This is new (or 1930s old if you want to look at it that way) for Dunedin:
“There have been many reports of people asking strangers for money – and people begging on the footpath – in recent weeks. Rising living costs and displacement in the wake of the Canterbury earthquakes have been linked to the sometimes shocking and all-too-obvious signs of personal struggle.”
I’ve been asked for change at bus-stops a couple of times recently, and there’s always been the limited talent “buskers” (the kind you wouldn’t stop and listen to). The weather is fine this week, but it’s really not a town in which you want to be homeless during winter.
yeah happened to me on friday, a couple teens, i was with my 6 year old & they were quite in our faces. not good. but i guess with 20% (at least) of under 25s unemployed, this is what we should expect..
Afaik, everyone in NZ without cash assets, who doesn’t have enough money for groceries in a week, is entitled to financial support from WINZ. What does it say about us that people find it easier to beg from strangers on the street than strangers in the WINZ office?
Yeah that’s right phil, putting me down is the important thing here. But let me fix it, seeing as how logic isn’t your strong point and you would obviously rather point score and make it personal than further the conversation in a meaningful way.
NZ residents who pass an income and asset test are entitled to Special Needs Grants from WINZ. I’m sure that you can find fault with that statement if you try.
if you happen to be on some kind of stand down & maybe facing other penalties or run out of your ‘special needs’ grants its possible you wont get anything. some of these beggers might even have some work, minimum hours on minimum wage, its possible for these young ppl to have to beg so they can get some spare cash.
True, but most of those things aren’t in statute I think, they’re gate keeping at the office, hence my point about it being easier to beg from strangers on the street than it is to approach the govt agency responsible for looking after people who are really struggling.
… so your point was that it’s easier to beg from strangers on the street than it is from WINZ? (just to clarify). I’d go along with that from those beggars I’ve had conversations with around Wellington.
btw ….. sometimes I think you (and others), and PU should really kiss and make up. Holier than thou … and all that kaka.
Maybe we need a Nosher Powel to mediate (“Give him back his fuckn cuntry”)
Four shops a year from emergency WINZ grants – that’s if you are VERY Lucky.
And going to the foodbanks – you’re only allowed a couple of these a year. So if you run out of food and funds at other times in the year ……. you’ve just run out of luck and food !!
I would say the biggers with very few exceptions are obtaining a tax payer funded benefit as well. I observed a beggar on Friday for about thirty minutes. He got a. Few coins in the time I was watching. Certainly did not seem starved. Then he started a conversation on his smart phone. After that he went over and had a chat to a couple of other beggers about twenty metres away, had a smoke and then went back to his position.
There were reports that the beggers do quite well thank you very much.
It was an observation, not an in depth investigation. I never have and never would walk an inch in their shoes. These people have no self respect, and are not prepared to do what is necessary to improve their lives. Beginning with making intelligent life decisions. There is no excuse for their begging.they intimidate people.
I don’t personally find beggers intimidating, except in the sense of empathising with their plight. Generally I find I can spare a few coins for the downtrodden. If you do in fact ignore these people how can you be so certain of your generalisations about them (eg; “These people have no self respect, and are not prepared to do what is necessary to improve their lives”)? Street-collecting, protesting, or busking can be dispiriting enough; I don’t want to ever find out just how grinding the begging process is.
From the ODT article above:
“The Dunedin City Council has no bylaws addressing begging. A spokeswoman said the council had received no complaints about it.
In some centres, Work and Income has staff specifically assigned to deal with the homeless and very poor, but not in Dunedin.”
Sukie Damson
That was a plum one you landed TS with on that there link!
I had a close look at it and it is a send-up, a satire. And sounds as if it might be from some UK union or left-wing students mag (from when students usually had a left wing lean.)
What do YOU think?
We’ve whipped up our ignorant readers into a bigoted frenzy of hatred. Here’s the kind of hand outs they’d like to see dished out to the money grubbing …
Cut his cock off and make him eat it..said disabled war veteran Joe …82, of Leeds.
Have your neighbours got a nicer house than you? Do they appear to be better off than you are? Or perhaps their garden is a mess, or their kids have got snotty noses. Ring us today….and tell us about your nightmare neighbours. Perhaps we can arrange for a lynching……
Looks just like a typical WhaleSpew/Kiwibog thread. BTW, I hate how Farrar has misappropriated our national bird, our symbol, the name of our league team, and part of our identity for his hate site.
Monty, if I may be so bold, What things you must see from your lofty tower. You must feel so disappointed, so aggrieved, so challenged by the audacity of it all that these beggars have the indecency to stain your eyes with their meagre presence. You don’t ask for much. All you want is to pass along the street your taxes built and not be harangued by society’s flotsam. They are of course the only ones responsible for their circumstances and deserve every pointy stick of shame they get. Not only for being worthless street scum, but for their subsequent lack of a real contribution to what is obviously your society. They should, quite simply, not be tolerated by decent hard working penguins who only want to be exposed to osh-approved representations of society as dictated by the latest fearfacts poll . (I could go on but it would just get kind of mean and I think the sarcasm would be tedious after the first thirty odd pages)
Absolutely there are scammers out there on the street. Lots of them. Devious sods each and every one. Dedicated, they chip away at it day after day. Working hard to grift your coin from your wallet. Most of them wear suits by the way. Dispersed between the suits you will see other people, the ones you belittled so confidently. I feel I should enquire as to your validation for doing so. Have you ever spoken to the person you are accusing of failure? Have you ever asked a question of them? I imagine you are more likely one of those whom bark life directives as you pass by, choking on the guilt a bit as you cast the soiled coins from your pocket.
Do you know of any of these people’s achievements for example?
There are many proud histories that sit dishevelled on street corners around New Zealand. Just because many of these fellow humans are garbed in the broken shells of what they could have been, that is no reason to spew your ignorance upon them.
I doubt you could honestly fathom the daily challenges many beggars have faced. Battling with their mental state, dumped into the machinery of hot potato bureaucracy and some of the lucky ones even survive their personal traumas of violence and sexual assault. Monty, for someone who has such obvious trouble accepting the existence of others’ difficulties, I am unconvinced your limpet-celled cerebellum could process the pressured choices that eventually led many of these people to reach out a hand in submission.
Now, to stand in judgement on strangers for a full half hour and come to such a clear conclusion that you state “There is no excuse for their begging” means you are either an omniscient form of idiot-savant who has a razor keen understanding of humanity (and live in rarefied air), or you are just an idiot.
Male or female, straight, gay, trans, black, white or brown, able bodied or not; capitalism considers over 95% of the human race disposable and replaceable in exploitation for profits.
the technology will do nothing for humanity.
Science and technology today serves human ambitions, aspirations and greed, all of which are now capitalist in nature.
You should move to Brazil, Monty. Most of the middle class think like you, and there are even more beggars to hate. You can even run them over and get away with it, or set fire to them. That teaches them not to be intimidating to good citizens.
Program by Philippa Tolley on whether the NZ Public Services democratic role is being undermined this morning very good!
…..very articulate experienced well educated professional speakers on the problems facing New Zealand’s public Service eg Foreign Affairs man Mr Leak?, Matthew Palmer? ( legal), Brenda Pilot (PSA).
….and Labour Party’s Maryan Street, Spokesperson for State Services …. also very competent …..talking about the problems facing Public Servants….
… a former Public Servant my heart goes out to Public Servants under a NACT Government …it must be hell!
…. problems of giving free and frank advice on what is best for New Zealand versus what the government wants to hear
….problems of working under the threat of being made redundant
…problems of having to carry on after your mates have been made redundant illegitimately
…problems of working under a huge workload ( remember Cave Creek….this happened after redundancies on the West Coast and impossible work loads carried by DOC staff)
I don’t agree that the running down of the public service under National is a beltway issue. It just needs to be framed in terms relevant to people’s lives – hospital waiting lists, class sizes, the amount of time it takes government departments to respond or deal with issues,
There is the possibility, depending upon what occurs in the next month, of an interesting story developing surrounding ”just how” this current Government is managing those hospital waiting lists…
Beltway…it means the political scene in Wellington. People in the beltway are in the Know. Apparently. It often gets used disparagingly here to refer to people who aren’t in touch with the rest of NZ.
public servants are everywhere…not just in Wellington….and their health and well-being is a litmus test for democracy…they are servants of the public…the people of NZ …. and our taxpayer dollar
….when they start to sqwark down the tunnels and kark it in the mines you know your democracy is in trouble
Like you Chooky, as a former PS (both in the pre-corporatisation, AND post-corporatisation eras), I feel for them.
’87 – we were promised
…. greater accountability
…… de-politicisation
……. fishinsy n fektivness
……….. and a whole lot of other BS.
In fact exactly the opposite has occured AND at greater expense if you take into account the salary largesse of ‘CEO’s’ (ffs!!!!! CEO’s in the Public Service – an anomaly in and of itself), and their ‘Senior Management’.
Actually, the result has been highly politicised little feifdoms, open to manipulation and scams, and an environment where actual public servants work IN SPITE of their ‘entitled’ management, rather than BECAUSE of them. Ask any at the coal face what they think of their so-called management – I dare ya!!
Be it Internal Affairs
Be it Defence,
Be it Te Puni Kokiri (present Hippolite excepted thus far, but we’ll wait and see)
Be it WINZ
Be it …. (name your poison)
I bothers me that ‘progressives’ (including the current Labour Party leadership claiming progressive credentials) can’t see the bleeding obvious
….this will be a big issue for Wellingtonians especially .
…and I might add ….a country is only as good as its high quality , independent Public Servants, committed to serving that country….so it is a very important political issue
I have to say Mayan Street spoke well on the issue
i got six paragraphs into today’s Herald column by Matt McCarten and found i had far far better activities to occupy my Sunday morning with than allowing Matt’s views to ruin yet another day,
According to Matt, the Alfred E. Nuemann of television reporting Patrick Gower is a ”frighteningly good journalist”,
i can only surmise that Matt considers Himself in with a chance, along with Bryce and Kerre of getting the nod to fill John Armstrong’s position at the Herald when the latter falls asleep at His computer for the final time…
Matt seems to be doing a job interview for his paymasters…..looky here see how I can spin it with the best, wondered about him in an election year at pravda, wonder no more.
Also no surprise that cammy is being positioned as some type of hard done by family man and crusader of worthy causes with bradbury thrown in for granny styled ‘balance’.
with shonkey aligning himself with the slater its nicely framed for WO to become every bit as ‘credible’ as granny with the payback for cammy probably escalated site hits and perhaps similar taxpayer gigs like farrars curia enjoys.
Yeah true, i suppose if McCarten is taking the Massah Bosses coin then He is beholden to write what will keep the Massah Boss passing over that 30 pieces of silver…
So another poll is coming out tonight. The rumours are that it is bad news for the left and good news for the right. I suspect it will have a bit of a slump for the greens and Labour with National who have run a tight ship this. Year possibly able to rule alone, or maybe with the help of act and Dunne.
Som what will a bad result mean for the left? Has Cunliffe finished the honeymoon only after six months, while John Key’s honeymoon continues six years into the Job.
If the poll results are bad will labour be capable of taking a hard look at their policy platform and realise that
A. The population generally do understand that National is doing a good job and the gains are not to be risked by a lurch to the left such as a green labour government would deliver
B. The left policies of more welfare in one form or another are not capturing the imagination of the public.
C. More taxes are not going to win any election. The promise of increased taxes has failed the last two elections, why do labour think it will work a third time. Isn’t it time the left dropped their hatred of success?
Hmmm Monty is pontificating on something and assuming the worst for Labour and then offering the benefit of his sage advice. What happens Monty if the poll shows increased support? I hear the internal polling is sound.
Aus has a very large tax regime with the top personal rate nearly 50%, CGT, FBT, GST, Superannuation tax and thats before we look at state taxes like stamp duty those are federal taxes.
Those roads, schools, hospitals etc are paid for with taxes, rwnjs appear to be wilfully ignorant on the massive borrowing the nact perform to stop serious cracks appearing everywhere while they are in power.
if we pulled the tablecloths of cafe nacts tables now, you would see books, bricks, bodies propping up the legs theyve sawn off.
There has been a lot of bleating from the right about the living wage and they have very helpfully supplied figures to bolster their argument as to how much WFF will go down. Mostly in the billions.
So if we can get the bottom end wages up, with a knock on effect up the scale through to the median ( and hopefully decrease the profit amounts going off shore) then we will have plenty more to spend on community needs. Bit like ditching the holiday highway and spending money on a few passing lanes and public transport.
Isn’t it time the left dropped their hatred of success?
The polls show that National is winning because it’s getting votes from the old – the same people who lived it up riotously on the generous postwar welfare state and who want to deny the same to the under 40s.
It really doesn’t have anything to do with what you say other than that the boomers are a worthless load of spongers.
Deficit = 1.79 billion dollars, now that’s what i call book balancing,
Gross Government Debt = 80+ billion dollars, when it hits 100 billion bucks the automatic invitation for the IMF to move in and loot the place on behalf of the creditors becomes active???,
Business Tax Evasion/Avoidance $179 million dollars in six months, s’pose Bill can always plug the hole with the loot from asset sales in the name of surplus at any cost,
The RockBottom Economy brought to you by Nationals stunning economic mismanagement circa 2008–2014…
I have always though that this election will be close. But recent polls have given the green labour bloc extreme cause for concern, with good reason given the nightmare of the past couple of weeks for the left to think the trend would have changed.
The labour and green policies to date have had no impact and have been easily dissected by us on the right ( with much joy I might add)
Nothing the green labour bloc has done has managed to impact on the ongoing strong and unprecedented support national continues to enjoy.
at this rate Winston will not be of benefit to the green labour bloc in forming a government. Besides I doubt he will go with David and Russel for the simple reason that his ego will not want him to play third fiddle.
I wonder if the recent grumpiness of labour MPs is related to on going poor polling.
Voters will vote for some more redistribution. There is widespread concern at persistent inequality. But they will not vote for policies that make New Zealand poorer.
As an example – The recent solar panel policy is such an example. It uses the Government (and its ability to tax and borrow) to promote an expensive generation mode over existing cheaper ones. It dishonestly portrays solar as cheaper by claiming that the interest subsidy is not really a subsidy, and by downplaying the ownership risks. If someone had a spare $15,000 and they did want to spend that on energy efficiency they would be well advised to spend it on top notch insulation, double glazing, installing a reverse cycle air hot water system and an efficient gas central heating system or a heat pump. These are proven technologies that also will add to capital value.
There is concern at inequality of opportunity. I am not at all convinced there is huge amounts at the level of concern around inequality of outcome.
The outcome is dependant upon so many factors such as ambition, priorities, life decisions, risks taken and outcome of those risks.
labour and the greens keep harping on about needing equality of outcomes. That is effectively socialism and means those who work hard, invest, make good decisions are penalised and their money taken to redistribute to those who make poor life decisions, don’t necessarily have the skills to make money.
Only if you measure the entire value of a human being by how many “skills to make money” they have Monty.
labour and the greens keep harping on about needing equality of outcomes.
Except nobody does. No-one is arguing for equality of outcomes. What we are pointing out is that in a world where just 85 people now control more wealth than the poorest 3.5 BILLION people on the planet – that there is plenty of room to reduce this gross extreme of wealth and poverty.
“labour and the greens keep harping on about needing equality of outcomes. That is effectively socialism and means those who work hard, invest, make good decisions are penalised and their money taken to redistribute to those who make poor life decisions, don’t necessarily have the skills to make money.”
Whilst I have no objection to taxing hard work only lightly, much of the higher incomes that we see are coming from economic rent and ticket clipping, and this should be providing the lion’s share of the tax take.
Sometimes. Though their income comes from the ownership of assets which contribute to the productive process, and they stand to lose their investment if the enterprise fails.
I was thinking more of interest recipients, who contribute nothing to the productive process, landlords, in respect of land, and administrators who are often grossly overpaid for what they actually contribute
Though their income comes from the ownership of assets which contribute to the productive process,
But they themselves don’t.
I was thinking more of interest recipients, who contribute nothing to the productive process,
Interest recipients are just indirect shareholders.
and administrators who are often grossly overpaid for what they actually contribute
Within a business administrators are an expense on the workers and so the workers should have a say how much that they’re paid.
Landlords should be administrators hired by the government on a fixed income to administer state rental properties. There should be no private rentals.
“Interest recipients are just indirect shareholders.”
Shareholders own assets – machines, tools, etc – which contribute to production, and which get used up through depreciation. Interest recipients hold promissory notes, or something similar, which contribute nothing.
“Within a business administrators are an expense on the workers and so the workers should have a say how much that they’re paid.’
They should be paid a fair price for the service they provide.
Shareholders own assets – machines, tools, etc – which contribute to production, and which get used up through depreciation.
Don’t kid yourself. The shareholders only “own” that hardware through legal fictions.
In the most common reality, the banks effectively own all that stuff. You can see this when a factory folds: the banks get all the money from the fire sale of those items, and the employees and shareholders get nothing.
Shareholders own assets – machines, tools, etc – which contribute to production, and which get used up through depreciation. Interest recipients hold promissory notes, or something similar, which contribute nothing.
Ownership of a machine doesn’t contribute to production.
They should be paid a fair price for the service they provide.
I didn’t say that they shouldn’t. It was more a statement that they shouldn’t set their wages.
Or even better you put up the panels, for the joy of shafting the power companies, and then with the reduction in the monthly bills, do all those other things so that the house is a net supplier. Maybe one would be allowed to donate the power to certain community facilites like schools or hospitals or towards the bill of an older or younger relative.
The recent solar panel policy is such an example. It uses the Government (and its ability to tax and borrow) to promote an expensive generation mode over existing cheaper ones. It dishonestly portrays solar as cheaper by claiming that the interest subsidy is not really a subsidy, and by downplaying the ownership risks.
When governments first started building sealed highways they were effectively subsidising a dearer mode of transport (cars) over an existing cheaper and more reliable one (horses).
SSLands i can nearly hear you sobbing from here at the Green Party having the temerity to cut out the profit making trading banks from the solar power equation, there is no ”interest subsidy” as you latest lie attempts to infer,
Those taking up the offer will be able to borrow up to $15,000 off of the Government and pay the same amount of interest the Government is charged to borrow the money on behalf of those borrowing to install solar,
You will probably be depressed to the point of self harm once the first low income families are housed under the Green Parties home ownership initiative where it will be up to the home owners how much of the mortgage they pay down on these Government housing loans which again cut out the profit making trading banks…
As an after-thought to your latest of whines formulated upon lies SSLands, you have to remember that the Government will be buying any spare generation off of those who choose to cleverly take up the Green Party initiative which lends the money to those wishing to install a solar energy system,
i should imagine that such solar producers will be given preference over the major generators when selling power to the Government wholesaler Labour/Green intend to install between the current generators and current retailers,
i would further imagine that the Government wholesaler will purchase that solar generation from the household generators at the fair price paid to the large generators which they will then on-sell to the retailers,
Obviously a single desk wholesale buyer of electricity generation will be able to use market forces to squeeze the margins and make a small profit so how you think the Government will lose money on the solar power start-up transaction is in fact beyond me…
It dishonestly portrays solar as cheaper by claiming that the interest subsidy is not really a subsidy, and by downplaying the ownership risks.
