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- Date published:
8:36 am, October 9th, 2010 - 22 comments
Categories: dpf, humour -
Tags: david farrar, fuckwits, sharks
Is Phil Goff an Evil SuperGenius? Pertly vigilant National Party blogger David Farrar alerts us to our peril! Consider Exhibit A, DPF writes:
Labour on Papatoetoe electoral fraud
The Labour Party will take action if any of its members were found to have been involved in a possible Auckland Super City voting scam involving the Papatoetoe ward, party president Andrew Little says.
What sort of action? Promote them? Or censure them for getting caught?
The last time a Labour person was accused of corruption, the Labour leadership’s response was to defend him by saying the only thing he was guilty of was working harder for his constituents than other MPs.
So presumably if a Labour candidate is found to be behind the enrolment scam, the line will be that they are just guilty of trying to help people enrol.
So Labour is going to condone electoral fraud, perhaps even promote the perpetrator! Have they no shame? Have they no scruples? Is any man, woman, child or budgie safe from their depredations? Phil Goff must be Evil all right. Evil evil evil. But it gets worse! So much worse!! In Exhibit B DPF opines:
Sikhs speak out
Mr Singh said they had complained to Members of Parliament, cabinet ministers and government departments over the group. “Each time the community’s complaints were given superficial treatment.”Could that be because those being complained about are involved in a political party, and have political protection like Bill Liu and Taito Field did?
So Labour’s shadowy tentacles of power extend into every branch of government – past, present, and probably future! MPs, cabinet ministers and government departments are all under Labour control!! Members of the Labour Party are immune from the law, able to leap tall buildings at a single bound, and, who knows, probably even have pet frickin’ sharks with frickin’ laser beams attached to their frickin’ heads! Yup, Phil Goff must be a SuperGenius all right. An Evil SuperGenius TM. It certainly explains a lot, doesn’t it.
Or – does it? See, now I’m starting to have doubts. Can it really be true? Is Phil Goff really that Super Smart? Are DPFs posts really a fair and accurate portrayal of an Evil Labour Party that is still secretly running the country? Or are they perhaps the rantings of a sad little mud-flinging has-been with a pathological need to tell lies about his opponents? Has DPF, like Paul Henry, been at the game so long that he believes he can spout any old stupid, offensive garbage that he likes with impunity? Hmmm, difficult call. Over to you. I have to go and feed my sharks.
Oxymoron – Phil Goff – Super Genius
Meh although I do think that in relation to the Sikh communities concerns if there has been any sheltering of the alleged fraudsters by any persons in a position of power that they should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Oh and re
“Or are they perhaps the rantings of a sad little mud-flinging has-been with a pathological need to tell lies about his opponents?”
That’s pretty much all you ever get on political blogs in NZ apart from a few notable exceptions (and the standard ain’t one of the exceptions)
C.. is that why you spend so much time reading it? (standard). hoist away boys, this ones well hooked!!
I read and comment on it for fun.
this neat little trick is so old it has white whiskers on the grey ones.. it has never ceased to amaze me how readily national supporters have swallowed the obvious misconception that, even when national is in power, the labour party is still responsible for all our ills.
at best it has been that they aren’t fixing the shambles that every national govt since the creation of the party has left NZ in. this is traditional kiwi politics. use labour as the whipping boy as they attempt to rebalance the mess. whip up fear of the changes necessary because of the exploitive philosophies the nats have at the core of their beliefs. and then pander to the bigotries and xenophobic fears brainwashed into us (communists,hippies,muslims, social democrats, etc) in order to get back to the job of stripping assets from the undeserving poor, once, of course, the dirty labs have created an environment that allows economic growth to proceed at a realistic pace.
the only difference i can see is that today, we have a fourth column that is entirely controlled by the corporate interests that are nationals natural partners in exploiting the earths resources for personal profit. coupled with generations of brainwashing via advertising leading to people believing that instant gratification is a good thing.
with the knowledge that anything said, as long as it supports this status quo, will given sympathetic treatment by the media then the farrars and whale blubbers of today can spout with impunity. and as such is the case, then any meaningful, and realistic comment based on actuality would be counter productive.
