at the very least – Cult-adjacent.
Things Christian Nationalists do that liberals don't. Hold my beer.
Liberals haven't:
– waged a successful multi-decade battle to stop reproductive autonomy for 150 million people
The End of Roe v. Wade Was a Spiritual Victory for Conservative Christians – The New York Times (nytimes.com)
– stacked the Supreme Court with hard right and under-qualified judges, fully altering US politics to the hard right for multiple generations
How the Christian right took over the judiciary and changed America | Abortion | The Guardian
– constitute a deep and rapidly growing threat to the security of the United States, including the January 6th insurrection against democratically elected government
The Growing Threat of Christian Nationalism in the U.S. | Time
How Christian nationalism paved the way for Jan. 6 | National Catholic Reporter (ncronline.org)
– constitute a deep threat to religious freedom for all in the United States
The Supreme Court’s Christian Nationalist Theatrics | The New Republic
Christian Nationalism Is ‘Single Biggest Threat’ to America’s Religious Freedom – Center for American Progress
– form US extremist camps that enable US terrorists to undertake massive terror attacks
The White Christian Nationalism Behind the Worst Terrorist Attack in American History ‹ Literary Hub (lithub.com)
It’s Time to Talk About Violent Christian Extremism – POLITICO
Obviously the next infection target of Christian nationalists, as distinct from your tiresome rebukes of people with different opinions to you, is the US military.
There's plenty of literature on this if you care to read it, but the fundamental is clear: 48 hours before the attack on Congress, ten former secretaries of defence on January 4th published a letter in The Washington Post, essentially warning the military to stay out of the election results. This is just two days before Biden was supposed to be confirmed, and Congress was stormed.
On the same day, Admiral Stavridis, former Supreme Commander of NATO and a Senior Executive in Carlyle Group one of the largest private equity funds and a major investor in the military-industrial complex. He wrote a column in Time magazine supporting the letter of the ten former secretaries.
President Trump was clear about what he was doing holding up a Bible and preparing the military to smash up those who protested against him.
Nope, the military aren't going to be woke-ified. They are going to be Christian Nationalised. And then there is no going back to democracy at all.
Cult-adjacent. Misdirection and plain shitforbrains methinks. Ridiculous.
I grew up in these clown-cults. I have 8 years consecutive as a merit student in scripture union and the more I learned the more I was at war with these hypocrites, these abusers, these Sunday trumpet blowing dandies.
A group I’d crawl over broken glass to get away from.
I've been critical of the infiltration of school boards by the religious for years and sat on boards myself to help negate their influence.
There was a list published in the media 15 or so years ago of a list of 40 or so wealthy fundamentalist Americans who decided that New Zealand was the appropriate bolt-hole – and small enough to influence government – that they would move here. I recall there was one who had bible messages on his burger chains cups, etc on the list and about 5 had been granted residency under at that point
I also recall ACT having to suddenly sort out quite a few candidates for one election some years back as well as 5 or 6 were not NZ residents.
I try hard not to fall down conspiracy rabbit holes but I do suspect with the plethora of American style politics and policy's – three strikes, pay less tax, anti-government, increasing homelessness and putting homeless in motels a la The Florida Project and so on it has been going on for a while.
I've hunted a few times for that list thinking I should see how many have residency now but have never been able to find it again.
YesD.O.S The Evangelical mob tried to take over a School in Rotorua, but the staff and parents managed to avoid that, in the 90s We had a couple on our Board, and when I read them the secular rules for NZ schools I became Satan's sister lol. Those folk are dispersed now and people became wary of their affiliations. I would like to see that List. There may be a few surprises.
Debate me, bro!
Tony Stuart.
Nicky Hagar's "Dirty Politics" names Wanganui National Party member Tony Stuart as the man behind the Keeping Stock political blog.
Keeping Stock is a right-wing blog and Mr Stuart is also frequently on Twitter under the same name."
Wow, thanks for giving me a heads up about 'The Platform.' Never heard of it before. Taking in what the opposition is up to is always good. I found this disturbing article regarding Dame Anne Salmond being cancelled. This type of shit needs to be addressed by Labour if we expect to win the next election. If such a venerated person with much mana can be trampled over with impunity, what chance do the rest of us have? More votes for ACT?
"Reality is just not the point".. Yet the Platform interviewed the main protagonists of the Stuff – Fire and Fury doco, and at least attempted to test them, question them and get their side of the story, which I thought is a basic of journalism to get both sides. Something which stuff appeared to go out of their way not to do.
Fire and Fury literally showed the protestors in their own words. And interviewed some of them.
