Open mike 25/03/2025

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, March 25th, 2025 - 27 comments
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27 comments on “Open mike 25/03/2025 ”

  1. Joe90 1

    The tRump peace dividend.

    (but her emails…)


    The world found out shortly before 2 p.m. eastern time on March 15 that the United States was bombing Houthi targets across Yemen.

    I, however, knew two hours before the first bombs exploded that the attack might be coming. The reason I knew this is that Pete Hegseth, the secretary of defense, had texted me the war plan at 11:44 a.m. The plan included precise information about weapons packages, targets, and timing.
    This is going to require some explaining.

  2. gsays 3

    There's been a bit of 'chat' with some members of the 'left' wanting to jettison other members because 'insert reason here' ….

    For several reasons the meaning of being left has changed or mellowed right through to turning on it's head.

    For example Lange's Labour government ushering in neo-liberalism under the harmless sounding guide of Rogernomics and the recent rights of Trans rights/phobia. One side demanding special dispensation for some members of society at the cost of hard fought women's rights.

    The latest iteration would be to be keen on warmongering. Young men, civilian women and children tipped into a meat grinder. To question a certain narrative makes one an apologist for Putin and repeating Kremlin talking points.

    Once again, we have failed to heed yet another lesson that Covid taught us.

    • Incognito 3.1

      You may wish to read Rob Cambpell’s latest article – he’s a good opinion/thought leader and always raises interesting points worthy of consideration (and critique).

      I’d love to write a Post about this but I’m preoccupied.

      • gsays 3.1.1

        Great read, thanks.

        Good comments too.

        I love it when someone more articulate with a deeper view on an issue sums things up.

        This isn't, however, a pass for those on the left who view their politics as purer than others. A pox on their house(s).

      • SPC 3.1.2

        I have a critique, the short version being – this is defeatism.

        Mere apologetic for management of the diminishing public commons allowed by the "privileged".

        Constant readjustment of "social democracy" with every step by step walk back by neo-liberals.

        Acceptance, resignation and appeasement will only encourage more and more ambition on the right.

    • SPC 3.2

      I would have thought the collective security of nations was not a left, or right wing idea.

      Labour had Rogernomics (RD lasted less than 4 years), National had Ruthenasia (RR replaced within one term).

      All MP's voted for self ID in 2023.

      Gender was used in place of sex for ID purposes by 1999.

      National had self ID on drivers licenses and passports by 2012

      • weka 3.2.1

        Gender was used in place of sex for ID purposes by 1999.

        almost certainly they were using 'gender' as a synonym for sex, not gender identity. It's not unusual in NZ, don't know why they did that, but the US led on this I think, apparently because people were weird about sex because of the connection to intercourse.

        • SPC

          Sort of, I suspect with there being so few transsexuals (as per managed transition) that side of it went under the radar.

          The major irony of that time was Georgina Beyer (elected in 1999) seeing herself as transsexual, but not a biological female. But she would have had "gender female".

          A case for sex and gender as two different categories in the HRA, or as they say in the UK – if you do not count who was born male and female, how can you compare that data to "gender" identity.

          • Belladonna

            IIRC, it wasn't until 2013, that individuals were able to change their gender/sex on driver's license (just on the database, gender isn't printed on the license itself).

            I'm fairly certain that medical records (the data collected under your NHI number) has the gender/sex from your birth certificate. Yes, you can now apply for this to be changed – which will affect the gender/sex on your passport as well – but this is a really recent change – 2023.

            I doubt that Georgina Beyer would have had 'gender female' on any official documentation, for the vast majority of her life.

            What she reported in the census, of course, we have no way of knowing.

            • SPC

              The 1999 legislation literally says


              the applicant’s gender; and


              the medical declaration required by clause 39 and, if required by that clause, a medical certificate in accordance with that clause; and

              By 2012 legislation, they could do this by self ID (without medical certificate).

              • Belladonna

                Given that there is no definition of 'gender' in the legislation – I suspect that Weka is correct in surmising that it refers to 'sex' in this 1999 legislation.

                The medical conditions referred to, requiring a doctor's certificate, are all around 'safety to drive' issues – nothing to do with gender at all.

                You are also required to produce some form of identification (passport and birth certificate are the most common). Which would require the gender/sex to be the same as the driver’s license. Sex/gender on birth certificates has only been able to be changed since 2023.

      • SPC 3.2.2

        The debate between neo-liberals in the two parties was different.

        RD – used TINA. Later the party ended market rents in 1999 and tried to wind back ECA in 2000 and again 2023 (FPA). Also 4 weeks annual leave and a second week sick leave. Built state housing.

        RR – cut benefits and afforded the end of estate tax, brought in market rents and was of a preference that markets and capital decide lead the economic order with diminished role to government (has not increased state house numbers since 1990).

  3. Kay 5

    Has question time always been so painful to watch?

    • Mac1 5.1

      Didn't get better, Kay. Speaker Brownlee should have shown the door to one or two MPs for repeatedly ignoring his rulings on issues such as personal attacks and attacks on the opposition in reply to patsy questions. The perpetrators will continue to test him so better he warn once and then act on the second offence.

      Especially sanctimonious were attacks on Green members with reference to jail time.

      Does the Chief Whip have any say on behaviour in the House? Does a party retain the votes of members who have been booted out by the Speaker?

    • Nordy 5.2

      Question Time only ever 'works' if the referee (The Speaker) actually enforces the rules (Standing Orders, Speakers Rulings etc). In the case of Brownlee, it is arguable that unlike most Speakers in the past, he actively avoids enforcing the rules, and in particular he allows his 'side' to abuse the process (e.g. attacks on Opposition MPs etc). It destroys the point of Question Time (accountability of the Executive) and even worse it puts off people watching or following it as it becomes a joke/farce.

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