Farrar is getting more desperate by the day, he must be exhausted trying to find ways to keep defending such an incompetent administration.
I’m surprised Farrar hasn’t tried to use Singh as a justification for Key’s tacit endorsement of Paul Henry’s comments about Satyanand.
Even for DPF, this is a ridiculous dog whistle. I don’t think that he is handling having a government that he supports being in power particularly well. Without a government to rail against, he is reduced to a far higher bullshit factor than he did previously. A bit pathetic
I don’t think that he is handling having a government that he supports being in power particularly well
Handle it well ?
Bullshit has no use by date!
So presumably if a Labour candidate is found to be behind the enrolment scam, the line will be that they are just guilty of trying to help people enrol.
Well David’s an open enough hack not to care about what the LP has said and to use anything at all for his attacks, but this quote comes Straight outta Compton, as it were. David makes no secret about the time he spends hobnobbing with GOP political operatives in the US and I hope this quote isn’t a predictor of where he intends taking this.
Disenfranchisement is just as bad as other forms of electoral fraud, and I’m certain David is aware of what his friends in the US get up to, just as I am certain that he is aware of how they go about doing it. This sort of rhetoric is a huge part of it.
I think an objective observer would agree that this blog is far more hostile towards John Key than Kiwiblog is towards Phil Goff.
I think an objective observer would conclude no such thing.
In those two posts DPF accuses Labour / Goff of encouraging electoral fraud, and wielding (from opposition no less) political influence (over Members of Parliament, cabinet ministers and government departments!) to pervert the course of justice. That stuff is unhinged drivel based on no evidence or remote connection to reality, it is 100% pure propaganda. We’re very critical of Key here, but over realistic issues, and with realistic evidence, you won’t find anything here of the order of DPFs ranting.
not to mention that the last time I was on Kiwiblog (admittedly a very very long time ago) some of the comments were lightyears beyond unacceptable.
Here, the moderators step in quite promptly if anybody starts frothing at the mouth.
No doubt, but so what?
David was rendered speechless by Cullen’s appointment to NZPost, based on what? Err. God knows, but he certainly thought that was an act approaching treason. I don’t recall anyone here getting very upset about Bolger’s appointments by the previous government, though there was merriment at the rights reaction, which was again, Arrrgh! Nargle!! Treason!!
DPF certainly didn’t hold back on Clark. Imagine if Helen Clark had given Jim Anderton the powers of a dictator. What do you imagine David’s reaction would have been? I suspect an objective observer would have to reach for the smelling salts.
There is no mileage in him attacking Goff at the moment, so he doesn’t. When National starts slipping in the polls however, then see what he does.
An objective observer would also note that what’s said on this blog is based in reality while the bog is based upon delusion.
“I hates them therefore I is right and they is delusional.”
Would that Goff and Farrar walk off into the sunset together, hand in hand, never to reappear in political life…bliss!
Even more pleasant would be to see Farrar , Slater and Key walk off hand in hand with Hide leaving the trough behind them.
As one who is privy to facts which are as yet not public, I can categorically say that the voter fraud does not extend beyond the group of individuals amongst who two have been charged by police. There will be more charges against these guys and their collaborators/underlings in the coming days. Any effort at linking Labour Party to the fraud will not fly as the main culprit had joined Labour Party less than a month before filing his application for nomination as a Labour Party candidate. All he wanted was to show himself to be a “leader” of the community with the number of votes he could poll. Unfortunately for him, his calculations were based on the results of previous local board elections where the person who won with lowest votes had polled around 3600 votes. So in his mind Daljit was sure of his “win” with 3184 (votes he polled) plus 300 odd votes registration for which was canceled by Electoral Commission. To reiterate, the fraud was the handiwork of a inherently self-serving person who does not care how his actions are harming the entities (the political party, ethnic community, religious community, real estate company, etc.) he is seen as belonging to.
Interesting Singh — I hope the full truth comes out in due course.