They seemed stunned, confused, lost.
There's no pleasing some people
And you can literally find angry commentary made in any protest, at the extreme ends. Have we forgotten about Hone Harawira? At least he was usually given right of reply by the mainstream media.
I'm at a loss to understand how it can be called fair, even believable journalism. Taking sound bites from people, putting them alongside scary music and 1984 imagery, with biased expert commentary who make tenuous links is, dare I say it Alex Jones stuff.
Don't really see them hounding the media off the scene though. The angry, middle-aged woman was an eye-opener – most of all, to herself, I imagine, were she to watch the footage. That's quite disturbing.
We all listened to that garbage first hand, day in, day out. You can deny it was the stuff of the protest all you like but it came out of the mouths of family, friends, former friends, flatmates and other persons starting with F. Then they concentrated the stupid on parliament grounds till it was stupid fuck plus.
A steady stream of implied threats "you shall pay", "you will see", and absolute nonsense "you're a government shill", "Jabcinda's a man", "where's Clark" while they 'flood the zone' aka send you all manner of bullshit earnestly pleading you read some incoherent toddlers 'research' or listen to endless clips where they trot out some knee surgeon to talk viruses to an avon salesperson for two fucking hours.
Perhaps you think we didn't hear the underlying message:
'Loss of trust in state institutions'
'Loss of trust in corporations'
'Loss of trust in science'
'Poor mental health funding'
'Institutionalised minority bashing'
and 'sociopathic white supremacists co-opt locally aggrieved persons and promise 'freedom' in exchange for sanity, social standing and reality'.
Contrary to popular opinion, we are not asleep.
"locally aggrieved persons"
to be honest many of the rabbit (rabid) hole fallers aren't aggrieved about anything. They have never protested in their lives or stood up against power or previously made a stand.
It is as weird as shit as to why they have suddenly turned vociferous spouting nonsense they know little about, quoting charlatans as truth-seekers and continually calling me and others sheep all the while displaying cultish behaviour.
You do really get a sense of the algorithms in the social media space moving from drip-feeding knowing you are pregnant before your husband does five or six years ago to a torrent of self perpetuating dribble once you have dipped your toes in the conspiracy water. I used to get a nice and surprising mix of different recommendations in my various feeds that were useful. The algorithms are definitely much more aggressive and focussed now than they used to be. I started noticing this a few years back after a family member was killed in a workplace accident. On their birthday and anniversary of their death family would get inundated with advertising for the workplace they died in causing further anguish and reminders to the point we just don't go online if we can help it those days. Their name. death and the workplace are forever linked together in internet land.
I notice it only takes one query about something now to get advertising around that item and how connected it is across the different platforms – look something up in a retail shop – within less than an hour you are getting ads on Facebook or youtube or Stuff for the same or similar items.
I have no doubt with facial recognition you will be starting to see advertising in places like movie theatres targeted to the actual shopping habits of the people who are at that session.
The speed, accuracy and intenseness of the algorithms needs to be tempered in some way – maybe a compulsory randomness and apposite generator built in that maybe generates 50% of the recommendations to stop the spiraling.
You make interesting and valid points. Yes, some of the grievances were fictional (many, in fact), but the underlying angst (whatever the cause) was there to be tapped into.
I was contemplating the algorithm issue recently. Spying is all, of course, about money (pissant proxy power) and power (information being power).
Corporations make a lot of money herding us into easily reachable demographics so all this spying is not going to stop unless governments legislate themselves a spine (lol) or public backlash is so great it affects bottom line (more likely) or – we build something better?
Until I see a better model where we get useful info piped to us but are not spied on constantly… I'm all for making spying online illegal until a legal case for each case can be made. NOT a financial case, a case for the 'greater good'.
Some kind of filter that lets our computer know – this is a public service vs – this is a public nuisance. Perhaps.
I didn't see Sharma's latest offering on this morning's TV3 "The Nation", but I did see the debate. Janet Wilson, Judith Collin's former press secretary, was the only one who was mildly reasonable. The young PR woman had no idea what she was talking about. But the piéce de resistance was Josie Pagani – the woman who has spent the last 10 years wreaking revenge on Labour because they failed to pamper her inflated ego.
Venom dripped from her mouth, particularly towards Jacinda Ardern. She claimed Labour had been asking for it because their back-benchers have nothing to do but sit around all day twiddling their thumbs. That is a lie! I have seen back-benchers in various stages of exhaustion over the years because they have so much to do. They all have background portfolio responsibilities and are expected to sit on several select committees .