The lower interest isn’t a subsidy and there are very few, if any, downside risks. It will also make many NZers richer. The only ones that will get poorer will be the ones who bought our assets, against our will, with a look to get free money.
I have just read on Kiwiblog that Richard Prebble is returning to ACT to run their election campaign. On reading this my personal opinion is that the election is now sown up barring any major scandals.
This “in bed with the bloggers” article is thought provoking imo. Isn’t it interesting watching the meme develop that you have to be a ‘personality’ to be a blogger with impact or influence. I’m not against personalities but surely it is the ideas – oh sorry how naive of me.
I have to say that I am still struggling to get my head around the recent news that the prime minister rings slater up and chats – and the killer is, that is only if the lying dirty wanker is telling the truth – and he hardly ever does that! Dirty, dirty fight, dirty tactics, fight to win. Wake (further) up lefties the skirmishing is here.
Our PM is a well advised cold calculating banksta representing the hollowmen, time will tell why he did this.
IMO it was to give ‘credibility’ to WO who will become an outlet for the dirt etc that him and lusk etc have as their stock in trade.
you will not hear the end of the brown saga as one example as its all about throw as much shit as you can so more sticks to the ‘left’, its obvious with the nact cabal on akl council the scene has been set after sharon stewarts tanty last week which I highly doubt was her own work.
If any bloggers on here live in Sharon’s area might be good to get in touch with her office and suggest she gets on with running Auckland which is what she is paid to do. A bit of Faux concern about how the scandals are hurting the right wing image as icing on the cake.
Clearly a strong attempt to rehabilitate Slater. Which demonstrates exactly how important and central to the right-wing he is.
While I despise him with every fibre of my being – I never underestimated him. Slater is absolutely central to their value system and is now a prime channel for promulgating it. Key’s weekly chats with Slater are not an idle amusement in a bored moment; they will be a critical part of Key’s strategy and communications plan.
I do not really think Mr Key is that much in touch with Mr Slater. It was either a distraction ploy, (once Slater is hinted at we stop looking) or a deliberate effort to campaign amongst the Whale oil commentators. “I say chaps, John Key is one of us you know, so we should jolly well vote for him don’t you think?”
The context in which Mr Key hinted that Mr Slater was a confidante seemed to me that it was so unlikely that he was, and more likely that it was a slip-up being covered-up. It is true that Mr Key has not contacted me once this year even though I am freely available to offer considered opinions to him.
Sad really that only people who have conversations with Mr Key should offer opinions about his behaviours. The rest of you must remain silent!
Are you suggesting that Leaders should not “visit” those who likely would vote for them weka? Anyway, I just doubt the legitimacy of the belief in Key/Slater rapport.
Key isn’t talking to Slater weekly because he wants him to vote for National. I think leaders can visit whoever they like. But they will come under scrutiny if they lack judgement in who they visit. And let’s not forget the context of this particular contact between PM and constituent.
Lol, Pete George is on to that Herald article too and mentions you, and karol, and mickey savage, and zetetic……………..aww still thinking of you all. Ain’t that just the sweetest thing…………..
Serial lies again
Reverse cycle water heaters are dearer to run than a standard electric water heater because of the set up costs then a limited life span of the mechanism of 10 years.
Gas heating is also dearer.
Double glazing is only guaranteed for ten years needing expensive reglazing.
Insulation is a good idea.
But as usual National first changed govt funded retrofiting insulation so only wealthy people could afford it Now they have scraped it .
Donkeyotay would we well advised to steer clear of slater and his crew. They are on the road to being charged with fomenting civil disorder. They think they can get away with anything they like but the moment they step over the mark they will feel the full force of the law.
Hmm, having some technical difficulties, so I can’t amend my post… anyway, to add, the moron – some personoid, creature, whatever called Jonathan Milne – writing the piece thinks that the ability to attract advertising revenue is a measure of someone’s worth. He/it gives away a lot in that short statement.
That’s The Herald!
I’ve been watching House of Cards – the American remake with Kevin Spacey lately, and there’s a paper called “The Washington Herald”. Always, the camera frames it as “The Was”. That’s old media.
State of the country’s education
Not exactly a ringing endorsement from a former employer of his staff?
“When I was at Auckland Grammar, people would often say what a wonderful institution I was in charge of,” Morris says. “But there is no point having a nice building if you have lousy teachers.”
Of course, he would no doubt believe that when he was in the classroom he was a brilliant teacher. “Oh why couldn’t they all be like me …?
gee..!..that rory-the-green from politicheck…(over on that politcheck-thread..) being very coy about answering my (quite straightforward to my mind) questions about the ideological-tinges/records of those helping him settle the form/function imperatives of this new political watchdog..
..i asked if truth-bender farrar is involved..if the rightwing trout hooten is involved..
..(but then..he did say he was staying away from ‘the fringe’
..and libertarian hooten..and farrar…the main architect/peddler of the vile campaigns of lies/hatred against the weakest/poorest of our country..oh..!..since he started kiwiblog..?
..if they aren’t truth-bending fringe..who are..?
..and you know what..?
..i fear my wild guess on correct..
..and if rory happens to be from the right/libertarian-wing of the green party..
..well then..this politicheck thing is a rightwing attack-machine..
phil, is there much point in screaming fire if no-one has actually opened the box of matches ?
I hope they find a way to make politicheck work and this is the line that holds most promise, imho.
In the interests of transparency, all our researchers will have their affiliations listed and their names published on the articles they worked on, much the same as mine.
Not an easy statement to back away from if they do fail to deliver [unbiased] fact checking
I am not saying you are wrong,
just looking at the facts.
The site is new, it’s looking for volunteers, there is probably a fair bit of mail for the crew to get through, and as yet there has not been one published “checked fact” for anyone to comment on, let alone the vast conspiracy you seem to be consigning the site to. Have you considered the lack of immediate action in the site getting back to you might actually be a good thing? If they had gotten back to everyone straight away would that have not raised much bigger alarm bells as to how they are resourced?
I have not read the thread you reference, (guessing you mean yesterday’s posting on politicheck?) I saw the politicheck site link, went and looked at the site and now wait for updates on their status so further assessment can occur.
the situation reminds me of reviews based on trailers and not the film itself
often the critics are correct, but every now and then . . . egg on face
don’t let it happen to you is all
I see you are being foul mouthed and rude as usual today. On a related topic, did you see you are (in)famous on Kiwiblog? Although they are too polite to call you a fuckwit.
It is not gambling any more than the stockmarket is. Do you direct that your retirement savings not be invested in stocks? No, didn’t think so. Because presumably you are not a fuckwit.
Ipredict is authorised by the Securities Commission as a futures dealer.
And for your own sake stop being so foul mouthed and rude. It is disgusting.
SSLands, if i am attracting abusive comments on one or other of the Sewers channels it simply means that those who i have given a verbal slapping are too thin skinned and have run off to whine like dogs over there,
And no, i do not feel a need to dirty myself reading such rubbish as the blog you mention so my infamy or otherwise in the sewers network is immaterial,
What is more important given that National/ACT have decided to spend YOUR money, Ha-ha-ha upon brand new white-ware for ME, Ha-ha-ha, is the little question i have for you being my adopted bill payer SSLands, silver or white for the new fridge/freezer YOU are paying for SSLands, Ha-ha-ha…
Your point about my retirement savings is also an amusement SSLands, although you obviously not having a sense of humor never intended this to be thus,
My retirement savings are all on deposit in the Bank of Tane Mahuta SSLands, the Tararua branch of the ”bank” to be exact, lolz, you might be able to see the particular ”branch” below which my deposit lurks from your lounge window, Ha-ha-ha…
Hey fuckwit. That is the same trader you highlighted the other day. Obviously, his order for 2.5K shares on that stock still hasn’t been fulfilled since he is buying for the low price of $0.36. The price for that stock is effectively fixed at ~$0.36 because this large buy order is dominating all other buy orders, as I said would happen. I can’t see why the fuck you think that ipredict tells you anything – the volume traded is so low that one or two traders with a bit of cash to spare can set the price to whatever they want.
As I pointed out to you then, if he was really a rich leftie manipulating the stock, he would have simply used his money to mop up all those shares that are being sold at >$0.36 and push the price of the stock up. You really are a clueless fuck, aren’t you?
Or perhaps that is your buy order and you are trying to suck people into selling at the price to make a tidy profit when Cunliffe because our next PM? You certainly have been pushing ipredict a lot these past few weeks.
Take your keys off the keyboard and go outside and enjoy the summer. Ipredict is subject to manipulation. It also has a right wing bias. This is why lefties can actually do quite well with it.
Kim Dotcom’s hearing to be delayed again. I haven’t got much love for him , but I agree when he says that the delay will save John Key embarrassment during an election campaign.
Hard not to believe that the Minister of Jackets didn’t give a little push for the Court’s decision.
Really? If Dotcom was an going to be an embarrassment I would have thought Key would want him out of the country pronto? If
he is corrupt enough to delay a hearing then surely he is corrupt enough to bring one forward?
That makes no sense at all. If embarrassing details are going to come out at the hearing, Key would want to put it off until after the elections. He wouldn’t want them fresh in the mind of voters while they line up at the polls, and despite the best efforts of NAct’s crack legal team of Collins and Finlayson, a finding against Dotcom is still not guaranteed.
Latest Colmar Brunton is out. It claims National is up 6% to 51%, Labour is unchanged on 34%, Greens are down 5% to 8%, NZ First down 1% to 3%, the conservatives are on 1% as is the Maori Party.
The poll appears to be a rogue. I do not know why National should benefit from Green vote.
And Monty it appears that everything you have been saying today is, with respect, incorrect. How about an apology?
A real little amusement isn’t it MS, the Green Party losing 5% of their vote to the National Party, only in the dreams of the little tory that obviously thrills at making shit up,
Winston’s lot on 3%, the propaganda machine is having to stretch reality past the bounds of credibility with this one,
i was tho amused with the ”art” of those kids at that school in Slippery the PM’s electorate, trust the young to see everything for what it is befor the brainwashing begins to sink in,
The PM’s face being depicted in the kids painting of a mural sitting comfortably framed by a Donkey’s arse fits nicely with my oft stated proposition that Slippery the PM covers over the Large bald spot on His nut with the soft anal hairs plucked from a donkeys arse,
Wonder if the kids named that particular donkey Brucie, great painting, shame the same couldn’t be said about the rush of polls bullshitting us, as they did last election, with the Governing alone crap…
Why would you think Nats have pinched from Greens?
A far more sensible explanation would be that Lab have taken some at the lunatic end with the cash for breeders policy but lost some at the less nutty end to the Nats.
Barnsly Bill, your award for the dull Dunces comment of the day is in the post, the Labour poll % hasn’t moved since the last propaganda release from Colmar/National…
Um think you missed the point.. for arguments sake, the greens lost 5 points to Labour and Labour in turn lost five to the nats…. in terms of labour maybe they gained some votes at the left end of the spectrum but lost some of the more neolib inclined supporters to the nats. Tis possible labour has moved back left and has a leader that appeals to the left wing base now…
Or its just an outlier….
What Barnsley is saying (whether he’s right or not is another issue) is that National while went up and Greens went down, it wasn’t all one group of voters moving from the Greens to National.
Rather, Labour was on 34%. It gained 5% from the Greens due to strong left-wing policy. It then lost 5% to National due to centrist leaving. Therefore National goes up, Greens goes down, Labour stays the same.
Whether that’s right or wrong (it’s probably wrong) is up to debate… but you ended up looking like the dunce for not understanding that.
Poor old Disraeli Gallstone, obviously you believe in Christmas and other fairy tales as well, just like Barnsley Bill obviously does,
Colmar/national always polls National 3-4% above their actual support and the Green Party 3-5% below,
The fact that you and BB the Dunce place any real credence whatsoever in these fairy tales as anything but propaganda and then proceed to embellish that propaganda with a little narrative speculating on this and that proves nothing about the previous comment i made to BB, it simply proves that the pair of you along with the ‘wing-nut’ chorus are happy to indugle in bouts of public masterbation…
“Whether that’s right or wrong (it’s probably wrong)”
That’s what I said to you.
I don’t think this poll is right.
I was just merely commenting on your abysmal skills of reading comprehension. Amazingly, your response is another example of poor reading comprehension.
Disraeli Gallstone, wrong, i fully comprehend the little mathematics game the ‘wing-nuts’ choose to play to explain this particular piece of propaganda,
i just choose to use ignorance to portray my disbelief and it works a treat especially on those ‘wing-nuts’ that choose to pile in to blow their flatulence claiming victory across the pages of the Standard where those same ‘wing-nuts’ have little history of commenting here previously,
You may choose to believe that 10% of the left’s voters have chosen to suddenly engage in an electoral shuffle of their support toward the right, or, you may chose as i do to see these polls as having an element of manufacture within them with an actual intent of swaying softer voters intentions,
Of course if you have the slightest belief in the latter proposition then my belief is that showing any sign of belief in the little ‘wing-nut’ theory of a 10% shift of the left’s vote to the right is to put yourself in the position of a soft voter able to be swayed by the media bullshit, in other words a mere serf to the likes of Patrick Gower etc,
There are enough here who engage in the ‘wailing’ after each successive negative poll for the left to form a large enough ‘chorus of tears’ and i do not propose to become one of them, IF defeat occurs in 2014 i will only concede at the point the vote is counted,
Until then i will happily engage the ‘wing-nuts’ who fly in to spew on a momentary basis with derision which includes the pretense of deliberately misrepresenting the content of any of their particular comments, a little trick i learned from them…
Simple. The policies announced by Labour had pulled support from the greens, to Labour, but has sent labour support to the Nats. Assuming the 6% that National has gained has come from the Greens who lost 5% and claiming that to be the reason for the poll being rogue is a bit rich.
Is it not possible that Green vote at the margin moved to Labour and Labour vote at the margin moved to National rather than Green vote leapfrogging Labour to National?
Denial, now what was Colmar Brunton polling National at prior to the 2011 election, oh that’s right a ‘Govern Alone 50%’,
The desperate from the sewer pour into the Standard to try and convince us of a victory, remember your stupidity after the vote in 2014 which will see National not as governing alone, but, as the biggest opposition party yet under the MMP system…
Right so you are a true believer then, last election colamr/national polled the Tory’s at 50.3% just befor the election, what was the actual result again,
Oh that’s right 47%, please keep dreaming the National governing alone rubbish it will be all the sweeter when National wind up as a very large opposition after the 2014 vote is taken…
Sponge – You raise an interesting and potentially valid point. Whether it was as the MSM portray it (which I question), that Norman more or less went “begging” to Dotcom to not start his Internet Party, or not, it raised the possibility that he did.
In the public eye, even amongst some otherwise loyal Green voters, this could have led to serious disappointment, as the Greens have previously always tried to maintain an image of honesty, openness, transparency and independence.
The same media reports about Winston Peters having visited Dotcom, allegedly 3 times, then Peters reacting angrily, first denying this, and later claiming that Key may have had the GCSB spy on him, that will likely have disappointed some otherwise rather loyal supporters of NZ First and Winston.
I think that whether justified or not, bot suffered some loss of credibility in the public’s perception, hence the support in this poll went down for both parties, and significantly.
The Green’s solar energy policy release may not have impacted on this poll, but even that release was only moderately well received by the media, as it seems.
The MSM are ridiculed by some here, but sadly, most people out there still use them for most of their “humble” and poor quality information uptake, to base decisions on.
Abuse aside, do you not admit that the reason for the flow of votes outlined by several of us makes sense?
It is fricking obvious, surely!
You have gained some votes from fruitcakes but lost some of the middle-ground people.
Swings and roundabouts.
I’ll bet you that even Chris Trotter would agree with me.
It may not be “nice” but the truth sometimes hurts….
The key for the Left remains turning out the bottom 50% of the population to vote.
That means policies and politicians directly engaging with that part of the electorate, while emphasising to the top 50% of voters that not only is it the right thing to do to leave no one behind, but that it is economically crucial for the long term well being of society.
Now now, Felix, BM is just a lovely fellow who simply wants the best for NZ, and his comments here are simply honest and intelligent advisories on how we can all bring about the best for NZ.
He’s certainly not a lying prick shilling for a government of thieves and crooks, simply to lower his tax bill by a few percent and callous as to the tragic effect this will have on the lives of others. /sarc
I hope you remember to keep laughing when National win in October and royally fuck you and all your lefie mates in the arse as well sell this country to our bankster mates and Chinese overlords
But the bottom 50 per cent may be better off with a $ 16 minimum wage, ideally at least a living wage, no GST on essential food and other common use items, perhaps even a universal basic income (also used as a direct tax credit for those that earn above that annual UBI amount), and a more comprehensive housing policy, than something like “Best Start”, which sounds ok, but is just another WFF type benefit, costing much to administer.
With a UBI and radical tax reform, and reducing WINZ to focus only on topping up those that have extra needs due to disability, illness, parenting, accommodation, huge amounts could be saved on bureaucracy.
They may also be better off with some comprehensive state investments (SOEs) in infrastructure projects to build better public transport, value adding production plants for agricultural products, more wind-farms, solar thermal energy generation plants, geothermal projects, with a clear strategy for boosting local manufacturing (tax holidays or reductions as incentives for businesses to set up manufacturing here), with having more comprehensive training and more accessible education, combined with high-calibre research projects to develop niche foodstuffs, to research particular areas in health and environmental areas, and so forth.
People would see this agenda as revolutionary and a game changer, targeted at the long term future of the country, rather than what Labour has presented so far, which is a patchwork of bits here and there, but not changing the system as it is.
The top 50 % (certainly top 25 to 30 %) need to be held to account and do their share to build for the future, and not get away with just planning for secure personal nest-eggs and personal savings plans, while forgetting the country.
A clear difference in policy direction to National and ACT is overdue, all else is just not going to “thrill” people that much now.
Micky, surely your are joking?
The last FOUR polls in recent weeks have ALL showed national gaining and labour/greens declining with National being able to (or almost able to) govern alone.
According to many commenters on this site, the last 6 Years polls are rogue. Surely you aren’t going to fall into this rhetoric as well?
Just to give the Bob above a fair go (I am guessing your lack of patience with him is due to our differring views in the past), it wasn’t me making that comment (although I completely agree with everything the other Bob has stated).
Lots of people think that 51% is the high point of National polling. I suspect not. The margin of error suggests that it could be currently sitting at 54.1%. That figure still seems surprisingly low. The total ineptitude of the Greens and Labour suggest that many of their supporters will not be bothered voting. As the good news keeps coming in week after week we could well be seeing a historic landslide.
