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- Date published:
8:08 am, May 19th, 2011 - 25 comments
Categories: election 2011, john key, newspapers -
Tags: editorial, sst
An anonymous Sunday Star Times editorial last weekend (not on line) reads like a postcard from the future:
Key’s pleasantness will one day look like blandness and lack of vision. His smiley face will eventually symbolise vapidity and self-satisfaction. His pragmatism will in due course strike many voters as lack of policy and an absence of ideas. And one day his natural conservatism will come to seem like hollowness. The flipside of all his virtues can be seen even now, although the shadow hasn’t yet fallen across the polls. Some time in the second term the perceptions will change.
Of course, some of us are so far ahead of the times that we can see all of the above already. Oh and just by the way – some of us aren’t assuming that Key has a second term in the bag quite yet either!
The editorial continues:
National has presided over a dreadful economy and seems to have very little idea how to take New Zealand out of the mess and on to a new path of growth and rising prosperity. But the voters still aren’t blaming them much for that and they don’t think Labour would be any better.
And therein lies the reason why Key can still lose the election. There is still time for Labour to win that economic debate. “One day” might come sooner than we think.
You know, post cards from the future would be an excellent campaign tool. Imagine, Nationals future, privatisation, pollution – oil dredging, spills, inequality, NZ agrictulural industry, mining and water in Chinese ownership. TPPA deal in full swing with Kiwis paying hundreds for medication, govt unable to create policy for fear of being sued. Labour on the other hand, a fair equal & kiwi owned. The Greens, sustainable vision, peak oil overcome by technologies.. How can this be visually presented?
Great idea Salsy. Labour? Greens?
Hell Science Dep’t ?
Good one pollywog. The one with the old lady looks ahead and forecasts to what a benovelent NACT gummint will do for us. Nice outdoor living with your own tree and public seat and perhaps wildlife to take a chopper to so hopefully one can keep soul and body going together.
dreams are free
chur Prism….
all 3 photos by boogie
Great idea Salsy. Be a backup for STOP Asset Sales.
No not the backup, the haymaker after the jab 🙂
What if some postcards got printed out and people posted them out to people they know to put some thought out there? At present there appears to be a numb acceptance of NACT – the band-aids need to come off – they are protection from feeling the real pain that present and projected policies are causing.
Rob Lab needs to start delivering policy. The track record is extremely hallow in details. remember on the eve of the last election. Lab were to have a mini budget BUT no details. So Lab knew there were issues yet were unwilling to disclose what actions they were to take. this atthe same time of all the promises being made. now after reading Davids cunliffes speaks (Thanks Mickey) . Where are the answers? All that we see are questions, many applicable to the Lab years. So how can Lab win the economic debate they are too closely aligned to many of the problems, and that is for me their real issue.
Policy will be released in due course Herodotus. The first thing to do is assess what mess the country will be in after the implications of today’s budget are understood.
MS I am comming to the belief that Lab are complicit with Nat in overstating the current position, and should todays austere budget be accepted in general by NZ then I would say that Lab have fallen for into a trap. From my loose investigation we are only borrowing $140m/week to cover our cash shortfall. Refinancing debt is not part of a deficit, and most of the Chch EQ money reported has not been spent. With Nat continually commenting using the $300-$380m/week and now Lab is using the same phase. It is becomming widely accepted that this is the actual situation. And as we are so much in it there will be acceptance that we have to belt tighten, thus forgoing govt services or at best maintaining the current level, the net result acceptance has been building for this budget and what it will deliver.
For me if Lab came out initially and stated NO we are only borrowing $8b p.a., and made a distinction that the other $8b is just rolling over debt, many of the measures that Nat are testing would stike more resistance than what it has. Admittly it is easier to see these things after the event. Perhaps Lab did not see how they were being setup, and also that any giveaways that Lab may propose will be counteracted by it is unaffordable.
David c’s post re the deficit and why is a good start as to why and where the deficict is due to.
Agreed Rob. They say “a week is a long time in politics” but it’s a damn sight shorter than six months.
Even the sleeping giants of the MSM appear to be waking from their slumber and are realising the Key Act is all smoke and mirrors
Bill English for PM please.
CV – Just kidding. What we need is a Margaret Thatcher ploughing on in a good old girl style with a messianic vision that doesn’t include thoughts of good and fair governance, opportunities for all, practicality, welfare, long-term effects and direction, or a better society. Anne Tolley perhaps, Paula Bennett might come through, she knows how to focus on the main chance and as she says is used to having a budget of millions/billions.
But the voters still aren’t blaming them much for that and they don’t think Labour would be any better.
Can Labour look competent in six months? It will take a change of approach and some time at least for the electorate to forget the nitpicking pettiness, disorganisation and bickering.
To change perceptions Labour has to appear like a party that:
– can work successfully with several other parties in coalition (all first cabs off the rank)
– is capable of positive leadership
– has enough good (credible and believeable) ideas to make a real difference
Oh great PereG’s laundry list of recommendations and handy hints for LAB, oh we’ll be paying so close attention to that lol
Pete – This is hardly a recipie for success. National have none of those things and they’re the government.
Labour’s current recipe is not a raging success, is it. They seem to be hoping National’s cake will sink in the oven so their stale bread will somehow look appetising.
National’s sinking its own ship. And today English gets to fire broadsides at himself haha.
Look for the rate of NZ’ers exiting the country, from graduates to established professionals, to increase in the next 3 months, after this budget is announced.
19 May 2011: The pack-your-bags-and-catch-the-plane-for-Oz budget
Pete G Great food analogy. What about Labour looks like yesterday’s cold porridge? But don’t write them off yet. David Cunliffe and some others are sprinkling some spicy cinnamon on top – brings a whole new flavour. Try it you might like it.
National is trying to sell yesterday’s croissants as today’s, heating them up and hoping the clientele won’t notice. The chicken in their pita pockets has ecoli but they reject food inspectors’ control and fatalities are dragged out and piled by the skip for disposal late at night. Their lattes are cold too. Won’t go back to that cafe.
Most voters do not vote for parties. They vote against governments that have failed miserably. That’s why Labour lost last time.
So hows that working out then?
At a guess, miserably.