No-one raised the communication difficulties everyone has experienced since the start of the pandemic. Oh no, that would spoil the punch-up.
What gets me is the media brings Pagani on as someone from the Left, where she clearly now favours the Right.
Or…was always heading Right. While white-anting Labour for all she was worth. TBH I'd never heard of her until 2 elections ago. I asked on the Standard about her…and really, her true Blue colour was pretty much known
I would think it is more accurate to say that Pagani can validly use Jim Anderton's comment. "I didn't leave the Labour Party. The Labour Party left me".
The party moved in different directions of course. I Jim's case it moved to the centre. In Pagani's case I imagine she thinks that the Party has moved to a rather odd combination of hard left opinions and racism.
That would seem to be an accurate description as far as I can see.
Anderton could make the claim with some justice – Pagani – not so much.
Labour has taken some strange turns, but it does seem to be gradually finding its way home.
Pagani, like fellow rump Blairite Starmer, inspires nothing but contempt.
Blairite=BlairRight. He will never be forgiven for the Iraq war….incipient privatisation of the NHS (which Liz Truss supports) ….cozying up to Murdoch…etc etc
Bring back Jeremy.
Blair? Wasn't he the UK PM Ms Ardern worked for as a "senior policy adviser"?
Ah yes "She then moved overseas to London, where she worked as a senior policy advisor for British Prime Minister Tony Blair in the UK Cabinet Office."
"Ms Ardern started out in Helen Clark's office before heading to Britain to work as a senior policy advisor in Tony Blair's government."
After associating with Blair became a bit embarrassing I think she toned the story down a bit.
Do you… think? Seems like pure reflex, imho, and I should know
Blairites are instantly recognizable by their resemblance to Dolores Umbridge from the Harry Potter series – one of the finest satirical political vignettes of the last century.
You can imagine what Pagani thinks; I can only imagine what you think and since you’re commenting here, only relevant is what you think and write here – hiding behind other people’s thoughts or feelings is weak and pathetic and reeks of cowardice. Be a real man and tell us how you really feel about the Labour Party …
What do I think of the Labour Party?
I voted for them in quite a lot of the elections in the last 40 or so years. In fact I voted for them in 1981, 1984, 1987, 1999 and 2002. Why not recently? Because they are quite useless and they have been a disaster for New Zealand.
I wanted to be able to vote for them in 2017, because no Government should have more than 3 consecutive terms, but I thought they were completely incapable of forming a decent Government. I have been proved right.
Does that answer your question?
At least, it is a more honest answer, thank you.
Alwyn, give us your version of "A decent Government"
That isn't a moral description of course. An alternative word would be competent. It is a Government that does, on time and at a reasonable price, carry out the activities required of it. It also only does the things that are required and are beneficial to society.
I regard these sort of things as ones which demonstrate that the current lot are incapable of doing a decent job.
Kiwibuild. The amalgamation of the Polytechs, Providing an effective health system. Reducing homelessness. Providing suitable roading. Reducing violence in communities. Providing sensible public transport. etc, etc.
It's not even about left or right.
Josie Pagani's bitter commentary on Ardern is only about one thing: "It should have been me!".
If I were a cartoonist I'd draw her at the back of the church, yelling while the voters put the wedding ring on Bride Jacinda's finger.
She once claimed to have known Britain's Prince Edward but decided he wasn't the right one for her. Not sure what P. E. thought about it.
And again. Your name is most apt in the sense of your most accurate observations.
Jacinda got elected and hung in through plenty of grim times and then had some luck with the final circumstances.
But also it worked because of a lack of complication in some of her thoughts and presentation of them. And sure she’s a post Key figure rather than a partisan firebrand, but she’s done well on many many things.
(but why weren't they voting before?)
Not Just Kansas; Women Motivated to Vote in States with Repro Rights at Risk
As we detailed in our analysis last week, the electorate in Kansas changed dramatically in the days after the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision leaked. Kansans turned out in record numbers in the primary and delivered a victory for abortion rights, a win fueled by Democrats out registering Republicans by 9 points since the Dobbs decision was announced, with a staggering 70% of all new registrants being women.
Now, as we move ahead through additional state primaries and toward the midterm elections, there is evidence that what happened in Kansas isn’t an outlier. In states like Wisconsin and Michigan where reproductive rights are at stake this year, we’re seeing a meaningful gender gap in registration, whereby women are out-registering men by significant margins. In states like Rhode Island and New York where reproductive rights are protected by Democratic leaders in government, no gender gap exists.
Republican crises of conscience aren't much help now, but good to see some have a conscience:
There's also lot of angry Dad's now motivated to vote against GOP.
