Written By:
- Date published:
6:00 am, August 25th, 2024 - 22 comments
Categories: open mike -
Open mike is your post.
For announcements, general discussion, whatever you choose.
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Step up to the mike …
It seems that proposing a lesser future than one that was possible is not popular.
Those who want to remove this government need to communicate how this is symptomatic of its wider approach.
Is there difficulty finding nurses, or just having the funding to employ them?
Oz recruiters now crossing the Tasman to pick up nurses who came here to work.
While a Win, this raises good points..
And yes another of NACT1's attacks in their war on our Environment
And good on Manu Caddie and others who stand up for Our NZ Environment against the likes of……
Bit of a search reveals….
And FFS the Greenwashing….aargh : (
Yes, they will indeed feel the sting of the fines, the next time their insurance comes up for renewal. Insurance companies have no interest in carrying the can for their clients. And, unlike our legal system, they have no issues, whatsoever, in charging higher premiums because of a director's bad behaviour in a previous company. You increase the risk, you pay more in premiums.
The more likely outcome is that if there are punitive fines, the directors will simply wind up the company and re-start another one. My understanding is that most of the forestry companies don't own any of the land they're felling – but simply purchase the forestry rights (or are hired for a fee by the owners).
Needless to say (or, perhaps, I do need to, given the propensity of some TS commentators to believe the worst of any comment I make) – I think this legal, but unethical, abuse of company legislation to be profoundly wrong. But we see it happening all the time in the building industry.
This is a (politically) left-ish site, with a predominantly left-leaning commentariat.
As to why some TS commentators might believe "the worst" [?] of some of your comments, I speculate it's because of their content – what else is there to go on?
Note, this isn't a matter of seeing "the worst" in some of your comments. Perhaps there's a simple explanation for your reluctance to answer these simple questions?
And, of course, you're under no obligation to do so
It's not good enough for self-described centrists (conservatives in drag) to somehow pretend they are socially conscious when 99% of their comments point the other way.
Anything that you have to say about the comment above? No? Or is it, shock horror, that you agree with me, but can't bear to admit it? Well, I'll continue to ignore your fact-free rants.
Given that you've failed, yet again, to engage with anything substantive in the comment I made – I shall continue to ignore you.
I quite understand
One previous barney related to your favourable opinion of ACT's resurrected charter schools programme – “I’m willing to give it a try” – so that's one ACT policy that doesn’t scare you. And you’re also not afraid to repeatedly put the boot into NZ public schools – could have been Stanford writing.
Then there's our CoC govt’s lack of a plan to secure the future of the inter-island ferry link for passengers and freight, although you seemed preoccupied with Labour/Green policy. It’s been over 8 months since Willis sank the previous govt's plan – any update on solutions, or is our CoC govt still bailing?
Not to mention your request: "How about you give an example of an organization, that you politically disagree with, which is doing their advocacy well", prompted by 'concern' that the 'radical' Forest & Bird's "STOP the War on Nature" campaign might be considered "extremist rhetoric".
Your request elicited three replies, including:
Nicotine Willis, Shane Cigareti, Nothing-to-Casey-here Costello – oh dear
And, once again, failing to address a single point that I made in this post.
Do try to keep up.
Your dismissal of everything that I have to say, because you disagree with some of my opinions, simply makes you look thoroughly blinkered.
The sheer number of comments you submit to The Standard precludes the dismissal of everything that you have to say.
Thanks B – let's agree to disagree.
DCM for JD?
During an appearance on MSNBC over the weekend, columnist Jennifer Rubin — a loyal conservative until Donald Trump came along — was asked about the impact Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s recent Trump endorsement might have on the presidential race.
Rubin replied, "The more people know about Bobby Kennedy the more people who are saying they do not want to vote for him."
"I think he's a perfect match for Donald Trump," she added before making a prediction.
"In fact, if I were J.D. Vance, I would stick by the phone, because he might be just the kind of guy that Trump would pull in as an October surprise."
Black Bug government.
Luxon suggests the term 'bottom-feeders' will do nicely.
[TheStandard: A moderator moved this comment to Open Mike as being off topic or irrelevant in the post it was made in. Be more careful in future.]
These two astronauts, visiting space on June 5th for 8 days are now expected to return in Feb 2025.
I can't help but think about the food menu. And the need for continued good health. I wish them all the best.
They'll have trained for this but the training they got for this will not have been enough.
Me too. With the backing of certain billionaires, civilisation may be on the cusp of something special in space exploration. Although, I can't help wondering if overshoot is fast closing any window of opportunity to become a truly spacefaring species.
You may have seen this? Or not. I was amazed at temp variation.
Earth Cavemen..to Moon Cavemen (people)
Lol balmy. Maybe not quite Tshirts n shorts..but a future base?
Interesting, thanks, but give me Moonbase Alpha any day of the millennium.
Well, pretty funny that : )
I remember watching back in the day. And of course who would have thought this could go wrong ? Oh the Humanity….
Conversation? Cabin fever ? Contact tension? Cant really go for a walk….But space movies aside, yea they would have been psychologically trained/assessed as best could have..
And still getting Earthside boost talks. And yea, all the best too.