The trends Brett Dale are saying that colmar/national have just released another piece of propaganda which has got all the wing-nuts going from simply being heavy breathing porn watchers to being true believers that displays of public masterbation will enable national to govern alone after the vote in 2014…
I think this poll is probably slightly high for national but not by much so National can still govern alone. If NZ first gets in then Labour is quite far from being in government.
Please,please, stop with the funnies will you, my gut has just started processing dinner and the laughter is a definite interference in that process,
National heading for the prize of being the largest opposition since the beginning of MMP, even Slippery the PM couldn’t raise a smile when commenting on the latest piece of propaganda, although it was gut busting to see the PM depicted in a mural as a semi-part of a donkeys arse…
When new immigrants are sucked into believing that “…the Conservative Party is good for Christians, Green Party good for environment, Labour Party good for the poor and National Party good for business” then it’s obviously time for Labour to get off it’s lazy entitled ass, and start shifting that perception through clever social media advertising.
It’s the only way to shift that bitch!
National is only good for BIG business, but sucks for our entrepreneurs. Labour is the party for the workers, and wants to ensure that all workers benefit from any economic upside – National only wants the CEOs to benefit and the people that do the hard work, our everyday workers, to not receive any benefit but to be happy with the crumbs from the table.
The message should be that Labour is not ashamed to say it stands for ensuring that every person who wants to work, can, BUT should be entitled to receive a fair days wage for a fair days pay. Labour needs to be UPFRONT and thunder that it is WRONG and UNCONSCIONABLE for overseas corporations to treat New Zealand workers like COTTON PICKERS!
It’s emotive language for sure, but emotions win elections. Labour and the Greens won’t get anywhere being namby pamby and focusing on Key. KEY is the WRONG area to target. National policies needs to be ignored and Labour needs to start highlighting NOW! Stop banging on about what National has done or not, start banging on NOW!
NOW: Your wages haven’t moved in 5 years, yet the cost of living has gone up. Labour wants to ensure that you can afford to live and have enough to save for the things you want.
NOW: Your power prices are amongst the highest in the OECD. Labour wants you to stop paying so much for power, and have money for the things that matter.
NOW: New Zealand has lost too many workers in the forestry sector thanks to unregulated activities causing death. Labour wants every worker to be safe at work, and not be at risk of dying for the corporate.
NOW: There aren’t enough jobs for everyone who wants one. Labour wants people to have every opportunity to find a job, and if they can’t, help people while they look for work.
NOW: Education has become too expensive for many people. Labour believes in free education for everyone under 18 and will work to restore the right to free education.
NOW: People aren’t being fairly remunerated for a 40 hour week. Labour believes the corporates have more than enough ability to adequately compensate their employees with a fair wage.
NOW: Labour believes that New Zealanders are being targeted by overseas corporates with no regard for the true cost of living in New Zealand. Labour will work to ensure that New Zealanders are treated on a level playing field with the cost of goods and services.
It is so simple and easy to do. The soundbites are easy, and National have done fine on a “less said the better” policy when it comes to people talking about what they perceive National to be doing.
The left get sucked into believing that they need to counter the lack of concrete substance by National with a marshmallow puffed policy which is WRONG. Labours issue when they release policy is that they release far too much of it, giving their opponents grist for the mill.
Compare and CONTRAST:
National: – New policy. High performing teachers will be paid more and we’ll have special principals overlooking a number of different schools. Yada yada yada, more money but education good! Yay!
Nil critical aspect, nil detail, and just a vague outline of what they propose.
Labour: First time babies, $60 per week, except and unless, first year, second year, third year, $150,000, or not. Parental leave! Look! Details! More more details! Part time income! Working for Families! Entitlement! Everyone! Universal! Oh, no, wrong. Stop talking! Shoosh. Shucks, we flubbed it.
Too much information, too much room for interpretation.
Far better would have been: New policy: First start. All parents with babies will receive assistance and support. Further details released closer to election.
Easy! Simple! Even Paddy Gower wouldn’t have been able to fuck that up.
There are over 4 million reasons wrong with this country, where the CEO of a parasitic organisation can earn nearly 100 times more than the people that do the daily grind in the teller role, and are arguably more valuable to ANZ than the high falutin’ CEO. The tellers are the ones that keep the customers happy at the end of the day.
Labour lose the plot when it comes to articulating their vision for a better New Zealand. It’s almost like they don’t understand the KISS principle. If they did, they might be better off.
Labour needs to articulate the fact that they are the government for the PEOPLE. National are the government for OVERSEAS interests.
Sing it loud, sing it proud. No need to proffer proof. Just keep tying OVERSEAS INTERESTS back to WARNER BROTHERS – RIO TINTO – BANK OF NEW YORK (and it’s 8 million shares in our former SOE)
So what do you want Kiwis? A government for New Zealand, or a Government for Overseas Interests?
Make it the boogy man. Overseas Interests are the new “Reds under the Bed”
I just get so frustrated and annoyed at what should be relatively simple politics and keep watching Labour stumble every time headlong into the catchers mitt that has been placed there so artfully by the likes of Gower et al.
If only Labours media managers would stop insisting on having so much policy released upfront, and stop muzzling Cunliffe or whoever from being so restrained, Labour might actually have a chance to win.
As I outlined above, the framing is right there, it’s NOW.
As we’ve seen in the last two weeks with Progressive Enterprises, the mood is right to capture New Zealanders thinking about OVERSEAS INTERESTS and definitely put the framing square onto LABOUR for NEW ZEALAND and National for OVERSEAS INTERESTS!
Easy framing, right timing.
In politics, Timing is Everything.
The Timing is Now, the framing is ready to roll.
But who the heck is going to listen? I’m just another Labour party member that has no links to the hallowed halls of hell, nor do I have any inclination to get involved with the pit of self absorption that is the local LEC.
If only Labours media managers would stop insisting on having so much policy released upfront, and stop muzzling Cunliffe or whoever from being so restrained, Labour might actually have a chance to win.
Well as I see it that’s exactly what theyre doing. Chinless wonder says what ever he wants and the only policy Labour has is regurgitated Greens policy or 1950s socialist propaganda.
simple effective slogans, used by all, ad nauseum, chimpboy, gooner and co cant twist it and the likes of mallard and goff cant grandstand with it.
I hope some deadwood gets cleared out also but thats unlikely.
Nats got in on a smile and wave with one liners , labour should do similar, the missing voters cant cope with unecessary detail, a change is what they will vote for.
You raise valid points there, and believe in passion being part of politics, and it surely does and must be getting its fair share.
The problem you will have with that approach is, that the MSM (mainstream media) will of course see this, and jump at it straight away, and than claim, it is just about “whipping up emotions”, but without any evidence to prove the arguments. They will take that approach to pieces, and then Labour and Greens will have to come and try and prove their arguments, and we are back to nitty gritty back and fro arguments about details, and hollowing out of what the message is meant to say.
What we have here is a repeat of the last election campaigns, where the MSM are already largely feeding the public with the usual BIASED commentary and information (no background info, no analysis, treating Key and Nats with the soft brush, and Labour and Greens with a knife and hammer), all coming from the supposedly “independent” reporters and “media personalities” (having their personal “views”), and the public hear and read little else.
The public then think, that is how it is, and hence they poll as they do, which reinforces again the conviction of the MSM that they are right with their (idiotic or manipulative) assessments. So you end up in a catch 22 situation, where polls feed and shape perception, and that again shapes commentary and views coming from the MSM, which again brings about the polls like a self fulfilling prophecy.
The challenge is to go beyond the MSM, to go and hold public meetings, run public events and campaigns, aggressively and widely use social media, and to network and meet people face to face. There is no alternative to such damned hard work, and the first thing the Labour MPs in caucus can do, is start on Monday, doing exactly that.
Visit work places, factories, council staff, drain layers, road workers, hospital nurses and doctors, people rebuilding in Christchurch, talk with the exploited foreign workers here, expose this, talk with the taxi drivers working 12 hour days for less than minimum pay per hour, talk with social workers, drug and alcohol counsellors, with stressed out teachers, with ECE workers, with beneficiaries struggling, and so forth it must go!
Clusterfuck Cunliffe is Nationals greatest asset, the only thing saving him is Norman collapsing greens support by sucking up to the fat German fraudster.
If he’s a ‘Naki’ man, then he’s only a thirty-something jerk, probably from Taranaki but not yet a man. It’s talk from the same generation as the ‘hard-core’ bullshit used to sell tee-shirts.
Deconstructing his moniker is a tediously embarrassing business for anybody who’s actually lived an adult-hood in the place.
Of course if Naki man was actually Taranaki man with the emphasis on the Tara from the more oblique usage of that particular word in some tribal dialects i could well believe Him to be that…
the johnkey donkey mural was funnier. i’m trying to get a good screen capture so share the laughs. & the look on keys face when he had to sign its arse, hilarious!
Lolz there are some extremely clever kids in Slippery’s electorate, the mouthful of tea ended up expelled all over the place when i got a look at that…
SSLands, what the hell are you on about now, have not i told you on numerous occassions to stay off the internet when you have been on the bottle all day,
Commenting when your pissed just makes you come across as more ludicrous than normal, i know that for you is probably a badge of honor as you seem incapable of anything but the ludicrous but you should have a small modicum of shame even in your drunken state,
My advice of course is in your best interests as you should cease to turn up for your employment as a minor bean counting serf in your lonely little bean counters cubicle with a raging and patently obvious whisky hangover as despite your thinking otherwise your employment is far from assured into the future with your boss looking to increase profits by cutting out the under-performers,
Is there any truth to the rumor that you consider your employment status to be safe during the upcoming restructuring of the company you are a serf for because as far as the boss is concerned you out of all the slaves gives the best blow-jobs…
I was looking forward to the Roy Morgan poll (a poll that the folks here seem to place a lot of faith in) showing Labour clawing back some ground, but unfortunately it showed gains to the Nats. The lack of discussion on this borad re the RM poll said it all. This latest poll reinforces National’s position, albeit with a different Left distribution. No matter how you slice & dice it, the CB poll is not good news for the Left, and Cunliffe slipping in the preferred PM stakes is a concern also (I can’t recall what Shearer was polling when he was rolled).
IMO Labour are spending too much time attacking the Nats, and not enough time & energy promoting their own policy. Also, with the exception of recent performances from Jones, Labour don’t seem to have any depth to their team. What happened to the energy that Robertson exhibited during the leadership contest? If Cunliffe is struggling in the popularity stakes, his team need to step up, take some of the heat and show some passion, engage in intelligent & positive dialogue with the MSM, and act like a team that is capable of leading NZ.
Ben Hur, faith in the Roy Morgan, you have that slightly wrong, the Roy Morgan is of much more interest to us political junkies as it is produced on a far greater number of occasions than the other media polls and thus makes an interesting watch for ‘the trend’,
Faith though is a measurement of respect in what is clearly a neutral polling organization and i for one have seen none of them recently which includes the Morgan poll in the none of them,
Gary Morgan, son of Roy, and the current named proprietor of the Roy Morgan polling organization is heavily invested in Australian mining interests and if you think that such interests can fit in with a polling company being unbiased i fear for your sanity…
IMO Labour are spending too much time attacking the Nats, and not enough time & energy promoting their own policy.
WRONG. The Nats and their acolytes are doing the attacking. And what’s more the claims are bogus lies and the MSM know it. Still, they let them get away with it. Labour and the Greens are the parties releasing damm good policies. By and large, the MSM are ignoring them – mind bogglingly concentrating on petty issues instead.
The Nats have got their policy out there and understood, so arguably have the time to attack the Left. It will be interesting to see if there is any fallout with Bradbury stating that he talks with Cunliffe, and the fact (and therefore linkage) that Bradbury was in the pay of Dot Com.
Labour policies like turning people on $149k into beneficiaries and Greens policy like subsidised
PV panels that are not cost effective, there is no need to tell lies these clowns are shooting themselves in the foot.
The MSM is corporate dominated, the top media bosses, the editors, the “media personalities”, they are clearly in their vast majority having a personal bias towards maintaining the status quo! And now APN have even bought the majority or total share holding of what was the Radio Network (1ZB and so forth).
Just having listened to the conversations about the Shane Taurima incident or “scandal” at TVNZ, and how that was commented on by many, that sent shivers down my spine. The majority of the private media journalists and moderators try to portray themselves as “independent” and TVNZ and Radio NZ as “left leaning”. And they get away with it. Even Radio NZ disappointed me a bit with their last summary of this on Media Watch:
A shocker to me was the last Focus on Politics program last Friday, and how that started, almost showing National in the best of light to fight poverty and social problems!? Hear it here, if you did not:
I did not hear the whole of Insight this morning, but I think it also tried to be overly “balanced” (careful to not upset the government) to report on how the public service have been treated under this government, and that is on Radio NZ National:
Forget TVNZ, they are now so scared to say or present anything that may just slightly show Labour or Greens in a positive light, being “scared” by the reports of mostly private media persons, that they are “left leaning” and prone to bias. So the MSM is anything but helpful, it will NOT be useful to communicate to the public what matters, they are not going to do their job!
But despite of this, I am still flabber-ghasted why Labour and Greens do not hammer Bennett on welfare issues, of which there are a many, and I know that others (besides myself) have sent some of the MPs a fair bit of very revealing, useful information, which is probably sitting and gathering dust, or has been deleted as too complex email communication.
What they do wrong is going on about the same again and again and again, slogan like, but not expand the line of attack, and not fire with studied information, questions and arguments. Some of them are in my view not capable of doing their jobs, simple fact.
The elephant in the room: why hasn’t David Cunliffe (and Labour) purged the likes of Phil Goff, Annette King and the treacherous Trevor Mallard? Why do these old-timers continue warming the benches and doing nothing sweet fuck all?
Unless a miracle happens New Zealand is looking to another three years of a National-Act government. There is time for a change, but it is running out quickly.
Good point,a lot depends on how the pollsters frame the questions to those prepared to respond, of course if you were planning on having a fiddle with the outcome after the poll had been taken the ‘undecided’ column would be a good place to start…
It is alot, what that means is of the 11% there are plenty of voters not happy with National and are holding out to see what policies come out from Labour. You can count on NZF voters not wanting a National deal done.
The Greens are losing cred by both the Dotcom support and Norman has soiled his previous good work by engaging in a silly tussle with God Botherer Collin Craig. The Greens are better off keeping their head down and remaining silent, coming out when they have sensible things to say. People voted NZF last election because Peters is a one man wrecking ball. Look for Winston to come out boxing and trim National back in popularity. A scandal exposing Key, further slamming the assets sale with the GE sale and the aftermath with price hikes, and the total costs of the ticket clippers from across the ditch.
Once the interest rates start to climb and China clips Nationals wings with a strategic drop in bidding for our milk powder causing the price to slump. China will not be happy with Key and his sucking up to Uncle Sam. The TPPA is heavy weighted in the Yanks favour and we are in China’s part of the globe, we are going to get a sharp reminder of this very soon.
I don’t think anti foreign companies is quite the right way to approach that for a major party. It works better in the hands of Winston and he will just out xenophobe you.
I think instead you can just focus on Big corporations, in particular dodgy advertising but also other practices.
The pitch can be a much stronger and much more aggressive commerce commission. Find some illegal stuff then say you need broarder laws to catch the similar but marginally legal activities.
In the same theme one could go after tax loopholes etc. Maybe use closing them as revenue source in a way that will catch the public’s attention.
In terms of all the normal policies – the 2 key things for labour to win is
1) for it to sell itself as being responsible party of government – So it needs to look fiscally responsible to the public – more so as often as possible than national. (eg push the super issue as a cost).
2) It also needs to distance itself from the Greens and sell the idea that it can control the greens. Because the swing voters fear greens.
Hmm .. am not sure what Labour will really stand for and what next will happen with maintaining the entitlement age for super, given that the new ACT leader is now pushing for the increase.
John Key and National’s dirty work already being done by ACT … and David Parker?
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Welcome to 2025, Aotearoa. Well… what can one really say? 2024 was a story of a bad beginning, an infernal middle and an indescribably farcical end. But to chart a course for a real future, it does pay to know where we’ve been… so we know where we need ...
Welcome to the official half-way point of the 2020s. Anyway, as per my New Years tradition, here’s where A Phuulish Fellow’s blog traffic came from in 2024: United States United Kingdom New Zealand Canada Sweden Australia Germany Spain Brazil Finland The top four are the same as 2023, ...
Completed reads for December: Be A Wolf!, by Brian Strickland The Magic Flute [libretto], by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Emanuel Schikaneder The Invisible Eye, by Erckmann-Chatrian The Owl’s Ear, by Erckmann-Chatrian The Waters of Death, by Erckmann-Chatrian The Spider, by Hanns Heinz Ewers Who Knows?, by Guy de Maupassant ...
Well, it’s the last day of the year, so it’s time for a quick wrap-up of the most important things that happened in 2024 for urbanism and transport in our city. A huge thank you to everyone who has visited the blog and supported us in our mission to make ...
Leave your office, run past your funeralLeave your home, car, leave your pulpitJoin us in the streets where weJoin us in the streets where weDon't belong, don't belongHere under the starsThrowing light…Song: Jeffery BuckleyToday, I’ll discuss the standout politicians of the last 12 months. Each party will receive three awards, ...
Hi,A lot’s happened this year in the world of Webworm, and as 2024 comes to an end I thought I’d look back at a few of the things that popped. Maybe you missed them, or you might want to revisit some of these essay and podcast episodes over your break ...
Hi,I wanted to share this piece by film editor Dan Kircher about what cinema has been up to in 2024.Dan edited my documentary Mister Organ, as well as this year’s excellent crowd-pleasing Bookworm.Dan adores movies. He gets the language of cinema, he knows what he loves, and writes accordingly. And ...
Without delving into personal details but in order to give readers a sense of the year that was, I thought I would offer the study in contrasts that are Xmas 2023 and Xmas 2024: Xmas 2023 in Starship Children’s Hospital (after third of four surgeries). Even opening presents was an ...
Heavy disclaimer: Alpha/beta/omega dynamics is a popular trope that’s used in a wide range of stories and my thoughts on it do not apply to all cases. I’m most familiar with it through the lens of male-focused fanfic, typically m/m but sometimes also featuring m/f and that’s the situation I’m ...
Hi,Webworm has been pretty heavy this year — mainly because the world is pretty heavy. But as we sprint (or limp, you choose) through the final days of 2024, I wanted to keep Webworm a little lighter.So today I wanted to look at one of the biggest and weirdest elements ...
A listing of 23 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, December 22, 2024 thru Sat, December 28, 2024. This week's roundup is the second one published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, ...
We’ll have a climate change ChristmasFrom now until foreverWarming our hearts and mindsAnd planet all togetherSpirits high and oceans higherChestnuts roast on wildfiresIf coal is on your wishlistMerry Climate Change ChristmasSong by Ian McConnellReindeer emissions are not something I’d thought about in terms of climate change. I guess some significant ...