I had hoped their implosion/division (Truth vs Trump) would seal the GOP's fate – so I could shallowly have a told you so moment to some TS authors, but attacking women's rights might be the actual straw that breaks the elephants back.
Accurate or not, the thought is nice.
I have given the Sharma McAnulty relationship a bit of thought. McAnulty was a list MP for a term and he was selected as a junior whip. In the 2020 election he won the seat of Wairarapa and became an electorate MP and a chief government whip. Sharma and McAnulty are of similar age and they possibly clashed.
I do think that McAnulty did not have enough time in Parliament to have been the wisest pick to become a chief government whip. I do think that Sharma needed to be careful about anything he states.
I would like to see an independent inquiry into how McAnulty handled Sharma.
Politics is about team play and not ego play.
Unlike Sharma he was actually elected by his constituency and worked his way up through the system.
Sharma is the electorate MP for Hamilton West. Sharma is no slacker when it comes to proving he can work hard and for the benefit of people. Medical school and some surgical training is not for the faint hearted.
Doctors are not god.
Getting into medical school is hard enough in the first place let alone the rigours of what comes next. Obviously many excellent candidates don't make the cut to even train to be doctors. Undoubtedly many who miss out would have made fine doctors.
That's why, when some doctor 'goes astray' and does something bewilderingly dumb, or shows human frailties beyond expectation, we see clearly that the qualities we wish all doctors had are not present in all of them.
We ascribe some sort of 'super person' status to them. We give them the benefit of the doubt – "oh, but he's a doctor, he wouldn't do that."
Two eye doctors have been in the news in the past week to do with terrible incidents. Another in the past fortnight has made the news for 'inappropriate behaviour' to do with female patients.
One shocking case most clearly demonstrating a 'fall from grace' involved a young doctor. For all the effort, dedication and intelligence to get to be a doctor, how could it be as it was and end as it did?
Doctors are not god. I have read enough Health and Disability Commission decisions to know that. I also read about the conduct of doctors in the media.
Look, I get that you don't like Sharma – but please stick to the actual facts.
Sharma is indeed an electorate MP for Hamilton West, just as McAnulty is for Wairarapa.
Sharma is male, he's a Doctor of medicine, they all think they are god. They only have to be in an organization for five minutes to expect to be in charge of everything.
He probably expected to have an important role and hasn't been promoted above his competency. All nurses can identify the type.
When I was in hospital earlier this year
I said to the nurse… "but the surgeon said such and such." The nurse gave me a piercing look and said in all seriousness… "Don't take any notice of the surgeons. They haven't a clue what is going on."
I had the impression it was the nurses who run the hospitals, not the doctors and surgeons.
When it came to the care an ex partner received from a DHB the nursing staff showed diligence and the doctors made error after error. Went in for a simple op, had 3 surgeries in a week and the third surgery was for a treatment injury. Returned from surgery moribund and died 3 hours later.
Why take a dying person to theatre?
You can see by the way Sharma has conducted himself that he is unscrupulous.
He lied about travel allowances and ramped everything up to 11. The whips office is there to help him, but he was unhappy and again here he is unhappy. Even in this he is behaving not as someone who has a shred of legitimacy, but someone who is trying to spread shit everywhere. He’s made claims and thrown insults and perjoratives, drip fed things and not provided evidence.
He’s performing a hit job, nothing more.
Im sure there are a lot of people who voted for him who are feeling particularly betrayed. But again the clear message is that this is about him. I mean the piece in Stuff comparing him to Rishi Sunak, the billionaire who propped up Boris, shows the grandiosity of his support and its lack of morals.
If there was a basis for anything more I’m sure it will happen. Currently there’s nothing.
Labour needs to select a strong candidate in Hamilton West and fight the good fight.
I do think that Sharma is bright enough to know what defamation is.
Will McAnulty take a defamation case against Sharma?
I have not read the Sunak comparison.
He knows that Labour won’t give him the oxygen of a case. Politically it’s hard to know what motivates him.
But the lady who defended him based on ethnicity reminded me of Morgan Godfrey pining for a Maori PM and thinking Shane Jones was the closest chance, despite everything.
I don’t think he’s worried about his financial future, but maybe MPs life is more exciting than GP practice and he’d like it to continue.
I too have given the Sharma McAnulty relationship a bit of thought.
I have concluded all I know is stuff through various media and to make some judgement about how MacAnulty operates as whip or any other role is presumptuous. Or is that 'preposterous.'
The context of your comment "Politics is about team play and not ego play," reads as though a judgement has been made about and he is unsuitable for his job.
