Open mike 25/10/2024

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, October 25th, 2024 - 14 comments
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14 comments on “Open mike 25/10/2024 ”

  1. Dennis Frank 1

    New Green MP:

    Doyle was a high school teacher for eight years in both Tāmaki Makaurau and Kirikiriroa, teaching te reo Māori and social studies including classics and art history. At Melville High they were head of Māori art, and head of social sciences at Rototuna Senior High School.

    They have also held dean positions. More recently they taught through the University of Waikato – going into schools and working with teachers to address te Tiriti justice and anti-racism in education. Doyle is a kaupapa Māori researcher mostly focusing on rangatahi, tino rangatiratanga, takatāpui and LGBTQIA+ rights and education. Their masters thesis was titled “Mana Takatāpui: Self-determination for queer rangatahi Māori”.

    Doyle also has experience in community organising, specifically wānanga for rangatahi Māori, artists and takatāpui and LGBTQIA+ people. Currently they work at The Burnett Foundation (previously New Zealand Aids Foundation) as the pou whakahaere Māori (senior Māori adviser).

    Biodiversity is a basic Green principle so it is appropriate to use it in political contexts.

  2. thinker 2

    Luxon, please keep this man away from ANZAC Day parades…

    Man called a ‘loser’ by Andrew Bayly a former NZDF member

  3. SPC 3

    Bishop doubles down on fast track sea bed mining disaster, saying what investors in offshore wind farms want is of no concern.

    He claims the government can have both, they say they are no longer interested.

    What is it about those who work in corporate affairs for big tobacco?

    Mining before off shore wind farms, which will keep power prices high.

    Importing LNG, which will increase power cost to business.

    No action in increasing solar panel take up.

    • Bearded Git 3.1

      On top of the offshore windfarm fast-track disaster, a group of people at Gibbston near Queenstown has formed a group to try and stop a fast-tracked 900-lot subdivision that will wreck landscapes and will destroy the rural amenity currently enjoyed by residents at Gibbston….paywalled link below.

      Under the Queenstown Lakes District Plan, which cost many millions to write over the last 10 years, this subdivision would have had no chance.

      The fast-track legislation also includes a massive subdivision in the precious rural landscape near the start of the access road to Coronet Peak skifield. Again the district plan would have prevented this.

      The fast-track bill is an anti-democratic anti-environment disaster.

      • Hunter Thompson II 3.1.1

        "The fast-track bill is an anti-democratic anti-environment disaster."

        That's what makes it so attractive to the government; a few in the business sector stand to make a lot of money.

  4. ianmac 4

    Oops Andrew. MP Smith and Bayley talked with Oyster farmers in the morning.

    In the afternoon they went to Dodson Street Beer Gardens. Beer and whiskey was available.

    The afternoon ended with the visit to Spy Valley Wines.

    Funny that Dodson Street was not mentioned?

    • Grey Area 4.1

      Bayly told the House he had no alcohol at all before any of his interactions with the complainant but did have a small wine tasting at the end of day. (RNZ story yesterday).

      So he visits Dodson Street Beer Garden before Spy Valley but had no alcohol there?

      What's more likely is that he is a liar as well being unfit to be an MP let alone a Minister.

  5. Muttonbird 5

    On top of the highly inappropriate appointments, which were also contrary to advice, of Steven Rainbow (Humans Rights Commissioner) and Melissa Derby (Race Relations Commissioner), two more far right wing cranks have been planted in our vulnerable institutions:

    Phillip Crump to NZ on Air

    Richard Prebble to the Waitangi Tribunal

    It's like deliberately injecting cancer into a person and waiting for them to die…

    • alwyn 5.1

      When I read the description of Crump on the spinoff website he seems to be a great deal more sensible than you appear to claim. Indeed he seems to be a breath of fresh air that is sorely needed at NZ on Air.

      • tWig 5.1.1

        Quoting from that opinion piece:

        "For a year, still anonymous, [Crump] wrote about hot button topics like the Three Waters co-governance provisions, the decision to approve Covid vaccines or the Posie Parker tour, attracting thousands, sometimes tens of thousands of views. His pieces interrogated topics which were suddenly hard to discuss in many broad media outlets, while also being still of huge interest to many right-leaning New Zealanders. "

        These topics were extensively discussed across all media, as I remember.

        What this man will push is for the kind of 'balance', as in the BBC in recent years by tory pressure. The most extreme right-wing view commentator 'balances', not an extreme left-wing position, but a centrist one. And this is on news shows that warp into opinion-spouting, rather than factual debate.

        Interesting that Crump critiques covid vaccine decision reporting. Framing amplification of uninformed opinions from people unhappy about covid measures (which the government said repeatedly was led by the advice of health officials, who updated us daily in the news), as some sort of free speech issue? During an epidemic, where the government does have, as in wartime, a mandate, in fact, a political imperative to bring the populace along with them?

        The enquiry comes after the emergency, and if there was political mishandling,and serious social harm it comes out then. Oh, that's right, there has been an enquiry: which this government is witholding from us. Will there be an enquiry about that?

        • tWig

          Just spotted Crump is "a senior lawyer who had recently returned to New Zealand after 20 years in the UK."

          Yup, more importation of UK tory values.

  6. Dennis Frank 6

    The Trump/Hitler re-run grows legs:

    Stephen Colbert has joked that John Kelly’s claims about his former boss Donald Trump praising Adolf Hitler are hardly an October surprise – but more like an “autumn no s***.”

    The late night show host did however note the significance of the former president’s longest-serving chief of staff voicing such damning comments less than two weeks from Election Day. “He was a key member of Trump’s team,” Colbert teased. “We haven’t seen someone turn on a leader like this since Hootie got ratted out by the Blowfish.”

    Kelly, who served in the Trump administration between July 2017 and January 2019, told The Atlantic that Trump once praised Hitler’s generals.

    “Surely you can’t mean Hitler’s generals,” Kelly recalled asking Trump, instead suggesting he meant the generals of the Otto von Bismarck, “Iron Chancellor” of the German Empire. The former president allegedly confirmed: “Yeah, yeah, Hitler’s generals.”

    Trump was just hinting that Kelly, a retired marine corps 4-star general, was not as subservient as the job description required. However it does alert us to a way he could scoop the undecided vote – he stopped dying his hair orange when he figured out that there weren't enough punk voters, so now he fronts as a classic blonde.

    He could adopt this stance in response to reporters asking him why he likes Hitler's generals: "They tried to blow him up, right? They had attitude. They strategically placed the brief-case just behind that massive oak table leg, so the force of the blast was directed away from Hitler. That was caring. Look, I'm a blonde Aryan staunch dudester, what more do you want??" Everyone would gaze at each other wondering.

    Then the Lange market reef-fish thing would kick in, and all the undecideds would pivot simultaneously and fall into line as they realised how cool a leader like that is.

  7. Joe90 7

    lol, 'Murica (Nsf sensitive souls)


    Just found out this ad when tested moves under-30-men 3.5 points away from Donald Trump.

    That’s MASSIVE!

    Please share widely!

    Guys don’t want to be controlled either.


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