KP continues to putt-putt along as a tiny niche blog that offers a NZ perspective on international affairs with a few observations about NZ domestic politics thrown in. In 2024 there was also some personal posts given that my son was in the last four months of a nine month ...
I can see very wellThere's a boat on the reef with a broken backAnd I can see it very wellThere's a joke and I know it very wellIt's one of those that I told you long agoTake my word I'm a madman, don't you knowSongwriters: Bernie Taupin / Elton JohnIt ...
.Acknowledgement: Tim PrebbleThanks for reading Frankly Speaking ! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work..With each passing day of bad headlines, squandering tax revenue to enrich the rich, deep cuts to our social services and a government struggling to keep the lipstick on its neo-liberal pig ...
This is from the 36th Parallel social media account (as brief food for thought). We know that Trump is ahistorical at best but he seems to think that he is Teddy Roosevelt and can use the threat of invoking the Monroe Doctrine and “Big Stick” gunboat diplomacy against Panama and ...
Don't you cry tonightI still love you, babyAnd don't you cry tonightDon't you cry tonightThere's a heaven above you, babyAnd don't you cry tonightSong: Axl Rose and Izzy Stradlin“Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so”, said possibly the greatest philosopher ever to walk this earth, Douglas Adams.We have entered the ...
Because you're magicYou're magic people to meSong: Dave Para/Molly Para.Morena all, I hope you had a good day yesterday, however you spent it. Today, a few words about our celebration and a look at the various messages from our politicians.A Rockel XmasChristmas morning was spent with the five of us ...
This video includes personal musings and conclusions of the creator climate scientist Dr. Adam Levy. It is presented to our readers as an informed perspective. Please see video description for references (if any). 2024 has been a series of bad news for climate change. From scorching global temperatures leading to devastating ...
Ríu Ríu ChíuRíu Ríu Chíu is a Spanish Christmas song from the 16th Century. The traditional carol would likely have passed unnoticed by the English-speaking world had the made-for-television American band The Monkees not performed the song as part of their special Christmas show back in 1967. The show's ...
Dunedin’s summer thus far has been warm and humid… and it looks like we’re in for a grey Christmas. But it is now officially Christmas Day in this time zone, so never mind. This year, I’ve stumbled across an Old English version of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen: It has a population of just under 3.5 million inhabitants, produces nearly 550,000 tons of beef per year, and boasts a glorious soccer reputation with two World ...
Morena all,In my paywalled newsletter yesterday, I signed off for Christmas and wished readers well, but I thought I’d send everyone a quick note this morning.This hasn’t been a good year for our small country. The divisions caused by the Treaty Principles Bill, the cuts to our public sector, increased ...
This morning’s six standouts for me at 6.30 am include:Kāinga Ora is quietly planning to sell over $1 billion worth of state-owned land under 300 state homes in Auckland’s wealthiest suburbs, including around Bastion Point, to give the Government more fiscal room to pay for tax cuts and reduce borrowing.A ...
Hi,It’s my birthday on Christmas Day, and I have a favour to ask.A birthday wish.I would love you to share one Webworm story you’ve liked this year.The simple fact is: apart from paying for a Webworm membership (thank you!), sharing and telling others about this place is the most important ...
The last few days have been a bit too much of a whirl for me to manage a fresh edition each day. It's been that kind of year. Hope you don't mind.I’ve been coming around to thinking that it doesn't really matter if you don't have something to say every ...
The worms will live in every hostIt's hard to pick which one they eat the mostThe horrible people, the horrible peopleIt's as anatomic as the size of your steepleCapitalism has made it this wayOld-fashioned fascism will take it awaySongwriter: Twiggy Ramirez Read more ...
Hi,It’s almost Christmas Day which means it is almost my birthday, where you will find me whimpering in the corner clutching a warm bottle of Baileys.If you’re out of ideas for presents (and truly desperate) then it is possible to gift a full Webworm subscription to a friend (or enemy) ...
This morning’s six standouts for me at 6.30am include:Rachel Helyer Donaldson’s scoop via RNZ last night of cuts to maternity jobs in the health system;Maddy Croad’s scoop via The Press-$ this morning on funding cuts for Christchurch’s biggest food rescue charity;Benedict Collins’ scoop last night via 1News on a last-minute ...
A listing of 25 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, December 15, 2024 thru Sat, December 21, 2024. Based on feedback we received, this week's roundup is the first one published soleley by category. We are still interested in ...
Well, I've been there, sitting in that same chairWhispering that same prayer half a million timesIt's a lie, though buried in disciplesOne page of the Bible isn't worth a lifeThere's nothing wrong with youIt's true, it's trueThere's something wrong with the villageWith the villageSomething wrong with the villageSongwriters: Andrew Jackson ...
ACT would like to dictate what universities can and can’t say. We knew it was coming. It was outlined in the coalition agreement and has become part of Seymour’s strategy of “emphasising public funding” to prevent people from opposing him and his views—something he also uses to try and de-platform ...
Skeptical Science is partnering with Gigafact to produce fact briefs — bite-sized fact checks of trending claims. This fact brief was written by Sue Bin Park from the Gigafact team in collaboration with members from our team. You can submit claims you think need checking via the tipline. Are we heading ...
So the Solstice has arrived – Summer in this part of the world, Winter for the Northern Hemisphere. And with it, the publication my new Norse dark-fantasy piece, As Our Power Lessens at Eternal Haunted Summer: As previously noted, this one is very ‘wyrd’, and Northern Theory of Courage. ...
The Natural Choice: As a starter for ten percent of the Party Vote, “saving the planet” is a very respectable objective. Young voters, in particular, raised on the dire (if unheeded) warnings of climate scientists, and the irrefutable evidence of devastating weather events linked to global warming, vote Green. After ...
The Government cancelled 60% of Kāinga Ora’s new builds next year, even though the land for them was already bought, the consents were consented and there are builders unemployed all over the place. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāMōrena. Long stories short, the six things that mattered in Aotearoa’s political ...
Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on UnsplashEvery morning I get up at 3am to go around the traps of news sites in Aotearoa and globally. I pick out the top ones from my point of view and have been putting them into my Dawn Chorus email, which goes out with a podcast. ...
Over on Kikorangi Newsroom's Marc Daalder has published his annual OIA stats. So I thought I'd do mine: 82 OIA requests sent in 2024 7 posts based on those requests 20 average working days to receive a response Ministry of Justice was my most-requested entity, ...
Welcome to the December 2024 Economic Bulletin. We have two monthly features in this edition. In the first, we discuss what the Half Year Economic and Fiscal Update from Treasury and the Budget Policy Statement from the Minister of Finance tell us about the fiscal position and what to ...
The NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi have submitted against the controversial Treaty Principles Bill, slamming the Bill as a breach of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and an attack on tino rangatiratanga and the collective rights of Tangata Whenua. “This Bill seeks to legislate for Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles that are ...
I don't knowHow to say what's got to be saidI don't know if it's black or whiteThere's others see it redI don't get the answers rightI'll leave that to youIs this love out of fashionOr is it the time of yearAre these words distraction?To the words you want to hearSongwriters: ...
Our economy has experienced its worst recession since 1991. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāMōrena. Long stories short, the six things that matter in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Friday, December 20 in The Kākā’s Dawn Chorus podcast above and the daily Pick ‘n’ Mix below ...
Twas the Friday before Christmas and all through the week we’ve been collecting stories for our final roundup of the year. As we start to wind down for the year we hope you all have a safe and happy Christmas and new year. If you’re travelling please be safe on ...
The podcast above of the weekly ‘Hoon’ webinar for paying subscribers on Thursday night features co-hosts & talking about the year’s news with: on climate. Her book of the year was Tim Winton’s cli-fi novel Juice and she also mentioned Mike Joy’s memoir The Fight for Fresh Water. ...
The Government can head off to the holidays, entitled to assure itself that it has done more or less what it said it would do. The campaign last year promised to “get New Zealand back on track.” When you look at the basic promises—to trim back Government expenditure, toughen up ...
Open access notables An intensification of surface Earth’s energy imbalance since the late 20th century, Li et al., Communications Earth & Environment:Tracking the energy balance of the Earth system is a key method for studying the contribution of human activities to climate change. However, accurately estimating the surface energy balance ...
Photo by Mauricio Fanfa on UnsplashKia oraCome and join us for our weekly ‘Hoon’ webinar with paying subscribers to The Kākā for an hour at 5 pm today.Jump on this link on YouTube Livestream for our chat about the week’s news with myself , plus regular guests and , ...
“Like you said, I’m an unreconstructed socialist. Everybody deserves to get something for Christmas.”“ONE OF THOSE had better be for me!” Hannah grinned, fascinated, as Laurie made his way, gingerly, to the bar, his arms full of gift-wrapped packages.“Of course!”, beamed Laurie. Depositing his armful on the bar-top and selecting ...
Data released by Statistics New Zealand today showed a significant slowdown in the economy over the past six months, with GDP falling by 1% in September, and 1.1% in June said CTU Economist Craig Renney. “The data shows that the size of the economy in GDP terms is now smaller ...
One last thing before I quitI never wanted any moreThan I could fit into my headI still remember every single word you saidAnd all the shit that somehow came along with itStill, there's one thing that comforts meSince I was always caged and now I'm freeSongwriters: David Grohl / Georg ...
Sparse offerings outside a Te Kauwhata church. Meanwhile, the Government is cutting spending in ways that make thousands of hungry children even hungrier, while also cutting funding for the charities that help them. It’s also doing that while winding back new building of affordable housing that would allow parents to ...
It is difficult to make sense of the Luxon Coalition Government’s economic management.This end-of-year review about the state of economic management – the state of the economy was last week – is not going to cover the National Party contribution. Frankly, like every other careful observer, I cannot make up ...
This morning I awoke to the lovely news that we are firmly back on track, that is if the scale was reversed.NZ ranks low in global economic comparisonsNew Zealand's economy has been ranked 33rd out of 37 in an international comparison of which have done best in 2024.Economies were ranked ...
Remember those silent movies where the heroine is tied to the railway tracks or going over the waterfall in a barrel? Finance Minister Nicola Willis seems intent on portraying herself as that damsel in distress. According to Willis, this country’s current economic problems have all been caused by the spending ...
Similar to the cuts and the austerity drive imposed by Ruth Richardson in the 1990’s, an era which to all intents and purposes we’ve largely fiddled around the edges with fixing in the time since – over, to be fair, several administrations – whilst trying our best it seems to ...
String-Pulling in the Dark: For the democratic process to be meaningful it must also be public. WITH TRUST AND CONFIDENCE in New Zealand’s politicians and journalists steadily declining, restoring those virtues poses a daunting challenge. Just how daunting is made clear by comparing the way politicians and journalists treated New Zealanders ...
Dear Nicola Willis, thank you for letting us know in so many words that the swingeing austerity hasn't worked.By in so many words I mean the bit where you said, Here is a sea of red ink in which we are drowning after twelve months of savage cost cutting and ...
The Open Government Partnership is a multilateral organisation committed to advancing open government. Countries which join are supposed to co-create regular action plans with civil society, committing to making verifiable improvements in transparency, accountability, participation, or technology and innovation for the above. And they're held to account through an Independent ...
Today I tuned into something strange: a press conference that didn’t make my stomach churn or the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Which was strange, because it was about the torture of children. It was the announcement by Erica Stanford — on her own, unusually ...
This is a must watch, and puts on brilliant and practical display the implications and mechanics of fast-track law corruption and weakness.CLICK HERE: LINK TO WATCH VIDEOOur news media as it is set up is simply not equipped to deal with the brazen disinformation and corruption under this right wing ...
NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi Acting Secretary Erin Polaczuk is welcoming the announcement from Minister of Workplace Relations and Safety Brooke van Velden that she is opening consultation on engineered stone and is calling on her to listen to the evidence and implement a total ban of the product. “We need ...
The Government has announced a 1.5% increase in the minimum wage from 1 April 2025, well below forecast inflation of 2.5%. Unions have reacted strongly and denounced it as a real terms cut. PSA and the CTU are opposing a new round of staff cuts at WorkSafe, which they say ...
National has only been in power for a year, but everywhere you look, its choices are taking New Zealand a long way backwards. In no particular order, here are the National Government's Top 50 Greatest Misses of its first year in power. ...
The Government is quietly undertaking consultation on the dangerous Regulatory Standards Bill over the Christmas period to avoid too much attention. ...
The Government’s planned changes to the freedom of speech obligations of universities is little more than a front for stoking the political fires of disinformation and fear, placing teachers and students in the crosshairs. ...
The Ministry of Regulation’s report into Early Childhood Education (ECE) in Aotearoa raises serious concerns about the possibility of lowering qualification requirements, undermining quality and risking worse outcomes for tamariki, whānau, and kaiako. ...
A Bill to modernise the role of Justices of the Peace (JP), ensuring they remain active in their communities and connected with other JPs, has been put into the ballot. ...
Labour will continue to fight unsustainable and destructive projects that are able to leap-frog environment protection under National’s Fast-track Approvals Bill. ...
The Green Party has warned that a Green Government will revoke the consents of companies who override environmental protections as part of Fast-Track legislation being passed today. ...
The Green Party says the Half Year Economic and Fiscal Update shows how the Government is failing to address the massive social and infrastructure deficits our country faces. ...
The Government’s latest move to reduce the earnings of migrant workers will not only hurt migrants but it will drive down the wages of Kiwi workers. ...
Te Pāti Māori has this morning issued a stern warning to Fast-Track applicants with interests in mining, pledging to hold them accountable through retrospective liability and to immediately revoke Fast-Track consents under a future Te Pāti Māori government. This warning comes ahead of today’s third reading of the Fast-Track Approvals ...
The Government’s announcement today of a 1.5 per cent increase to minimum wage is another blow for workers, with inflation projected to exceed the increase, meaning it’s a real terms pay reduction for many. ...
All the Government has achieved from its announcement today is to continue to push responsibility back on councils for its own lack of action to help bring down skyrocketing rates. ...
The Government has used its final post-Cabinet press conference of the year to punch down on local government without offering any credible solutions to the issues our councils are facing. ...
The Government has failed to keep its promise to ‘super charge’ the EV network, delivering just 292 chargers - less than half of the 670 chargers needed to meet its target. ...
The Green Party is calling for the Government to stop subsidising the largest user of the country’s gas supplies, Methanex, following a report highlighting the multi-national’s disproportionate influence on energy prices in Aotearoa. ...
Associate Health Minister with responsibility for Pharmac David Seymour is pleased to see Pharmac continue to increase availability of medicines for Kiwis with the government’s largest ever investment in Pharmac. “Pharmac operates independently, but it must work within the budget constraints set by the government,” says Mr Seymour. “When this government assumed ...
Mā mua ka kite a muri, mā muri ka ora e mua - Those who lead give sight to those who follow, those who follow give life to those who lead. Māori recipients in the New Year 2025 Honours list show comprehensive dedication to improving communities across the motu that ...
Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden is wishing all New Zealanders a great holiday season as Kiwis prepare for gatherings with friends and families to see in the New Year. It is a great time of year to remind everyone to stay fire safe over the summer. “I know ...
From 1 January 2025, first-time tertiary learners will have access to a new Fees Free entitlement of up to $12,000 for their final year of provider-based study or final two years of work-based learning, Tertiary Education and Skills Minister Penny Simmonds says. “Targeting funding to the final year of study ...
“As we head into one of the busiest times of the year for Police, and family violence and sexual violence response services, it’s a good time to remind everyone what to do if they experience violence or are worried about others,” Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence ...
Kiwis planning a swim or heading out on a boat this summer should remember to stop and think about water safety, Sport & Recreation Minister Chris Bishop and ACC and Associate Transport Minister Matt Doocey say. “New Zealand’s beaches, lakes and rivers are some of the most beautiful in the ...
The Government is urging Kiwis to drive safely this summer and reminding motorists that Police will be out in force to enforce the road rules, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.“This time of year can be stressful and result in poor decision-making on our roads. Whether you are travelling to see ...
Health Minister Dr Shane Reti says Health New Zealand will move swiftly to support dozens of internationally-trained doctors already in New Zealand on their journey to employment here, after a tripling of sought-after examination places. “The Medical Council has delivered great news for hardworking overseas doctors who want to contribute ...
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has appointed Sarah Ottrey to the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC). “At my first APEC Summit in Lima, I experienced firsthand the role that ABAC plays in guaranteeing political leaders hear the voice of business,” Mr Luxon says. “New Zealand’s ABAC representatives are very well respected and ...
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has announced four appointments to New Zealand’s intelligence oversight functions. The Honourable Robert Dobson KC has been appointed Chief Commissioner of Intelligence Warrants, and the Honourable Brendan Brown KC has been appointed as a Commissioner of Intelligence Warrants. The appointments of Hon Robert Dobson and Hon ...
Improvements in the average time it takes to process survey and title applications means housing developments can progress more quickly, Minister for Land Information Chris Penk says. “The government is resolutely focused on improving the building and construction pipeline,” Mr Penk says. “Applications to issue titles and subdivide land are ...
The Government’s measures to reduce airport wait times, and better transparency around flight disruptions is delivering encouraging early results for passengers ahead of the busy summer period, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says. “Improving the efficiency of air travel is a priority for the Government to give passengers a smoother, more reliable ...
The Government today announced the intended closure of the Apollo Hotel as Contracted Emergency Housing (CEH) in Rotorua, Associate Housing Minister Tama Potaka says. This follows a 30 per cent reduction in the number of households in CEH in Rotorua since National came into Government. “Our focus is on ending CEH in the Whakarewarewa area starting ...
The Government will reshape vocational education and training to return decision making to regions and enable greater industry input into work-based learning Tertiary Education and Skills Minister, Penny Simmonds says. “The redesigned system will better meet the needs of learners, industry, and the economy. It includes re-establishing regional polytechnics that ...
The Government is taking action to better manage synthetic refrigerants and reduce emissions caused by greenhouse gases found in heating and cooling products, Environment Minister Penny Simmonds says. “Regulations will be drafted to support a product stewardship scheme for synthetic refrigerants, Ms. Simmonds says. “Synthetic refrigerants are found in a ...
People travelling on State Highway 1 north of Hamilton will be relieved that remedial works and safety improvements on the Ngāruawāhia section of the Waikato Expressway were finished today, with all lanes now open to traffic, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.“I would like to acknowledge the patience of road users ...
Tertiary Education and Skills Minister, Penny Simmonds, has announced a new appointment to the board of Education New Zealand (ENZ). Dr Erik Lithander has been appointed as a new member of the ENZ board for a three-year term until 30 January 2028. “I would like to welcome Dr Erik Lithander to the ...
The Government will have senior representatives at Waitangi Day events around the country, including at the Waitangi Treaty Grounds, but next year Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has chosen to take part in celebrations elsewhere. “It has always been my intention to celebrate Waitangi Day around the country with different ...
Two more criminal gangs will be subject to the raft of laws passed by the Coalition Government that give Police more powers to disrupt gang activity, and the intimidation they impose in our communities, Police Minister Mark Mitchell says. Following an Order passed by Cabinet, from 3 February 2025 the ...