An independent inquiry into how McAnulty handled Sharma? How about independent inquiries on every MP who is bad mouthed by someone?
Newshub gave Sharma a platform, and then belatedly realised they should do some fact-checking:
They're starting to work out (slowly) that a guy who promises "hundreds of pages" of evidence and delivers none, a guy who makes private messages public, a guy who secretly records his colleagues, a guy who is too busy to speak to the PM or caucus but suddenly available for media on his own terms …
… just might not be a reliable truth-teller.
Has he been on the Platform yet?
I am waiting for the "shapeshifting, reptilian aliens" accusations. He has done everything else.
Sharma could sharpen up his team skills. The government needs to show transparency on what transpired between McAnulty and Sharma. Having a big ego is not the way to go. Dealing with the facts is the way to go.
Well said, there's no I in politics!
Treetop McAnulty was in Parliament for 3 years before Sharma.
Yes and as a list MP.
I do think there is a difference between an electorate and a list MP when it turns to custard. One requires a by election the other is a space on a list.
Is this Nicolamania in the making……..
Where's that Nicolamania (nice) quote come from, and does columnist Cloe Willetts, or indeed National's Nicola Willis, have an opinion on the nature and cause(s) of "the deep division and damage" now apparently "embedded into our country"?
“We’ll survive anything!” – believe it.
The Nicolamania quote comes from the comments to the article and appears to reflect the general opinions of the target audience. It is obviously a puff piece to bolster the professional but homely/family image of the deputy leader of the National party. And of course they will have an opinion on the nature and causes, its all the Ardern govts fault.
Thanks Kat, my bad – didn't search beyond the puff piece.
Ruth Richardson's favourite recipe left in the microwave for 25 years and now ready to eat (apparently). The clever bit is that 25 years on 'high' doesn't spoil the meal, because when you open the container it's always empty. Someone else ate it ages ago. All that matters is the mountain of blather that surrounds, justifies and transcendentally sanctifies the (notional) meal with a pseudo-religious zeal.
The "pyjama party movie night' image is terrifying!
The Addams family was my initial reaction!
Just to add that the current Chief Government Whip is Duncan Webb, he took on the role 14 June 2022. Webb is age 55 and has been a lawyer.
I have found in life that the right thing to do when there is a dispute which will not go away is to establish why it has occurred.
I don't understand the reluctance to have an inquiry, even if there is not much to inquire into, as it's a well-understood mechanism in politics to take the heat out of things.
Maybe Ardern is hoping that the Greens will provide a distraction soon, when they have their big vote between James Shaw and checks notes James Shaw.
I reckon it'll be James, but a week is a long time in politics.
it's a well-understood mechanism in politics to take the heat out of things.
Well, yes. But it requires an agreed understanding of the issue – in effect, of the simple meaning of words.
If (for example) there's an allegation that MP X spent public money on a private trip, which has happened in Parliament before, then there is something to investigate. Concrete facts. The answer is usually "it was against the rules", or "it was technically within the rules but not a good look".
But the issue Sharma claims is "bullying" is defined by him as "something that happens to me". He has rejected any suggestion at all that he might ever have been at fault during the past 2 years, despite the testimony of his own staffers. Therefore, there is no possible outcome to an "independent inquiry" that will satisfy Gaurav Sharma. He is never going to accept a finding that (for example) …
"party whips did not behave in a way that is any different from their predecessors, but these expectations should now be updated for a modern workplace" … and also "Sharma had demands of his staff that created unnecessary stress, and that should have been handled better."
That kind of outcome, balanced but with mild criticism, would get a very predictable response from a man who has no self-awareness whatsoever. He is the only victim, and an "independent inquiry" must say so.
Anything else, and he'd be demanding an "independent inquiry" into the "independent inquiry", which was carried out by a Labour stooge, etc, etc, etc.
Labour/Ardern have given up on him, and so he's not worth any more of their time. That judgement is hard to argue with.
Spot on observer.
Well, yes. But it requires an agreed understanding of the issue – in effect, of the simple meaning of words.
Nope – it just requires someone to say 'let's have an inquiry'.
An inquiry without terms of reference? There's a reason that never happens. As you well know.
I really don't think you're stupid so it's tiresome when you pretend to be.
There is no evidence supporting the need for an enquiry; simply wild, vindictive and bitter accusations.
Tell me what the parameters would be Chess?
The parameters would be:
An independent arbiter
He says this, and presents evidence
They say that, and present evidence
Arbiter rules
Quite easy really – should be really quick
Much quicker than what’s happening now
Of course, you do have to find a trusted, independent, arbiter
It seems you've already forgotten what Sharma has alleged.
