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notices and features - Date published:
6:00 am, September 27th, 2024 - 20 comments
Categories: open mike -
Open mike is your post.
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Step up to the mike …
Open mike is your post. For announcements, general discussion, whatever you choose. The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy). Step up to the mike …
Open mike is your post. For announcements, general discussion, whatever you choose. The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy). Step up to the mike …
Open mike is your post. For announcements, general discussion, whatever you choose. The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy). Step up to the mike …
Could nzta be fudging numbers to please the minister?
Fudge sounds right.
I was intimately involved with a small business that was impacted by the several Gorge closures.
The owner needed stats from NZTA for insurance purposes, including traffic numbers. In 2017, approx. 6,000 vehicles were using the Gorge each day.
If there is to be a toll, put it only on commercial and heavy vehicles and let their customers pay for the benefit of the road.
Someone I know had to get cancer treatment at Palmerston North Hospital while living in Napier/Hastings. It's pathetic that this person had to travel so far for treatment and then to add a toll on top is just insulting.
Finally! Trucks are entering Gaza from Israel
Why are our media are not singing the praises of this humanitarian gesture by Israel?
That is disgusting.
This is horrifying. How dare they treat other human beings in this disrespectful manner.
How to we get action about this….through our govt or will we be look to South Africa again to raise it at the United Nations…..NZ should be doing this.
War is one thing, differing sides on Israel and Palestine is another. Disrespecting the dead who can fight no more or who may have been civilians not involved at all shows man's great inhumanity towards self.
What makes us different from animals, I thought, is the care we have for the people who die during war. Many NZ families will have been grateful for the searcher parties that went back after the two world wars to retrive bodies/identify the bodies of loved ones who died during the fighting.
Word cannot express how sick at heart I feel watching this.
I am questioning my kiwisaver provider as to whether any investments in my portfolio have any links to any Israeli company. I am prepared to move the lot to another provider if I don't get a satisfactory answer. I am over 65 so I can whatever I like with it.
People who are under 65 can move their Kiwisaver funds to suit themselves as well.
It just has to be an 'official' KS fund (in order to get the govt contribution and the employer % matching.
Here are a couple who claim to be ethical.
NB: I'm saying 'claim' since I've not investigated in detail.
The government has given only 4 days to make submissions on the new mining bill amendments. RNZ says submissions "will close at 11.59pm on Tuesday 1 October, according to Parliament's website."
This reddit post includes hot issues, and submission tips.
4 days, vs an estimated 6 months for Seymour's treaty bill.
Corruption in action a 6 month $4,000,000 hatefest.
Gotta drag it out as long as possible if they want the votes that this issue attracted last election again.
Agree 100%+ Stealmore will want to drag the Treaty Principles Bill out for as long as possible to generate as much turmoil and hate from both sides meanwhile he will be wetting his pants with joy, over the shit fight he has managed to orchestrate.
With coster now moving aside dont be surprised if mitchell reboots the red squad.
1981 has been calling since they bought the election and its no surprise the coalition agreement allows this to roll on with 'my hands are tied' excuse from our manager PM.
They chose this path.
The government, particularly Seymour, will be hoping for any violent action to further polarise NZers.
The absolute stupidity and ignorance of Seymour and his sycophants in view with removing "Teacher only days". Extra days that are not included in the mandated annual Teaching contact days for a school, (Days open for instruction).
These are actually extra days worked by Teachers, to do things like Proffessional development and planning school wide, to implement frequent and short sighted changes such as 3 R's summative testing.
Now it will have to be done by releasing Teachers from class contact time. Or by cutting into Teachers already inadequate time off, given the intensity of the job. Where are the relievers to allow this. That funding is being cut, also.
ACT is being consistent. Kick everything in the guts….teachers, maori, students, rail etc
Todd will make the moves on Pharmac soon now pullyas in the chair taking orders.
Cant wait till Rimmer takes over from Winston ' shut up when I'm talking' Peters /sarc
I'm curious. What would you consider to be adequate time off for teachers?
Are you a teacher? Have you been in a classroom in front of students 6 hours a day, 200 days a year?
Next Seymour will be laying down instructions that all secondary schools will teach the economics of Milton Friedman, and hang pictures of Roger Douglas in all classrooms.
Even worse, the new maths curriculum Erica Stanford is rolling out comes with fully prescriptive workbooks and learning sheets. So, apparently, teachers don't need training, or to understand the concepts, because it's all there.
This style of teaching is designed to have the teacher not actually teach, but read from a script. It was rolled out in the UK, and no doubt picked up wholesale by Luxon on his visits to tory Britain, along with other ideas, like cutting down on art and craft and sports time to increase 'core' subjects.
Having to stick to a script has pros and cons. The cons can be lifeless lessons that may as well have a robot take the class. I would love to see which company the government has bought this curriculum from, and how much it costs.
It completley ignores local knowledge and of educator and ministry consensus developed through years of development. Let's just buy an off-the-shelf cheap knock-off policy from the UK or US
Of course, ignoring local understanding, citizen input and expert knowledge is the defining MO of this government.