Attorney-General Judith Collins today announced the appointment of Justice Christian Whata as a Judge of the Court of Appeal. Justice Whata’s appointment as a Judge of the Court of Appeal will take effect on 1 August 2025 and fill a vacancy created by the retirement of Hon Justice David Goddard on ...
The latest economic figures highlight the importance of the steps the Government has taken to restore respect for taxpayers’ money and drive economic growth, Finance Minister Nicola Willis says. Data released today by Stats NZ shows Gross Domestic Product fell 1 per cent in the September quarter. “Treasury and most ...
Tertiary Education and Skills Minister Penny Simmonds and Associate Minister of Education David Seymour today announced legislation changes to strengthen freedom of speech obligations on universities. “Freedom of speech is fundamental to the concept of academic freedom and there is concern that universities seem to be taking a more risk-averse ...
Police Minister, Mark Mitchell, and Internal Affairs Minister, Brooke van Velden, today launched a further Public Safety Network cellular service that alongside last year’s Cellular Roaming roll-out, puts globally-leading cellular communications capability into the hands of our emergency responders. The Public Safety Network’s new Cellular Priority service means Police, Wellington ...
State Highway 1 through the Mangamuka Gorge has officially reopened today, providing a critical link for Northlanders and offering much-needed relief ahead of the busy summer period, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.“The Mangamuka Gorge is a vital route for Northland, carrying around 1,300 vehicles per day and connecting the Far ...
The Government has welcomed decisions by the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) and Ashburton District Council confirming funding to boost resilience in the Canterbury region, with construction on a second Ashburton Bridge expected to begin in 2026, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says. “Delivering a second Ashburton Bridge to improve resilience and ...
The Government is backing the response into high pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in Otago, Biosecurity Minister Andrew Hoggard says. “Cabinet has approved new funding of $20 million to enable MPI to meet unbudgeted ongoing expenses associated with the H7N6 response including rigorous scientific testing of samples at the enhanced PC3 ...
Legislation that will repeal all advertising restrictions for broadcasters on Sundays and public holidays has passed through first reading in Parliament today, Media Minister Paul Goldsmith says. “As a growing share of audiences get their news and entertainment from streaming services, these restrictions have become increasingly redundant. New Zealand on ...
Today the House agreed to Brendan Horsley being appointed Inspector-General of Defence, Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith says. “Mr Horsley’s experience will be invaluable in overseeing the establishment of the new office and its support networks. “He is currently Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security, having held that role since June 2020. ...
Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden says the Government has agreed to the final regulations for the levy on insurance contracts that will fund Fire and Emergency New Zealand from July 2026. “Earlier this year the Government agreed to a 2.2 percent increase to the rate of levy. Fire ...
The Government is delivering regulatory relief for New Zealand businesses through changes to the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act. “The Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Amendment Bill, which was introduced today, is the second Bill – the other being the Statutes Amendment Bill - that ...
Transport Minister Simeon Brown has welcomed further progress on the Hawke’s Bay Expressway Road of National Significance (RoNS), with the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) Board approving funding for the detailed design of Stage 1, paving the way for main works construction to begin in late 2025.“The Government is moving at ...
The Government today released a request for information (RFI) to seeking interest in partnerships to plant trees on Crown-owned land with low farming and conservation value (excluding National Parks) Forestry Minister Todd McClay announced. “Planting trees on Crown-owned land will drive economic growth by creating more forestry jobs in our regions, providing more wood ...
Court timeliness, access to justice, and improving the quality of existing regulation are the focus of a series of law changes introduced to Parliament today by Associate Minister of Justice Nicole McKee. The three Bills in the Regulatory Systems (Justice) Amendment Bill package each improve a different part of the ...
A total of 41 appointments and reappointments have been made to the 12 community trusts around New Zealand that serve their regions, Associate Finance Minister Shane Jones says. “These trusts, and the communities they serve from the Far North to the deep south, will benefit from the rich experience, knowledge, ...
The Government has confirmed how it will provide redress to survivors who were tortured at the Lake Alice Psychiatric Hospital Child and Adolescent Unit (the Lake Alice Unit). “The Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care found that many of the 362 children who went through the Lake Alice Unit between 1972 and ...
It has been a busy, productive year in the House as the coalition Government works hard to get New Zealand back on track, Leader of the House Chris Bishop says. “This Government promised to rebuild the economy, restore law and order and reduce the cost of living. Our record this ...
“Accelerated silicosis is an emerging occupational disease caused by unsafe work such as engineered stone benchtops. I am running a standalone consultation on engineered stone to understand what the industry is currently doing to manage the risks, and whether further regulatory intervention is needed,” says Workplace Relations and Safety Minister ...
Mehemea he pai mō te tangata, mahia – if it’s good for the people, get on with it. Enhanced reporting on the public sector’s delivery of Treaty settlement commitments will help improve outcomes for Māori and all New Zealanders, Māori Crown Relations Minister Tama Potaka says. Compiled together for the ...
Mr Roger Holmes Miller and Ms Tarita Hutchinson have been appointed to the Charities Registration Board, Community and Voluntary Sector Minister Louise Upston says. “I would like to welcome the new members joining the Charities Registration Board. “The appointment of Ms Hutchinson and Mr Miller will strengthen the Board’s capacity ...
More building consent and code compliance applications are being processed within the statutory timeframe since the Government required councils to submit quarterly data, Building and Construction Minister Chris Penk says. “In the midst of a housing shortage we need to look at every step of the build process for efficiencies ...
By Cheerieann Wilson in Suva Fiji’s Office of the President has confirmed that the Tribunal’s report on allegations of misconduct against suspended Director of Public Prosecutions Christopher Pryde does not need to be made public at this stage. The tribunal, chaired by Justice Anare Tuilevuka with Justices Chaitanya Lakshman and ...
By Anish Chand in Suva Virgin Australia has confirmed a “serious security incident” with its flight crew members who were in Fiji on New Year’s Day. Virgin Australia’s chief operating officer Stuart Aggs said the incident took place on Tuesday night – New Year’s Eve The crew members were in ...
Pacific Media Watch The New York-based global media watchdog Committee to Protect Journalists has condemned a decision by the Palestinian Authority to suspend Al Jazeera’s operations in the West Bank and called for it to be reversed “immediately”. “Governments resort to censoring news outlets when they have something to hide,” ...
By Patrick Decloitre, RNZ Pacific correspondent French Pacific desk An emergency 231 million euro (NZ$428 million) French aid package for New Caledonia has been reduced by one third because of the French Pacific territory’s current political crisis. The initial French package was endorsed in early December 2024, in an 11th-hour ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Darius von Guttner Sporzynski, Researcher, Historian, Australian Catholic University Stone statue of Saint Isidore of Seville at the National Library of Spain.WH_Pics/Shutterstock In a world where information flows freely, it’s easy to forget that, for centuries, knowledge was much harder to ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Swee-Hoon Chuah, Professor of Behavioural Economics, Tasmanian Behavioural Lab, University of Tasmania Shutterstock Chances are that the end of the year has made you assess some of your 2024 New Year’s resolutions. Perhaps you, like us, bought a home spin bike ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Nick Fuller, Clinical Trials Director, Department of Endocrinology, RPA Hospital, University of Sydney Allgo/Unsplash As we enter a new year armed with resolutions to improve our lives, there’s a good chance we’ll also be carrying something less helpful: extra kilos. At ...
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Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Susan Hazel, Associate Professor, School of Animal and Veterinary Science, University of Adelaide Shutterstock According to Britannica, “art” can be described as something “consciously created through an expression of skill or imagination” – whereas Wikipedia defines it more narrowly as a ...
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Comment: Some people make long lists of things they want to do. When my partner Solly and I decided we wanted to get married, just five days before I flew out on tour with the Black Ferns and he flew out to play for Biarritz, I said, ‘well, how many ...
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Brought to this country by his German Jewish refugee parents in 1938, Hirsh said his membership of a minority gave him special sensitivity to race issues. ...
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By Mark Rabago, RNZ Pacific Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas correspondent The Governor of the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas has paid tribute to former US President Jimmy Carter who died yesterday. “Carter played a pivotal role in the historic establishment of the CNMI as a Commonwealth in political union ...
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Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Alexander Gillespie, Professor of Law, University of Waikato Getty Images If it’s good enough for school and university students, it’s good enough for entire countries, too. This report card provides a snapshot of how New Zealand fared across a wide ...
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This is new (or 1930s old if you want to look at it that way) for Dunedin:
“There have been many reports of people asking strangers for money – and people begging on the footpath – in recent weeks. Rising living costs and displacement in the wake of the Canterbury earthquakes have been linked to the sometimes shocking and all-too-obvious signs of personal struggle.”
I’ve been asked for change at bus-stops a couple of times recently, and there’s always been the limited talent “buskers” (the kind you wouldn’t stop and listen to). The weather is fine this week, but it’s really not a town in which you want to be homeless during winter.
yeah happened to me on friday, a couple teens, i was with my 6 year old & they were quite in our faces. not good. but i guess with 20% (at least) of under 25s unemployed, this is what we should expect..
Youth unemployment in Dunedin is circa 30% or higher AFAIK
Afaik, everyone in NZ without cash assets, who doesn’t have enough money for groceries in a week, is entitled to financial support from WINZ. What does it say about us that people find it easier to beg from strangers on the street than strangers in the WINZ office?
@ weka..
“..everyone in NZ without cash assets, who doesn’t have enough money for groceries in a week, is entitled to financial support from WINZ…”
..factually incorrect there..weka…
..where on earth do you get this miss-information from..? out of touch with the realities of life for so many are you..?
..and you a ‘green’’d think you’d know better..
..phillip ure..
Yeah that’s right phil, putting me down is the important thing here. But let me fix it, seeing as how logic isn’t your strong point and you would obviously rather point score and make it personal than further the conversation in a meaningful way.
NZ residents who pass an income and asset test are entitled to Special Needs Grants from WINZ. I’m sure that you can find fault with that statement if you try.
if you happen to be on some kind of stand down & maybe facing other penalties or run out of your ‘special needs’ grants its possible you wont get anything. some of these beggers might even have some work, minimum hours on minimum wage, its possible for these young ppl to have to beg so they can get some spare cash.
True, but most of those things aren’t in statute I think, they’re gate keeping at the office, hence my point about it being easier to beg from strangers on the street than it is to approach the govt agency responsible for looking after people who are really struggling.
oh right, yep, exactly. who really wants to have anything to do with the govt if it can be helped.
… so your point was that it’s easier to beg from strangers on the street than it is from WINZ? (just to clarify). I’d go along with that from those beggars I’ve had conversations with around Wellington.
btw ….. sometimes I think you (and others), and PU should really kiss and make up. Holier than thou … and all that kaka.
Maybe we need a Nosher Powel to mediate (“Give him back his fuckn cuntry”)
WINZ have turned discouraging people (I mean “clients”) from accessing their entitlements into an art form.
@ weka..i fact-checked you because you used the words..’in a week’..
..thus implying that any week this could happen..
..that is not correct..
..if you time it might get four shops a year out of emergency-grants..
..then you are sent to the foodbanks..
..then you…
..phillip ure..
Yes WINZ are gate keeping at the office, hence my comment that it’s easier to beg on the streets.
No, I didn’t mean every week of the year. I meant that WINZ usually income and asset test for the week that you apply.
Four shops a year from emergency WINZ grants – that’s if you are VERY Lucky.
And going to the foodbanks – you’re only allowed a couple of these a year. So if you run out of food and funds at other times in the year ……. you’ve just run out of luck and food !!
I would say the biggers with very few exceptions are obtaining a tax payer funded benefit as well. I observed a beggar on Friday for about thirty minutes. He got a. Few coins in the time I was watching. Certainly did not seem starved. Then he started a conversation on his smart phone. After that he went over and had a chat to a couple of other beggers about twenty metres away, had a smoke and then went back to his position.
There were reports that the beggers do quite well thank you very much.
you sound almost envious there..monty..
..after yr in-depth investigation of the matter..
..will you be submitting yr conclusions to an academic-journal..?
..for a peer-review..?
..walked a mile in their shoes..did you.. ineffably shallow/simplistic little-man..
..phillip ure..
It was an observation, not an in depth investigation. I never have and never would walk an inch in their shoes. These people have no self respect, and are not prepared to do what is necessary to improve their lives. Beginning with making intelligent life decisions. There is no excuse for their begging.they intimidate people.
They are best ignored.
I don’t personally find beggers intimidating, except in the sense of empathising with their plight. Generally I find I can spare a few coins for the downtrodden. If you do in fact ignore these people how can you be so certain of your generalisations about them (eg; “These people have no self respect, and are not prepared to do what is necessary to improve their lives”)? Street-collecting, protesting, or busking can be dispiriting enough; I don’t want to ever find out just how grinding the begging process is.
From the ODT article above:
“The Dunedin City Council has no bylaws addressing begging. A spokeswoman said the council had received no complaints about it.
In some centres, Work and Income has staff specifically assigned to deal with the homeless and very poor, but not in Dunedin.”
And my casual observation is that you have simply sketched this tried & tested meme out of thin air.
Now, if you are looking for a masterclass in benny bashing, look no further.
That link!
Sukie Damson
That was a plum one you landed TS with on that there link!
I had a close look at it and it is a send-up, a satire. And sounds as if it might be from some UK union or left-wing students mag (from when students usually had a left wing lean.)
What do YOU think?
We’ve whipped up our ignorant readers into a bigoted frenzy of hatred. Here’s the kind of hand outs they’d like to see dished out to the money grubbing …
Cut his cock off and make him eat it..said disabled war veteran Joe …82, of Leeds.
Have your neighbours got a nicer house than you? Do they appear to be better off than you are? Or perhaps their garden is a mess, or their kids have got snotty noses. Ring us today….and tell us about your nightmare neighbours. Perhaps we can arrange for a lynching……
Looks just like a typical WhaleSpew/Kiwibog thread. BTW, I hate how Farrar has misappropriated our national bird, our symbol, the name of our league team, and part of our identity for his hate site.
Read Orwell’s “Down and Out in Paris and London” Monty. about down and out in Melbourne and Sydney?…no benefit for NZers
Monty, if I may be so bold, What things you must see from your lofty tower. You must feel so disappointed, so aggrieved, so challenged by the audacity of it all that these beggars have the indecency to stain your eyes with their meagre presence. You don’t ask for much. All you want is to pass along the street your taxes built and not be harangued by society’s flotsam. They are of course the only ones responsible for their circumstances and deserve every pointy stick of shame they get. Not only for being worthless street scum, but for their subsequent lack of a real contribution to what is obviously your society. They should, quite simply, not be tolerated by decent hard working penguins who only want to be exposed to osh-approved representations of society as dictated by the latest fearfacts poll . (I could go on but it would just get kind of mean and I think the sarcasm would be tedious after the first thirty odd pages)
Absolutely there are scammers out there on the street. Lots of them. Devious sods each and every one. Dedicated, they chip away at it day after day. Working hard to grift your coin from your wallet. Most of them wear suits by the way. Dispersed between the suits you will see other people, the ones you belittled so confidently. I feel I should enquire as to your validation for doing so. Have you ever spoken to the person you are accusing of failure? Have you ever asked a question of them? I imagine you are more likely one of those whom bark life directives as you pass by, choking on the guilt a bit as you cast the soiled coins from your pocket.
Do you know of any of these people’s achievements for example?
There are many proud histories that sit dishevelled on street corners around New Zealand. Just because many of these fellow humans are garbed in the broken shells of what they could have been, that is no reason to spew your ignorance upon them.
I doubt you could honestly fathom the daily challenges many beggars have faced. Battling with their mental state, dumped into the machinery of hot potato bureaucracy and some of the lucky ones even survive their personal traumas of violence and sexual assault. Monty, for someone who has such obvious trouble accepting the existence of others’ difficulties, I am unconvinced your limpet-celled cerebellum could process the pressured choices that eventually led many of these people to reach out a hand in submission.
Now, to stand in judgement on strangers for a full half hour and come to such a clear conclusion that you state “There is no excuse for their begging” means you are either an omniscient form of idiot-savant who has a razor keen understanding of humanity (and live in rarefied air), or you are just an idiot.
yeah i’m going with you are an idiot
Beautifully said, Freedom, as always.
Monty’s shallow smug callousness could bring tears to one’s eyes – to consider that we live along side those who are so hateful of humanity.
And thanks for the lolz SukieDamson. That is classic Viz.
@ freedom..
..very well said…
phillip ure
Global Capitalism Has Written Off The Human Race
We are already seeing this truth today. In fact, we’ve been seeing it for several decades but we’ve been ignoring it.
Male or female, straight, gay, trans, black, white or brown, able bodied or not; capitalism considers over 95% of the human race disposable and replaceable in exploitation for profits.
Science and technology today serves human ambitions, aspirations and greed, all of which are now capitalist in nature.
There are scientists who do care about their work and its effect for good to the public.
did you have an empathy bye-pass at birth..there..monty..?
..what/how else to explain yr bleak/dark heart..?
..phillip ure..
“I would say the biggers with very few exceptions are obtaining a tax payer funded benefit as well”
So? You do realise that benefits are intentionally set below a liveable level.
Why do you think that only people who ‘look’ starved deserve help?
Why do you think that someone with a smart phone isn’t hungry or needing to pay a power bill before their power gets cut off?
Why do you have a problem with people who beg socialising with each other?
You should move to Brazil, Monty. Most of the middle class think like you, and there are even more beggars to hate. You can even run them over and get away with it, or set fire to them. That teaches them not to be intimidating to good citizens.
Program by Philippa Tolley on whether the NZ Public Services democratic role is being undermined this morning very good!
…..very articulate experienced well educated professional speakers on the problems facing New Zealand’s public Service eg Foreign Affairs man Mr Leak?, Matthew Palmer? ( legal), Brenda Pilot (PSA).
….and Labour Party’s Maryan Street, Spokesperson for State Services …. also very competent …..talking about the problems facing Public Servants….
… a former Public Servant my heart goes out to Public Servants under a NACT Government …it must be hell!
…. problems of giving free and frank advice on what is best for New Zealand versus what the government wants to hear
….problems of working under the threat of being made redundant
…problems of having to carry on after your mates have been made redundant illegitimately
…problems of working under a huge workload ( remember Cave Creek….this happened after redundancies on the West Coast and impossible work loads carried by DOC staff)
Beltway issue. Labour needs policy that people can relate to to get votes.
I don’t agree that the running down of the public service under National is a beltway issue. It just needs to be framed in terms relevant to people’s lives – hospital waiting lists, class sizes, the amount of time it takes government departments to respond or deal with issues,
There is the possibility, depending upon what occurs in the next month, of an interesting story developing surrounding ”just how” this current Government is managing those hospital waiting lists…
…what does beltway mean?