Here's his original complaint:
"Sharma suggested some of the most powerful offices in Parliament were working to enforce a culture of fear and bullying where MPs felt that they could not speak freely.
He named “the whip’s office, the offices of the leaders of various parties, along with the Office of the Leader of the Opposition and the Prime Minister's Office”.
Those leaders alongside Parliamentary Service were allowing for the bullying of MPs and staff members, which he said had become “rampant”. No evidence to support this claim was provided.
He said Parliamentary Service was led by people whose self-interest was stopping it from upholding the proper running of Parliament. He went further, saying the service itself was being “used” by party whips to “bully and harass their MPs”."
(italics added)
So there should be an inquiry into Parl Service, the offices of leaders of at least 2 parties, and the whips. That makes it bigger than even the Francis report.
And all based on claims by one unhappy MP who consistently refuses to offer evidence.
It doesn't get anywhere near the threshold required. There's a reason courts have pre-trial hearings and don't clog up the system with every vexatious litigant. The world does not revolve around one angry man.
Well, I guess you either have the inquiry and come to a swift resolution, or, you continue to down-play the accusations and allow the festering boil to grow.
If Ardern had taken this to an inquiry, no-one would be talking about this now, as we all know inquiries are like working groups – a lengthy sentence to obscurity.
However, a mistake was made with Ardern's decision-making, and the 'threshold' you refer to will soon be breached.
Not a threshold of evidence, but a threshold of perception.
And with humans, perception is ultimately more powerful than mere 'evidence'.
Excellent Observer.
Chess: if you read what Observer says above you surely can see that an inquiry would be a joke.
Sharma’s ego and sense of entitlement have got out of hand; he has, in reality, made a fool of himself. Labour are well rid of him.
Hoskin with his attempt to smear Jacinda as a liar via his ZB interview with Sharma, should hang his head in shame, though I guess he doesn’t know the meaning of the word.
Lock Ardern and Sharma in a shipping container overnight.
Who emerges, wins.
My bet is Ardern.
There's going to be an inquiry whether Labour thinks it's justified or not.
Sharma will now go to this Commissioner:
Former Auditor-General Appointed As Independent Commissioner For Parliamentary Standards Appointed | Scoop News
Also Boshier as Ombudsman will I think step in for Sharma and the blatant injustice of the "non-invited" job review with all others in Caucus.
Next step Employment Tribunal I expect.
Good luck to Provost on her new appointment. The morale in the police is not that great when it comes to being degraded or reporting incidents of bullying amoung the ranks.
Forget Sharma.
The most important things to New Zealanders are:
– inflation / cost of living (53%), closely followed by
– housing / price of housing (51%), followed by
– healthcare / hospitals (27%), and
– petrol prices (25%)
That was from a sample over 1000 from February this year. It won't have changed.
Got back on message Ardern and show us what good difference you are making.
Raising the middle finger to NZTA one more time, Bevan Woodward gets a judicial review going against the decision to not even trial cycling over the Auckland Harbour Bridge, despite a direct request from the Minister of Transport.
Legal challenge over Auckland Harbour Bridge cycling trial (1news.co.nz)
Bevan has spent 10 years on this already and will likely never give up.
Yeah. As a tax and/or ratepayer (not sure which side will be picking up the legal bills) I'm not exactly enthralled by his crusade.
And, as someone who regularly travels around Auckland and sees the behaviour of both motor vehicle drivers (not just cars – buses, vans, motorcycles), AND cyclists (some of whom seem to have an active deathwish) – I am firmly on the side of Waka Kotahi.
Opening up a single lane on the Auckland Harbour Bridge to cyclists, on the proposed trial basis (i.e. without any significant safety infrastructure) really is opening the gates to a multiple-victim tragedy.
NZTA needs to deliver sunlight and the High Court is the best place for it. Let's see the chance to see their design consultants shredded.
NZTA have actively conspired to kill a cycleway over the harbour for the best part of 15 years.
They have found technical reasons to kill at least four proposals. The first of which didn't require NZTA funding and which Bevan Woodward led himself. Each time NZTA ensured there was little for the Minister to defend and much in the public arena for ZB listeners to froth about. They are obviously waging a successful war against this Minister.
NZTA and indeed Kiwirail and AT have managed to generate cycleways on every other major arterial in Auckland including the motorways and railways, but not the Harbour Bridge.
