Open mike 24/03/2025

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, March 24th, 2025 - 10 comments
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10 comments on “Open mike 24/03/2025 ”

  1. The beginning of the end.

    "The extent to which leaders in those institutions have caved in to activist pressures has led to real-world detriment. Gender-questioning children and young people have been prescribed untested drugs with harmful side effects by NHS clinicians. Rape crisis services have failed to provide women who have been sexually assaulted with single-sex services. Male rapists and sex offenders who say they believe they are really women have been locked up in female prisons with vulnerable women. The police have unlawfully tried to discourage people who believe biological sex is real from exercising their democratic right to free speech. Employment tribunal rulings illustrate how many people – particularly women – who have refused to comply with this belief system have been bullied and hounded out of their workplaces. And now a new government-commissioned review led by Prof Alice Sullivan of University College London has highlighted the extent to which official data sources have been corrupted by gender ideology."

    • weka 1.1

      that's an incredible editorial. Covers all the pertinent points well.

    • tWig 1.2

      And from the non-GC side: when is an 'independent review' not independent?

      When the lead researcher is gender-critical.

      'A spokesperson for TransActual also claimed that the questions in a “call for evidence” survey for the report were “leading”….a section in the survey titled which begins: “The loss of robust data on sex in the UK has raised concern.”

      It then asks respondents to explain “what barriers to research have you faced,” with options that include: “Compelled speech (being forced to assent to certain views, statements or signals)” and “Self-censorship and chilling effects (for example, feeling unable to express certain views).”

      The survey also only gives respondents two options to fill in under the “Sex” section: male or female, offering no option for non-binary, intersex or gender-non conforming people.'

      And just who was the survey sent to?

      Adding options to a census, for example, beyond a sex-determinist binary, expands the quality and depth of the data. How the 20, 000 or so that who picked a non-binary/other identity in that category for themselves in the NZ 2020 census can possibly negatively affect the remaining 5 million or so 'male' and 'female' NZers by some sort of inverse dilution, I do not know.

      The classic propaganda inversion of "let women speak" is that GC women are silenced and trans people run riot over their free speech rights. In the UK, this is certainly a blatant lie.

      'Research…suggests that UK media has published an average of 154 articles on trans issues every single month over the past seven years. That’s a total of 13,500 articles focusing on a minority group that makes up just 0.1% of the population.

      'Britain’s most-read newspaper, the Daily Mail, has certainly dramatically increased its coverage over the past few years. Comparing the first month of each year shows a rise from six articles in January 2013 to a jaw-dropping 115 articles in January 2023 (+1817%)….Of the 115 Mail articles on trans issues in January 2023, 100 of them (87%) could reasonably be categorised as negative, in comparison to zero negative articles in January 2013.'

      With the increased negative press has come an increase in anti-trans hate crimes (also referenced in the article.

      The recent example is a an 18 year-old who was attacked and stabbed, almost dying, by nine people in an ‘anti-tranny’ attack.

      • Visubversa 1.2.1

        There are only 2 options under Sex when it comes to biological reality. "Non Binary", "Gender Non-conforming" and "Intersex" are still either male or female. There are no intermediate or additional gametes, and accordingly, only 2 sexes.

  2. adam 2

    What hope looks like

  3. Ad 3

    So now would be a good time for Labour and Greens to agree on an alternative to National's RMA reform proposal.

    Bishop is just so fired up on the announcement today.

    • Hunter Thompson II 3.1

      Chris Bishop is going on all cylinders. His policy seems to be one of swapping what is left of our environmental assets for economic growth. All in the national interest, of course.

      He cites no evidence for his assertion that New Zealanders are sick and tired of red tape holding up development, but that's not surprising. He really means developers (friends of National) are frustrated that other citizens have exercised their democratic rights and stopped them from doing whatever they want to make money.

  4. Phillip ure 4

    Now/soon would be a good time for lab/grns/tpm to start releasing/arguing for policies they all agree on..

    (And if they are concerned this Seymour led gummint will steal their ideas…their ideas clearly aren't good

  5. Nordy 5

    It was the law passed in the last Parliament and repealed in this Parliament.

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