Written By:
lprent - Date published:
1:58 pm, January 6th, 2012 - 15 comments
Categories: humour -
I’m unhappy to be back in the muggy Auckland weather. After blobbing out in sunny Invercargill and Dunedin I don’t want to back at work!. I see that they’re calling it a drought down there. I have left, it is now permissible to rain in Southland again.
Generally I have the post-Xmas blues and a couple of kilos that I need to wear off. But this came up on my playlist at work…. Yeah right
Glad you enjoyed your holidays lprent.
Too bad people have to ruin in real life what could’ve been a bit of entertaining fiction.
I read about that before Xmas. Crazy real life imitating Weird Al. I guess he will get sued for instigating (rather than doing something useful about controlling weapons)
BTW: Did you notice the end of that article.
(Unfortunately, comments on this story have veered too far off course and into the realm of ad hominem attacks and religious bigotry. So commenting has been disabled. — Editors)
oh dear, I’ve been telling my nephews and nieces that Santa is what God has become….
Better not show them the word according to Weird Al then….
this instant
I liked it! It gave me a good laugh, thanks for posting.
Am in sunny Te Anau with family til the 16th and the weather has been fantastic! As long as it stays this way until I have raced the Milford Mountain Classic I will be happy
The lower south island seems to have really decided to cook this year. But it is probably due for a good southerly blow. I remember when I started the MBA in Dunedin in 1985. Came down from Auckland in a mini from mid summer right into a antarticia freeze out. Hopped into bed and shivered until it was over. Then went hunting for warm clothes.
Ithought you would have got a knighthood in the honours list LP.
but no.
next year.
great to have you back.
Ghastly idea…
Watched half of it until Rudolph went through the mincer. Jus cos you’ve got post-Xmas blues, you didn’t have to give it to the rest of us.
I refer you to ImperatorFish, pleading for news………….
over the Xmas period, I “discovered” stand-up paddle-boarding.
Seriously, this is cool and draws in friends.
Big kahuna
Anyone interested in the calendar that I have designed? Goes from 20th December to 5 January skipping all the nonsense in between. You make up the missing days at your discretion. Like making 4-day weekends where it suits. Anyone?
Three damn turkeys in a week. Three nasty snakey sisters in law who are right of Atilla the Hun telling me where I went wrong. A heap of gifts I will never use and a maxed out credit card for the gifts I bought others that will never be used .
Beer was warm because the fridge was full of turkey and trifle. And the relatives are teetotallers (and National).
Bathroom scales have gone on the blink and increase my weight by 5 kilos.
I can see where crazy Santa is coming from!
Bah Humbug!