Roche the NZTA Chair is well overdue for replacing as is most of the Board – particularly after multiple fiascos and blowouts this term: Transmission Gully, Northern Gateway, Waikato Expressway, and a comprehensive inability to enable national network resilience in a wet winter.
The science is against cyclists on the bridge,as the road amplifies the wind shear.
Make him provide a surety against costs.
The number of times I've been on a major infrastructure job and some 50 year old dork comes up and says "Nah mate this is crap I would have done it this way cos my mate is an Injinuur', never fails to amaze me.
We have had four feasible and costed proposals already.
The wind shear was easily accounted for on Grafton Bridge when they put shields on it, same on the Crimson Cycleway, same on multiple others.
When it is necessary to stop traffic on the Auckland Harbour Bridge for wind, they do so. Happens every year.
There is no money,we are already an at risk economy with our CA deficit blowout,and serious questions are being asked about the quangos (ratings).
The NZ $ depreciated >4 % this week alone over 15% in the last 12 months.when you can come up with a single project that will be delivered on time and under budget,and without significant underestimated problems for maintenance or design f/ups.And at the end of the day it has no economic advantage.
1-in-100 year climate events don't wait for us to find the money.
"Since we don't have the money, we're going to have to think." – Lord Rutherford.
Rutherford also said there was Physics and stamp collecting,as it is physically impossible to ride a pushbike carbon free (the respiration problem) there are better opportunities for investment.
So if NZTA have worked effectively, in partnership with other agencies, to implement cycleways alongside other highways (Northwestern, etc.) – it's hardly feasible to say that they are anti-cycleways. Perhaps, just perhaps, they really do have a point that this one is too dangerous and/or disruptive to the regular flow of traffic. Perhaps, indeed, 'A bridge too far'
If an NZTA engineer was instructed to, they would put a canal system for yachts on the top of Mt Cook. They've bored through basalt 10 metres thick at Waterview, formed curved lanes 20 metres in the air at 90 degree curves at Pt Chev, designed whole new rail+road tunnels for the Waitemata, and are currently designing underground rail systems multiple kilometres long at over $500m a kilometre in Light Rail.
That they have found a unique design problem that is too hard for them is preposterous.
There's no doubt these things are expensive. The Petone and Riverlink systems are stupendous, and the New Lynn to Avondale one was up there. So price it up team.
Bring on the High Court.
So, not cost-effective either.
Why we can't just put in a PT option to get cycles across the harbour bridge at 1 millionth of the cost, beats me!
It would be cheap and easy to put in a cycle shuttle, looping from outside the old AHB offices at Northcote Point, across the bridge, off at Shelly Beach Road and with drop off and pick up at Curran St.
Run it every 10 minutes (or more frequently if the demand picks up), during peak hours, and every 30 minutes the rest of the time. Run more frequent services on weekends and/or public holidays to accommodate the recreational cyclists.
Cyclists cycle up to the pick up point at Northcote point and from the drop off point in Westhaven. Functionally exactly the same as the many overseas models where you cycle to the train station, load your bike, and cycle again when you get off.
Virtually no infrastructural changes required. Cyclists can demonstrate the actual demand in both short and long term. Which gives actual figures for planning for a long term cycle-path in association with the already-in-planning new harbour crossing.
Actually implementing it (and running it fees free for the first couple of years) would probably be cheaper than a single court case.
Every step you walk up Albert Street in Auckland's CBD, now costs us about $1.5 million. Whatever cost-effective is. Get your Gold Card ready for that one in 2025.
An exceptionally good interview with Shamubeel Eaqub on housing in NZ where he makes the point the political centre no longer exists.
If he is correct then that would force a fundamental change for how politics is conducted in NZ.
Listening now, but haven't forgotten that Eaqub headlined in 2012 about why people should rent, not buy. I bet anyone who listened to him is damn sorry.
He subsequently did a volte-face and bought in 2017.
Economists, by and large, aren't really terribly good at predicting what is going to happen.
Economists are not alone in that.
And he was not alone in predicting property crashes post GFC….there were plenty around at the time.
I think that that GFC experience is reinforcing the NZ belief that house-price corrections are short term.
IIRC, the drop in the property market started in 2008, and had substantially recovered by 2010. NZ was in a very different situation than the US – we didn't have their sub-prime loan issue.
The elephant in the room, that I don't think he addressed, was the Government imposed lending criteria – which is a factor throttling the mortgage lending by the commercial banks. And what changes a National / Act goverment might make.
The political instability he forecast, doesn't fill me with optimism.
Our GFC experience was moderate however there was much activity/concern behind the scenes including RBNZ support.