It means people watched too much West Wing
Beltway…it means the political scene in Wellington. People in the beltway are in the Know. Apparently. It often gets used disparagingly here to refer to people who aren’t in touch with the rest of NZ.
eerh thanx …..
public servants are everywhere…not just in Wellington….and their health and well-being is a litmus test for democracy…they are servants of the public…the people of NZ …. and our taxpayer dollar
….when they start to sqwark down the tunnels and kark it in the mines you know your democracy is in trouble
Like you Chooky, as a former PS (both in the pre-corporatisation, AND post-corporatisation eras), I feel for them.
’87 – we were promised
…. greater accountability
…… de-politicisation
……. fishinsy n fektivness
……….. and a whole lot of other BS.
In fact exactly the opposite has occured AND at greater expense if you take into account the salary largesse of ‘CEO’s’ (ffs!!!!! CEO’s in the Public Service – an anomaly in and of itself), and their ‘Senior Management’.
Actually, the result has been highly politicised little feifdoms, open to manipulation and scams, and an environment where actual public servants work IN SPITE of their ‘entitled’ management, rather than BECAUSE of them. Ask any at the coal face what they think of their so-called management – I dare ya!!
Be it Internal Affairs
Be it Defence,
Be it Te Puni Kokiri (present Hippolite excepted thus far, but we’ll wait and see)
Be it WINZ
Be it …. (name your poison)
I bothers me that ‘progressives’ (including the current Labour Party leadership claiming progressive credentials) can’t see the bleeding obvious
….this will be a big issue for Wellingtonians especially .
…and I might add ….a country is only as good as its high quality , independent Public Servants, committed to serving that country….so it is a very important political issue
I have to say Mayan Street spoke well on the issue
i got six paragraphs into today’s Herald column by Matt McCarten and found i had far far better activities to occupy my Sunday morning with than allowing Matt’s views to ruin yet another day,
According to Matt, the Alfred E. Nuemann of television reporting Patrick Gower is a ”frighteningly good journalist”,
i can only surmise that Matt considers Himself in with a chance, along with Bryce and Kerre of getting the nod to fill John Armstrong’s position at the Herald when the latter falls asleep at His computer for the final time…
Matt seems to be doing a job interview for his paymasters…..looky here see how I can spin it with the best, wondered about him in an election year at pravda, wonder no more.
Also no surprise that cammy is being positioned as some type of hard done by family man and crusader of worthy causes with bradbury thrown in for granny styled ‘balance’.
with shonkey aligning himself with the slater its nicely framed for WO to become every bit as ‘credible’ as granny with the payback for cammy probably escalated site hits and perhaps similar taxpayer gigs like farrars curia enjoys.
Yeah true, i suppose if McCarten is taking the Massah Bosses coin then He is beholden to write what will keep the Massah Boss passing over that 30 pieces of silver…
As we all know WO is a pretty revolting specimen. It is indicative of Key’s outlook on life that he can’t see this.
My guess is that there are wavering voters who will be put off Key by his closeness to the Whale.
Cue Labour repeating often that Key has fireside chats with the Oily One=more votes.
So another poll is coming out tonight. The rumours are that it is bad news for the left and good news for the right. I suspect it will have a bit of a slump for the greens and Labour with National who have run a tight ship this. Year possibly able to rule alone, or maybe with the help of act and Dunne.
Som what will a bad result mean for the left? Has Cunliffe finished the honeymoon only after six months, while John Key’s honeymoon continues six years into the Job.
If the poll results are bad will labour be capable of taking a hard look at their policy platform and realise that
A. The population generally do understand that National is doing a good job and the gains are not to be risked by a lurch to the left such as a green labour government would deliver
B. The left policies of more welfare in one form or another are not capturing the imagination of the public.
C. More taxes are not going to win any election. The promise of increased taxes has failed the last two elections, why do labour think it will work a third time. Isn’t it time the left dropped their hatred of success?
Hmmm Monty is pontificating on something and assuming the worst for Labour and then offering the benefit of his sage advice. What happens Monty if the poll shows increased support? I hear the internal polling is sound.
It is certainly time to scroll past Montykins scrawlings.
Perhaps Labour need new pollsters? Tonights OneNews poll is a disaster.
In the 1990’s National cut taxes by closing hundreds of hospitals around the country and cutting other services that help New Zealand.
FACT: you can only cut taxes by cutting services. Raising taxes to pay for services that help New Zealanders is the only way forward in this country.
That is not a fact Millay.
What is a fact is that throwing money at a problem does not necessarily resolve it.
Whereas not spending money on a social problem generally makes it worse.
Aus has a very large tax regime with the top personal rate nearly 50%, CGT, FBT, GST, Superannuation tax and thats before we look at state taxes like stamp duty those are federal taxes.
Those roads, schools, hospitals etc are paid for with taxes, rwnjs appear to be wilfully ignorant on the massive borrowing the nact perform to stop serious cracks appearing everywhere while they are in power.
if we pulled the tablecloths of cafe nacts tables now, you would see books, bricks, bodies propping up the legs theyve sawn off.
Or realigning what you do with the taxes.
There has been a lot of bleating from the right about the living wage and they have very helpfully supplied figures to bolster their argument as to how much WFF will go down. Mostly in the billions.
So if we can get the bottom end wages up, with a knock on effect up the scale through to the median ( and hopefully decrease the profit amounts going off shore) then we will have plenty more to spend on community needs. Bit like ditching the holiday highway and spending money on a few passing lanes and public transport.
“hundreds of hospitals”, hundreds????
I am in possession of a document obtained under the Offical Information Act that I can provide a link to if you like.
The polls show that National is winning because it’s getting votes from the old – the same people who lived it up riotously on the generous postwar welfare state and who want to deny the same to the under 40s.
It really doesn’t have anything to do with what you say other than that the boomers are a worthless load of spongers.
RockBottom Economy,
Deficit = 1.79 billion dollars, now that’s what i call book balancing,
Gross Government Debt = 80+ billion dollars, when it hits 100 billion bucks the automatic invitation for the IMF to move in and loot the place on behalf of the creditors becomes active???,
Business Tax Evasion/Avoidance $179 million dollars in six months, s’pose Bill can always plug the hole with the loot from asset sales in the name of surplus at any cost,
The RockBottom Economy brought to you by Nationals stunning economic mismanagement circa 2008–2014…
$1.8 billion crown deficit, $82.95 billion gross government debt and rising.
Good job indeed. Maybe in a parallel, upside-down universe.
Truly a Rock-Bottom Economy and Slippery the PM has no plans on altering anything if given a third term…
I have always though that this election will be close. But recent polls have given the green labour bloc extreme cause for concern, with good reason given the nightmare of the past couple of weeks for the left to think the trend would have changed.
The labour and green policies to date have had no impact and have been easily dissected by us on the right ( with much joy I might add)
Nothing the green labour bloc has done has managed to impact on the ongoing strong and unprecedented support national continues to enjoy.
at this rate Winston will not be of benefit to the green labour bloc in forming a government. Besides I doubt he will go with David and Russel for the simple reason that his ego will not want him to play third fiddle.
I wonder if the recent grumpiness of labour MPs is related to on going poor polling.
Voters will vote for some more redistribution. There is widespread concern at persistent inequality. But they will not vote for policies that make New Zealand poorer.
As an example – The recent solar panel policy is such an example. It uses the Government (and its ability to tax and borrow) to promote an expensive generation mode over existing cheaper ones. It dishonestly portrays solar as cheaper by claiming that the interest subsidy is not really a subsidy, and by downplaying the ownership risks. If someone had a spare $15,000 and they did want to spend that on energy efficiency they would be well advised to spend it on top notch insulation, double glazing, installing a reverse cycle air hot water system and an efficient gas central heating system or a heat pump. These are proven technologies that also will add to capital value.
There is concern at inequality of opportunity. I am not at all convinced there is huge amounts at the level of concern around inequality of outcome.
The outcome is dependant upon so many factors such as ambition, priorities, life decisions, risks taken and outcome of those risks.
labour and the greens keep harping on about needing equality of outcomes. That is effectively socialism and means those who work hard, invest, make good decisions are penalised and their money taken to redistribute to those who make poor life decisions, don’t necessarily have the skills to make money.
It is a very dangerous road to go down.,
Only if you measure the entire value of a human being by how many “skills to make money” they have Monty.
labour and the greens keep harping on about needing equality of outcomes.
Except nobody does. No-one is arguing for equality of outcomes. What we are pointing out is that in a world where just 85 people now control more wealth than the poorest 3.5 BILLION people on the planet – that there is plenty of room to reduce this gross extreme of wealth and poverty.
“labour and the greens keep harping on about needing equality of outcomes. That is effectively socialism and means those who work hard, invest, make good decisions are penalised and their money taken to redistribute to those who make poor life decisions, don’t necessarily have the skills to make money.”
Whilst I have no objection to taxing hard work only lightly, much of the higher incomes that we see are coming from economic rent and ticket clipping, and this should be providing the lion’s share of the tax take.
The biggest bludgers are the shareholders.
“The biggest bludgers are the shareholders.”
Sometimes. Though their income comes from the ownership of assets which contribute to the productive process, and they stand to lose their investment if the enterprise fails.
I was thinking more of interest recipients, who contribute nothing to the productive process, landlords, in respect of land, and administrators who are often grossly overpaid for what they actually contribute
But they themselves don’t.
Interest recipients are just indirect shareholders.
Within a business administrators are an expense on the workers and so the workers should have a say how much that they’re paid.
Landlords should be administrators hired by the government on a fixed income to administer state rental properties. There should be no private rentals.
“Interest recipients are just indirect shareholders.”
Shareholders own assets – machines, tools, etc – which contribute to production, and which get used up through depreciation. Interest recipients hold promissory notes, or something similar, which contribute nothing.
“Within a business administrators are an expense on the workers and so the workers should have a say how much that they’re paid.’
They should be paid a fair price for the service they provide.
Don’t kid yourself. The shareholders only “own” that hardware through legal fictions.
In the most common reality, the banks effectively own all that stuff. You can see this when a factory folds: the banks get all the money from the fire sale of those items, and the employees and shareholders get nothing.
Ownership of a machine doesn’t contribute to production.
I didn’t say that they shouldn’t. It was more a statement that they shouldn’t set their wages.
“Ownership of a machine doesn’t contribute to production.”
This is just playing with words. The machine itself contributes to production.
No, it’s not playing with words. The ownership of the machine doesn’t contribute to production.
are they those same shareholding-elites who are part of the $5 billion in criminally-avoided tax in nz..?
..(and as a benchmark at the other end..benefit-fraud in the last measured year was $23 million..)
..there is yr funding to end poverty..
..right there..
..that..and a financial transaction tax on the inter-institution trading of banks/finance-companies etc..
..and we will have poverty done and dusted..
..and we will even have enough to start cleaning up the mess we have made of this place..
..just those two measures will be enough..
..tell that to those who wring their hands..
..and claim there is nothing we can do.. end this poverty-blight..
..and to clean up our country..
..phillip ure..
Or even better you put up the panels, for the joy of shafting the power companies, and then with the reduction in the monthly bills, do all those other things so that the house is a net supplier. Maybe one would be allowed to donate the power to certain community facilites like schools or hospitals or towards the bill of an older or younger relative.
The recent solar panel policy is such an example. It uses the Government (and its ability to tax and borrow) to promote an expensive generation mode over existing cheaper ones. It dishonestly portrays solar as cheaper by claiming that the interest subsidy is not really a subsidy, and by downplaying the ownership risks.
When governments first started building sealed highways they were effectively subsidising a dearer mode of transport (cars) over an existing cheaper and more reliable one (horses).
SSLands i can nearly hear you sobbing from here at the Green Party having the temerity to cut out the profit making trading banks from the solar power equation, there is no ”interest subsidy” as you latest lie attempts to infer,
Those taking up the offer will be able to borrow up to $15,000 off of the Government and pay the same amount of interest the Government is charged to borrow the money on behalf of those borrowing to install solar,
You will probably be depressed to the point of self harm once the first low income families are housed under the Green Parties home ownership initiative where it will be up to the home owners how much of the mortgage they pay down on these Government housing loans which again cut out the profit making trading banks…
As an after-thought to your latest of whines formulated upon lies SSLands, you have to remember that the Government will be buying any spare generation off of those who choose to cleverly take up the Green Party initiative which lends the money to those wishing to install a solar energy system,
i should imagine that such solar producers will be given preference over the major generators when selling power to the Government wholesaler Labour/Green intend to install between the current generators and current retailers,
i would further imagine that the Government wholesaler will purchase that solar generation from the household generators at the fair price paid to the large generators which they will then on-sell to the retailers,
Obviously a single desk wholesale buyer of electricity generation will be able to use market forces to squeeze the margins and make a small profit so how you think the Government will lose money on the solar power start-up transaction is in fact beyond me…
The lower interest isn’t a subsidy and there are very few, if any, downside risks. It will also make many NZers richer. The only ones that will get poorer will be the ones who bought our assets, against our will, with a look to get free money.
..did you ever find the evidence of yr bullshit claims yesterday..?
..or doesn’t that really matter..
..every day is just bullshit-groundhog-day for you..
..phillip ure..
I have just read on Kiwiblog that Richard Prebble is returning to ACT to run their election campaign. On reading this my personal opinion is that the election is now sown up barring any major scandals.
But isn’t Prebble the RNZ go to commentator for ‘what’s going on in the Labour party’? So confusing…
This “in bed with the bloggers” article is thought provoking imo. Isn’t it interesting watching the meme develop that you have to be a ‘personality’ to be a blogger with impact or influence. I’m not against personalities but surely it is the ideas – oh sorry how naive of me.
I have to say that I am still struggling to get my head around the recent news that the prime minister rings slater up and chats – and the killer is, that is only if the lying dirty wanker is telling the truth – and he hardly ever does that! Dirty, dirty fight, dirty tactics, fight to win. Wake (further) up lefties the skirmishing is here.
Our PM is a well advised cold calculating banksta representing the hollowmen, time will tell why he did this.
IMO it was to give ‘credibility’ to WO who will become an outlet for the dirt etc that him and lusk etc have as their stock in trade.
you will not hear the end of the brown saga as one example as its all about throw as much shit as you can so more sticks to the ‘left’, its obvious with the nact cabal on akl council the scene has been set after sharon stewarts tanty last week which I highly doubt was her own work.
If any bloggers on here live in Sharon’s area might be good to get in touch with her office and suggest she gets on with running Auckland which is what she is paid to do. A bit of Faux concern about how the scandals are hurting the right wing image as icing on the cake.
Waste of time IMO, thats exactly what her, brewer, krum, quax etc are paid to do, continue to undermine brown.
Supercity is nacts vehicle to take over akl assets, the poodles led by banks jnr will not stop yapping until thats achieved.
Getting rate and taxpayers to fund that agenda is a bonus, not that they need the cash as I hear Waitemata trust is very flush.
Wow, that’s a really long article, with some interesting biases. Am curious as to why Tiso attracts so much criticism.
Also interesting to see the humanising and cleaning up of Slater’s image underway.
Ideas vs personality, heh.
Mouth still open – the “warm and cuddly Slater image” ?
As to bias no women mentioned, I think, Herald gotta problem, woman ban in place?
Clearly a strong attempt to rehabilitate Slater. Which demonstrates exactly how important and central to the right-wing he is.
While I despise him with every fibre of my being – I never underestimated him. Slater is absolutely central to their value system and is now a prime channel for promulgating it. Key’s weekly chats with Slater are not an idle amusement in a bored moment; they will be a critical part of Key’s strategy and communications plan.
I do not really think Mr Key is that much in touch with Mr Slater. It was either a distraction ploy, (once Slater is hinted at we stop looking) or a deliberate effort to campaign amongst the Whale oil commentators. “I say chaps, John Key is one of us you know, so we should jolly well vote for him don’t you think?”
I do not really think Mr Key is that much in touch with Mr Slater.
When were you last in touch with a Prime Minister – ever?
Exactly! That is the point – well put red.
+1 – but I would put it the other way around. When was a PM directly in touch with you?
A question several journalists (Herald ones) tweeted each other sarcastically just after the Key statement. re his calling WO regularly.
The context in which Mr Key hinted that Mr Slater was a confidante seemed to me that it was so unlikely that he was, and more likely that it was a slip-up being covered-up. It is true that Mr Key has not contacted me once this year even though I am freely available to offer considered opinions to him.
Sad really that only people who have conversations with Mr Key should offer opinions about his behaviours. The rest of you must remain silent!
You think that Slater’s crowd don’t already vote on the right?
Are you suggesting that Leaders should not “visit” those who likely would vote for them weka? Anyway, I just doubt the legitimacy of the belief in Key/Slater rapport.
Key isn’t talking to Slater weekly because he wants him to vote for National. I think leaders can visit whoever they like. But they will come under scrutiny if they lack judgement in who they visit. And let’s not forget the context of this particular contact between PM and constituent.
marty mars
Lol, Pete George is on to that Herald article too and mentions you, and karol, and mickey savage, and zetetic……………..aww still thinking of you all. Ain’t that just the sweetest thing…………..
Lol alright – thanks Rosie 🙂
Serial lies again
Reverse cycle water heaters are dearer to run than a standard electric water heater because of the set up costs then a limited life span of the mechanism of 10 years.
Gas heating is also dearer.
Double glazing is only guaranteed for ten years needing expensive reglazing.
Insulation is a good idea.
But as usual National first changed govt funded retrofiting insulation so only wealthy people could afford it Now they have scraped it .
Donkeyotay would we well advised to steer clear of slater and his crew. They are on the road to being charged with fomenting civil disorder. They think they can get away with anything they like but the moment they step over the mark they will feel the full force of the law.
“How is it, then, that bloggers can be so outspokenly partisan, can get into bed with the politicians and still call themselves journalists?”
Oh my God, the irony, it burns.
Hmm, having some technical difficulties, so I can’t amend my post… anyway, to add, the moron – some personoid, creature, whatever called Jonathan Milne – writing the piece thinks that the ability to attract advertising revenue is a measure of someone’s worth. He/it gives away a lot in that short statement.
That’s The Herald!
I’ve been watching House of Cards – the American remake with Kevin Spacey lately, and there’s a paper called “The Washington Herald”. Always, the camera frames it as “The Was”. That’s old media.
State of the country’s education
Not exactly a ringing endorsement from a former employer of his staff?
“When I was at Auckland Grammar, people would often say what a wonderful institution I was in charge of,” Morris says. “But there is no point having a nice building if you have lousy teachers.”
Of course, he would no doubt believe that when he was in the classroom he was a brilliant teacher. “Oh why couldn’t they all be like me …?
gee..!..that rory-the-green from politicheck…(over on that politcheck-thread..) being very coy about answering my (quite straightforward to my mind) questions about the ideological-tinges/records of those helping him settle the form/function imperatives of this new political watchdog..
..i asked if truth-bender farrar is involved..if the rightwing trout hooten is involved..