Assume the Gov imposed lending criteria you are referring to are CCCFA changes from Dec last year….the banks had already begun a self imposed tightening prior …the CCCFA isnt the reason banks are currently reticent…fear of loses is.
Agree that if he is correct about fragmentation of the political centre then it dosnt exactly encourage stability.
GFC is different as we had the CHCH earthquakes,which brought into NZ a significant injection of free capital (insurance) the 42 billion was entered on the capital account (not current account) and made the government look good.
But the house prices in London (and for most of the rest of the UK) did the same thing – drop after the GFC, and then a fairly quick (couple of years) correction back to almost the same pre- GFC level.
The UK BOE dropped interest rates in 2008 to 2% (from 5.5% and variable mortgages of 7.5%) In 2009 they dropped it to 0.5% where it stayed for 7 years (mortgages 2.5%)
And what happened to interest rates post GFC?
Indeed…a huge source of stimulus and a missed opportunity
Lots of wasted money,and huge future costs (opex) for the ratepayers with concrete money shredders such as the conference centre (or worse with the stadium)
Lots of wasted money, the wrong things built in the wrong places, the training/employment opportunities wasted, lost investment in future proofed infrastructure.
Wasted investment in infrastructure such as sewage (which was replaced but not future proofed for growth constraining available land)
The government investment was less then the GST receipts for the new builds.
My takeaway points
That’s a nice summary. But that doesn’t mention the incentives.
Almost all politicians own property and are benefiting from the price rises. For them there is no crisis which directly and urgently affects them. Similarly across the country there has been and is a lack of will to fix the problem as it is simply not a problem for many and for most decision makers.
As a society there is no real urgency, no real incentive for urgency, irrespective of who is in charge.
If insurance becomes unaffordable you think there will be urgent action. There was urgent action during the pandemic. There has been some action on inflation. We have participated on some group action on Ukraine.
Politically it doesn’t hurt anyone enough and personally it scarcely affects the political class (negatively) at all.
Yeh let alone when the forces of the reaction arrive and cancel density, public transport and urban planning.
Nice thread discussion, but I’ll believe any significant action after it is built and in use.
Oh I agree, there was a lot which was left out.
I was just covering what was said – for those who don't have time to listen to a 30 minute interview.
Agree that most politicians belong (by default) to the wealthy, older, and therefore property owning classes. Even youngsters like Swarbrick have bought after getting a parliamentary pay cheque.
It seems that increasing uninsurability (not just price increases, but areas which are uninsurable at any price) – is likely to become an issue. But I don't know what action the government could take – apart from reinforcing the pressure to just move away from the problem zone. I don't want to see taxpayers paying for managed retreat for multi-millionaires!
I would.
Wait for me fellas, I'm packing …
fucking scary thread. But it's not only climate change. It's land/water use and we have a lot of control over that.
A bit of controversy around these photos. Apparently they're a bit selective.
However, no one is denying that France (and the rest of Europe) is in the grip of a major drought, and there has been significant effects on the river systems.
Worst drought in more than 500 years is forecast to continue through until the end of October but not to worry, only one arm of a stretch of France's longest river has run dry.
Slater and the sewer.
Bit late for this loltastic insight, but the platforms new expert on ‘Maori Gone Craaazy’ is none other than Graham Adams from (formerly of) the Democracy Project where he hyperventilated about poor old Michael Bassett.
It rather does line up the crossover between the far right and the Democracy project with its Victoria University logo the first thing on the page.
Oh lol: Bryce Edwards, Karl Du Fresne, Marty’s Bradbury and head honcho Sean Plunket. Wonder if you’re allowed to call people a c— on the platform as Plunket famously did on his last job. No token Maori as yet? Plunket made it fairly clear in his first inter with Greive that he is not fussed by the Treaty at all.
Oh lolololol
It’s the whole Democracy Project team with Geoff Miller and Michael Bassett too.
Whatever Peter Fraser might have done, writing for something like the platform wouldn’t have been one. But emulating one’s heroes is often a bad idea!
but it may have slightly more credibility than Whaleoil , even if much of the underlying philosophy is similar.
This may be the media moment Bernard Hickey was concerned about. Or it might not. Certainly none of the ‘fart tax’, groundswell lot will be admitting they were part of the climate change problem and they’re not newly arrived…
Calling your website ‘The Resistance’ also pays some homage to the potential to reject democracy openly:
Guns purchased in the US since Jan 6th potential for armed conflict increases.
Threats of seditious violence as a campaign strategy.
A Republican candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives in Florida has said he would have sent FBI agents home "in a body bag" if they had raided his home the way they searched Mar-a-Lago.