..(but then..he did say he was staying away from ‘the fringe’
..and libertarian hooten..and farrar…the main architect/peddler of the vile campaigns of lies/hatred against the weakest/poorest of our country..oh..!..since he started kiwiblog..?
..if they aren’t truth-bending fringe..who are..?
..and you know what..?
..i fear my wild guess on correct..
..and if rory happens to be from the right/libertarian-wing of the green party..
..well then..this politicheck thing is a rightwing attack-machine.. can it not be..?
..rory-the-green really needs to come-clean..
phillip ure..
phillip ure..
and imagine if..say..that other far-right trout jordan carter were also involved..?
..(and here’s a knee-slapper..!..)..maybe they even have acceptable-gatekeeper-wannabe edwards-the-younger on board..
..(snigger/snort!’..he could be their ersatz-‘leftie’
..and of course with him..they would also be blessed with/by the presence of one pete george..whoar..!
..and as for rory-the-green..?
it’s really a matter of:..
‘..politichecker..!..first politicheck thyself..!..’
..phillip ure..
phil, is there much point in screaming fire if no-one has actually opened the box of matches ?
I hope they find a way to make politicheck work and this is the line that holds most promise, imho.
Not an easy statement to back away from if they do fail to deliver [unbiased] fact checking
freedom..’s more the ‘screaming’ silence ..since a really simple question was asked..
..look at my first comment in that see my initial reaction to this..
..but we are allowed no questions..?
..especially of this person who has done a seagull-drop..
..and then flown away..?
..the questions aren’t going to go
..’cos america has versions of what this may be..
..rightwing attack-machines cloaked in ‘fact-checking’-robes..
..and..i hope i am proved to be questioning unecessarily..
..(i again refer back to my initial comment in that thread..)
..phillip ure..
Where did all these mountains come from? Weren’t there molehills there before?
I am not saying you are wrong,
just looking at the facts.
The site is new, it’s looking for volunteers, there is probably a fair bit of mail for the crew to get through, and as yet there has not been one published “checked fact” for anyone to comment on, let alone the vast conspiracy you seem to be consigning the site to. Have you considered the lack of immediate action in the site getting back to you might actually be a good thing? If they had gotten back to everyone straight away would that have not raised much bigger alarm bells as to how they are resourced?
I have not read the thread you reference, (guessing you mean yesterday’s posting on politicheck?) I saw the politicheck site link, went and looked at the site and now wait for updates on their status so further assessment can occur.
the situation reminds me of reviews based on trailers and not the film itself
often the critics are correct, but every now and then . . . egg on face
don’t let it happen to you is all
Translated: someone failed tp pay attention to phil, so it’s a fringe-right wing conspiracy
bit harsh McFlock!
phil has valid questions, and i am sure answers will eventually arrive
Can’t see how Rory McCarthy owes anyone anything at this stage.
oh noes………eh
how could they …
the inventor of nationalisation ….eh
and 3 dots …
libertarians, eh….
I see that rich prick leftie is “manipulating” the ipredict market yet again with a 1925 Buy order on “PM Labour”.
What was that claim again? Oh yes the market can be manipulated by a fuckwit with a spare thousand.
SSLands, is that why you gamble on that site, fuck-wit is what we usually attach to you as an epithet,
Glad to see you agree with us all here at the Standard on the important issues…
I see you are being foul mouthed and rude as usual today. On a related topic, did you see you are (in)famous on Kiwiblog? Although they are too polite to call you a fuckwit.
It is not gambling any more than the stockmarket is. Do you direct that your retirement savings not be invested in stocks? No, didn’t think so. Because presumably you are not a fuckwit.
Ipredict is authorised by the Securities Commission as a futures dealer.
And for your own sake stop being so foul mouthed and rude. It is disgusting.
SSLands, if i am attracting abusive comments on one or other of the Sewers channels it simply means that those who i have given a verbal slapping are too thin skinned and have run off to whine like dogs over there,
And no, i do not feel a need to dirty myself reading such rubbish as the blog you mention so my infamy or otherwise in the sewers network is immaterial,
What is more important given that National/ACT have decided to spend YOUR money, Ha-ha-ha upon brand new white-ware for ME, Ha-ha-ha, is the little question i have for you being my adopted bill payer SSLands, silver or white for the new fridge/freezer YOU are paying for SSLands, Ha-ha-ha…
Hey shit head
Since you hold the bottom 95% of NZers in contempt and disdain, your concept of “politeness” is just an elitist farce.
“..on Kiwiblog? Although they are too polite ..”
now..that is one thing i have never heard said before..
..of the denizens of the kiwiblog-swamp..
..that they are ‘too polite’…
..and not something..i must say..i ever saw..
..phillip ure..
Your point about my retirement savings is also an amusement SSLands, although you obviously not having a sense of humor never intended this to be thus,
My retirement savings are all on deposit in the Bank of Tane Mahuta SSLands, the Tararua branch of the ”bank” to be exact, lolz, you might be able to see the particular ”branch” below which my deposit lurks from your lounge window, Ha-ha-ha…
lol…i do so love your comments to SSLands
”It” being a simpleton does make it an easy target tho…
Why don’t Ipredict run market for how many people do or don’t turn up to vote?
Framing a Non Voters market you would think 800,000+ would be 100-1
300,000- set at about 2-1
Sound about right Shrilland?
Hey fuckwit. That is the same trader you highlighted the other day. Obviously, his order for 2.5K shares on that stock still hasn’t been fulfilled since he is buying for the low price of $0.36. The price for that stock is effectively fixed at ~$0.36 because this large buy order is dominating all other buy orders, as I said would happen. I can’t see why the fuck you think that ipredict tells you anything – the volume traded is so low that one or two traders with a bit of cash to spare can set the price to whatever they want.
As I pointed out to you then, if he was really a rich leftie manipulating the stock, he would have simply used his money to mop up all those shares that are being sold at >$0.36 and push the price of the stock up. You really are a clueless fuck, aren’t you?
Or perhaps that is your buy order and you are trying to suck people into selling at the price to make a tidy profit when Cunliffe because our next PM? You certainly have been pushing ipredict a lot these past few weeks.
Worse than that, SSLands is clueless with deliberation…
srylands let it go …
Take your keys off the keyboard and go outside and enjoy the summer. Ipredict is subject to manipulation. It also has a right wing bias. This is why lefties can actually do quite well with it.
Kim Dotcom’s hearing to be delayed again. I haven’t got much love for him , but I agree when he says that the delay will save John Key embarrassment during an election campaign.
Hard not to believe that the Minister of Jackets didn’t give a little push for the Court’s decision.
Really? If Dotcom was an going to be an embarrassment I would have thought Key would want him out of the country pronto? If
he is corrupt enough to delay a hearing then surely he is corrupt enough to bring one forward?
That makes no sense at all. If embarrassing details are going to come out at the hearing, Key would want to put it off until after the elections. He wouldn’t want them fresh in the mind of voters while they line up at the polls, and despite the best efforts of NAct’s crack legal team of Collins and Finlayson, a finding against Dotcom is still not guaranteed.
Latest Colmar Brunton is out. It claims National is up 6% to 51%, Labour is unchanged on 34%, Greens are down 5% to 8%, NZ First down 1% to 3%, the conservatives are on 1% as is the Maori Party.
The poll appears to be a rogue. I do not know why National should benefit from Green vote.
And Monty it appears that everything you have been saying today is, with respect, incorrect. How about an apology?
Only 51% for National. Surely this is a rogue poll . It should be near 60%
The greens are predominately a middle/upper class white party.
I think Normans silliness over the last few weeks has really hurt the greens and put a lot of people off.
That’s right. Upper/middle class green voters don’t want solar power rolled out across the country 🙄
A real little amusement isn’t it MS, the Green Party losing 5% of their vote to the National Party, only in the dreams of the little tory that obviously thrills at making shit up,
Winston’s lot on 3%, the propaganda machine is having to stretch reality past the bounds of credibility with this one,
i was tho amused with the ”art” of those kids at that school in Slippery the PM’s electorate, trust the young to see everything for what it is befor the brainwashing begins to sink in,
The PM’s face being depicted in the kids painting of a mural sitting comfortably framed by a Donkey’s arse fits nicely with my oft stated proposition that Slippery the PM covers over the Large bald spot on His nut with the soft anal hairs plucked from a donkeys arse,
Wonder if the kids named that particular donkey Brucie, great painting, shame the same couldn’t be said about the rush of polls bullshitting us, as they did last election, with the Governing alone crap…
Why would you think Nats have pinched from Greens?
A far more sensible explanation would be that Lab have taken some at the lunatic end with the cash for breeders policy but lost some at the less nutty end to the Nats.
Barnsly Bill, your award for the dull Dunces comment of the day is in the post, the Labour poll % hasn’t moved since the last propaganda release from Colmar/National…
Um think you missed the point.. for arguments sake, the greens lost 5 points to Labour and Labour in turn lost five to the nats…. in terms of labour maybe they gained some votes at the left end of the spectrum but lost some of the more neolib inclined supporters to the nats. Tis possible labour has moved back left and has a leader that appeals to the left wing base now…
Or its just an outlier….
Oh. Oh dear. You looked very silly.
What Barnsley is saying (whether he’s right or not is another issue) is that National while went up and Greens went down, it wasn’t all one group of voters moving from the Greens to National.
Rather, Labour was on 34%. It gained 5% from the Greens due to strong left-wing policy. It then lost 5% to National due to centrist leaving. Therefore National goes up, Greens goes down, Labour stays the same.
Whether that’s right or wrong (it’s probably wrong) is up to debate… but you ended up looking like the dunce for not understanding that.
Poor old Disraeli Gallstone, obviously you believe in Christmas and other fairy tales as well, just like Barnsley Bill obviously does,
Colmar/national always polls National 3-4% above their actual support and the Green Party 3-5% below,
The fact that you and BB the Dunce place any real credence whatsoever in these fairy tales as anything but propaganda and then proceed to embellish that propaganda with a little narrative speculating on this and that proves nothing about the previous comment i made to BB, it simply proves that the pair of you along with the ‘wing-nut’ chorus are happy to indugle in bouts of public masterbation…
“Whether that’s right or wrong (it’s probably wrong)”
That’s what I said to you.
I don’t think this poll is right.
I was just merely commenting on your abysmal skills of reading comprehension. Amazingly, your response is another example of poor reading comprehension.
Disraeli Gallstone, wrong, i fully comprehend the little mathematics game the ‘wing-nuts’ choose to play to explain this particular piece of propaganda,
i just choose to use ignorance to portray my disbelief and it works a treat especially on those ‘wing-nuts’ that choose to pile in to blow their flatulence claiming victory across the pages of the Standard where those same ‘wing-nuts’ have little history of commenting here previously,
You may choose to believe that 10% of the left’s voters have chosen to suddenly engage in an electoral shuffle of their support toward the right, or, you may chose as i do to see these polls as having an element of manufacture within them with an actual intent of swaying softer voters intentions,
Of course if you have the slightest belief in the latter proposition then my belief is that showing any sign of belief in the little ‘wing-nut’ theory of a 10% shift of the left’s vote to the right is to put yourself in the position of a soft voter able to be swayed by the media bullshit, in other words a mere serf to the likes of Patrick Gower etc,
There are enough here who engage in the ‘wailing’ after each successive negative poll for the left to form a large enough ‘chorus of tears’ and i do not propose to become one of them, IF defeat occurs in 2014 i will only concede at the point the vote is counted,
Until then i will happily engage the ‘wing-nuts’ who fly in to spew on a momentary basis with derision which includes the pretense of deliberately misrepresenting the content of any of their particular comments, a little trick i learned from them…
You’re not even addressing what I’m saying anymore. You’re ignoring my post and having a completely separate conversation.
Essentially, you are arguing with yourself. So I’ll leave you to it. Good luck.
You are famous again!
His response is another example of his shocking rudeness.
OK forget the polls. Bad12 says the Greens will get between 12 and 15%. Everything is fine.
PLus you can’t spell “masturbation”. Although that is secondary to your vileness in using the word in this context. You should be ashamed.
awwww, like you’re so fucking pristine.
My time machine worked. I’m back in the 1950s!
Seriously. Bad12 apparently can’t read or spell, but saying that using the word “masturbation” is vile?
SSLands please refer to my comment posted at 8.26pm, my ‘rudeness’ actually knows no bounds when directed at a ‘wing-nut’ like you…
Correct, BB.
Simple. The policies announced by Labour had pulled support from the greens, to Labour, but has sent labour support to the Nats. Assuming the 6% that National has gained has come from the Greens who lost 5% and claiming that to be the reason for the poll being rogue is a bit rich.
Is it not possible that Green vote at the margin moved to Labour and Labour vote at the margin moved to National rather than Green vote leapfrogging Labour to National?
Old Tony, it is also possible that there really are little Green Men, have you seen any recently…
Possible but I do not see why the Green vote would go to Labour.
This is a rogue. Polling is getting more and more random.
Ahhhhh… the sweet sound of denial…….. 🙂
Keep it up! (Shhhhh…. don’t tell anyone that you are really a Nats “plant”……. 🙂 )
Denial, now what was Colmar Brunton polling National at prior to the 2011 election, oh that’s right a ‘Govern Alone 50%’,
The desperate from the sewer pour into the Standard to try and convince us of a victory, remember your stupidity after the vote in 2014 which will see National not as governing alone, but, as the biggest opposition party yet under the MMP system…
Desperate….. moi….. ?
Why would we be “desperate” when three recent polls have shown us to be pushing 50%?
Desperation is for the 30 percenters……. 🙂
Right so you are a true believer then, last election colamr/national polled the Tory’s at 50.3% just befor the election, what was the actual result again,
Oh that’s right 47%, please keep dreaming the National governing alone rubbish it will be all the sweeter when National wind up as a very large opposition after the 2014 vote is taken…
So, when is John Key about to blow off that crazy moon landing denier, Colin Craig?
Except of course National still need the Conservatives on the scene.
I think the greens would loose to Labour after Norman being was exposed fawning to Dotcom.
Sponge – You raise an interesting and potentially valid point. Whether it was as the MSM portray it (which I question), that Norman more or less went “begging” to Dotcom to not start his Internet Party, or not, it raised the possibility that he did.
In the public eye, even amongst some otherwise loyal Green voters, this could have led to serious disappointment, as the Greens have previously always tried to maintain an image of honesty, openness, transparency and independence.
The same media reports about Winston Peters having visited Dotcom, allegedly 3 times, then Peters reacting angrily, first denying this, and later claiming that Key may have had the GCSB spy on him, that will likely have disappointed some otherwise rather loyal supporters of NZ First and Winston.
I think that whether justified or not, bot suffered some loss of credibility in the public’s perception, hence the support in this poll went down for both parties, and significantly.
The Green’s solar energy policy release may not have impacted on this poll, but even that release was only moderately well received by the media, as it seems.
The MSM are ridiculed by some here, but sadly, most people out there still use them for most of their “humble” and poor quality information uptake, to base decisions on.
Gawd all the wing nuts are here. Did Cameron send you over?
Abuse aside, do you not admit that the reason for the flow of votes outlined by several of us makes sense?
It is fricking obvious, surely!
You have gained some votes from fruitcakes but lost some of the middle-ground people.
Swings and roundabouts.
I’ll bet you that even Chris Trotter would agree with me.
It may not be “nice” but the truth sometimes hurts….
It’s a nice theory, sewer rat, but it relies on believing that the Greens dropped more than a third of their vote for no clear reason.
Smells like bullshit.
The key for the Left remains turning out the bottom 50% of the population to vote.
That means policies and politicians directly engaging with that part of the electorate, while emphasising to the top 50% of voters that not only is it the right thing to do to leave no one behind, but that it is economically crucial for the long term well being of society.
How’s this for a crazy idea, how about come up with some policies that actually appeal to the majority of voters.
This bribing the bludgers strategy is shit and in all honesty labour, deserves to die because of it.
“How’s this for a crazy idea, how about come up with some policies that actually appeal to the majority of voters.”
That’d be Green policy.
Ok,so what’s going wrong?
Popular policies != 8%
I said popular policies, not popular party or personalities.
Green policy is nuttier than squirrel shit..
Yet it’s consistently the most popular policy in blind tests.
Yeah BM, it must be damn disheartening for none of them to be offering you a bribe for your vote this time round right…
I don’t need or want to be bribed, especially with my own money.
What’s best for the country is of more importance to me.
Lolz, felix has just given you the only logical answer to your latest comment, i could not have put it more succinctly…
You only care about the top 5%, you consider the rest of the nation wasters and disposable.
[lprent: Do you have an Igor to help improve that crazy laugh? Bring it back when it isn’t quite so repetitive. ]
Blame BM, he’s the comedian
Now now, Felix, BM is just a lovely fellow who simply wants the best for NZ, and his comments here are simply honest and intelligent advisories on how we can all bring about the best for NZ.
He’s certainly not a lying prick shilling for a government of thieves and crooks, simply to lower his tax bill by a few percent and callous as to the tragic effect this will have on the lives of others. /sarc
I hope you remember to keep laughing when National win in October and royally fuck you and all your lefie mates in the arse as well sell this country to our bankster mates and Chinese overlords
Dan, you should write the script for Nationals election billboards…
Well Dan I’ve been laughing for the last 5 years as they’ve fucked all the idiots like yourself who voted for them against your own interests.
Correct, and that is IMPORTANT.
But the bottom 50 per cent may be better off with a $ 16 minimum wage, ideally at least a living wage, no GST on essential food and other common use items, perhaps even a universal basic income (also used as a direct tax credit for those that earn above that annual UBI amount), and a more comprehensive housing policy, than something like “Best Start”, which sounds ok, but is just another WFF type benefit, costing much to administer.
With a UBI and radical tax reform, and reducing WINZ to focus only on topping up those that have extra needs due to disability, illness, parenting, accommodation, huge amounts could be saved on bureaucracy.
They may also be better off with some comprehensive state investments (SOEs) in infrastructure projects to build better public transport, value adding production plants for agricultural products, more wind-farms, solar thermal energy generation plants, geothermal projects, with a clear strategy for boosting local manufacturing (tax holidays or reductions as incentives for businesses to set up manufacturing here), with having more comprehensive training and more accessible education, combined with high-calibre research projects to develop niche foodstuffs, to research particular areas in health and environmental areas, and so forth.
People would see this agenda as revolutionary and a game changer, targeted at the long term future of the country, rather than what Labour has presented so far, which is a patchwork of bits here and there, but not changing the system as it is.
The top 50 % (certainly top 25 to 30 %) need to be held to account and do their share to build for the future, and not get away with just planning for secure personal nest-eggs and personal savings plans, while forgetting the country.
A clear difference in policy direction to National and ACT is overdue, all else is just not going to “thrill” people that much now.
Or those surveyed are making a concerted effort to lie, just to upset the pollsters. It would be tempting if one was a green
Micky, surely your are joking?
The last FOUR polls in recent weeks have ALL showed national gaining and labour/greens declining with National being able to (or almost able to) govern alone.
According to many commenters on this site, the last 6 Years polls are rogue. Surely you aren’t going to fall into this rhetoric as well?
Denial won’t change things.
Bob you will have more credibility if you post to the right comment.
What do you mean denial, Da Nial is a river in Egypt, and yes polling for Labour is looking sharp!
Just to give the Bob above a fair go (I am guessing your lack of patience with him is due to our differring views in the past), it wasn’t me making that comment (although I completely agree with everything the other Bob has stated).
Also, national hasn’t gained the greens vote. The likely case is national have picked up labour vote and in turn labour has picked up greens vote.
Yep ….. correct!
Yawn, check the polls prior to the 2011 vote, all of them with the ‘National governing alone lies’, all wrong,
No Maori Party as the lapdog this time round children, looks a bit like the prize for the biggest opposition party under MMP is coming your way…
this, and here they are:,_2011
The prize being a long Hawaiian holiday …
Lots of people think that 51% is the high point of National polling. I suspect not. The margin of error suggests that it could be currently sitting at 54.1%. That figure still seems surprisingly low. The total ineptitude of the Greens and Labour suggest that many of their supporters will not be bothered voting. As the good news keeps coming in week after week we could well be seeing a historic landslide.
Gawd, what fictional drivel you come up with fisiani.
Having said that, Labour needs to start firing up in top gear, time is a-wasting.
A new poll is out, with not very good news for the Green Party.
So what are the trends saying?
The trends Brett Dale are saying that colmar/national have just released another piece of propaganda which has got all the wing-nuts going from simply being heavy breathing porn watchers to being true believers that displays of public masterbation will enable national to govern alone after the vote in 2014…
I think it has the greens too low, they should be at 10%
Although I think it shows that a certain fat german has hurt the left.
“I think it has the greens too low, they should be at 10%”
Yay, the poll of Brett’s Mind is out.
Readers should be aware that Brett’s Mind has had the Greens at roughly half of their actual result for the last two elections.
The greens got 20% last election? of the party vote?
This election the greens will get 10%, they wont be as low as 8%.
And again, dotcom is hurting you guys.
Last election you said the polls were wrong about the Greens. You said they would be lucky to get 7%.
I think this poll is probably slightly high for national but not by much so National can still govern alone. If NZ first gets in then Labour is quite far from being in government.
Labour needs to adjust their strategy…
Please,please, stop with the funnies will you, my gut has just started processing dinner and the laughter is a definite interference in that process,
National heading for the prize of being the largest opposition since the beginning of MMP, even Slippery the PM couldn’t raise a smile when commenting on the latest piece of propaganda, although it was gut busting to see the PM depicted in a mural as a semi-part of a donkeys arse…
Labour needs to adjust their strategy…
Labour needs to have a strategy.
This is the problem for Labour and Greens
New Immigrants who are eligible to vote.
When new immigrants are sucked into believing that “…the Conservative Party is good for Christians, Green Party good for environment, Labour Party good for the poor and National Party good for business” then it’s obviously time for Labour to get off it’s lazy entitled ass, and start shifting that perception through clever social media advertising.
It’s the only way to shift that bitch!
National is only good for BIG business, but sucks for our entrepreneurs. Labour is the party for the workers, and wants to ensure that all workers benefit from any economic upside – National only wants the CEOs to benefit and the people that do the hard work, our everyday workers, to not receive any benefit but to be happy with the crumbs from the table.
The message should be that Labour is not ashamed to say it stands for ensuring that every person who wants to work, can, BUT should be entitled to receive a fair days wage for a fair days pay. Labour needs to be UPFRONT and thunder that it is WRONG and UNCONSCIONABLE for overseas corporations to treat New Zealand workers like COTTON PICKERS!
It’s emotive language for sure, but emotions win elections. Labour and the Greens won’t get anywhere being namby pamby and focusing on Key. KEY is the WRONG area to target. National policies needs to be ignored and Labour needs to start highlighting NOW! Stop banging on about what National has done or not, start banging on NOW!
NOW: Your wages haven’t moved in 5 years, yet the cost of living has gone up. Labour wants to ensure that you can afford to live and have enough to save for the things you want.
NOW: Your power prices are amongst the highest in the OECD. Labour wants you to stop paying so much for power, and have money for the things that matter.
NOW: New Zealand has lost too many workers in the forestry sector thanks to unregulated activities causing death. Labour wants every worker to be safe at work, and not be at risk of dying for the corporate.
NOW: There aren’t enough jobs for everyone who wants one. Labour wants people to have every opportunity to find a job, and if they can’t, help people while they look for work.
NOW: Education has become too expensive for many people. Labour believes in free education for everyone under 18 and will work to restore the right to free education.
NOW: People aren’t being fairly remunerated for a 40 hour week. Labour believes the corporates have more than enough ability to adequately compensate their employees with a fair wage.
NOW: Labour believes that New Zealanders are being targeted by overseas corporates with no regard for the true cost of living in New Zealand. Labour will work to ensure that New Zealanders are treated on a level playing field with the cost of goods and services.
It is so simple and easy to do. The soundbites are easy, and National have done fine on a “less said the better” policy when it comes to people talking about what they perceive National to be doing.
The left get sucked into believing that they need to counter the lack of concrete substance by National with a marshmallow puffed policy which is WRONG. Labours issue when they release policy is that they release far too much of it, giving their opponents grist for the mill.
Compare and CONTRAST:
National: – New policy. High performing teachers will be paid more and we’ll have special principals overlooking a number of different schools. Yada yada yada, more money but education good! Yay!
Nil critical aspect, nil detail, and just a vague outline of what they propose.
Labour: First time babies, $60 per week, except and unless, first year, second year, third year, $150,000, or not. Parental leave! Look! Details! More more details! Part time income! Working for Families! Entitlement! Everyone! Universal! Oh, no, wrong. Stop talking! Shoosh. Shucks, we flubbed it.
Too much information, too much room for interpretation.
Far better would have been: New policy: First start. All parents with babies will receive assistance and support. Further details released closer to election.
Easy! Simple! Even Paddy Gower wouldn’t have been able to fuck that up.
There are over 4 million reasons wrong with this country, where the CEO of a parasitic organisation can earn nearly 100 times more than the people that do the daily grind in the teller role, and are arguably more valuable to ANZ than the high falutin’ CEO. The tellers are the ones that keep the customers happy at the end of the day.
Labour lose the plot when it comes to articulating their vision for a better New Zealand. It’s almost like they don’t understand the KISS principle. If they did, they might be better off.
Labour needs to articulate the fact that they are the government for the PEOPLE. National are the government for OVERSEAS interests.
Sing it loud, sing it proud. No need to proffer proof. Just keep tying OVERSEAS INTERESTS back to WARNER BROTHERS – RIO TINTO – BANK OF NEW YORK (and it’s 8 million shares in our former SOE)
So what do you want Kiwis? A government for New Zealand, or a Government for Overseas Interests?
Make it the boogy man. Overseas Interests are the new “Reds under the Bed”
Go forth, prosper.
+1000…. James Thrace
Gawdammit James Thrace, that was good stuff.
Thanks Tat.
I just get so frustrated and annoyed at what should be relatively simple politics and keep watching Labour stumble every time headlong into the catchers mitt that has been placed there so artfully by the likes of Gower et al.
If only Labours media managers would stop insisting on having so much policy released upfront, and stop muzzling Cunliffe or whoever from being so restrained, Labour might actually have a chance to win.
As I outlined above, the framing is right there, it’s NOW.
As we’ve seen in the last two weeks with Progressive Enterprises, the mood is right to capture New Zealanders thinking about OVERSEAS INTERESTS and definitely put the framing square onto LABOUR for NEW ZEALAND and National for OVERSEAS INTERESTS!
Easy framing, right timing.
In politics, Timing is Everything.
The Timing is Now, the framing is ready to roll.
But who the heck is going to listen? I’m just another Labour party member that has no links to the hallowed halls of hell, nor do I have any inclination to get involved with the pit of self absorption that is the local LEC.
You think Parliamentary staff get to decide which policies get released and how much and in what form? You’ve clearly never been near Parliament.
Well as I see it that’s exactly what theyre doing. Chinless wonder says what ever he wants and the only policy Labour has is regurgitated Greens policy or 1950s socialist propaganda.
Well said
Nailed it James.
simple effective slogans, used by all, ad nauseum, chimpboy, gooner and co cant twist it and the likes of mallard and goff cant grandstand with it.
I hope some deadwood gets cleared out also but thats unlikely.
Nats got in on a smile and wave with one liners , labour should do similar, the missing voters cant cope with unecessary detail, a change is what they will vote for.
That’s bloody good James.
You raise valid points there, and believe in passion being part of politics, and it surely does and must be getting its fair share.
The problem you will have with that approach is, that the MSM (mainstream media) will of course see this, and jump at it straight away, and than claim, it is just about “whipping up emotions”, but without any evidence to prove the arguments. They will take that approach to pieces, and then Labour and Greens will have to come and try and prove their arguments, and we are back to nitty gritty back and fro arguments about details, and hollowing out of what the message is meant to say.
What we have here is a repeat of the last election campaigns, where the MSM are already largely feeding the public with the usual BIASED commentary and information (no background info, no analysis, treating Key and Nats with the soft brush, and Labour and Greens with a knife and hammer), all coming from the supposedly “independent” reporters and “media personalities” (having their personal “views”), and the public hear and read little else.
The public then think, that is how it is, and hence they poll as they do, which reinforces again the conviction of the MSM that they are right with their (idiotic or manipulative) assessments. So you end up in a catch 22 situation, where polls feed and shape perception, and that again shapes commentary and views coming from the MSM, which again brings about the polls like a self fulfilling prophecy.
The challenge is to go beyond the MSM, to go and hold public meetings, run public events and campaigns, aggressively and widely use social media, and to network and meet people face to face. There is no alternative to such damned hard work, and the first thing the Labour MPs in caucus can do, is start on Monday, doing exactly that.
Visit work places, factories, council staff, drain layers, road workers, hospital nurses and doctors, people rebuilding in Christchurch, talk with the exploited foreign workers here, expose this, talk with the taxi drivers working 12 hour days for less than minimum pay per hour, talk with social workers, drug and alcohol counsellors, with stressed out teachers, with ECE workers, with beneficiaries struggling, and so forth it must go!
Clusterfuck Cunliffe is Nationals greatest asset, the only thing saving him is Norman collapsing greens support by sucking up to the fat German fraudster.
I don’t think you’re a ‘naki man at all. I bet you went to Auckland Grammar.
You could be onto something there felix, looks more like a Nakahi Man to me…
If he’s a ‘Naki’ man, then he’s only a thirty-something jerk, probably from Taranaki but not yet a man. It’s talk from the same generation as the ‘hard-core’ bullshit used to sell tee-shirts.
Deconstructing his moniker is a tediously embarrassing business for anybody who’s actually lived an adult-hood in the place.
Of course if Naki man was actually Taranaki man with the emphasis on the Tara from the more oblique usage of that particular word in some tribal dialects i could well believe Him to be that…
This denial is hilarious.
the johnkey donkey mural was funnier. i’m trying to get a good screen capture so share the laughs. & the look on keys face when he had to sign its arse, hilarious!
Lolz there are some extremely clever kids in Slippery’s electorate, the mouthful of tea ended up expelled all over the place when i got a look at that…
SSLands, what the hell are you on about now, have not i told you on numerous occassions to stay off the internet when you have been on the bottle all day,
Commenting when your pissed just makes you come across as more ludicrous than normal, i know that for you is probably a badge of honor as you seem incapable of anything but the ludicrous but you should have a small modicum of shame even in your drunken state,
My advice of course is in your best interests as you should cease to turn up for your employment as a minor bean counting serf in your lonely little bean counters cubicle with a raging and patently obvious whisky hangover as despite your thinking otherwise your employment is far from assured into the future with your boss looking to increase profits by cutting out the under-performers,
Is there any truth to the rumor that you consider your employment status to be safe during the upcoming restructuring of the company you are a serf for because as far as the boss is concerned you out of all the slaves gives the best blow-jobs…
I was looking forward to the Roy Morgan poll (a poll that the folks here seem to place a lot of faith in) showing Labour clawing back some ground, but unfortunately it showed gains to the Nats. The lack of discussion on this borad re the RM poll said it all. This latest poll reinforces National’s position, albeit with a different Left distribution. No matter how you slice & dice it, the CB poll is not good news for the Left, and Cunliffe slipping in the preferred PM stakes is a concern also (I can’t recall what Shearer was polling when he was rolled).
IMO Labour are spending too much time attacking the Nats, and not enough time & energy promoting their own policy. Also, with the exception of recent performances from Jones, Labour don’t seem to have any depth to their team. What happened to the energy that Robertson exhibited during the leadership contest? If Cunliffe is struggling in the popularity stakes, his team need to step up, take some of the heat and show some passion, engage in intelligent & positive dialogue with the MSM, and act like a team that is capable of leading NZ.
Ben Hur, faith in the Roy Morgan, you have that slightly wrong, the Roy Morgan is of much more interest to us political junkies as it is produced on a far greater number of occasions than the other media polls and thus makes an interesting watch for ‘the trend’,
Faith though is a measurement of respect in what is clearly a neutral polling organization and i for one have seen none of them recently which includes the Morgan poll in the none of them,
Gary Morgan, son of Roy, and the current named proprietor of the Roy Morgan polling organization is heavily invested in Australian mining interests and if you think that such interests can fit in with a polling company being unbiased i fear for your sanity…
WRONG. The Nats and their acolytes are doing the attacking. And what’s more the claims are bogus lies and the MSM know it. Still, they let them get away with it. Labour and the Greens are the parties releasing damm good policies. By and large, the MSM are ignoring them – mind bogglingly concentrating on petty issues instead.
The Nats have got their policy out there and understood, so arguably have the time to attack the Left. It will be interesting to see if there is any fallout with Bradbury stating that he talks with Cunliffe, and the fact (and therefore linkage) that Bradbury was in the pay of Dot Com.
National’s policy is a simple one: “let us keep what we’re doing, you can see it’s working”.
Labour hasn’t yet come up with a single thing to counter it.
Labour policies like turning people on $149k into beneficiaries and Greens policy like subsidised
PV panels that are not cost effective, there is no need to tell lies these clowns are shooting themselves in the foot.
“turning people on $149k into beneficiaries “
That’s what you said about Working for Families. Don’t see National getting rid of it though.
ps people on 149k are already beneficiaries.
Yep, Anne, you got it!
The MSM is corporate dominated, the top media bosses, the editors, the “media personalities”, they are clearly in their vast majority having a personal bias towards maintaining the status quo! And now APN have even bought the majority or total share holding of what was the Radio Network (1ZB and so forth).
Just having listened to the conversations about the Shane Taurima incident or “scandal” at TVNZ, and how that was commented on by many, that sent shivers down my spine. The majority of the private media journalists and moderators try to portray themselves as “independent” and TVNZ and Radio NZ as “left leaning”. And they get away with it. Even Radio NZ disappointed me a bit with their last summary of this on Media Watch:
A shocker to me was the last Focus on Politics program last Friday, and how that started, almost showing National in the best of light to fight poverty and social problems!? Hear it here, if you did not:
I did not hear the whole of Insight this morning, but I think it also tried to be overly “balanced” (careful to not upset the government) to report on how the public service have been treated under this government, and that is on Radio NZ National:
Forget TVNZ, they are now so scared to say or present anything that may just slightly show Labour or Greens in a positive light, being “scared” by the reports of mostly private media persons, that they are “left leaning” and prone to bias. So the MSM is anything but helpful, it will NOT be useful to communicate to the public what matters, they are not going to do their job!
But despite of this, I am still flabber-ghasted why Labour and Greens do not hammer Bennett on welfare issues, of which there are a many, and I know that others (besides myself) have sent some of the MPs a fair bit of very revealing, useful information, which is probably sitting and gathering dust, or has been deleted as too complex email communication.
What they do wrong is going on about the same again and again and again, slogan like, but not expand the line of attack, and not fire with studied information, questions and arguments. Some of them are in my view not capable of doing their jobs, simple fact.
Jones is the stand out performer. The rest of the talentless bunch just have their nose in the trough.
The elephant in the room: why hasn’t David Cunliffe (and Labour) purged the likes of Phil Goff, Annette King and the treacherous Trevor Mallard? Why do these old-timers continue warming the benches and doing nothing sweet fuck all?
Why do these old-timers continue warming the benches and doing nothing sweet fuck all?
I’m guessing its the pay, privileges and perks…doesn’t matter what side of the house you’re on
keep stirring, your reputation might be overwhelmed by somenone’s confirmation bias and they’ll care about what YOU say regarding the labour caucus.
Unless a miracle happens New Zealand is looking to another three years of a National-Act government. There is time for a change, but it is running out quickly.
Note the 11% undecided. Seems a lot?
About three times the usual
Good point,a lot depends on how the pollsters frame the questions to those prepared to respond, of course if you were planning on having a fiddle with the outcome after the poll had been taken the ‘undecided’ column would be a good place to start…
It is alot, what that means is of the 11% there are plenty of voters not happy with National and are holding out to see what policies come out from Labour. You can count on NZF voters not wanting a National deal done.
The Greens are losing cred by both the Dotcom support and Norman has soiled his previous good work by engaging in a silly tussle with God Botherer Collin Craig. The Greens are better off keeping their head down and remaining silent, coming out when they have sensible things to say. People voted NZF last election because Peters is a one man wrecking ball. Look for Winston to come out boxing and trim National back in popularity. A scandal exposing Key, further slamming the assets sale with the GE sale and the aftermath with price hikes, and the total costs of the ticket clippers from across the ditch.
Once the interest rates start to climb and China clips Nationals wings with a strategic drop in bidding for our milk powder causing the price to slump. China will not be happy with Key and his sucking up to Uncle Sam. The TPPA is heavy weighted in the Yanks favour and we are in China’s part of the globe, we are going to get a sharp reminder of this very soon.
I don’t think anti foreign companies is quite the right way to approach that for a major party. It works better in the hands of Winston and he will just out xenophobe you.
I think instead you can just focus on Big corporations, in particular dodgy advertising but also other practices.
The pitch can be a much stronger and much more aggressive commerce commission. Find some illegal stuff then say you need broarder laws to catch the similar but marginally legal activities.
In the same theme one could go after tax loopholes etc. Maybe use closing them as revenue source in a way that will catch the public’s attention.
In terms of all the normal policies – the 2 key things for labour to win is
1) for it to sell itself as being responsible party of government – So it needs to look fiscally responsible to the public – more so as often as possible than national. (eg push the super issue as a cost).
2) It also needs to distance itself from the Greens and sell the idea that it can control the greens. Because the swing voters fear greens.
Hmm .. am not sure what Labour will really stand for and what next will happen with maintaining the entitlement age for super, given that the new ACT leader is now pushing for the increase.
John Key and National’s dirty work already being done by ACT … and David Parker?